The Great Library of Palanthas
An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.
Stories of Ansalon from the view of Yaden.
A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)
Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a leather bound tome on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Yaden' scribed in earth-colored orange ink.
Author: Yaden Date Sat Jan 4 04:37:21 2003 Subject My pledge to Takhisis. Magic, all my life I have wanted nothing more than to grab hold of it and have it consume me. To do so I always thought that would mean joining the Conclave and finding my place there. While growing up and studying magic, I was approached by one or two mages, at random, asking and looking over my power and potential. (Actually only one 'Claver, Arrisk, thats it.) Then one day I was approached by a member of the Knights of Takhisis, Aurel. He told me there was another way to find the power that I so desired, knowing that in most all mages' hearts sits that yearning for power. I listened to what he said, and everything seemed to click. After he started talking about Takhisis in specifically, I was won over. Finding a path that could dilver me up to this wonderful goddess made too much sense. After that day, still not totally knowing what Takhisis was about, I decided to let the Conclave have one last chance to apprentice me, when I found that none was forthcoming, I waited patiently for Aurel's return, which didn't take long. He greeted me with nice words, waited for my agreement about joining, and whisked me away to the keep of the Knights. There I took my vows, with vigor, and waited to be accepted or denied. Knowing the Conclave's feeling on mages not within there ranks, going as far as to calling them Renegades, I decided to make a pledge of my own. There, in the halls of the Knights of Takhisis, I made my own silent pledge. (Maybe I'll tell you what my pledge is, maybe I won't, whats it to ya??) - Yaden, Prodigy of Lord Sidholt. Author: Yaden Date Sat Jan 4 05:23:18 2003 Subject Run in with a "Raith". I was strolling the walkways of Solace one day, and I walked into a random store. This store was filled with items galore. Something caught my eye and my senes, and I picked it up. It was a flame torch, I immediately felt a throbbing of it, and it registered quickly. I then asked the owner where it came from. He said, "Some elven mage brought it to me earlier today, boasting about how easy he came about it and how he was getting more." I immediately froze, silently thinking, "Did he say getting more?". Suddenly a memory appeared to me, clear as day. It was of my day taking my pledges and of the silent pledge I gave. I hurried to the door, there I stopped and hurled the flame at the yelling storekeeper, hoping not to injure him. Having visited the Drow recently, I knew very well where those flames were from, and with Takhisis' help, I'd find him. Find the entrance to the Drow area, I entered eager at what I might find. I crept through the halls, a spell of sleep on my lips, a searched. There!, a flicker of light, I stepped into the room and caught him by suprise, almost instantly the words and power of magic were flowing through me, forming a spell of sleep. Instead of succeeding I failed, utterly, and he immediately attacked. Both our weapons being enchanted, we were both blinded, after this wore off I searched for him again and found him, attempting to cast a spell. There I began casting spells of blind and finally remembered the last spell I learned, Acid Blast. I could feel the power rushing in me as I began the words to the spell, uttering the last words the power of Takhisis rushed out of me, jolting me to the floor. When I was able to stand up, I saw my foe unconcious on the floor. Pity took hold of me then, as I was getting up and brushing myself off. Pity at the sight of his badly scared face, the effects of the acid blast. Thats when I decided to leave him be, if his mind was strong enough to hang on, he'd live. Once again, uttering the words of magic, still amazed at the power Takhisis had granted me, I cast a spell of recall, not fleeing hurriedly, but rather leaving proudly. [ Thorn ] Yaden Varick Author: Yaden Date Sun Feb 23 01:37:25 2003 Subject Lyrac Walking the halls of the Gerighelm palace I was pleasantly suprised to see a flash of a light and the appearance of Lyrac of the Conclave. Being ever alert I began casting immediately, through the grace of Takhisis my spells landed, one after another. Giving the mage nowhere to run, I knocked him unconcious, before having time to bind his fingers and hands, I was set upon by the guards that patrol the palace. Being Chargrined from this fact, but smart enough to know my bounds, I immediately recalled to the sanctuary of Takhisis, where I began a deep and long prayer of thanks. (24 hours to Lyrac, we were fooling around and he accidently died, but KoT are honorable folks and we do whats right, which is a story/protection notice, in this case.) -Yaden Varick, still Sidholt's Prodigy. Author: Yaden Date Sun Feb 23 13:18:26 2003 Subject Challenge given, challenge accept. The day in question had found me memorizing spells, not all for fighting-based, but enough were. Sitting at my desk, I found myself being.. tugged. No other words for it, seeming as how strong it was, I immediately thought it was my Patron, Sidholt. I quickly jumped up, and felt the flow of magic through my limbs, as i gated to a stop near the origin of the summons was. my black-silk robes flowing, I walked to where I calculated the magic of the summons eminating from, and was immediately assaulted by the sight of the.. Mage.. Tanthalis. Having never seen him personally, I knew him only by the description I gleaned from Raith, his Apprentice, and my former foe. I could feel the energy crackling from him, and knew my magic awareness was raising. The verbal swordplay began shortly there after. Only one thing could be done with the situation, we began laying plans on a duel, a duel of men, but more importantly, a duel of mages. After all rules were finalized, he delivered one more verbal blow, and left. I just smiled to myself, bidding my time, knowing his was short. I showed up at the appointed place, my spells in place. I was lacking some of the finer fighting spells, but it didn't matter, the heat of the battle had taken hold of earlier that day. After that I don't know what happened, I saw magical acid flung my way, and it all becomes a blur. I remember ferverently casting acid spells of my own, and suddenly I was struck with calm, and all became clear. Knowing I couldn't win a head to head battle with this, this Tanthalis, I decided to take another tactic. I waiting patiently in the city we had chosen, then when I saw my prey, I casted a spell of sleep. The joy I felt, when I felt the magical build-up release, knowing that Takhisis had granted me this power, I was overjoyed. Keeping my calm, I dove into the next line of attack, I began throwing spells of poison and plague on him, spells of weaken and slow to bring him closer to my condition. After all was finished, I had nothing left but to attack, I recited the strongest attack spell I knew and let lose, he fell soon there after. I stood over my fallen foe with ever-building joy, thinking I'd be able to bound him and wisk him to the hall of Takhisis, but I was mistaken, this mage was a prepared one. I noticed him slip further into unconsciousness, walked over and was going to begin applying the rope, when suddenly his body began to vibrate and fade from view, till finally he was gone. I still am not quite sure what he did, but I don't he escaped me in the end. In all things I was overjoyed at Takhisis' power that allowed me to be successful, sent her a quick bu t thankful prayer, and gated away. con. It was a good fight, I think we Both had fun and I would like to say that Tanthalis is not a whinner, and I applaud him for that. Author: Yaden Date Sun Feb 23 23:55:34 2003 Subject The Bloodlust After the demise of the mage Tanthalis, with the taste of victory upon my lips, I entered a bloodlust-type state. After fleeing and returning back to my study, I immediately retrieved my crystal ball, and began scrying all the known areas that are held by the damnable Knights of Solamnia. My thirst for blood was returned with ferver as I located a "Knight" of Solamnia, Kalakas. With Kalakas I also spyed, what I believe, a companion of his, Ardal. My mind raced as I wondered at what I should possibly do, the night was late and I could sense no other Knights of my order about, no one to confer with, so I acted accordingly. First I went out and charmed all that I saw, I then held a reagent in my hand that allows for the portal spell to be casted. After checking to make sure those protection spells, that I still had available, were intacted, I portaled to the Knight. After I stepped through the gate, wondering what might happen, the Kalakas immdiately fled the area, leaving me distraught and still seeking blood. I glance over and noticed that his companion hadn't done the same so I began by having myc harmies attack him. I was astonished to see that my foe, which I later learned was a WildRunner by the name of Ardal, was battling my charmies, and winning. A look of pure chargrin spread acrossed my face as I wondered at what to do, my spell were exhausted and I knew I could not face this sword-wielder with my "faithful" pets. Against better judgement I began letting lose lightning bolt after lightning bolt, the only attack spell I had left, having faith that my Queen would sustain me, and she did. After the third bolt, although I wondered how he lasted so long, the WildRunner slumped into unconsciousness. I left him there, in hopes that the valiant fighter would be found by his companion. I gated away, pitying Ardal for the company that he kept, but feeling blessed to have come out through both fights nearly unscathed. After a 2 day fast, mostly consisting of prayers of thanks to my Queen, I began my search anew. -Yaden Varick.
The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD
Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.
Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z