The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Eban.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a massive tome lined with fake jewels on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Eban' scribed in rich blue ink.

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Sun Sep  6
07:21:13 2009
Subject     Beginings

My story starts
like many others. I was born to a mother and father who
traveling merchants. They would travel the world hawking their
wares at
faires, and marketplaces throughout the world.I spent
most of my time at an
early age with my mother, who taught me to
read and write. My father taught
me the value of money, and the
basics of math. I had no former teaching as a
lot of children
did. At least until I turned fifteen years old. That was the
my life changed, and I owe it all to my father I suppose. He had
into the city of Palanthas to trade, and had left me and my
mother at a
small inn outside of town a few miles. As my mo
straighten them out as he
had had a long day and was tired. He
layed on the bed next to my mother and
handed me the keys to the
locks on his small wagon. I entered the wagon, a
bit upset that
he wanted me to straighten up the mess he had made out of it
during the day but doing what was asked. It was then that
changed. Looking through a small box under the seat I
found three books,
covered in symbols I had never seen before. I
didn't know at the time what
they were, but later knew the runes
for what they were. But I opened the
book, and a soft light
seemed to emenate from the words written on the
pages. And the
more I looked at the words I found some of them I could
Though it was a strange language, I made out a few words
here and there. I
hid the books away in my own packs and finished
the job my father had set
for me to do. 

A few months

We had traveled from palanthas to Neraka. I
had opened and tried every night
to make out the words on the
pages of the first book. And the more I read
the more I
understood, until I knew I was reading the words of a spell
It took him more then a month to make out the words on the
first page, but
after that they started coming easier. And I
realized the little scribblings
of different herbs and stones
were the components needed for each spell. One
night while my
mother and father slept, I took a small amount of a few herbs
mother had to season the food with each night and slipped out
into a
small wooded area where we were camped. I layed the small
pouches on a dry
log next to me and opened the book, reading the
words and commiting them all
to memory as I took up the first
herb. The spell was intended to cause what
I dropped the herb on
to turn invisible, I just needed to figure out what to
try it on.
I looked around not seeing anything suitable, and was about
just go back home, when I thought of using my pack. Taking the
books out and
setting them on the same log as the herbs. Then
took the pack and set it at
my feet. I held the herbs above it,
and said the words as the herbs
sprinkled down onto the pack, I
felt a tingling run across my skin, like my
limbs were falling
asleep, but also a burning with it, as I finished the
words and
the last of the herbs fell out onto the pack, I looked down
the pack was still there visible. I hadn't cast the spell
right.Or I had did
something wrong. I kicked the pack disgusted
at my failure when I heard a
chuckle from behind me and I spun
around quickly, my only defense a small
dagger I quickly
brandished from its sheath at my belt. I turned to see a
man, nearly twice my size, dressed in black robes, and still
at me."You did well with the words, and I see you even
have the right herbs.
However until you learn the proper hand
gestures none of your spells will
ever work. Tell me lad, have
you no master to train you in the art, or are
you trying to learn
this all on your own?"he asked with a perk of the brow.
I didn't
know how to respond at first, here was a man twice my size, and
knew I wouldn't stand a hance againt him in a fight. But he
didn't appear to
want to cause me harm so I sheathed my dagger
and stood as tall as I
could."I have learned what I know on my
own. I have no former teacher or
Master as you call it. And do
not even know where to begin to look for one
should the idea take
hold."I responded. The man smiled and nodded, and
looked at me
for a moment as though taking my measure to see if I was
of something. Or to see if I would make a good slave. I
wasn't entirely sure
which at that time. He came forward a couple
steps and I stepped back just
as many as he came forward."Relax
son, you have a gift and I would like to
help you reach your
potential. But you must be committed to continue
learning. And
Learning in away more comptent then just reading books
attempting things you shouldn't without proper supervision
until your
ready."he said. I did relax a littl at his words, but
worried my parents
would not allow me to go to seek this
training. I said as much to him, and
he told me to wait here that
he would go talk to my parents, as he had
passed our small camp
earlier, just before happening upon me. I was hesitant
at first
but agreed. I sat on the log and waited many things running
my mind, until he returned, with a note from my mother
and father saying I
could go with him and continue my studies. I
was happy my journey into magic
was finally going to take a turn
for the better or so I thought. What
happened in reality was far
different. I was more a slave then a student for
the first few
years with him, but I did learn alot, about different runes,
herbs, and other spell components. I tended his garden, made his
and sorted his library. Which I had read every book he
allowed me too. Then
came the day the agic lessons began. He had
explained to me that the last
few years had trained me to know
all spell components, and to know all the
runes. Now it was time
to learn how to write the magical alphabet, and to
each. It took me nearly a year to master all of that. Then
received my first blank spell book. And was told to write the
words to the
spells he would cast. It was hard, trying to write
he arcane as it was
spoke, but soon I had many pages filled in my
spell book. Spells he had said
would not get me into trouble with
the Conclave of mages, but he also said
he had taught me all he
could until I was summoned by the mages of the
Conclave to take
my test. 

Author:    Eban           
Sat Sep 19 20:57:27 2009
Subject     The Master

I had
been at the tower of Wayreth for nearly a month. In that time I
spoken to very few people. I went to classes that had been
set for me, but
they were really just reviews of what I already
knew. I was trying to be
patient, knowing that sooner or later
someone would take notice. Or perhaps
that the one who had
summoned me to the tower had not yet arrived himself.
The days
dragged on, and my patience was fleeing faster then a gully
chased by a draconian. Then a messenger arrived with a
missive, written on
black parchment, in golden lettering,
summoning me to the meeting room
within the black tower. Perhaps
this is what I had been waiting for, I
thought, as an evil grin
spread across my face, and I made my way through
the gardens of
the towers, to the entrance of the black tower. There I knelt
whispered a small prayer to Nuitari, before entering the hallowed
of his chosen, and made my way to the meeting room. 

As I
entered the room the doors closed behind me, seemingly of there
will. All I saw was a small wooden chair in the center of the
room, which I
assumed was for myself, and a stood behind it as I
waited. Then the voice
echoed around the hall, though I could see
no one. 

"Greetings young wizard, what brings you to the
silence of these hallways?"

I stood tall as I answered the
voices question, though I had no idea who it
was I spoke with.
"I have come to further my training in the art I have
blessed with by the Dark Lord Nuitari." 

The voice spoke
again, questioning me further. "You seek wisely, for
Conclave has many such masters. Yet you have none still, why
do you tarry in
submitting? Do you disapprove of the magi

The question irrated me slightly as none of the magi
here seemed to have
time for those of use without a master, and I
responded calmly. "Disapprove
of the magi here? I have seen so
few. And those I have seen have neither
spoken to me, or looked
in my direction. I came with willingness to learn,
not to be
slave to another. So I will not beg another to teach me."

heard after that a low chuckling from the voice, whether it was
of my answer or not, I was sure I would find out soon

When the chuckling ended his next questions seemed as
though I he
disapproved of my earlier answer. 

"Proud are we,
magi? Perhaps too proud. We of the Conclave are arrogant too,
our own ways. Few of us share our gift so freely, and those who
do ...
well, I can't imagine they would approve of your ...
desire. By what right
do you deserve education? Will you not bow
before another, nor toil for our
services? Believe me, you're
already a slave. A slave to our art. That is
why you are

I nodded at these words spoken to me, perhaps he was
right, but it changed
little. "I do not ask for approval of my
desires. I am proud yes. Is pride
in one's accomplishments up to
the time he arrives here frowned upon by the
order? I am slave to
the art yes, but I will bow to those greater then
myself, and
with more to teach me as my desires dictate. However I will
bow to a man only because his title outweighs my own.  

soft snicker emanated from the shadows at my answer before he
spoke again.
"Ambitious and proud, most fitting for one of our
order. Yet you will soon
learn your past accomplishments are
nothing. Whatever miniscule feats you
have performed, thousands
others have done better. But you crave something.
We all do, even
the most humble and generous of us. What is your desire
Eban Dracart? Respect, titles and honor, power? A name feared by
who darn utter it?" 

I nodded at the first words he
spoke, as I held a stoic expression to his
next questions, and
answered him slowly. "My ambitions are my own to keep.
If they
garner me respect, power, titles and fear. Then so be it. I
little for what the world will think of me in the end. It is
not the
ambitions of any race on Krynn that I seek." 

was no chuckling or humor from the voice this time. As the next
were spoken and the man who had spoke to me faded into
view. "Then you are
no fool, but rather a truly dangerous
man." he said. "Do you know who I am?"
Asked the man who
stood before me in dark robes. And I had heard of this
man, and I
nodded. "Yes I know who you are. I have heard your name
in taverns, in both fear and respect." I replied. The
man chuckled at my
response, all too aware of the fear and
respect he had throughout the world.
"I have watched you young
wizard since you're first days here. Do not be
fooled by your
peers and their downcast eyes. You have been noticed
appraised. But I reveal myself to you because we have
something to offer
each other."  

I listened intently as he
spoke of what he could offer me and what I in turn
could offer
him. Thus the ground work was layed for my apprentice ship. I
given instruction on where to meet him. And hurriedly made my way
to my
rooms to gather my few belongings, and to follow my masters

Author:    Eban           
    Tue Sep 22 23:16:41 2009
Subject     The Journey

had left the protection of wamyreth forest, and the towers of
sorcery behind, as i began my journey of knowledge and the
fullfillment of
my desires. I had camped just outside the forest
of wayreth on that first
night. I lit no fires, nor did I make a
camp, after all I was just one
person, instead I leaned my back
against the tree and closed my eyes. Dreams
over took me quickly.

Magic cast by powerful wizards Flared, and Streaked all
around me. Soldiers
in dark armor, and other in shining
silver armor, did battle in front of me.
Above dragons
screeched, and thunder shook the skys as the dragons let
their powerful breath. Dragons of many colors circled and
dove down on their
enemies, laying waste to the landscape around
me. The battle was going well
for the dark armored soldiers in
this dream. I looked directly above me as
my master flew overhead
on the largest dragon I had ever seen. Using his
magic to make
his voice heard over the din of battle, he flew over the
field directing the armies into foramation to take best advantage
the oppurtunities given by the enemy. The men in silver were
falling back
into the seeming safety of a nearby forest, the
battle was his, or so I was
thinking, when a horn sounded loud
and clear from the forest. The sound
drowning out the clang of
steel on steel, and the thundering of the dragons
breath. All
heads turned toward that sound as the sun was setting and a
roar was heard as sparkling, silver{s, gleaming gold,
shining brass,
shimmeringbronze, and copper, rose out
of the skyline in front of us.
Another roar was heard as these
new dragons began to battle with the ones of
our army, and the
soldiers that had retreated returned to the field,
fresh as though they had not just been in battle all day long.
looked to my master and he down at me. 

I awoke and shook my
head slowly, this could be only a dream I told myself,
but I
wrote it down in my journal, and made a note to talk to my new
about this. As it could very well be a sign of things to
come. After writing
the dream down in my journal, I made a quick
breakfast, of bread and cheese,
with a warm cup of tea. Taking my
staff in hand, and slinging my pack over
my shoulder I took a
look back to where wayreth forest had once stood only
to see it
had moved on. Such was the nature of the towers, I shrugged
took my first steps down a little used trail, heading in the
direction y
master had told me to meet him. I traveled for two
days seeing not a soul
along the trail, but feeling eyes upon me.
I was not unprepared as I spent
my rest times studying my spell
book, and ensuring the spell components
needed were easily at
hand should trouble arise. Though I new few offensive
spells I
was confident in my ability to handle thieves, and a few goblins
other creatures that may try to attack me. The end of the
forest was only a
days travel away so I knew if I was right in my
assumption of being
followed, that the attack would be coming
shortly. If they mustered the
courage to do so. I took a small
rest break at midday eating a bit of bread
and cheese, with a
piece of jerky. Then sat at the base of a tree and
studied my
spell book for a bit, before closing it and leaning back
the tree and closing my eyes. Giving my unseen advesaries
the oppurtunity
the would percieve to catch me by suprise. 

heard them approach, slowly cautiously, they knew I was a user of
though I was sure by the way they approached they had no
idea just how
powerful I was. Had they known I only had a few
spells in my arsenal I am
sure they would have approached much
quicker, as it was I opened my eyes
just a slit to get a look at
what I was up against. Two young humans,
dressed in leather armor
approached me one on the left and one on the right.
I waited a
moment longer waiting for them to get closer as I moved subtly
get my hands near the components needed. They were only twenty
feet from me
when I jumped to my feet whispering the words to the
spell as the sand
dropped from between my fingers, and the two of
them fell to the ground. I
smiled to myself thinking I had won,
when I felt something hit me hard on
the back of the head, then
everything went black, as I heard a high
screeching whistle come
from behind me and another thud as though someone
else had fell.
My last thought before losing conciousness, was only one
"Fool" Then all was still and silent. 

I awoke sometime later,
my head aching worse then ever before, and I had a
good sized
lump upon the back of my head where I had been hit. I shook
head and rubbed my eyes to clear my thoughts before I looked
around. The
smell of smoke hit me as I turned to the right and
saw a small fire was
crackling inside a circle of stones. I
wondered who had built the fire as I
slowly stood and walked over
to the tree to check on my belonging. My pack
laid still
unopened, and with the exception of a few potions, and a ring
two everything was there, including my spell book. Though I
saw no signs of
anyone else. 

"Hey your awake. Your a magic user
right. Can you do some magic on me? I
always wondered what it
would be like to have a spell cast on me. Nothing to
serious you
know, maybe you could like turn me into a frog or something.
would be fun don't you think. I mean not forever or nothing, but
maybe an hour or so."the voice said, and I knew this journey
was going to be
a long one, as I cast my detection spells again
and saw the little fellow in
his bright clothes, the topknot on
his head, and I groaned as my head
suddenly hurt even more, and
noticed the ring on his finger. 

"That ring where did you get
it?"I asked, though I already knew, I knew also
that to accuse
him of stealing it would have just set off an arguement, and
last thing I wanted to do at the time was argue with a kender.

He looked down at his finger and pulled the ring off holding it
in front of
him," This ring? Oh I found this ring outside an old
tower, that had
crumbled when I first left home. Do you like it?
I suppose you can have it
if you want it. It doesn't really do
anything, although when I put it on
people always act like they
can't see me. It was useful a few times, but
gets rather annoying
when I try to talk to people. They always think I am a
ghost or
something." He said as he handed me the ring and I put it
inside a pocket of my robe. 

"So what's your name? I am
Halivar Redfoot. Everyone in my family was born
with red feet.
Which everyone considers odd." he said then looked as though
was thinking of something, I decided I better say something
before he
went rambling on about his family history. 

"My name
is Eban." I said and laid back against the tree again and closed
eyes trying to act as though I was sleeping. 

"Well were you
heading Eban. I have been wandering around these parts for a
time." Halivar said," I may have a map that could be useful to
you. Or
could go with you." 

Those last words made me cringe,
and I knew I was going to be stuck with
this kender for most of
my journey now. As I opened my eyes and glared at
him."East", I
said"I am heading east." 

"East I have been east, there is a
large desert that way, used to be an
ocean some say, if you ever
been to tarsis you would think they still think
it is an ocean,
what with all the old wrecked ships they have there. I
wonder how
they got there. Maybe there is a powerful pirate wizard who
sends all the ships he sinks there. You know wizards can do
things like
that." he said and I knew I would not get a moments
peace if i didn't do
something soon. 

"Let me see your map,
maybe it will show a better way to get from her to
tarsis." I
said and watched as he jumped up and rummaged through
pouches, spreading items and maps everywhere, as he was
looking for the maps
I took all the things he had taken from me
and put them back in my pack. 

Author:    Eban       
Date:      Tue Sep 22 23:27:50 2009
Subject     The
Journey continued......

"I have been almost everywhere, I
love drawing maps of places too. Hmm
let me see palanthas, no
that is too far north. Solace, no no west tarsis.
hmmmmm Ahhh
here it is." he said as he pulled the map from a pouch and
it out on the ground. "We are here just outside the forest, we
going to have to go up over the mountains here, once out of
there is the
desert before tarsis. Why would anyone want to live
in a desert? Very little
water and it has to be hard to grow
anything in sand." he said. I had looked
at the map, the roads
drawn on it I wasn't sure existed anymore and was sure
would be around every boulder and turn. Perhaps having a
for part of this journey would be a help. 

"Well I am
heading out then, thank you for showing me where to go." I
as I picked up my pack and began walking down the road.

"Hey wait." I heard behind me. "I will come with you just let
me get my
things." I heard him say as he ran around gathering up
his belongings and
ran down the trail after me. 

Three days we
traveled resting less often, as we traveled up through
mountains. I must be half crazy, I thought to myself many
times, to follow a
kender through rough terrain like this. But
then I had never been through
this area before, as he had. And we
seemed to be making pretty good time.
With his eyesight and my
use of magical seeing globes we were able to avoid
several well
laid ambushes by traveling up side trail and around the spots.
had to admit if he wasn't along I may have missed a few telling
clues of
some of the ambushes. While I still didn't like him I
was growing a certain
amount of respect for his skills. But
wouldn't hesitate to throw him in the
path of danger either if it
came down to only one of us living through it.
We finally made it
to the top of the pass as we had wound our way through,
straight shot would have taken us only a day I calculated, but
then so did
the thieves and marauders who called these mountains
home. From the summit
of the pass you could see down the
mountainside to what appeared to be a
small forest, and beyond it
miles and miles of yellow sand. It would be a
long journey
through that sand I knew. I would have to be sure to fill
water skins before leaving he mountains behind. 

We made good
time down this side of the mountain. The thieves and
didn't inhabit as great an area here. I reasoned it was
due to the face not
many people would travel this way as the
giant desert beyond here was such a
deterent to most. We made
camp at the edge of the forest, a small stream ran
nearby, from
which I was sure to fill the water skins with, and prayed I
enough to make it through the shifting sands. 

"When we
arrive at tarsis, I will find a caravan heading northwest and
about traveling along with them. What is it you plan to do?"
I asked
Halivar. He smiled brightly. "Oh you will love tarsis.
Like I said before
there are lots of old broken ships. No sails
left on them though. I wonder
why that is. I will have to ask
around when I get there. They probably used
them for blankets and
stuff." he said with a shrug, then his eyes widened as
understood what it was I was saying."Well I am coming with you of
Someone has to keep your head on your shoulders. What if
you are attacked
again. Those books aren't going to save you from
a sword you know." he said

I sighed I had expected as
much from him."You may be suprised just what
these books will
save you from." I said, then nodded at him ending
conversation as I closed my spell book and my eyes to get a
few hours sleep
before finishing our journey to Tarsis. 

awoke at nightfall, I reasoned that traveling through the desert
at night
would be more comfortable the trying to go through it in
the heat of the
sun. The sand was course and gritty and got into
everything. My feet were
rubbed raw as the sand in my shoe tore
through my stockings, and into my
skin. But I kept going on,
nothing worth having comes easy, I reminded
myself. We would stop
often, if only to empty our boots of the sand and get
a few more
miles in before another pair of stockings was ruined. We
little, trying to perserve what water we had as we wandered
through the
desert in a generally eastern direction. For his part
Halivar said little,
he as well as I knew the more you talked the
more your thirst would rise.
Water was precious here, and we did
all we could to preserve it. 

It was the third day in the desert
now, I thought we should have seen at
list the shadow of tarsis
in the distance but all there was was sand. Sand
rising and
falling like the waves of an ocean. We rose up over a tall
dune when we spotted it, not the city we were looking for
but a giant cloud
of yellow heading straight for us. A sand storm
of this size I knew was
likely to kill us if we didn't find cover
soon. Grabbing hold of the kender,
who just stared at it like he
wanted to run and leap in and see where it
would take him, I ran
back down the sand dune and began digging a hole in
the side of
it. It wasn't going to be much protection but it should be
I thought. I heard the rumbling as the storm got closer and
yelled for
Halivar to get in, But he wasn't listening to me.
Kender are too curious,
and he was no exception, as he ran back
up the sand dune and jumped up into
the approaching storm.
"Foolish Kender." I muttered as I jumped into the
hole as the
storm poured over the dune carrying a laughing kender with it.
couldn't see him but I heard his laughter as the begining of
the storm flew
by. I wasn't upset he was gone was rather releived
in many ways. As I
climbed out of the hole which had been sealed
by the storm and started again
across the desert. I never made it
to Tarsis on this journey. As I ran into
a carvan heading toward
neraka the next day. I joined up with them, using
what defensive
scouting spells I had to pay for my way, as I had few coins,
wished to keep what I had. We made good time and we arrived in
the city
three days later. I often wonder what happened to
Halivar. Good be the storm
killed him more then likely. Though he
was probably off on some other wild
adventure. Perhaps I will
search him out one day, I thought to myself. But
now I need to go
and find my masters tower. I scanned the skyline of the
city as I
saw it and a grin passed over my face, I had made the
successfully, now it was time to learn all I could from a
master of magic. 

Author:    Eban          

Date:      Sat Sep 26 02:17:28 2009

The smell of sulphur and excrement was strong as
he approched the walls
of the city. He figured the animals and
other beasts needed for the
protection and feeding of the cities
many residents was kept outside the
walls. As he approached the
black gates, he was barred entry by the guards.

"What is your
purpose within the city." one of the guards in black armor

I looked over at him a cold look in my eyes, and saw him squirm
a bit, as i
silently mouthed the words to the charm spell I had
learned just weeks prior
to leaving the tower of wayreth. I hoped
it would work, but wasn't sure as I
had never tested it out
anything but small animals while at the tower, this
would be a
test i knew, and failure would lead to my jailing or worse.
rose petal crumbled to dust in my hand as I finished the
spell and held my
hand out as the wind caught the fragrant
remenants of the rose petal and
carried it into the faces of the
two guards. A strange look crossed their
faces which I hoped
meant the spell had worked, now was the moment of truth
as I smiled at them. 

"My name is Eban. My purpose is not for
you to know. Open the gate." I said
as calmly as I could, though
inside my heart was racing, and my mind was
scrambling for enough
defensive magic to protect myself should the spell
have failed. I
waited with bated breath as the two guards looked to each
and smiled. I thought for sure I was in serious trouble at that
until the guard spoke again. "This way sir. You will need
to report to the
commanders. Their tents are just down the road
here and too the left. You
can't miss them." he said as I
approached and walked through the small
opening inside these
gates. I had thanked the dark lord for allowing my
magic to work,
thinking the guards weak minded at the time. I was to only
out later they had been alerted to my approach to the city, and
that my
magic had not worked on them at all. That did not matter
now though. I had
arrived at my destination, now I only had to
find my master. "Report to the
commanders" the guard had said. I
shook my head, there was only one reason I
was here, and it was
only to him that I would report. Though I had no idea
where he
maybe, and was new to the city. He had seemed a man of great
perhaps he was the ruler of the city. It shouldn't be hard
to find him if
this was the case I assumed as I set out to the
center of the city. After
all most cities ran their goverments
from the central portions of them. 

I traveled down one twisting
road after another, listening to the talk of
the city and
gleaming as much information as I could while saying as little
possible. Knowledge is power after all, and knowledge of others
giving away knowledge of oneself is more powerful. I
walked slowly down the
crowded streets arriving at the center of
town and the large temple built
for the dark queen. Here I had
reasoned to find my master, though as I
walked around and into
the temple I saw nothing of him. I had wasted most of
the day
already and I could not figure where he was. 

It was getting
late, and I decided to find a room for the evening and to
again in the morning.I traveled back down the road towards
the gate,
remembering an inn I had seen on the way into the city.
I figured to get a
good nights rest, and try again in the
morning. But I wanted to stop in at
the temple of Nuitari first.
I had located a man who gave me directions and
went on my way.
The crowds had thinned out considerably, making travel
the streets easier. I arrived at the temple at sunset, and
inside, the beautiful obsidian inside the temple, glowed
with a dark light
as I knelt at the altar, sayin a small prayer
of thanks, for his guidance,
and the ability he had given me.
Then turned to leave, as I left a small
magical ring as an
offering to the Dark Lord. As I turned a figure stood
within the
doorway leading back out to the streets. A familiar figure, one
had seen only a few short weeks ago. I bowed my head to him,
though never
took my eyes off of him. "Master." I said as I stood
to full height and
folded my arms inside the sleeves of my robe.

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Fri Oct 
2 02:51:49 2009
Subject     Learning

I stood within the
protective circle of magic, the goblin on the other
side, it was
the moment of truth now, I had studied, written, and
the spell for weeks, my master stood a good distance
away watching, if the
spell went right the goblin would be
reduced to a puddle upon the floor, if
it went wrong the same
effect would happen to me. I had a good deal of
trepadition as I
prepared for the casting. And I remembered everthing that
happened up until this point.

Month Prior 

I sat at the small table inside the laboratory.
Vials of different colors,
and many tomes lined the walls of the
small room. My master walked to one of
the many shelves and
pulled the tome down setting it on the table and
sliding it to

"You have done well thus far apprentice. You have shown
mastery over the
spells you already have learned. Now it is time
you learned more complex
magic. This tome will teach you how to
blend that which you already know
with another more powerfull
spell." he said as he stood up straight. 

"Read it, write
it, memorize it. I will quiz you daily until I feel you are
to attempt the spell. It is more then what you are used too. But
know it is well within your capabilities." he said as he left
me to my
studies, and returned to whatever it was he was working

I spent the entire day and much of the night reading what
was necessary for
the spell. The components listed were readily
at hand i knew. But I would
need to be sure of the amount used,
too little and the damage would be
minimal, too much and the
spell may destroy the caster as well. I set the
book aside as I
went through the components needed, and the effects of the
until I was sure I had that part right. Then double checked with
book and smiled as I knew I had that part under control. Next
was the tricky
part, learning the arcane symbols that needed to
be drawn while saying the
words. The memorizing of the words
themselves I knew would not take long, it
was the cadence and
inflections of the words that had to be mastered, as
well as the
arcane symbols that was the hard part. 

For the next three days
I went over the symbols, drawing them on parchment
first, then
drawing them in light using a spell so the symbol would hang
the air a breif moment. I practiced these symbols until the
became second
nature. Luckily it took all three parts of the
spell for it to work
right.Having mastered the first two portions
of the spell all that was left
were the words to the spell
itself. And the inflection and cadence required
to call upon the
magic of the Dark Lord himself. 

I spent many hours memorizing
the words. Some I already knew from other
spells, others were
completly new to me, and it took me days to memorize
everyone of
them, and then another day to get the cadence and
correct. Nearly two weeks it took me to get to the
point I was ready to try
my first casting of this new spell. It
wasn't all just study time, I had
other responsibilities to
attend to during this time as well. Cleaning the
organizing the spell comoponents, and potions. Each action
learning experience. Soon I found myself knowing exactly what
components were used for what spells, even if I hadn't
learned the spells
yet. I learned what potions were used for
healing, and which to stay away
from as there magic could destroy
a mind, or a drop could render one

The day finally
arrived. My master had cast a protective circle for me to
in that would allow my spell through, but not back in, just in
case I
made a mistake in it's casting so it would not harm me. I
stood in this
circle staring at the wretched creature in front of
me, and knowing if the
spell worked the wretched creature would
not survive. 

I began the incantation, the spell component in my
hand as it began to
crumble the first words spilled out of my
mouth as my other hand drew the
symbols in the air. I felt the
burning sensation start at my feet, and knew
the magic was
building inside me. As I continued the words the light
sensation intensfied and traveled up my legs and chest.
Another symbol drawn
and the sensation traveled down my arms, the
burning growing more and more
intense as the room darkened, all
light sucked out of the room, the pitiful
creature began
whimpering as I felt the magic burning my finger tips and
knew it
was time to release it as the last word was spoken at the top of
lungs, and I opened my hand that held the spell component, and
directed my
gaze to where the creature had stood. A thick dark
liquid shot from my hand,
and splashed against the creature, the

of burning flesh filled the air, and made me wretch a bit
as the disgusting
stench filled my senses. The cries of the
creatures filled the air and hurt
the ears it was so loud. Then
as suddenly as it started it was all quiet
again. All that was
left of the creature was indeed a puddle of blood and
gore upon
the floor. I smiled, I had mastered yet another spell, my
books were ready for another spell to be written within.

I heard my master approaching from behind as I turned to look
at him. 

"Excellent work apprentice. I had thought you may
have been a bit over
zealous, in saying you were ready to try
that spell. You have shown great
apptitude in the art." he

I smiled as I nodded to him. 

"Thank you master. You
have taught me much. And I know there is still more
yet to
learn." I answered him. 

"Indeed there is. But rest first we
will begin again tomorrow." he said. I
nodded as I retrieved my
spell book and retired to my quarters, spending the
rest of the
day and part of the night copying the spell into my own

The next day was a new more complicated spell. And
as I learned each spell I
felt more pride growing in me, and
developed more confidence in myself as I
learned. I knew soon the
day would come where my knowledge would be put to
the test by my
peers. But until then I was eager to learn all I could from
master. And he taught me much more in the months that followed.

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Fri Oct 
2 04:20:39 2009
Subject     An end? Or a new

The news had arrived quickly. My master had
disappeared suddenly at the
end of his latest mission. Scrying by
the mages, and divining by the clerics
had turned up no trace of
him. I went to the laboratory upon hearing the
news, needing a
moment to mull what this meant for my future. I sat in a
and scanned the room where much of my learning had taken place in
last few months. My eyes scanned the many spell books I had
learned from and
I knew the spells written within their pages.
Until I got to the last one.
It's bindings glowing with a
Dark glow. A smile crept upon my face as I
remembered the
last lesson taught to me because of that very tome. I stood
ran my fingers across the binding a cold chill passing through my
as I took it down and sat it on the table. The last time I
had opened this
book it had nearly cost me my sight.

A week previous. 

My master had warned me not to open that
tome. But it's magic was strong,
and I knew the power it held
must be immense to feel the magic from across
the room. It was
one of the last books left to study, but it was protected
strong magic. I took the tome down and layed it upon the
Thinking to myself that surely looking at just the first
page could do no
harm. With trembling fingers I began to open the
book, the cold chill
spreading across me as the cover slid back
easily, and just as I looked down
at the page, the entire room
went dark, and the coldness left me, replace by
searing pain in
my eyes. I closed the tome quickly but the damage was done,
I was
blind and the pain was excurciating. I screamed as my hands flew
to my
eyes, trying to rub the pain away. The pain lessened a bit
but it was still
there as I heard the door open and footsteps as
someone entered and closed
the door behind them. 

"I am
disappointed apprentice, you were rash and too eager. Did you
I was lying, that such curses did not exist?" I heard
my master's voice
asking me. I shook my head, knowing he had told
the truth but also fearing
the punishment he would impose upon me
for disobeying him. 

"No master I did not suspect a lie in your
warning. But the magic of the
tome was too much for me to
resist." I replied to him. 

I heard him chuckle at my response.

"Such ambition is dangerous without the correct temperment.
You have
disappointed me.You have the skill and genius to unlock
this curse yourself.
Your punishment will be to suffering this
blindness until you succeed in
curing yourself." He said. 

eyes widened in astonishment, wondering how I would be able to do
without the eyes to see with. If I thought that was the
worst of it his next
words would drive that thought from my mind.

"But I must warn you, even as we speak your eyes are rotting
away. You do
not have long before you'll have no eyes left to
cure." he said. 

"Master, how am I to learn how to cure this
with no eyes with which to read
with?" I asked, fear begining to
creep into my mind. 

"This is almost too ironic apprentice.
For you see, the magics inside the
tome are based on complex
blending of theories you've learned.So there is
nothing more for
you to read. Step outside this physical realm and look with
arcane eye. Look at the curse and observe it's core
components." he

I nodded my head, as i forced myself to
relax and seperate my thoughts from
what i felt to that which I
already knew. Seeing within the magic the
components of the

"Is it based around manipulation of light, obscuring
or displacing the
visiable spectrum? Or is it primarily
constructed around a corrosive acid,
working to burn away the
connections in your skull? Or both?" he asked me as
he saw I
had indeed relaxed and was looking at it through the magic. 

saw within the magic it was both, a darkness that blocked out all
light to
the eyes, as well as an acid that burned at the
connections, eating away at
the nerves that led to the brain. I
responded as such as I remembered the
spells that would negate
the effects. First I knew I had to render the acid
ineffective so
as to spare my eyes. 

"Reach out with your left hand Eban, and
find the components you require." I
heard him say. 

I reached
out with my left hand searching for the components, my
falling onto something a bit wet, and feeling like a bone. I
raised an
eybrow curious as to what component that might be, when
I heard my master
chuckle again. 

"Apprentice, that is the
remains of my dinner. Please keep searching" he
said still
chuckling at what I had reached my hand into. 

I sighed as I
searched again, finding the components spread in a neat
upon the table a bit closer to me then I had thought they
were. I knew my
face was still red from the embarassment of
earlier as I picked up the first
component and spread the powder
over my eyes. I knew it would hurt worse
then before as the acid
would intensify in heat as it becam neutralized. The
pain was
intense but I clinched my jaws together as I grabbed hold of
table and stomped my foot on the floor until the pain was
gone. I had saved
my eyes, but now had to get them to see again.

Again I reached to the table, this time finding the component I
needed, a
small piece of crystal, that would intensify light and
if directed properly
should penetrate the darkness spell upon my
eyes and allow me to see again.
I touched the crystal to my nose
and slid it up until i had it held between
my eyes. I thought
back to the last few spells I had learned. The one I
needed would
cast a more intense magical light then those used simply
lighting ones way. It had it's dangers also I knew, It could
burn my eyes
right out of my sockets if i wasn't careful, I would
have to start low and
use more magical energy slowly until the
effect I desired. Taking a deep

breath I began, the arcane words
rolling off my tongue as I felt the magic
course through me, and
felt the crystal warm against my skin, I still could
not see. I
cast the spell again, intensifying the light and heat of
crystal, knowing it would burn the skin, but the darkness
began to lighten.
One more time I thought, though I knew the heat
would blister the skin it
was the only choice I had. Again I cast
the spell, fighting against the pain
caused from the heat of the
crystal, as the light intensified again, causing
the darkness to
fade away. 

I still couldn't see for a few moments as the light
I had used caused
another temporary blindness. All I could see
was white for a few moments,
until it began to fade, and the room
began to appear through bright white
swirling orbs in front of my
eyes. I looked over to my master and saw his

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Fri Oct 
2 04:23:18 2009
Subject     An end? Or a new begining?

"Very impressive Eban, a true show of
genius. You now realize you have
the tools to master any
spell.Now we work to harness this knowledge. Make it
faster and smarter. A second nature to you.Given enough
and speed of tongue, you can transform a raging
fireball into a refreshing
wave of saltwater.But be aware of the
cost this deconstruction takes on you.
You will become very weak
tonight, and I suggest eating a considerable
amount." he said.

I nodded at my masters words as I felt the weakness take hold
of me from the
spells i had just cast to free myself of the

"I understand master. I thank you for this lesson and
will eat well befor
retiring this evening." I said. 

D"One last
thing before you go apprentice. I will be leaving in the
on an important mission. I expect you to keep to your
studies. And keep the
laboratory clean. We will continue your
lessons, when I return." he said. 

Those were the last words
he spoke to me. Now the reports filtered in saying
he was no
where to be found. I knew not what my future held now, but I
confident in what I had learned from him. As I stared at the
tome that was
now on the table in front of me. And knew I had the
knowledge to find the
secrets hidden within it.

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Sun Oct
11 00:51:23 2009
Subject     The Test

My master had
disappeared of the face of Krynn. No magic, or divinations
able to find him. I had spent my days in his laboratory
catalogging the
many scrolls, potions, and other writings within.
Such valuables were not to
fall into the wrong hands. It could be
catastrophic if this were to happen.
I was finishing the last few
items when a knock was heard at the door. I
answered the door to
see a black robed mage escorted by one of the shady
that followed my master and I in here many months ago. I found
odd and turned my head curiously to the side, and cocked an

"What can I do for you?" I asked the black robed man.

He said nothing but handed me a missive, etched with silver
runes, and
rolled into a tight scroll. I knew it came from the
tower, what I didn't
know was who at the tower even cared what
happened to an apprentice who had
no care for anyone there. It
made me quite curious as I tucked the scroll
into my robes. 

that is all, I am sure you will see he is properly escorted
outside." I said with a nod of my head. The guard escorting
him nodded and I
smiled as I closed the door and sat upon the
chair near the door. 

I reached into my pocket and pulled out
the scroll. Carefully examining the
runes to unlock the seal upon
it before opening it. It was quiet intricate,
and full of spells
a modest wizard as they sent would have had trouble with.
It took
me a few moments but I finally had the seal broken and unrolled
scroll. A blinding light shot forth from the scroll and for a
moment I
thought I had screwed up the seal. But as my eyes
readjusted I found myself
outside the city of Neraka. A few days
walk away in the surrounding forest.
Sitting upon a log sat my
old pack, along with my first spellbook, and a few
pouches of
magical spell components. I spun around finding this to be
odd, and noticed the black robed man walking towards me
threw the forest.
His robes were bloodied, as he carried a dagger
still dripping with blood in
his right hand, and smiled at me as
he approached. 

"It is done young mage. Your parents were
reluctant at first to allow you to
study the art. But I have
assured them it is what is best." He said as he
wiped his dagger
clean with a small cloth he procured from inside his silk

Anger coursed through me as I assumed the blood upon his blade
belonged to
that of my parents, and I glared at the man, the only
hope I had to learn
this art. I wanted to kill him, yet in so
doing knew my one chance to learn
would be taken away. And
perhaps my life. My mind raced as I nodded to him,
a plan forming
within my mind. I decided i would learn what I could from
then when my training was done, I would kill him. 

everything is set sir. Let me gather my things and we can be on
way." I said with a nod, holding back the anger and grief I
felt inside. As
soon as I gathered my things the light flared

As it died down I found myself again standing before
this mage, who had
taught me in the begining. I could tell it was
time for me to go, the day
looked exactly the same as it did back
then, and he was eyeing me, with a

"I have taught you all
I can. It is for the mages in Wayreth now to further
education. You must head there now, and wait for one who
apprentice you." He said.

I nodded my head, as I let the
dagger I carried strapped to my forearm drop
silently into my
hand. This may be my only chance, I thought to myself, as I
the cold steel slide down my arm and into my waiting hand. I
quickly lunging forward as my stab penetrated only air,
and I heard laughter
from afar. I turned my head to see the mage
exiting the house, and knew my
life was coming to an end now.
Though I wasn't going to go without a fight.

"Foolish young
mage, but admirable." The man said with an icy tone. "Perhaps
shall let you live." He said as he circled around me as though
my worthiness. I glared silently at him, the spells I
had been taught
recently rushing to my mind. What did I know of
this man, his weaknesses,
his faults. I waited for my chance to
strike again, the words of the spell
on my tongue ready as my
fingers slipped to one of the many pouches at my
belt. I didn't
have to wait long.

"Yes, my student, foolish indeed. Let me
leave you with a final lesson. The
price of failure is steep, as
you will come to find out. I believe for your
best interests you
must be constantly reminded of this." He said as he drew
to me, he pointed a finger at me and spoke the words of a spell,
same spell I also was speaking, though I had started the
spell a few moments
before he had. The acid flew from my hand and
towards him just a mere second
before his spell fired. I tried to
dodge, but was not fast enough, as a
small amount splashed
against my face.

My face felt as though it were on fire. The
smell of exposed flesh melting
away was horrendous. I wiped at my
face with the sleeve of my robe, as I
looked to see my foe had
fallen to his knees, his entire head and upper
torso being eaten
away by my acid blast. I grinned as I took a powder from
one of
my pouches and poured it on my face, neutralizing the acid
covered me, then took my canteen and washed the powder from
my face. I knew
the scars would remain for the rest of my life.
My teacher had indeed taught
me a valuable lesson, and his
reminder would stay with me. But he lay dead
now, though he had
injured me.

I knelt down, weakened from the casting, and the
injury. I needed a bit of
time to rest, though that time would
have to wait. As I looked back to where
my teacher lay, the
bright light flashed again. When my sight returned I was
in a
solid black room. A small chair sat in the middle of it. A seat
assumed was for me, though I had no intention of sitting in it.
I walked to
the chair and kicked it to the side. Wondering what
sort of challenge was
coming next, when I heard a chuckle seem to
pour out from all around the
room. The source of which I could
not locate, but soon all became quiet once
again, and I turned to
look around the room.

"Greeting young mage." A voice spoke from
all around me at once. The person
hiding his location from me.
Though I knew it wasn't from fear of me, no
this man did it only
because it amused him for some reason to do it. I kept
my gaze
straight ahead, though the voice could be anywhere, and kept
as prepared as possible, and as watchful as I could should
an attack come
from behind. The man must have seen my caution in
my eyes, because his next
words nearly stunned me. 

"There is
nothing to fear here young mage. I traveled a long time to
here. I have a proposition for you. One that will be mutually
beneficial I
beleive." He said as the voice again went quite. I
thought of this, and it
all sounded familiar. The last time this
had happened I had accepted the
proposal, and now found myself
withou a master, and alone in a place I had
only spent a few
months in with little contact with anyone else. I stood
mulling what I heard in my mind before I

Author:    Eban           
Sun Oct 11 01:00:02 2009
Subject     The Test 2

sort of proposal do you offer. I have made an agreement with
already. Though that agreement seems to have come to an end
as of now. As
the person seems to no longer exist." I said with a
shrug as I awaited the
mans response.

"Tell me young mage, what
is it you hope to become? To you wish to become
Respected? Do you wish power over others, or power only
yourself?" He asked in an even tone. 

I thought this over a
few moments. What was it I truly wanted. I asked
myself. When I
had started this journey, it was only for knowledge,
knowledge of
the arcane, and this gift I had been born with. As my
increased, it had been about power. I had found as I
grew in knowledge I
also grew in power. And I found that with
that power, other feared me,
feared I could harm them but with a
few words and gestures, and in that fear
I found that respect
grew. So now what was it I wanted, to be powerful
respected and
feared certainly, but those who feared and respected me now
merely puppets, being controlled by others, they were nothing.
What I
wanted was to be the puppeteer, the one pulling the
strings of all those
around me, for my own amusement, or my own
gains. But I would not tell
anyone this but myself. I smiled as I
stared ahead. 

"What I want is of no concern of yours. However
what you have to offer may
interest me. So tell me what it is you
have to offer, and if it is inline
with what it is I want perhaps
I will accept." I responded to the voice. 

The voice again
chuckled, before it spoke. It's words came forth as

"You treat my proposal as a toy young mage.
Beleive me it is nothing to be
taken lightly. What I offer you is
power, fear, respect. You will bow to no
man, woman, or any race
upon Krynn. That is the power I offer you." The
voice spoke

I cringed at the thundering tone with which the voice
spoke. If I continued
perhaps I would die now. Perhaps not. But
my decisions were made long ago. I
looked straight ahead my next
words chosen carefully.

"Should I accept your offer, what is the
cost that must be paid. After all
nothing is free. To cast the
spell saps the energy of the mage, to swing the
sword tires the
arm of that which swings it. So it is with all things. You
me this but there is always a price to be paid. I would know
price before I give you an answer." I said. 

Again the
voice chuckled."You have learned well young mage. You seem
beyond your years. Yes everything has a price and so it is
with me and what
I offer. The price is simple. All I require is
your service whenever I need
it. In return you will have power
beyond your wildest dreams. Respect from
those who now will not
give you the time of day. And fear from even the most
devout of
the gods priests, the mightiest warlords, and the most powerful
mages." He said. 

Service? I thought to myself. That was the
only price to be paid. But then
that still left me a puppet.
While it may be true that I would control many
I would still be
controlled by another. Thus my ambitions would never
satisfied. I thought this proposal over for a time, my mind
saying it wasn't
a bad deal, but I knew it was not what I wanted.
I hung my head as I thought
this through, debating with myself
before reaching my descion. Slowly I rose
my head as I looked

"What you offer me, is indeed tempting sir. But I must
tell you my ambitions
go deeper then that. I will not allow
myself to be controlled by another. No
matter how much power is
offered to me. I will come and go as I please. And
find all those
things you offer on my own." I said as I awaited his
response, or
attack whichever it was he chose to do. All I heard was
then the light flared again and I was knocked backwards into
wall. My head pounding, as I shook it to clear my thoughts.

blinked my eyes rapidly, to clear my vision, to find I hadn't
left the
laboratory at all. I sat still in the chair near the
door, the scroll lay
across my chest. I looked around to see
nothing had been touched, indeed no
one else had entered the
room. I looked down to the scroll, to see glowing
scralled across the parchment. 

"Congratulations Magus" Was all
it said. I reached up to touch my face, to
find the right side of
my face was no longer smooth, it was pitted, with
exposed flesh
still bleeding. I knew it 

would take weeks for it to heal, and
even then it would be scarred for life.
The price of failure, my
teacher had called it. To me it was the price of
victory. I had
passed my test. 

Author:    Eban          

Date:      Fri Oct 16 05:53:03 2009
Subject     The
Plains of Dust.

I had listened from the shadows the last
few weeks, to the reports that
filtered in from tarsis. The
search was continuing withou a great deal of
success though a
lead or two had appeared recently. I had rested long
enough, my
wounds had sufficiently healed. There was still open sores on
face but I was intrigued by the reports of what had happened,
and decided it
was time I lent my aid, such as it was in this

I slid through the shadows of the halls, and back to the
laboratory to
prepare for the journey back into the desert. I had
spent weeks in that
desert on my way to meet with my former
master. I beleive he was testing me
even then to be sure I was
worthy of his tutelage. The journey taught me
many valuable
lessons, but I really hoped not to see that barren
again. But now I had few choices in the matter.
Although what I learned
since then I would not be merely walking
blindly through it hoping I was
heading in the right direction.

I pulled down a few empty vials, from the top shelf of a nearby
cupboard and
set them upon the high table. I would need a few
potions to carry with me.
One could not be sure what they would
run into. A few healing potions was
always a necessity. I mixed
the herbs and water, heating them over a blue
flame, as the
arcane words passed from my lips, embuing the potions with
magic. The mixture would need time to cool, and time was short
as it was,
and I had more preperations that needed to be made. I
looked to the shelves
of spell books that lined the north wall,
and took a few down as I studied
the spells I would need and
copied them into a new book, so I could
replenish my magic as I
needed too. The hour was late now, and I had made up
my mind to
leave just before the sun broke the horizon. I had only a
hours left. As I sealed the vials of potions and tucked them
into my robe,
the sat in the chair and closed my eyes for a much
needed rest before I

Dreams filled my mind as soon as my
mind rested, a vision of my former
master appeared in my mind, he
stood tall, the magical aura surrounding him,
was dark and
forboding, as he stared at me with and icy glare. Much as he
done on the occasions I hadn't followed his intstructions to the
I held my head high and returned his glare back at him,
and watched as the
magical aura began to weaken and crumble
around him, making him seem
vulnerable and weak, though I knew
this not to be the case, for if he were
vulnerable and weak he
would not have risen to the heights he had. As that
thought ran
through my mind, a darker more powerful aura surrounded him,
he stood and glared at me again, his eye flaring with a dark

I woke as the energy reached out towards me, the vision
replaying in my mind
as I studied it's aspects and gathered my
gear and headed for the gates of
the temple. I passed silently
down the empty corridors, and saluted the
guards at the gate as I
walked out. I did not have time to wait for more
forms of travel, the situation required immidiate
though I did not want to startle those already
searching either. I cast the
spell to transport myself a mile
outside what was the last reported command
center for our troops
in the desert. 

I set myself at a brisk walk as I walked towards
where the camp was supposed
to be, and as the sun began rising
over the horizon I saw the tents, and a
few plumes of smoke from
cooking fires rising into the air. I saluted the
sentry, and
asked where to find the commanders tent. He pointed to a
tent on the northern side of the camp and I thanked him, as
I turned and
made my way towards it. 

Author:    Eban 
Date:      Wed Nov  4 07:13:01 2009

The battle in the desert had drained me of
strength, both physically and
mentally. Many useful spells needed
refreshing, as well as a few minor
supplies. I decided the best
place to do this would be back at neraka. I
still had spells left
to me to make the return trip home, and be able to
return here at
a moments notice. I cast the spell that opened the hallways
the arcane, and stepped inside, following the dark thread to
destination as I stepped into the laboratory. 

Being a little
disoreinted as I stepped inside, I waited for a moment, for
senses to return. When I felt comfortable again I opened the door
to let
the guard know I had returned. And left instructions to
notify me of any new
reports. Then turning I gathered together
the few potions I needed and lit
the lamp on the small table near
the chair. Opening my spellbook I began the
long process of
refreshing the spells in my mind I would need, or thought I

The hours ticked by as the spells took hold in my mind,
ready to cast at a
moments notice, when I heard a commotion
outside. It sounded as though the
place was readying for war. I
opened the door as I heard the knock, and
looked curiously at the

"The priests sir...."the guard said as he looked ready
to run out of the
hall until I grabbed his shoulders.

"What of
the priests?"I asked, wondering why this guard was so

"The priests, they say they have recieved word on the
emperor."he said as I
let him go and walked down the halls to the
nearest priest. Bowing in a show
of respect to the man, "What
news on the emperor?" I asked.

"We do not know for sure, but the
signs point to a certain spot in the
desert. We are heading there
now."he said. I nodded, perhaps a wild goose
chase, but if the
queen was giving her priests signs now it was worth
investigation. I remembered the place I had seen on the map
when speaking
with Ayasana. I waited no longer as I cast the
spell and again stepped into
the corridors of the arcane, and
made my arrival outside the oasis in a few
mere minutes.

Author:    Eban           
Date:      Thu Nov
19 05:01:14 2009
Subject     Open Trails

spending the winter in the city of Sanction, it felt good to
away from the sulphuric, acrid, smell of the Lords of Doom. I
sat upon the
back of the old war horse, and scanned the open
horizon. I lead a small
group of soldiers through the moutain
passes, in the direction the Emperor
had adviced. The soldiers
too seemed happy to once again be called upon to
do their duty.
Spirits were high as we began our march westward. Though
roads were in decent repair there were a few places it was
rather muddy due
to the melting snow, that ran down the
mountainside. And a few drifts that
needed to be cleared before
the supply wagons could be moved onward. 

Two days of travel
through the rugged mountains finally had us on the mud
plains. To the north of us were Solamnic held lands to the south
shores of New Sea. We had lost valuable time in the
mountains, and the mud
soaked plains looked as though they would
bring further delay. I halted the
troops and told them to make
camp for the night at the base of the
foothills. There were
enchantments to be made upon the wagons themselves.
to ensure no further delay. I did not want to have to use any
my magical abilities on such tedious things. But I knew further
would cause those ahead of us more injury the longer we
were delayed. As the
men set about making camp, I set the
enchantments upon the wagons. The
enchantments would fire at a
command word spoken by me in the morning.
Exhausted I retired for
the evening, as the men sat about small campfires,
each with a
dream of glory in their minds, that they weren't shy
telling the man next to them. I shook my head slightly, as
I pulled open the
flap of my tent and layed on the small cot, and
drifted off to sleep. 

I awoke the next morning well before sun
up, and told the sentries to wake
the camp and get them ready to
move out. The camp instantly became a blur of
activity as tents
were folded, and bedrolls stowed. I sat upon my mount and
back at the formation. "Shilak ons phether" I spoke as
enchantment took hold on the wagons lifting the wheels a few
inches off the
ground. We moved easily over the muddy ground. We
marched hard westward,
gaining back much of the time lost in the

Another two days forced march across the plains and
we arrived at our
destination. A few of the others already camped
there as I ordered the men
to make camp and rest. I did not know
at the time that rest would be short
lived, but as I entered
discussions with those who had already arrived, I
soon found out
that we were to be on the move again shortly. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

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