The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Boxcut.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a miniscule pocket book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Boxcut' scribed in glowing grey ink.

Author:    Boxcut         
Date:      Mon Mar  3 09:59:58
Subject     Boxcut: 1 of 2

Arriving in a dark subtle cove, Halemnier, as known to his academy mates, Boxcut, took his residence up in the established quarters of the elite pigeons of the crow's nest. Hereupon, the crow's nest is the place where dormitories define themselves as a word or phrase hitherto unexplained in common speech. The pigeons earned the right to live there, and being from the caste of learned and exceeding the bounds of district, he optimizes the code of the pigeons adhere to and serves the family that ho Arriving in a dark subtle cove, Halemnier, as known to his academy mates, Boxcut, took his residence up in the established quarters of the elite pigeons of the crow's nest. Hereupon, the crow's nest is the place where dormitories define themselves as a word or phrase hitherto unexplained in common speech. The pigeons earned the right to live there, and being from the caste of learned and exceeding the bounds of district, he optimizes the code of the pigeons adhere to and serves the family that ho Arriving in a dark subtle cove, Halemnier, as known to his academy mates, Boxcut, took his residence up in the established quarters of the elite pigeons of the crow's nest. Hereupon, the crow's nest is the place where dormitories define themselves as a word or phrase hitherto unexplained in common speech. The pigeons earned the right to live there, and being from the caste of learned and exceeding the bounds of district, he optimizes the code of the pigeons adhere to and serves the family that holds the pigeons to a standard above cloud heights. They are the expeditonary force of the Palanthian guild of servant-children, those who vouch for scouting manuevers with their time, effort, and drive. The pigeons earned the right to live there, and being from the caste of learned and exceeding the bounds of district, he optimizes the code of the pigeons adhere to and serves the family that holds the pigeons to a standard above cloud heights. They are the expeditonary force of the Palanthian guild of servant-children, those who vouch for scouting manuevers with their time, effort, and drive. A training venue for those who wish to enter the Solamnic Knights, but have entered from a path of childhood rather than calling. What is the pigeon? Loyal, fierce, fighting moment within the battlefield as represented by a youth of service. Their training is to know what this means before they enter the Solamnic Knights, and thier work thereto is a realm of conquest within the sinews of muscle, the ventricles of head, and iron of cell. The pigeon emblem is on every cloth of the servant-child who moves within the corridors of this base. The outskirts of the city give hiding to the arm of the unit that stations there, it is the way they operate, the way they conduct course, the way it is and will be. For the future, the road is clear. Having trained their five years, Boxcut learned the ways of the warrior, but attempted to guide himself to that of a paladin. Weapons-fighting, contingency-planning, expert-resourcefulness, all these he garnered, gilded, and gained in the artistic crafting of personality, technique, and excellence. story + Classroom study sufficed, battlefield preparation grew, and temporary expeditionary measures gave gratitude to the gracious host of men and contingent for theory with privacy. All of a sudden, with application background he applies to the Knights, looking to become what he aspired to become, ongoing this path forward.

Author: Boxcut Date: Mon Mar 3 10:09:19 2014 Subject Boxcut: 2 of 2

Who is Boxcut? A youth of 18 years, dark in eyes, whitening in complexion, atheletic, well-drawn to the appearance of a painter-poet who would know grace, dignity, and health in the manly spirit that resides in form and fashion. His father, one of the Merchant Princes (so-called) of Palanthas, drove the willful spirit to the destruction of the work-environment, and knowing the health as it is, Boxcut got the opportunity to change the way in which business would be conducted in Palanthas, as a Knight. Opposition to his father, opposed to his mother, one of those who too aided the wealth-mongerers of the presence of dereliction of duty, dire in need of succor, devoid of vestige adhering to the outline that is for all "good" and for none "fatigue." Boxcut, sole son of his father, moves away to the Knights as a source of hope, dignity, and trusted greatness in the land.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
