The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Kachzer.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a beautiful hard bound book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Kachzer' scribed in vibrant maroon ink.

Author:          Kachzer
Date    Fri Feb  3 19:40:40 2006
Subject  Tempered Good

This is a tale of the early years of Kachzer Draken, one of the greatest
heros of the dwarves in this new age.  Kachzer came from a little family
on the edge of Hillhome.  his mother was the daughter of a cleric of

His father was a templar of Gilean.  Strange as this union was it
yeilded one of the greatest leaders the dwarves have ever seen.  His
mother drilled into him the principles of the light, honor, truth, and a
hatred of all the evil races.

His father taught him to be fair in all things.  To realize that for
there to be light there needs to be darkness.  These principles would
guide Kachzer for the rest of his life.

Dwarvin, Historian of the Library of Palanthas

Author:          Kachzer
Date    Sat Feb  4 15:19:23 2006
Subject  The Crucible 

As Kachzer arrived at the dragon's cave he thought about what he knew
about this dragon and dragons in general.  This dragon was known as the
bane of Abanasinia, Obisidian had arrived in New Swamp around the same
time as Onyx (see War of the Lanc As Kachzer arrived at the dragon's
cave he thought about what he knew about this dragon and dragons in
general.  This dragon was known as the bane of Abanasinia.

Obisidian had arrived in New Swamp around the same time as Onyx (see War
of the Lance Vol. 1 p.289, in Astinus' Chronicles) had.  It was rumored
that they had been consorts.

After Onyx was defeated by the Companians (see War of the Lance, Vol. 1,
p. 327 in Astinus' Chronicles) he strayed low so he wouldn't attract any
unwelcome attention.

He did this until shortly after the Blue Lady's War.  He then began to
raid small coastal villages.  The runors of his attacks slowly came to
the larger villages, but they were nostly discounted as false.

Then Obisidian attscked Haven, sensing Obisidian's greedy eyes fixed
upon Solace, the townspeople sent out a desperate plea for help to all
neighboring nations.

Only the hill dwarves in remembrance of the Hero of the Lance, Flint
Fireforge answered their plea.  They sent four dwarves, the priest
Irint, the mage Stion, the Paladin Kachzer and a gully dwarf to carry
the luggage.

THe gully dwarfs name was Bult.  Not wanting to have their armor and
spell components dragged on the ground the dwarves taught him and
befriended the gully dwarf on thier long trek to Obsidian's cave.

Kachzer flashed back to the present as a voice from the cave said one
word in the voice of magic.  Instantlu the dwarves were surrounded by
thick and impentrable darkness.

Obisidian immediatly discounted Bult and focused his attack on the three
hilldwarves.  On instinct Kachzer dived away.  Then the dragon let loose
his deadly breath.  The two dwarves never had a chance to scream.  Then
the dragon disspelled his sp Obisidian immediatly discounted Bult and
focused his attack on the three hilldwarves.  On instinct Kachzer dived
away.  Then the dragon let loose his deadly breath.  The two dwarves
never had a chance to scream. When teh dragon lifted the darkness he was
puzzled as to why there were only two corpse instead of three.  Wheb
Bult saw the carnage the dragon had caused he was filled with a rage
that knew no end.

The only thing on that gully dwarfs mind was death, death for the
dragon.  Realizing his chance Kachzer threw his axe with a quick prayer
to Paladine.  Paladine granted his prayer and the axe flew straight and

Unfortunatly his throw was too late and the dragon killed Bult.  With a
choked gasp the axe embedded itself in the dragon's throat.  the dragon
however got the last laugh.

With that last choked breath Obisidian let loose his breath weapon. With
an agonized scream and a burning feeling on the left side of his face
Kachzer blacked out

Dwarvin, Historian of the Library of Palanthas

Author:          Kachzer
Date    Sat Feb  4 19:16:38 2006
Subject  The Return

As Kachzer walked towards Hillhome he though about those days after the
fight with Obisidian.  He had been lucky in three ways, he had killed
Obisidian, he had been spotted by a wondering cleric who had heard his
agonized scream of pain, and he had retained sight in his left eye.  The
cleric was also wise in the ways of the dwarves and he was able to get
some of teh dragon's acid in a vial fro Kachzer.

Kachzer had healed slowly and the cleric was ablt to ease his pain but
he would bear the scars of his encounter with Obisidian for the rest of
his life.

Smoke hung above the hills of Hillhome as Kachzer approached the front
gates of Hillhome he steeled himself for the reactions of his fellow
dwarves.  As he entered the gates crowds of dwarves cheered for word of
his victory had reached here fast.

However the celebration was bittersweet. The volume of the cheer went
down as one by one the dwarves caught sight of his ruined face .  He was
immediatly ushered before the Thane of the Hill dwarves as soon as he
arrived through the gates.

Never ones to worry about pleasentries the dwarvers immediatly got down
to business.  Kachzer soon found out that the mountain and the hill
dwarves had decided to try and out back together thier shattered

The reason behind this being that with the new threat of the Knights of
Takhisis, the dwarves needed to present a united front so they don't get
overrun by the Knights of Solamnia and the Knight of Takhisis.

He had been chosen because of his valor, to be the represenative of the
Hilldwarves on the Council of Thanes for this new Kingdom.  Seeing that
business was concluded he asked to be excused because he had business to
attend to.

He then went to the Mastersmith of Hillhome with a very special order
for him to fill.  He asked the smith to forge him a battle axe, and to
repair his helmet.

He then asked the smith to etch the rune for dragonheart on his restored
helmet and the runes for acid, sharp, and dragon on the axe.  The smith
happily complied to help this now legendary hero.

Dwarvin, Historian of the Library of Palanthas

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
