The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Dunstan.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a heavy platinum-covered book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Dunstan' scribed in grey ink.

Author:    Dunstan        
Date:      Sat Dec 12 19:56:43
Subject     Delivering bad news

Dunston worked with the other
priests sorting the bodies of those who had
died trying to liberate Palanthas
from the clutches of the Dragon Armies.
This battle field was particularly
disheartening as it seemed it consisted
of mostly young men barely of the age to
go to war yet here their lifeless
corpses lay.

It was obvious they had been out
numbered and yet every one of them had died
fighting. It was on one of the last
corpses to be laid out that identity of
their commander became clear. Dunston
recognized the signet ring the young
Knight of the Crown wore as that of the
Duke of Luinstat. He knew it would
fall to him to take the sad news back to that
war torn citadel but first he
would help to lay all these brace souls to

They toiled long into the night to dig graves for the soldiers of
and by morning he hoped he would never have to dig another grave. His
was troubled by dreams of a never ending war between the Knight of
and the Dragon Armies and he woke no less rested than when he had gone

Traveling south through the lands the Dragon Armies had moved through
he was
horrified by the destruction left in their wake. Animals hunted cruelly
many snares, left by the invading army, had animals in them that had
trapped but never humanely killed.

Eventually he reached Luinstat and saw
that the citadel had not been saved
from the ravaging that the rest of the
country side had suffered. He entered
the citadel via the broken main gates and
proceeded toward the heart of the
ruined citadel. There he found the Duke and
Duchess and delivered the news
of their sons death. The Duke seemed unfazed by
the news while his wife
broke down and had to be escorted from the audience

Dunston left Luinstat wondering what he could do to help restore

Author:    Dunstan        
Date:      Thu Dec 17
19:05:57 2009
Subject     The Calling

The look of sorrow on the
Duchess of Luinstat's face haunted Dunstan each
evening as he fell asleep on his
journey back to Palanthas. 

Although he had been raised in the forests of
Qualinesti by his father it
was the plight his mothers people that pulled at his
heart. He felt their
pain and saw the suffering in the lands that the Dragon
Armies had brought
upon the innocent people of Solamnia.

On the third morning
of travel, as he washed his face in a clear pool of
water, his dream returned to
him. He saw The High Prophetess helping the
sick and wounded. She was near a
glowing lake and Dunstan knew that this was
the place he needed to find so that
he could help his mothers people.

Upon entering the next small village he went
to the temple of Mishakal and
enquired there of the location of this lake and it
was only after he proved
that he was a follower of Habbakuk and not a foul
Dragon Army spy that the
priest told him where to find the lake.

Armed with
this knowledge and knowing that this is what his mother would
want him to do
Dunstan set out to find the lake. 

Author:    Dunstan       

Date:      Sat Dec 26 18:47:28 2009
Subject     Drawn to the

I looked to the west as looking east reminded me of the hurt
suffering that the Dragon Armies had brought on the good people of

Returning from Luinstat I had helped many displaced people. Tended
to their
wounds and helped cure all manner of diseases that were spreading with
Dragon Armies.

It was these people who had nothing but made me feel at home
and shared what
little they had with me that made me realise why my mother had
left me in
the care of my father to return to her people, these people.

other thing I realised was that these people were defenceless, their
brothers and sons had joined various armies the Solamnic nobles
had raised in
the hope of defeating the Dragon Armies and now they needed
someone to protect
them and guide them to safety.

The tactics used by my fathers bands of
Wildrunners came to mind in order to
move a growing group of people unnoticed
through the countryside. Each day
we broke into small groups and moved towards a
common destination all by
different routes. Each day I moved with a different
group trying to help
those in need of spiritual guidance as well as the sick
among them.

I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or the patrol that found us
near the
lake, up ahead I could see a make shift camp outside an ancient temple
Mishakal. I had reached my destination but what was my destiny? 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 868 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'