The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Alenth.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a small book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Alenth' scribed in bright white ink.

Author:    Alenth         
Date:      Sat Jul 19 05:06:50
Subject     Alenth

Dusk fell slowly, the daylight dragging its
fingers reluctantly accross
the dead landscape as winter crept closer. 

sighed as he watched the light hang on the tips of the apple trees
outside the
modest ergothian house that had been in his family for
generations. From inside
the house, a servant called:

"Master Alenth? It's time." Alenth turned
slowly, his youthful face carved
from stone. "Indeed" He walked inside,
pushing aside the rough curtain.

Inside, lying prone on the bed, her skin
streatched and thin, lay an old
woman. Wasted away, at first glance she looked
dead, but as he watched
closely, Alenth saw that her chest still slowly rose and
fell, as her body
struggled to live. It wouldn't be much longer.

Alenth knelt
beside the bed, grasphing one of the claw-like hands in his

"Mother, I'm

The woman turned slightly, looking at him with unseeing eyes.

"Jarod? Is that you?" Alenth winced. His father had been dead for
years now. If she believed him alive, the end must be near. "No
mother, it's
me, Alenth. Your son." Her eyes seemed to twitch a bit at his

"Oh Jared, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have, but he was so
knight from Solamnia....uth Kein, his name was. I was so lonely
while you
were away....I'm sorry Jarod...At least now, we have our son...Alenth
is a
fine boy, and there's no reason for any of the neighbors to

Alenth froze, hearing his mother's impossible words. With a final
her body lay still. 

He rose and left without a word, saddled his
horse, put on his sword, and
headed East, towards Solamnia. Somewhere, his
father's blood called to him. 

Author:    Alenth         
     Thu Aug  7 03:54:38 2008
Subject     Alenth:  The quest (pt

Alenth sneezed as the dust from the faded manuscript floated past
face. Another barely readable lineage chart, dating back almost to
cateclysm. He rubbed his eyes with a dusty knuckle and glanced at the
set on the side of his desk, safely away from the documents. He had
been looking for over two hours after he should have been asleep on
uncomfortable cot allocated to squires. The room at least had a desk
one of the priviliages of being a Clerist in training, but not much else
the way of comforts.

He sighed as he looked at the candle again, mentally
calculating how long he
would have to sleep. One more hour shouldn't be too much
of a problem. The
halls of the clerists were empty now, and the knighthood
seemed sometimes to
be shrinking. Alenth was alone in these empty corridors more
often than not,
a matter of some concern, what with the rumors of armies to the

He turned back to the faded manuscript and began to trace the
inscribed there, searching for the name of his father. 

The line ran
through various names, but there was no mention of uth Kein
anywhere. It was as
if the name had never existed. Perhaps he had heard his
mother wrong. He moved
the document over and started on the next stack, not
noticing as the candle
burned lower and lower. 

Author:    Alenth         
Tue Jan 25 05:30:31 2011
Subject     The Return

An evening gust blew
in through the windows of Alenth's study. Situated
by the sea, his estates
overlooked the ocean and the sea air held a chill.
Alenth, no longer a young
man, pulled his fur-lined cloak around his
shoulders as he looked out the
window. Below him, his workers were bringing
in the day's catch of fish in their
reed boats. Alenth watched them work, an
untouched mug of mulled wine on the
desk behind him. He turned as the door
opened behind him, watching the slim man
who entered.

"My Lord, I have news. Your information was correct. The
Knighthood has
fallen into disorder, and there is stirring in Sanction. Word is
that they
have crowned a new emperor. No one is sure who it is but there is talk
of a

Alenth sighed as he sat down at his desk, sliding the mug
of wine to the
side, and gesturing for the man to go on.

"My Lord, there is
no word on who it is, but my sources indicate that that
he was once a Red

Alenth looked up at that.

"A red robe now leads the Armies in the
north? That seems...unlikely. Are
you sure?"

The man looked Alenth in the

"I am, my Lord."

Alenth nodded. 

"Very well, Samuel. Gather my
guards, and ready my armor. Saddle Daven. He's
old..." He smiled ruefully,
"But we are, none of us, as young as we used to
be. Hurry now, Samuel. The
Knighthood needs us."

Samuel hurried from the room, and Alenth strode quickly
to the fireplace,
where a large iron flail hung above the mantel. He lifted it
down, and read
the inscription hammered into the well-worn handle. It read
"Redemption" and it fit perfectly into Alenth's gnarled and knotted
He lifted the flail and looked again out the window, knowing in his
that while this had been a place to live, it had never been his home.
strode from the room without a backwards glance, flail clenched in his hand.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
