The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Deacon.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a well written novel on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Deacon' scribed in rich yellow ink.

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Thu Aug 30 23:50:38
Subject     Darkening of a Soul, Part 1

Sodden branches whipped
Deacon's face as he ran panting through the
dismal forest causing him to wince
but he kept up his pace regardless
knowing full well that if he stopped now he
was a dead man.  His only chance
was to get to the cave he knew lay ahead but in
the driving maelstrom he
wasn't sure how far he had to go .  From behind he
heard a loud snarl
followed by a terrible ripping sound and a howl of pain which
slowly failed
to a gurgling death cry.  

He sped past the blasted stump of a
long dead oak and it was another second
before his exhausted brain registered
the landmark.  He tried to skid to a
halt but too late and ran headlong into the
cliff face which rose suddenly
out of the rain in front of him.  He managed to
throw his arms up and
slammed into the rock, rebounding from it backwards to lay
sprawled and
stunned for a moment in the mud.  Precious seconds passed as Deacon
there senseless he quickly shook his head and rose unsteadily to his feet.

Looking about wildly he realised where he was and looked up to see the
ledge some twenty feet up.  Without waiting to look for his persuers he
at the cliff and jumped, planting one foot on a bulge of rock and using
to spring upwards.  Stretching his tall frame fully he barely managed to
a solid hold and hauled himself upwards quickly towards the ledge
safety.  Suddenly he heard a roar from below and as he finaly grabbed
lip of the ledge he knew at least one of his enemies had seen him. 
scrabbled on rock a few feet below Deacon and in a panic he heaved
over the edge and into the cave mouth.  Tucking his shoulder down he
and rolled to his feet, drawing his rapiers in one deft motion as he
came to
his feet.  He knew he was going to die, if he was lucky he might take
one of them, but there had been too many and he feared that even Sho
have been overcome.  The last he had seen his friend was when he
vanished beneath a swarm of the fell beasts which had ambushed them
Sho had made them pay for a bit, and Deacon had slain two, but even
they had
been overcome at the last and Deacon had seen no other chaice than to
It had torn him to leave his comrade, the only friend he had ever known,
die horribly but to stay had meant certain death.  Now it appeared it
mattered not for he was to be slain anyway.  He should have stayed and
with Sho.  

Suddenly claws appeared at the ledge and a great head crested
it.  A lion's
head, only large, with row upon row of razor sharp teeth mounted
in a maw
like a hawk dripped a smoking saliva as the beady little black eyes
their prey.  The obscene roar let loose again and Deacon braced for
rush.  The fetid creature heaved itself onto the ledge and paused
before it sprang, seeming to gaze upon the tiny human before it and
it's moment of victory with sadistic glee.  Deacon lept forward with
rapiers at the lunge, their serrated dragonmetal edges gleeming with
scintillating ebony radiance which seemed to pulse excitedly as if sensing
impending bloodletting.  Caught offguard by the unexpected attack the
failed to react swiftly enough and although it slashed Deacon across
the face
with a clawed paw, sending him flying against rockface, it failed
to stop the
twin thrusts and both of the ranger's damned blades found their
mark.  One in
each lung they quivered slightly, either from the beast's
movements or of their
own volition wasn't clear, and it clawed at them in a
vain attempt to dislodge

Deacon's head felt as though it was going to burst from the impact and
as he
slid down the rock to lay in a crumpled heap on the cave floor he saw
great white shape fly through the air to land upon his adversary's back. 
everything went black and Deacon drifted into oblivion gratefully. 

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Fri Aug 31 00:32:55
Subject     Darkening of a Soul, Part 2

Eventually Deacon awoke
and, although even the bleak grey light which
filtered through the rain caused
him to wince in pain, he carefuly moved his
battered head and gazed about the
cave.  A few feet away lay the corpse of
his foe, it's great beaked maw agape,
the ridges of razor sharp teeth
glinting evily in the dim light.  Moving his
head a bit more he caught sight
of white fur only a foot away and as he moved to
crawl towards it he almost
yelled aloud as new pain made him suddenly aware that
his arm was broken and
possibly a leg as well.  Gritting his teeth against it he
pulled himself
with his good arm towards the mound of white fur.  Almost passing
out from
the pain he kep going until he reached the huge head and looked at
monstrous wolf's face.  Slowly the eyes opened to gaze upon him and the
ice blue eyes were full of agony and the knowledge that death was near. 

"Sho ...  " whispered Deacon.  He reached up and scratched the wolf
the ear and feelingsomething wet pulled his hand away and looked at it. 
fingers were covered in blood, but not his own.  Peering carefully at
old friend he saw at last the cause of Sho's suffering.  A huge gash
down the back of the wolf's head, deep enough to almost sever the spine
over two feet long.  How it had ever managed to jump up the cliff and
be able to kill the last of the enemies was something Deacon would
know.  Sho nuzzled him one last time with his nose, lay his head back
slowly, and while looking into the battered ranger's eyes his life fled
body and the wondrous blue eyes faded to grey.  

Deacon couldn't move.  He
stared into the lifeless eyes of his friend, his
only friend and companion, the
only creature in the world he had ever
trusted or cared about.  For a time he
felt nothing then a wave of grief
washed over him and he wept bitterly until his
eyes ran dry.  Then came the
rage, beginning as an ember and as the memories
flooded him it roared,
becoming incandescent and focused like nothing he had
ever felt before. 
Somewhere deep inside himself, at a level where he was barely
aware of, part
of Deacon raged against the universe and begged the gods, any
god, to aid
him this one time.  He had never been reilgious or pious, he
worshipped none
and asked no god for anything, ever.  He had lived his life by
his own
rules, made his way in the world with beholden to none.  The only
who had ever helped him now lay dead before him.  Sho had saved his
more times that Deacon could count and now that small part of him offered
bargain to any god who listened.  He would give his life if only they
restore Sho, let him roam free again and live a long happy span.  Indeed,
would give his soul to have the great wolf at his side again.  

happened of course and Deacon lay his head beside his dead friend's,
forehead to forehead, and decided that it would end here for the
both of them
then.  Time vanished and he knew not if any had gone by at all
when he became
aware of something in the cave with them.  It was a feeling
of some sort, a dark
feeling, at once vile and repulsive and yet comforting
and seductive.  The hairs
on the back of his neck stood up and Deacon opened
his eyes to peer abouth the
gloom, angry that someone dared to interrupt his
death.  Not seeing anyone at
first he decided he was just going mad as he
slowly died but as he closed his
eyes he caught a glimpse of a shadow at the
cave mouth.  

Then the shadow came
closer and Deacon's eyes widened in wonder and awe as a
female figure clad in
transparent black robes approached.  He moved his good
arm toward his rapier and
she laughed, a sound like the music of the spheres
which for some reason also
sent a shiver down his spine.  He let the blade

She nodded and,
smiling, said "Very wise Deacon.  Not that it would anger me
really if you did
strike.  As powerful as those blades are they are not up
to the task of harming
me".  Again she laughed that melodic note.  

Author:    Deacon     
Date:      Sat Sep  1 00:13:05 2007
Subject     Darkening of a Soul,
Part 3

Deacon tried to rise but failed patheticly and lay there staring
at her. 
She had long black hair which flowed as if in a breeze, though no
wafted into the cave.  Her eyes were darker than her hair but lit with
evil light, malicious and mischevious with the glint of a vast intellect.

Through her transparent robes her very curvacious figure was easily visible
as she approached him and knelt at his side he had difficultty tearing
his eyes
from her body to gaze into her abyssal eyes.  

Reaching out she cupped his chin
in her palm and lifted slightly, turning
his head to either side, and gazed
deeply into his eyes as if reading his
soul.  After a moment she nodded as if to
herself, satisfied with what she
had found.  

"Who are you ?  ", Deacon
asked weakly, his voice rasping from his parched
throat.  "What do want ? 
Leave us please, let me die in peace and join my
friend again ...  ".  His
voice failed him at the end of even that simple
request and his head slumped to
the ground again as darkness encroached upon
his vision.  

"Oh, no you don't,
not now.  It cost me much to come here and I will not be
denied.  " she
replied and touched his chest with a finger.  Instantly pain
seared through his
body and Deacon's back arched as he screamed in agony. 
As intense as it was the
pain vanished almost instantly, leaving him utterly
exhausted but in no pain
whatsoever.  His body felt whole and healthy again,
albeit drained of all

With a stronger but tired voice he asked her again, "Who are you ? 

She smiled darkly, her exotic countenace clouding slightly with
mystery.  "Guess.  I'll give you a clue.  Your request for a divine
a moment ago ?  I heard it.  I came to see if you were what I thought. 
looks like you might be usefull, and you companion also.  I am willing
strike that bargain with you if you still desire to have your
companion restored to you.  "

For a moment fear rose in Deacon as he
realised this was no simple
enchantress.  He thought and, as the probable truth
dawned on him, his fear
was replaced by awe and his eyes widened in amazement. 
"No....  It cannot
be....  Gods don't listen to the wishes of men...  You
cannot be her...  "
he stuttered.  

"Oh, we do, when it suits us, which is
rarely.  And yes, I can be and am
'her'.  ", she replied and stood up. 
Raising her arms out wide she held her
head high and her melodic laughter filled
the cave and his mind.  She began
to glow with an unearthly blackness, profound
and absolute yet brilliant and
unending.  Deacon lowered his head and bowed as
best he could from where he
lay, acknowledging her obvious status.  

"Who am
I Deacon Vargas of Haligoth ?  Can you speak my name ?  "

"Takhisis, Dark
Lady, Queen of Dragonkind, Mistress of the Night.  I know
you now and beg your
forgiveness for my rashness in doubting you at all.  ",
he answered.  

smiled at him and nodded.  "So Master Vargas, what will it be ?  Death
for you
and your companion, eternal and unending ?  Or will you strike the
deal you
begged for only a short time ago ?  Your soul, and hence your
loyalty, in
exchange for that magnificent creature you call Sho being made
whole and hale
again to roam at your side until the end of your days ?  ". 

Deacon didn't
hesitate.  "Aye, my Queen, and with enthusiasm.  Sho is all I
care about, the
only thing in this life which means anything to me.  Without
him I am lost and
my life is pointless.  Aye, I'll strike the deal. 
Whatever you want, command me
and it shall be so.  Just grant me this boon,
I beg thee.  " he replied

"I like that in a man, decisive and true.  Let it be so then. 
You shall
serve me until the end, and Sho will serve thee as he always has. 
".  She
looked then to the giant wolf and walked over to his head.  Kneeling
place her hand on his forehead and whispered something in a language
to Deacon but which nevertheless made his spine tingle apprehensively. 

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Sat Sep  1 00:46:00
Subject     Darkening of a Soul, Finis

Deacon held his breath as
Sho's eyes regained their ice blue colour and
his great head turned slightly to
gaze first at the Queen of Darkness who
knelt beside him and then at his mortal
friend.  Instantly Deacon knew she
had made good her word.  This was his
comrade, his friend without whom he
knew not how to live, brought back from
oblivion to walk again in the world
of men.  Deacon reached out and caressed the
wolf's cheek.  Sho nuzzled his
hand and lay his head down.  His eyes closed and
his chest gently rose and
fell in a regular rhythm.  

"Do not worry Deacon,
your friend sleeps a natural sleep.  His injuries were
far worse than yours and
he is exhausted beyond compare.  He will sleep for
at least a day or two I would
think.  If I were you I would get him
something to eat and drink for he will be
ravenous when he awakes.  You may
be friends but, in the end, he is still a wolf
....  " she said and laughed

She stood and looked upon the battered
ranger.  "The first thing I need you
to do is to get healthy.  Rest here until
you can move again, then make your
way to Tarsis.  There is no hurry.  The task
I have in mind for you is one I
have been working on for ages, quite litteraly. 
I don't expect it completed
anytime soon, but it has been millenia since any
progress was made.  I am
hoping you might be able to get things moving again. 
When you get there,
look for a man called Drimian.  He is a servant of mine and
a powerful mage.
He will fill you in on the details and give you some pointers
on how to
begin.  You will report to him as you work but remember, you serve me
not my
pet mage.  "

Gathering every bit of energy he could summon he rose and
knelt before her
with head bowed respectfully.  "As you wish my Queen, so
shall it be.  I
thank you for this gift of life.  I can never repay it fully,
but I shall
endeavour to do so nonetheless.  " he answered.  

decisive, true and well spoken.  You are indeed the kind of servant I
seek and
yet so rarely find.  I think ours will be a fruitful relationship. 
Now, heal
and make your way to Tarsis.  There might not be any particular
hurry, but time
is finite - even for a god !  " she said and one final time
her laughter rang
through the cave.  This time however as the sound faded so
did she, leaving him
laying in the shadows beside the gently sleeping wolf. 

Staggering over to Sho
he lay himself down beside his friend and in seconds
was fast asleep, his
breathing quickly becoming the match for the wolf's,
their chests rising and
falling at precisely the same rate.  

Peacfully they slept, odd companions to
be sure, but none more true could be
found anywhere on Krynn.  Each would die
for the other without thought - and
each had, only to be reborn by the darkest
of oaths sworn for the purest of
reasons.  Their future together proved a long
and dark tale, full of
adventure and battle, victory and loss.  That story shall
also be told ...  

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Mon
Sep  3 14:10:21 2007
Subject     A Hunt Revealed, Part 1

Looking up at
the brilliant blue, cloudless sky Deacon judged it to be
almost noon by the
track of the sun.  Looking again at the city in the
distance he figured they
still had another hour or so before they reached
the gates.  Reaching out he
ruffled Sho's fur as the great wolf sat
patiently beside him watching a squirrel
scamper through the underbrush as
Deacon watched the city for a while, trying to
determine whether it was safe
to bring his companion into the place.  Not all
cities welcomed such
creatures, however well behaved they were, and Tarsis was
one of the grand
dames of Ansalon's cities - one which was ancient long before
the Cataclysm.

Traffic to and from the city seemed heavy and the ranger
noticed many large
war animals being led into and out of the city, great cats
(he'd have to
stear Sho clear of them), war dogs and even a few massive
oliphants with
towers perched on their backs.  Before the Cataclysm had reshaped
Krynn this
city had been one of the largest trading centers with all the
merchandise passing through her port.  Now the port was dry, the coast
sitting some hundred miles to the south, but Tarsis was again a city
trade.  Only now her stock was war and her commodity was death. 
controlled and patrolled her streets and it was they, not the
class, which breathed life into the old worn former capital of

Eventually Deacon began to trek the final few miles, Sho moving at
an easy
pace beside him, and within the hour they arrived at the great
gate, it's ancient stonework reaching high into the air above them. 
guards querried them on their business and Deacon saw no reason to lie so
told them he sought a mage called Drimian and was informed that the
owned a tower in the north end of town, near the main plaza, but that
would likely be at the Screaming Quasit - an inn favoured by the mages
intellectuals of Tarsis.  He thanked them and entered the city, finding
streets wide and well maintained with public gardens visible and large
trees along each side of the boulevards.  

The Quasit was easy enough to
find and, after telling Sho to stay put out
front, upon entering made his way to
the bespectacled barkeep to enquire
after Drimian.  The old man looked him up
and down disdainfully but nodded
towards a table in the corner where a lone
figure sat with flagon on the
table and his nose burried in some huge tome. 
Deacon thanked the man,
walked over to the table, and sat down opposite it's
occupant.  The book
lowered slightly and brown eyes peered quizzicly at the
ranger from beneath
great bushy eyebrows.  

"Yes ?  Can I help you young man
?  ", he asked in a voice at once soft but
with an edge of hardness to it. 

"Drimian the mage ?  I was sent to find you and have traveled many miles
come here.  Is there someplace we can talk in private ?  " Deacon asked. 

"Yes, I am Drimian and no, I will not go anywhere with you until I know
you are, who sent you, and why.  ".  

"Forgive me, my social skills are
rusty.  I don't spend much time amongst
other people.  I am Deacon Vargas and I
was sent by our Dark Queen to find
you.  She said you would have information for
me regarding some task she
required me to undertake.  "

Drimian looked around
quickly, then looked at Deacon again and whispered,
"Do not make referance to
Her in public in Tarsis.  The city may be
accomodating for the most part, but
our Queen is poorly understood and most
do not appreciate her gifts.  Come, let
us be off to my tower where we may
speak freely.  ".  

He closed his tome,
picked up his flagon and rose from his seat.  Leading
the way he walked to the
front door, Deacon following, and stepped outside
only to stop abruptly at the
sight Sho patiently waiting out front.  Deacon
smiled slightly at the mage's
obvious surprise and stepped around him to pet
his companion. 

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Mon Sep  3 14:58:22
Subject     A Hunt Revealed, Part 2

"Don't fret about Sho
Drimian, unless I order it or if I am in danger he
won't attack.  He's actually
very friendly and loves attention.  ".  

The mage didn't look particualarly
reassured but nodded and, stepping
carefuly around the wolf without taking his
eyes off him, walked to the west
down a wide street.  The ranger and his friend
followed and quickly they
reached a gate set into a high wall, a squat round
tower visible on the
other side.  The mage mumbled something and waved his hand
in front of the
gate, then motioned for Deacon to do the same.  He did as
instructed and
felt a slight tingling on his palm.  

"The enchantment which
seals this portal now recognises you.  In future you
may pass freely for our
Queen has instructed me that you will reside here
when your duties bring you to
Tarsis.  I generaly live alone but your
company will be welcomed for I do like
to talk to those who are not mages. 
People who are not intellectuals as such
have a different perspective on
things which can be refreshing.  Your friend
will have to stay outside the
tower however in the courtyard.  Don't worry for
him though, it is safe with
shade and a small pond from which he may drink. 

Deacon nodded his understanding and the three passed into the
before the tower.  It was a pleasant setting with the ivy covered
tower in
the backround and large olive and fruit trees growing randomly about
space.  Sho began to explore the yard as the two men entered the tower
once inside they made their way to a small but comfortable sitting room
the ground floor.  Taking two glasses from a shelf Drimian poured them
some of the golden mead from his flagon and they sat themselves on the
leather highbacked chairs to conduct their business.  

"Now we may
speak openly of our affairs.  ", said the mage in a relaxed
tone.  "The Dark
Queen informed me of you imminent arrival and of the
mission she wishes you to
undertake.  She also mentioned your friend but I
must admit, I had no idea he
would be so ...  Big.  " he said with a slight

Deacon laughed
saoftly.  "Yes, he does tend to surprise people.  He is by
far the largest
wolf I have ever seen, and I have seen many in my travels. 
But have no fear, he
is as tame as a household dog really, although when
aroused he is as dangerous
as a dragon.  ".  

"I can well imagine it.  Tell me, where did you find him
?  Surely, he must
be magical ?  I mean to be so much larger, and apparently
intelligent, is not natural to the species I am certain.  " Drimian

"To be honest, I don't know when we first met.  I remember none of
my youth
at all.  My earliest memories start when I was maybe 15 I guess, and
Sho has
always been there.  That was twenty years ago now maybe and Sho hasn't
a day as far as I can tell.  I guess there must be some sort of
involved because, as you guessed, he is far more intelligent than a
wolf, not to mention his prodigious size.  " replied Deacon.  

pursed his lips and thought for a moment.  "With your permission,
and Sho's
also of course, I would like to examine him.  No magic, just a
physical exam.  I am something of a naturalist you see.  If
I had not pursued
pure magical research I would have become a ranger such as
you.  As it is I try
to focus my work on animals...  Identifying, training,
breeding, anatomy and
such.  I find them fascinating creatures, with pure
motives and desires not
confounded by greed and other more human qualities. 

"Well, I have no
problem with a simple examination.  It is up to Sho really,
but I don't think he
will mind.  ".  

Drimian clapped his hands together in satisfaction. 
"Excellent !  As much
as I'd like to deal with Sho immediately, our duties
require we attend to
our Queen's affairs first.  I'll start by asking you this,
how is your
knowledge of history ?  Specificly, the origins of the races ?  ",
he asked.

Author:    Deacon         
Date:      Mon Sep  3
15:29:09 2007
Subject     A Hunt Revealed, Part 3

Now it was Deacon's
turn to purse his lips as he thought for a moment. 
"My knowledge in that area
is pretty basic I'm affraid.  ", he replied. 
"That the Elves were the
Firstborn and ...  ", he began but stopped as
Drimian raised his hand.  Deacon
raised an eyebrow and looked at the mage

"That is a common
misunderstanding, intentionaly perpetuated by the Elven
rulers.  They know the
truth but for some reason feel a certain prestige
associated with the honourific
'Firstborn'.  " Drimian said with a chuckle. 
"In truth it was not the Elves
who were created first, but the Ogres.  By
the time the Elves awoke the Ogres
already had a large, unified presence
upon Krynn.  ", he said.  Deacon looked
at him with astonishment and the
mage continued, nodding to his erstwhile pupil.
 "It is true Deacon. 
Although physicly different than the Ogres we know now,
it was indeed the
Ogre race which our Queen created before any others walked
upon Krynn. 
Those we see today are dull witted, savage brutes but at first they
were not
so.  Once their race was highly intelligent and physicly
beautiful to behold and their knowledge of magic was unmatched by any
the gods themselves.  To make a long story short, their empire
collapsed under the weight of civil war and most of the species
into the brainless brutes we know and love today.  But not all
Deacon.  Some
of the original line survived, their intellect and beauty
unmarred.  These
were the traitors, the ones who caused the schism and strife. 
They in turn
went into hiding for our Queen was wrathful at the havoc they had
amongst her children.  She began to hunt them and at first was
successful in this, but then they learned how to disguise their form
began to live in secret among the other races.  Eventualy the trail
cold and as time marched on they became no more than a mythical people
we have come to call the Irda.  ".  

Deacon took this in and blinked a
few times as the truth sank home.  "But
the Irda are a myth Drimian.  Maybe
they existed at one time, but no more. 
None have ever been seen by men.  " he

Drimian smiled mysteriously.  "You think so do you ?  Please Deacon,
me.  There is something you must see.  Proof that the Irda do indeed
exist.  ".  The mage stood and led the way toward the back of the tower
a stairwell which wrapped around and down into the structure's bowels. 

They descended for maybe thirty feet and stepped into a wide corridor
progressed into the distance, lit at intervals by magical smokeless
Doors could be seen along each wall and it was to one of these that the
made his way.  He touched the lock on the door and mumbled a word causing
to glow and then vanish.  He pushed the door open and Deacon followed
into a dimly lit cell to where a figure, tall and emaciated, hung in
chains upon the wall.  

As the ranger looked at the figure his eyes
widened and he caught his
breath.  The person was very tall, over eight feet for
certain, with azure
skin, white hair and indigo hued eyes which looked at them
in misery. 
Drimian watched Deacon carefuly for his reaction but the ranger
notice, so startled was he by the prisoner.  

"The Dark Lady thought
you might need proof of their existance so she had
this one delivered.  She's
been playing with him for a few centuries I
gather, trying to eek out
information about his brethren, but his mind has
held and he has yet to be
broken.  They are a tough breed.  Even now to my
eyes he appears to be no more
than an average man, their skill at
shapechange is so good, but you see
something else don't you Deacon ", he

"You see a man ?  "
Deacon asked incredulously.  "How can that be ?  I see a
creature out of myth,
blue skin, white hair ...  The eyes...  " he said.  

Date:      Mon Sep  3 16:06:14 2007
Subject     A Hunt
Revealed, Finis

Drimian nodded.  "It is as our Queen thought then. 
You have some strange
form of magesight it seems.  Not like mine and other
mages, but more than
human sight for you can see through their charade and view
them for what
they truly are.  "

Deacon tore his gaze from the prisoner and
looked at Drimian.  "How can that
be ?  I am just a man like any other.  How
can I possibly have the ability
to see them ?  " he asked.  

The mage
shrugged.  "I know not but I suspect the answer lies in your past,
something to do with your parents.  You said yourself you don't
recal your
youth.  Do you remember anything about your parents Deacon ?  ". 

his head the ranger replied, "No, nothing.  I think I found my
childhood home
once.  Sho led me there.  It was an old fallen down house in
the forest outside
of Haligoth.  It was there I found these blades, ", he
said, indicating the
twin rapiers resting in their sheaths.  "They were in a
heavy ebony box,
hidden beneath the floor.  I assumed they were my father's.
I can't explain how
I know this, it's just a feeling I guess.  ".  

Drimian stroked his chin
thoughtfully and looked at Deacon.  "A fine mystery
you represent my friend. 
Between your past and Sho's nature I will be a
very curious mage for a very long
time I think.  I love a good mystery I
must admit.  ", he said happily. 
"Come, let us return to the main floor.  I
will outline exactly what it is our
Queen requires of you.  I spend as
little time as possible down here.  I find it
too damp and musty for my
taste down here.  " he said and began to lead the
way back out.  As he left
the cell Deacon looked again at the Irda hanging on
the wall.  Just as he
was about to look away the creature looked up sharply at
him and caught his
gaze with those deep indigo eyes, freezing Deacon in his
tracks for an
instant.  The ranger felt something familliar in that gaze, and
somewhere in
the core of his being he felt recognition stir.  

The Irda opened
his mouth slightly and whispered one word, so quietly that
Deacon almost didn't
hear it at all.  "Thellerian ...  " the Irda whispered,
then Deacon was in
the hall and following the mage back upstairs.  

Upon reseating themselves in
the small study Drimian outlined what the Queen
of Darkness required of Deacon. 
With his skills as a ranger and his unique
vision his new task was to renew the
age old hunt for the Irda and to slay
them once found.  Sho was to be his aid
and protection for Takhisis had
sensed the the wolf too had unusual
characteristics that even Deacon knew
naught of but which would be of great
value.  Drimian informed the ranger
that information gleaned from the prisoner
and other sources indicated that
at least one, and maybe more, Irda lived in or
near Palanthas and that city
was to be his first destination.  They continued to
talk of the details for
his trip and eventualy they went outside where Drimian
gave Sho a thorough
physical, measuring his paws, jaws, teeth and such while
also making record
of the wolf's weight and height.  As night fell and the two
men parted for
some sleep, Deacon stayed in the courtyard with Sho, petting
absentmindedly and gazing at the two bright moons overhead.  

...  " Deacon whispered to himself.  He wondered what it meant,
and as he
drifted off to sleep he had a strange feeling in the pit of his

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

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