The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Firewyne.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a manilla folder on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Firewyne' scribed in earth-colored maroon ink.

Author:    Firewyne       
Date:      Fri Nov 27
22:36:36 2009
Subject     Silk & Shadows

 Stoner Jack a
local snitch in Neraka gave no information to anyone for
You have to buy it from him or beat it out until his blood can
it. Firewyne Forsyth choose the latter, now punches and
jabs will not do the
trick you have to be creative. Stoner Jack
lost his nails from previous
beating and it hasn't grown back. He
lost an eyeball already so it will be
no use pulling the other
makes Stoner useless at what he's good at. Cutting
his tongue out
will make it harder to get want you want. Breaking his legs
only slow down future transactions. Fire, water, air and earth
elements wont do anything to scare Stoner Jack. He got burn
marks, cuts and
bruises and even got buried alive. So what do you
do with someone who went
through hell and back many times if you
don't have the cash?. 

Tied to a chair Stoner Jack felt
comfortable after Firewyne gave him a
beating to wet his
appetite. She poured sewer sludge at him for soup Stoner
laugh at her and called her amatuer. He got gagged for that but
you can
still see a hint of a smile in his already stretched out
mouth. Frustrated
Firewyne sat on a corner behind the tied snitch
thinking what else she can
do. Silently she prayed to Takhisis
for some inspiration and somehow it
uplifted her spirits to
continue the task at hand. She walked in front of
the tied snitch
and looked him in the eye. "Harming you wont hurt you cuz'
dead inside already" she stated flatly. "What if I make you want
live? want life more huh?" she softly said and almost
teasingly. Stoner Jack
raised and eyebrow and was slightly
confused not knowing what she meant. 
Firewyne pulled the gag off
so Stoner could speak, "You have nothing on me you skank!
Takhisis got nothing on me!" he screamed then laughed until he

to be continued...

Author:    Firewyne      

Date:      Fri Nov 27 23:49:35 2009
Subject     Silk &
Shadows : Continued

Firewyne left Stoner for awhile and
went to the adjacent room. She was gone
for quite sometime Stoner
doze of to sleep. Stoner Jack was a former nerakan
soldier and
was trained both body and mind on how to handle torture in
he was ever caught by the enemy. His connections goes as far
as Taladas and
made dealings with minotaur pirates. His ears even
goes underground to the
dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin. He is
probably considered the Astinus of the
black market and knows
who, what and where about shady events. There are
probably other
people looking for him now and Firewyne better be done with
fast or she will be in trouble. Stoner knows this for sure, and
he knows
the little girl can't just let him go. He needs the cash
if only Firewyne
has it her business with him is done but the
skank does not have it and they
both have to go through with
this. Stoner woke up from his sleep and looked
around the small
room thinking how to escape his bonds and escaping. 

He manage
the ropes easily everyone in the business knows how to do this
left alone and given time. Stoner surveyed the room and found
that it was
walled up from top to bottom the doors rusty but made
of iron and thick wood
the place looks like a long forgotten jail
dungeon. The place stank of earth
and the air thin, Stoner can
tell that he was underground but where?. There
are many houses
and soldier posts in Neraka that have their own jail room
one probably belong to an old Nerakan soldier bunker. He went for
door and saw that the hinges are well preserved probably
maintained by the
skank. If he has any tool he can work the door
or the walls but found
nothing useful not even the chair and rope
he sat and tied with. 

Looking at the chair and rope a plan
formed in his mind for an escape he smiled evilly the dirty skank
bastard will pay.

to be continued...

Date:      Sun Nov 29 23:54:41
Subject     Silk & Shadows : End

Firewyne returned
to the docks hurrying back to her captive Stoner Jack.
She went
down a trap door, turned a corridor to her right then after a
steps opened a grate on the floor. She slowly went down the
sewers made her
way following secret directions to the hidden
dungeons. Reaching the room
where she held Stoner Jack she peered
at a sighting hole and saw him sitting
head low over his chest.
Firewyne unlocks the door and opened it then
casually walks
towards the sitting Stoner Jack. 

Firewyne raise her right foot
preparing to kick Stoner but when she was
about to Stoner grabbed
her feet. Surprised, Stoner yank her feet back and
down she went
on the cold wet floor. Stoner not letting go of her right
turned her to her front then jumped sat on her back pushing
her down with
all his weight. Firewyne squirmed and wiggled but
Stoner was so strong and
heavy she was helpless. Stoner then
yanked at her hair then slammed her face
on the stone floor she
was out in an instant. 

Cold water splashed on Firewyne's
bloodied face she woke up with a headache.
She found herself tied
to the chair and Stoner standing in front of her
holding an empty
bucket and a full grin. "You are pretty I can sell you to
slaver for a good price" he said, "Call this all even" he then
Firewyne raised her head "Takhisis curse you!" she spat
back twisting her
arms and feet trying to loosen the tight bonds.
"Then again what good will
that do for us?" he asked then
squatted in front of Firewyne checking the
bonds. "Let me go and
we will make a deal" She said firmly looking straight
to his
eyes. "You have to prove to me that I can trust you and none of
kidnapping and torture anymore" he said back then stood and
turned away.
"Agreed, we are even in that point and lets start
again shall we?" she
purred. A few momment of silence while
Stoner thinks, "You know where to
find me and be sure to bring me
what I want! lets keep it simple" he said
lastly. "Another
thing...make sure your somebody in your group I don't deal
vagrants, makes things easier for me to find you" Stoner nod
Firewyne then walked out of the room. 

Firewyne has no real
intentions of joining "The Gang" formally but it seems
she has to
if she will be in business with the underworld for a long time.
lot of things pass hands faster illegaly in the underworld
network and
information is one of them and information is what
she needs. She wiggled
once more but to no avail, Stoner was good
at rope use she would have to pop
her shoulder joint to loosen
her bonds. Not an easy thing to do but glad
that she learned it
and knows how to properly execute it. After sometime she
to escape, rotated her arms and feeling it snap back into
without any problems. Firewyne brushed herself up checked
her things looked
around the small room sigh then walked out. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
