Shinare’s Amazing Chest Quest!!

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          x          \_____\ \_/____/  \___  >____  > |__|  __
    x  x                    \__>           \/     \/        \

Or.. Shinare’s Amazing Chest Quest
for those of you on screen readers… Sorry!

Parts are out for the chests, combine parts
and complete chests for points!
Parts are: Slats, Hinges, Lids, Locks and Keys.

To complete with matching gem types:
5 slats, 2 hinges, 1 lid, 1 lock and 1 key

Rarity from Garnet to DIAMOND
Points increase exponentially 🙂

HELP SHINARE’S in game for more info.

[Hit Return to Continue… on AnsalonMUD]

One comment to Shinare’s Amazing Chest Quest!!

  • Zivilyn

    I hope everyone is loving the quest! I know I play it on my chars constantly heh. Gah!

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