The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Tridessa.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a brief catalogue on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Tridessa' scribed in rich yellow ink.

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Mon Mar 15 04:32:57 2010
Subject     Talking to myself

I have almost fallen asleep now several times while listening to my
father lecture me on status. On responsibility. On what it means to a member
of our prestigious *yawn* family. Now please do not misunderstand, I have
the up most pride and respect for Silvanost, has accomplished. But, really
how many times should I listen to the same speech? This has been going on
for weeks. I am still unsure how his endless speeches help any. 

He is calling out to me. Oh great, I almost drifted off again. Alright, I
will have to force myself to pay attention. He is talking about preparations
for us to meet with someone from Wayreth. And again, he continues to repeat
himself. We will be joined for dinner. I am to look presentable. 

He stops there in his speech and glares down at me. Pointing at my present
dress, he adds that I will not look like I do now. "Like you slept in the
pages of another of your books." 

I can hear mother laughing. "Its not "like" dear. Our daughter DOES fall
asleep in her books, studying late in to the nights. Leave her be. You have
done the same many times." 

My mother of course is right. And my father will not argue with her. For now
I think the lecture is over. And my father is right as well. I want very
much to be accepted in to the tower of high sorcery. My parents were as well
as my brothers. I will do as my father asks of me, and try to look

I have only a few hours to prepare for our guests. My father has excused me
so I am heading to my own room to change my clothing and freshen myself up.
I am not sure what to expect tonight. I only hope I am able to do what is
expected of me. 

My fathers speeches continue to echo in my head. As if hearing them was not
enough. Perhaps I should find a way to calm my nerves. Talking to myself
will not be the best way to impress company. 

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Mon Mar 15 04:38:06 2010
Subject     Talking to myself

I have almost fallen asleep now several times while listening to my
father lecture me on status. On responsibility. On what it means to a member
of our prestigious *yawn* family. Now please do not misunderstand, I have
the up most pride and respect for all that our family, as part of House
Mystic of Silvanost, has accomplished. But, really how many times should I
listen to the same speech? This has been going on for weeks. I am still
unsure how his endless speeches help any. 

He is calling out to me. Oh great, I almost drifted off again. Alright, I
will have to force myself to pay attention. He is talking about preparations
for us to meet with someone from Wayreth. And again, he continues to repeat
himself. We will be joined for dinner. I am to look presentable. I am to act

He stops there in his speech and glares down at me. Pointing at my present
dress, he adds that I will not look like I do now. "Like you slept in the
pages of another of your books." 

I can hear mother laughing. "Its not "like" dear. Our daughter DOES fall
asleep in her books, studying late in to the nights. Leave her be. You have
done the same many times." 

My mother of course is right. And my father will not argue with her. For now
I think the lecture is over. And my father is right as well. I want very
much to be accepted in to the tower of high sorcery. My parents were as well
as my brothers. I will do as my father asks of me, and try to look

I have only a few hours to prepare for our guests. My father has excused me
so I am heading to my own room to change my clothing and freshen myself up.
I am not sure what to expect tonight. I only hope I am able to do what is
expected of me. 

My fathers speeches continue to echo in my head. As if hearing them was not

Perhaps I should find a way to calm my nerves. Talking to myself will not be
the best way to impress company. 

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Sat Mar 20 05:46:06 2010
Subject     first impressions and nightmares

The visitor came from Wayreth and I spent most the dinner quietly to
myself. I spent most of the time glaring at my plate, eabarrassed my father
and tutor carried on about how great an asset I would become. As dinner came
to a close, the magus turned to me and asked me why I felt I must continue
study in the arcne. 

I paused. At first, I was about to tell him I wished to follow in the family
path. That like my father, mother and brothers, it must be my calling.
Something stopped me from saying that. I could have told him that I knew I
had a rare talent, as much as my tutor has reminded me. I felt it best not
to boast. So again, I was stopped for saying that as well. 

There was only one answer, I could give. It fell back to an old memory. 

{IIt is only a nightmare. This one I have had since I can remember. It is
always the same. I only wish I knew what it all meant. My brothers are with
me. We are running down a long and dark marble hall. It is dark and cold.
The place is large and we have been running for a while now. There is
something chasing us, coming for us. I will not turn around. I only know
that I must keep running. I finally make the mistake of looking back. As I
turn my head, my brothers are no longer near me. I turn around completely
and see that they have fallen. A large pair of eyes challenges from over
them. A burning smell stings my nostrils and my eyes begin to water. My
throat is filled with smoke and I can not speak. I am powerless to help.
Silent as I watch my brothers die. The beast roars, as if laughing at me. I
look once more down at the lifeless forms of loved ones before looking
further down the hall. Again, I turn and run. But the hall ends, and the
beast now stands over me. I have no voice and am alone. The beast moves to

I always wake up there. The one thing about this dream though, I know, I
never want to feel that powerless. 

So this is how I answered, without telling about my dream or my fear of
course. I did not want the talents granted to me. But, I have them. I feel I
should learn to use them to the best of my ability. So that I never feel
powerless to protect mysel, the ones I care most for, and the magic that has
become such a large part of my life. 

I wonder if I answered him well enough. He simply nodded and stood from the
table. He quickly thanked us for the meal and was gone. I am sure I will be
headed to the tower of High Sorcery soon. I will admit, I am a little
concerned that I did not give the magus a better first impression of myself.
Perhaps sleeping would help clear my head. Who knows, I may have an answer
when I wake. 

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Tue Mar 23 22:59:31 2010
Subject     Flight to Wayreth

This gnome, Jargin as he introduced himself, came and found me. I keep
thinking back to bits of our introduction to each other and how I came to be
following him through the air, flying, on my way to Wayreth. 

First, I was talking to myself again, and pacing, unable to keep my
attention on my studies. And then he was there, floating in my window. Its
probably a good thing my parents are not easy to wake. Especially when he
said he was sent by Ciskei. 

Yeah that Ciskei. My father would have had a fit knowing a criminal as he
put it was interested in mentoring me. So yeah a gnome to fetch me, a dark
elf to teach me..and yet here I am following the small mage. I have always
put my studies first, why should this be any different. And, it is only
until I am tested. I am smart enough to not get myself in to trouble. 

Mother and father will just have to trust me. I wonder how long before my
brothers know of me coming. I admit I am a little nervous. I will try to
keep my distance and not distract them. Also, I really dont want them
returning any news to my family back home. 

We should be making camp soon and I cant wondering of all these thoughts
Have I said any of this out loud? 

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Tue Mar 30 21:02:53 2010
Subject     While in Waiting. 

The gnome, Jargin, left me alone for a while babbling on about something
he mustattendtopromptly. I had just nodded to him and sat quietly near the
fire reflecting on what had brought me here. I still found it hard to
believe I was on my way to the towers of high sorcery.

The sun was just about down and two moons were visible beyond an opening in
the canopy high above. The forest was quiet and soon boredom set in. It
became the perfect opportunity to study more. Reaching in to my bag, I chose
carefully one of my more worn and obviously favored texts. I settled down
more comfortably near the fire and proceeded to immerse myself in to the
fundamentals of arcane knowledge. 

Time always goes by when I am this deep in to study. It was only when the
fire had died down and the loss of light had finally forced me away from my
reading. I closed the book, replacing it in to my travel bag, and looked
around. The moons were no longer visible from high above, although their
light was still very bright this night. 

Looking around more, I realized it as not night at all, but early morning.
Once again, this would be another night without sleep. I shrugged to myself
then. It was not like I was very tired anyway. Beyond the realization that
sleep had eluded me, I also noticed I was still alone. 

Jargin had promised me that we were inaverysafeplace. He seemed sure that we
would not have any trouble in this part of the forest. Deciding to trust
this, I busied myself preparing a small morning meal. I was not what you
would call a cook by any means. But with the help of a simple incantation, I
soon had food prepared enough for the both of us. 

I waited a bit longer for the small man to return, and ended up finishing my
breakfast alone. When Jargin had still not returned, I cleaned up the small
little camp. All my belongings packed and ready to go once again, I sat
waiting. He had said he would be back. I pondered at how long I would wait.
And if he did not come back, what would I do then? 

Author:    Tridessa       
Date:      Wed Apr  7 15:24:26 2010
Subject     Contemplation

I failed the first few times trying the spell to grant flight. Not quite
having it down, I decided to walk. I have been following the route the best
that I can remember from what the gnome, Jargin had said we would be
following. I only hoped that he would be along soon. Uncertainty overwhelmed
me, as I came to A shallow stream. Making myself comfortable near the
running water, I removed my shoes and began soaking my sore feet. 

Really now any business the gnome must have had could not have taken too
much longer. I sat there contemplating. I could not just up and return home
now. My parents would be furious with how I had left. Jargin had said that
Wayreth was waiting for me. The problem with that, is I was having some
difficulty finding my own way. 

True, I could have just waited for the gnome to return. Only, Jargin had
left days agowaiting had turned in to more then mere hours. What if
something had happened to the little man? 

Regardless of what I decided to do, turn back to home, continue on trying to
find my own way, or again sit and wait for Jargin to come and lead the way
before I ended up lost, I was not sure I should be in a hurry. 

I pulled my feet out of the water and looked over the bright red sores that
throbbed there. I decided then that I would stay in near this stream for at
least a bit longer before I decided. Reciting a small incantation, with a
smile, I began to nibble on the newly acquired snack in my hand. Once again,
I reached for a book with in my bag and settled my feet back in to the water
while I studied and ate. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
