The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Jabbuk.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a small volume on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Jabbuk' scribed in deep blue ink.

Author:    Jabbuk         
Date:      Fri Nov 20 16:15:49 2009
Subject     Dark Beginnings

When Jabbuk was born Nuitari eclipsed Solinari. Many considered this a
very bad sign.

At an early age Jabbuk found he was not like other elves. He was moody and
tended to brood. He was also prone to violent outburst, which didn't endear
him to others. Though his parents never understood him they did love him. He
in turn loved them dearly.

Due to his outlandish behavior, he grew up with no friends. Which was fine
with him, he didn't enjoy their company either. Living in relative
seclusion, he spent his time studying the ancient tomes of magic his
greatgrandfather had given him.

One day while out collecting components for his latest magical experiment,
he met the beautiful Glasia. It was love at first sight and they were
engaged to be married. A change came over Jabbuk after he met Glasia. His
brooding nature left him, and his fits of rage were nonexistant. He started
making friends and was happier than he ever though he could be.

Then one day, a mob of rioting men attacked the paeceful elven settlement
over a land despute. Jabbuk and his father battled side by side protecting
their home. First his father was struck down, then Jabbuk was mortally
wounded by a blade slash. Glasia seeing her love cut down, ran from the
house, and grabbing his father's sword, valiantly cut down three humans
before being riddled with arrows. Jabbuk's mother was cold bloodedly
murdered inside the house. The men set the village ablaze as they left.

As jabbuk's lifes blood flowed to the ground he was using his last strength
to drag himself to die at Glasia's side, when he heard a child giggle. When
Jabbuk looked up he saw a child standing between him and his beloved. The
child bent down and whispered in his ear, "Remember it is Nuitari that saved
thee this day." 

Suddenly his bleeding stopped, his wounds were healed and his strength

Author:    Jabbuk         
Date:      Thu Nov 26 11:04:39 2009
Subject     A New Direction

After the sack of his village Jabbuk travelled around aimlessly,
eventually arriving at Palanthas. Being reclussive and from small village he
had never been to a city before, and this one was full of those he hated.
Once inside the walls he went on a major killing spree, killing every human
he could get away with and the chaos of the Dragon Army invasion made it

He knew almost nothing of the Dragon Army, growing up they were far away and
of little concern to everyday life, so no one talked about it much. Jabbuk
watched the victory parade as it passed thruogh the streets, the Dragon
Army's leader was coming to take official control of the city. As the
Emperor pasted Jabbuk was shocked, he was an Elf! In that moment of
realization, Emperor Luerk instantly became his hero. Now this was an elf
worthy of respect, feared by his enemies and respected by the hords of
monsters at his command.

'Yes', Jabbuk thought to himself, 'I must find out more about Luerk. That I
may follow in his footsteps and build an empire upon the ashes of my life.' 

Author:    Jabbuk         
Date:      Tue Dec  8 11:56:39 2009
Subject     In the Night

Jabbuk tried to go see Emperor Luerk, but was stopped at the door. The
door guards literally laughed in his face. Jabbuk marked both of the guards
well for future reference, then said, "You will see me again." As he walked
away one of the guards said in Goblin, "And if you had a little more meat on
your bones, I'd invite you to dinner." The other guard snickered, then they
both laughed. Jabbuk gave no sign that he understood what was said, as he
walked away but promiced himself they would be sorry.

It was late so Jabbuk went to the inn and after an ale or two went to his
room and climbed in the bed. This was always the worst time for him, because
it was when thoughts of the last day in the village came to him. After
tossing and turning for a while he finally fell asleep. 

Then he dreamed: He was floating in space and before him two men were
argueing. The old man in white was furious and shouting, while the young man
in black was yelling back, the smile never left his face. A silence spell
must have been put on him, because even though he was close Jabbuk couldn't
hear what was said. Then the two men turned and looked at Jabbuk, the one in
white leering in fury and the one in black grinning and giving a wink.

Jabbuk sprang awake, finding himself sitting and in a cold sweat. Then he
shuttered as a wave of fear washed over him. It was still some hours before
sun rise, but Jabbuk knew more sleep was out of the question. So he climbed
out of bed and grabbing his stuff left the inn. 

Author:    Jabbuk         
Date:      Thu Dec 17 02:46:24 2009
Subject     First Sight

Jabbuk stayed to the darker streets of Palanthas as he continued his
Human killing spree. Since the dream, which was swiftly fading from his
memory, he had felt a strange pull coming from the sky over head, but when
he would look he saw nothing but stary sky. No matter what he did he
couldn't shake it.

Jabbuk had lost track of how many Humans he had killed, and after another
quick kill he noticed he was standing in front of a magic store. He was new
to the city and had most likely passed it more than once, but had never
noticed it before. So, of corse he had to check it out. Inside he found out
it was much more than just a simple shop. Eventually after wandering around
in side for a while, he found his way to the top of the Ivory Tower. The
skyward pull was just as strong inside as it was outside, and as he stepped
into the room he looked in that direction.

All Jabbuk could do was stand there in shock, as for the first time in his
life he looked upon Nuitari. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 878 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'