The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Cabel.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a paper booklet on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Cabel' scribed in earth-colored green ink.

Author:    Cabel          
Date:      Wed Aug 29 18:33:06 2007
Subject     The Wreckage.

The storm was monstrous.  The waves reached upward of
seventy-five feet,
lightning arced across the sky and deafening thunderclaps filled
the air. Rain
and hail poured from the sky and the clouds swirled.

A single ship braved the storm..  The fools.

The crew of this ship held on for life as the ship rose
ponderously and fell
with the gigantic waves, never knowing if they would capsize or
worse yet, get
struck by lightning.  They all feared for their lives, at least
all of them but
Captain Cabel Morgan.  He stood at the helm, his eyes defiant and
void of fear. 
He wore black and brown leather clothing for the most part, and
has long brown
dreadlocks coming out from beneath a tricorn hat.

Lifting his voice, he starts to sing a few bars of an old
sailor's song.
Stopping he glances around at the nervous crew and shrugs

"Come Men!  Join your voices!"  He shouts as he starts the song
over again.

First one, then a few, then at last the whole crew joined in the
song.  Together
they sung through the monstrous storm, it seemed to lighten the
nervousness. The
crew even started to have a good time.  The song continued and
the mood aboard
the ship lightened, at least until the fate of the ship and the
men aboard it
was decided.  Slowly, the swirling clouds reached downward,
twisting and
turning.  The swirling funnel reaches the water, sucking water up
into the
funnel.  Their song broke and fearful cries of alarm ring out.

Cabel saw the water sprout, but it was too late to do anything. 
The water
sprout hit the ship dead on, tearing both ship and man apart.

Cabel some how gets sucked up into the funnel and gets thrashed
by debris,
before getting thrown back into the sea.  The impact of the water
broke bones
and brought a dieing man closer to death.  With the last of his
consciousness he
pulls himself onto a piece of debris, where he loses

The night passes and as the sun rises he gets washed up on a
beach along with a
lot of the wreckage.  He lays there unconscious, his life
slipping away.

Author:    Cabel          
Date:      Sat Aug  8
03:29:54 2009
Subject     A new Venture 'board the

Cabel walks across the moonlit sand, looking out
at the harbor. He takes
a swig of the amber liquor and pulls his
hat off his head and bows to the
sea. It had been some time since
he had been at sea. It would feel good to
have the sea under him
again. He settles his had back onto his head and
flops down on a
rock. His ship, The Sea Dragoon, had been sunk by an
storm off the north coast of Solamnia. Its said Zeboim
herself took the
ship, and the crew, but left Ol Captain Cabel
alive as punishment.

Cabel sighs and stands, again bowing to the
sea, then lifts his bottle.
"Drink up me hearties, yo ho." He
says to his fallen crewmen and flops back
down on the rock.
Mazerith, an old friend of Cabels told him of a Ship.
Odyssey. From what Maz said she would soon be finished, and
he had been
asked to Be first mate. Cabel agreed without even
thinking. He missed the
sea, and this would put him back where he
belonged. With a wicked grin he
finishes off his bottle and
stagers back toward Palanthas. 

Author:    Cabel      
Date:      Sun Sep 13 16:31:39 2009
Aboard the Tempest

Cabel stands on the deck next one of
the Catapults, a bottle of amber
colored liquor in his hand. As
Mazerith makes his little speech, Cabel
tosses back a long swig
of his liquor. "FIRE!" Mazerith shouts and Cabel
leans back on
one leg and kicks the mechanism and the Catapult launches
fiery load toward the docks. Everyone on this ship lets out a
cheer cept for
him. He smiles grimly and staggers toward the Bow.
"Hail Zeboim. Returned
have I unto your water, Savvy?" He
says as he takes another long drink. He
looks out at the dark
waters for a long moment and then turns, staggering
across the
deck toward Mazerith. "Zeboim Welcomes us home, My friend. Take
drink with me!" Cabel says as he pushes the bottle into
Mazeriths hand.
"Lets Head toward Sankton or what have ye. I
know I nice spot we can..hide
from them who wish to give us a
short drop and a sudden stop." He says
putting his arm around
Mazerith and looking out at the sea. "What say ye?"
He asks
snatching the bottle away unaware if Maz had even taken a drink

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
