The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Guidonious.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a massive tome bound in dragonskin on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Guidonious' scribed in black ink.

Author:  Guidonious
Date    Thu Jan 31 23:46:39 2002

Subject  Hide in I mean my return. >:)

Darkness. What seemed like eternal peace. Then pain. I awoke on a
table with
Claire standing over me holding a book with the symbol of Chemosh
on it.

I looked to see the pain on my arm. Chemoshs symbol had been
branded apon me.
It was then I knew I would never be allowed to stand amongst the
followers of
Paladine in the afterlife. My shame was too great to allow

And that once again I was endebted to an evil God for returning
me to this
world. To my suffering. But I would not allow myself to be a pawn
again. I
will find a way to regain my families lost honor or die trying.

She told me apon my return a group of pirates had brought the
body to her.
Figures. My past haunting me yet again. I dreaded ever falling
prey to the
song of the sea calling to me.

This time I swore it would be different. Like long ago I would
cleanse this
world of evil as I had done in my birthplace of Thelgaard.

I knew noone would trust me after the sins of my past. But I also
know I am a
son of Redhammer. And That I hold the strength to choose my path.
Paladines teachings maybe I could try again and not falter in my
path this

After finishing my mug of Dwarven spirits (or was it 5) I pulled
the cloak
over my head and returned to the place of my Birth. Only to find
it a shade of
the glory it once held. After praying at my mothers grave I
burned my home in
the sewers.

And began the task of relearning the teachings of Paladine my
father had
taught me as a child before he died. He was a proud Solamnic
knight. I should
have had more faith in his teachings. They never failed me. I
failed them.

But that ends here. I will make Paladine proud of me with my
deeds. So someday
I can sit in his glory with my father. Knowing forgiveness awaits
those that
but ask for it. Evil will no longer dominate my path. I swear
this on my
mothers grave.

Author:    Guidonious     
Date:      Sat Nov 11
10:31:17 2023
Subject     Guidonious and what he is

I am not from HERE. I am from THERE. A spirit of vengeance on a mission of great importance. My name is NOT Guidonious. He is only a means to an end. A physical host for that which is me. My real name long forgotten in time. I am know as the Jester of Death here now. And as the Dread Pirate. And tho my deeds were once well known - I am only a wives tale now. Mothers use Guidonious' name as a way to scare children into being careful. Making sure they are in before it's dark. To stay away from deep water. And to avoid the sewers... I once left the streets covered in blood. And in my arrogance thought I could succeed in my mission through brute force and strength alone. I was a fool. This battle could take hundreds even thousands of years. And I am now preparing for the end game with elf like strategy. Using time to my advantage. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And ever seeking the means to do so without failure. My mission - you ask? Track down the Great Thief and KILL HIM. And take back or destroy ALL that he stole and/or gave out without permission. It seemed simple enough. But I weakened myself GREATLY getting HERE. And now my task is to gain back the power I lost and prepare for that day. I not long ago (for me) controlled this worlds oceans and seas and ruled them with an iron fist. When Conrad and the Solamnics destroyed my vampiric ship 'The Nirnaeth' I chose to abandon the seas and return to my home underground - to the sewers. But not the Thelgaard sewers. I needed to be closer to Palanthas if I was to return and retake control of the theives and assassins of this world. So I have decided that Schallsea will be my new home. And that I will take over the sewers there and begin anew. With the assistance of the rogues and mercenaries of the area. And with the bloodline of Basher and his sons (Marionious, Luigionious, Pepperonious etc. etc..) now all dead I have little to no fear of failure. The last of the Great Thieves bloodlines now believed to be gone... Although there are still rumors of a remaining Redhammer in hiding. If this is truly the case they must be found. And I will spill their blood as well. In Reorxs's name... And for all the crimes he has committed in his thievery...

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
