The Great Library of Palanthas
An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.
Stories of Ansalon from the view of Vilakreth.
A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Want color back? Turn Color Back ON!!
Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a pulp magazine on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Vilakreth' scribed in faded maroon ink.
Author: Vilakreth Date Sat Aug 21 20:00:54 1999 Subject "Home Again" starring Bob Vila --==Mithas==-- Vilakreth stormed through the secret volcano lair, causing the Thulak Soblium agents to literally dive out of the way. He was snarling and growling and in a rage rarely seen by anyone on Krynn. Dead. His son, dead. Auschmal...everything...taken from him. Or perhaps I took it from myself, thought Vilakreth as he looked around him. There were times he wished for a normal life. Wished to be a warrior in Mithas and not care about anything else. But...that wasn't his life. He was leader of the Thulak Soblium. Vilakreth sighed and sat down heavily in his chair, massaging his temples, signs of his age cracking through his seemingly immortal exterior. This day cannot get any worse, he thought, when he looked down at the paper before him. It was a simple message, written in a handwriting he didn't recognize. "Illythorak Dimarhin I Es-Kalin has been found. -A friend." --==Kalaman==-- Lockpick looked up at the moons, and at the Orlouge. He thought he could still see blood dripping off the figurehead of Illythorak, almost as if the former Cap'n was crying tears of blood. But, perhaps it was his overactive kender imagination. A symbol of unity. Unity which had been shattered. He sighed, could things ever be the same? Suddenly, something bumped into him, tripped over him. He heard a startled cry, and looked directly into the night sky, sighing. "What're you lookin' at, Locky?' Lienkai asked, sitting down next to him. 'The Orlouge' he stated, simply, although his eyes were facing straight up. Lienkai frowned. 'But the Orlouge is over there...' she motioned towards the docked ship. 'Oh, see it? Right up there...the stars. That star connects to that one, and that one, and it looks just like the Orlouge' Lienkai looked up and saw only a mass of stars in the night sky, but, she allowed herself a smile. 'Yeah...Lock...I can see it.' 'Yup...there's Illythorak, standing on the deck, waiting for everyone to get the work. And look...' the kender's voice started to crack... 'There's Sansagroth...and Usha is with him. They're arguing...just always. `Aren't you gonna pick trash with that harpoon of yours, Sags?`' the kender did his best Auschmal impression. 'And there's Forte...he's yelling at poor Sorinjin. Threatening to throw him overboard. And Selec...Selec....drunk as usual, passed out again. And Elenna, she's there, of course, flirting with Roman.' 'Poor old Roman, he never liked Elenna much. And...and' Lockpick held back tears, ' son....polishing his armor...and his Sword Tumbleweed...that Throrin made for him. Kilarolyth is trying to teach him how to do it right. They'll always be up there...always watching over us. I know it...I just know it...right Lienkai? Lienkai?' Lockpick looked over and found that Lienkai was asleep. -=Notorious LCT=-
The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD
Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.
Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z