The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Gnash.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a worn book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Gnash' scribed in faded yellow ink.

Author:    Gnash          
Date:      Thu Dec 11
16:07:31 2008
Subject     Knife of Dracart: A

Not far from Neraka in a what from outside
looks like a simple cave, a
short figure sits in the shadows,
unseen. Gnash sits there his eyes closed,
listening to other
goblinoids passing by. A rusty bronze dagger rests in his
his hands constantly move around the blade, oiling it with
poison. As
Gnash finishes he carefully sheathes the dagger,
making sure he does not
scratch himself with it. Suddenly his
eyes flash open, two red dots in the
shadow. "Time to hunt"
the goblin

hour later Gnash waits in an ambush with two Hobgoblins on a
between Sanction and Neraka. There had not been too much
of travel in these
days. Not many travelers moved in bands small
enough that the goblinkind
would dare to attack. "Thank you, my
Lord" Gnash mutters as he sees a lone
human riding as fast as
he can through the valley, towards them. Three
crossbows rise.
One rider falls from horseback impaled by three bolts.
waves his hand "Go check if he has anything of value"
he mutters to the
other hobgoblin with a rasping voice. A moment
passes, then the hobgoblin
cries "Tis one from Dragonarmy and
only has message, notting valuable!". So
a messenger, Gnash
thinks to himself. "Come and show me the message" he
The hobgoblin arrives and hands the message to Gnash, who
the seal of the Highlord and opens the letter. He reads
it and stops to
think. Suddenly in a flash of violence, he draws
his poisoned daggers and
slams them into the chests of the
hobgoblins. This was to be his secret. So
the dragonarmies had
lost a knife of Dracart, what ever it wasBut according
Highlord of Dragonarmy it was very valuable. The knights of
Solamnia were
also mentioned several times in the letter, so most
likely the knife was
somewhere in

hours later Gnash boards into a ship headed towards Palanthas. He
that his kind are not looked well on in Palanthas, so it
was good that the
smugglers were not going to use the official
harbor, but a one of their own.

Author:    Gnash      
Date:      Sat Dec 13 19:17:54 2008
Subject     Knife
of Dracart:"For I will have vengeance"

Darkness, just
plain darkness. And a grand, pounding pain in his head.
quietly Gnash opens his eyes. "That cursed knight!" he
mutters as
he events before the black out come back to his dizzy
head. The last thing
he can properly remember is the silvery hilt
of the sword striking him right
between the eyes. The goblin
glances around his surroundings and nods
slowly. The place seems
familiar. It is a dark night, but his heat sensing
eyes need not
such thing as light. Light.that stirs something in the back
his head. Suddenly he curses aloud and jumps to all fours on
the ground,
intensely searching for something. Realizing that he
will not find what he
is looking for a terrifying expression of
rage crosses his face and he howls
with a horrible sound that can
be heard miles away:"It's GONE!
continues quietly "That knight shall pay, and he
shall pay for
long and pray for death. Yes he will pay"

For without knowing
what he did the knight of Solamnia, Kael Encuintras, who
knocked Gnash unconscious, took the note Gnash had captured from
Dragonarmy courier. The heart of the lantern the knight took
had not held a
candle, but the letter covering details about the
missing Knife of Dracart.
Sitting back to calm down Gnash thinks
about where the knight might be
headed for. "I need the damn
note and my superiors take my head for losing
such thing" he
thinks "And I want my vengeance too" For a while the
just sits there and ponders about different possibilities.
Finally he
decides that the knight was most likely heading for
Sanction or Neraka.
Standing up, he starts to stumble back the
road he had come from before this
unfortunate collision with the
knight. As Gnash walks away his last words
still seem hang on air
itself: "By the name of my Lord Morgion, I will have
revenge up
on this foolish knight or I will die trying" 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'