The Great Library of Palanthas

Astinus' Office

Dominating the center of this room is a massive birch desk. Legend claims this desk has supported the thousands of volumes of history Astinus has recorded. A large pot of ink, a container of sharpened quills, and a candelabra complete the desks decorations. Small windows line the room, allowing light to trickle in and gently illuminate the entire room. A comfortable couch rests against the west wall. Tapestries hang on the walls between the windows. Shelves line the walls, filled with tomes of the more recent records of heroes and villians upon the face of Krynn.

The librarian notices you aren't reading anything... Astinus hands a tattered paperback to an Aesthetic standing by you. You note the spine bears the word 'Clide' scribed in green ink. As you glance down at the page you read..

From the pages of Clide's book..

Author: Clide Date: Sun Dec 13 21:20:07 2009 Subject The rise. Clide was raised by his Grandfather a Knight of the Crown. He was trained for almost anything that could happen to a knight. At the age of 14 he was attacked by a pack of goblins he fought them off and recived a long scar across his face in doing so. After he came home his Grandfather to him as a Squire. After about 4 years his Grandfather died and left him with little in the way of anything. At the age of 17 Clide set out to find a Knight who would take him as a squire. He whent to many Holdings of Knights to find one with little luck. He decided to contact the Knights in Palanthas to see if they could help him. When he got there he was told he would have to wait till a Knight was free to take him on and till then he could take upo holdings in there Squires quarters. Author: Clide Date: Tue Dec 22 18:14:15 2009 Subject The line. As Clide made his way to Palanthas he thought about his Familyline. He knew that he had family in Erogth, his great Grandfathers Bothers Son's Son and Nephew. Galen Pathwarden and his Son. As he thought he realised that he dident know much about them only that Galen was a Knight and hr wasent sure about his son. As far as he knew his line whent back to before the the Cataclysm. Author: Clide Date: Thu Dec 24 23:02:26 2009 Subject Old time. As I was walking down the streets of palanthas i saw a person i knew from my child hood. I hadent seen him for a while so i whent to talk to him. As i came near he saw me and started to chant odd words that i couldent understand. I saw a thin bolt of Ice flie at me which i blocked with my shield. He ran at me with a mace so i hit him with my shield then knocked him out with my mace. I moved him out of the way of people coming by and healed the bump on his head so he would wake in a little then i left. I walked to the palace woundering why he attacked me. Author: Clide Date: Sat Dec 26 18:14:40 2009 Subject Lost Books. As Clide Made his way around palanthas he stoped by the library. He asked about the Knight Hood and the Librarian pointed him to the back of the library. As he looked over the books he noticed one with the name Pathwarden on the spine. The Book had A list of old Pathwarden holdings, many of them where still owned by the Pathwardens. The book ended with his Grandfather who owned little of the Pathwarden's estates. Most of it fell in his brothers hands but he had died shortly after and no one claimed the place. Clide decided to claim his family holdings, so he decided to vist his old friend in the Holy Order to help him find out any way to claim hte land. Author: Clide Date: Sun Jan 10 23:23:27 2010 Subject New way. Clide grew up at his grandfathers House near Thelgaard Keep. His grandfather was a Knight of the Crown and a healer. His Grandfather Trained him to Fight and tend the wounded. As He got more skilled at both arts his grandfather started to get sick. As time whent on his grandfathers got sicker Clide tried in vain to help him but his skills did little to help. CLide called a healer to take a look at his grandfather, when the healer he informed clide his grandfather had a sickness he couldent cure. Clide Prayed that his grandfather get better. His grandfather told clide to swear that he would become a knight. Clide wached his grandfather die in vain, He took his mace and armor and set out to palanthas. Clide had sworen to his grandfather on his death bed and he intended to fo fill it. Clide hiched a ride on a hay waggon on its way to Palanthas. When he finaly arived the place was a hellhole the wear Dragonarmy soliders every where, a man cloaked in the shadows told him to follow. When he finaly arived they where in a old room with maps of palanthas and the surounding area, the man told clide to sit as he welcomed him to the Knights Stronghold in palanthas.

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He states simply 'You might start with that one.. or you could take a look at the latest story..'

The Latest Entry

Possibilities (2/2) by Verita, posted on Sat Apr 6 21:59:34 2024.

When Verita woke up, Ansil was already awake, studying a worn road map. "Coffee?" he said, tapping a tin pot at hi(read more)....

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
