The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Kessa.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a worn tome on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Kessa' scribed in vibrant grey ink.

Author:  Kessa
Date    Sun Apr 21 12:31:52 2002
Subject  The Queen's Task

"Our whole world is coming undone girl, why fight it?"The
cleric's last words
were spent as so, not with fear or in some plea, but as if
nothing was lost to
him. Kessagrowled at the cleric's deathly stare, a still silence
as the body
already lost its spirit within.

"You've lost your faith, holyman.. we are not all lost, my Queen
will rule
beyond this threat from the Devil Prince." Yet Kessa was shaken
by the clarity
and certainty in his voice, and even her weapon of choice didn't
glowwith the
same commanding essence from her victory. Shrugging off the
oddities of this
kill, Kessa still reacheddown to grip the staff carried by the
faithless cleric.

"A shame it came to this.." Kessa placed one foot on the staff
and pulled
up swiftly, snapping it in half. "I wouldn't have to take so much
from you."

Kessa waited patiently, her eyes closed as she used the time to
rest. She had
not slept for nearly three days and itwas starting to show.
Still, standing now
in the temple of her Queen soothed her somewhat. The cool and
offered no noise and from here, she swore if she called to
Takhisis, her Queen
would appear and blesshere, as if Kessa could feel Takhisis'

"Are you ready?"The yellow-glazed eyes opened themselves in
quickness as an
inner voice reprimanded Kessa for slipping off there inher
thought. Nodding
quickly to the newly entered priest, Kessa removed the collected
items from her

"Yes, I have brought what I could find.. I admit it is not
a--"The priest raised
his hand swiftly to stop the speech of the woman, "Another has
brought that
which you could not."Kessa furrowed her browed, slightly confused
and a bit
shocked to know another was put at HER own personal task. Butthis
was put aside
as the new body entered the room, Decred Haurkon, soon Knight of
Takhsis. Kessa
could not helpgrin.

"So you decided to join after all."Decred's stare met Kessa's
grin, and he
simply stated in a strict voice, "I had gained proper permission
to assist your
quest. The priest has the items I had personally acquired, I am
simply here to
observe and report back to my superiors."Smirking, Kessa nodded
all too
well-knowing that he saw this as another duty, "Well, thanks for
your help

"Shall we begin?" The priest stood ready, moving to seemingly
simple statue of
the Mother of Krynn. "The Queen

will pleased with your minor success no doubt. Let us not keep
waiting."Nodding, Kessa moved to the entrance of the room passing
by Decred with
a small wink, "Be prepared to meet our

Queen dear.. and remember, no stealing my spotlight!" Standing at
the entrance
of the room, Kessa snickered softly and closed the doors to the
small room as
the priest began to chant.

Author:  Kessa
Date    Wed May  1 02:07:09 2002
Subject  New Prize

With a quick swing of her arm, the cut was deep enough to fall
the orc. Yet as
she turned around to face thesecond orc, she already knew she was
too late. The
loud grunts of the orc came rushing upon her as it finished its}x
charge and
brutely smashed into her. In no form of defense, and already
wearied from having
to drop the others ofthis group, Kessa felt the overwhelming
weight and pain
surge into her body before everything become black. The orcnow
standing atop the
defenseless woman grinned down to the girl.

"Only one of us stand, but now you will make a prize for me!" The
orc slowly
paused as he looked down, oddly as hissubdued 'prize' still
clutched onto her
weapon, "What is this toy you used?"Reaching down to grab the
shard of seeming
glass from her hand, the orc quickly recoiled from the first
touch. Theshard
began to glow a filthy grey, than a quick burning black. Suddenly
warning, Kessa woke from herdefeated slumber and sprung to her
feet, driving her
weapon deep into the orcs throat. The yellow-glazed wolfeyes
flickered coldly at
the already dying victim.

"I belong to NO one!" The words came out harshly and coldly as
Kessa felt blood
over her hand, but it was not theorc's, it was her own. The shard
bit so deeply
into her skin as she gripped it, yet it felt right in her hands.
Theother free
hand reached to the orc's neck and snapped off his neck-chain,
holding it with a
grin as she alsoretrieved her shard from his throat as his eyes
became lifeless.
Calming her nerves, she loosened the death grip onher weapon,
breathing slower
as she looked around for any other signs of danger and than
finally set her eyes
on herown prize. Eyes closed and senses relaxed reasonably well
after her last
kill, she began to speak slowly the words ofactivation, and the
showed the results. Opening her eyes, she read the inscription on
the back. A
dark smilegrew on her face as she tucked the neck-chain away.
"Soon my Queen, I
will show the world the truth of your word."

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 879 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'