The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Khin.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Want color back? Turn Color Back ON!!

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a beautiful hard bound book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Khin' scribed in dull blue ink.

Author:    Khin           
Date:      Thu Dec 11 08:41:35 2008
Subject     The Knife of Dracart

With a resounding thud, Khin woke suddenly. He noticed someone through
the flap of the carriage, walking rather leisurly. He squinted towards the
person and noticed that it was none other than "Dharisath!". It immediately
occured to him that that thieving bastard must have taken his stash of
illegal mind altering substances, which he had just acquired from a wil
drunner mage, and rushed to open his case. To his dismay, and afterwards his
surprise, he found his supply of herbs (which he had conveniently placed
atop a pillow) missing, but in their stead he found a rather ornate looking
blade which seemed to possess him at the sight of it. Khin completly forgot
about his now missing nefarious stock, and after some time of staring at the
strange blade, reached to grab it. As soon as he grasped it into his hand,
it seemed to take hold of him somehow, he felt a surge of energy and anger.
The blade's handle seemed to curve in just the right way as to fit his hand.
Khin spent quite some time admiring the blade, turning it several times to
get a good look at it.

Khin now decided to get off the carriage. He thought he may sell this dagger
in Palanthas, or perhaps keep it for himself? In any case, there was no more
need to stay on the caravan. His drugs were gone and Freeport was no fun
without any drugs. He hopped off the carriage and made his way towards
Palanthas. He proceeded to walk, excessively paying attention to his new
acquisition. The passers-by in the caravan were also eyeing the blade

Upon reaching Palanthas, Khin was quite sufficiently enthralled with the
dagger. It's shape, its colours, its spotless blade, its perfect balance had
all appealed to him greatly. But above all, he loved the possession it had
over him...the power. Khin was known to be somewhat sexually deviant, and
well the dagger was becoming somewhat of a...fetish item for him. He was so
taken by this thing, in fact, that he had failed to realise that he was
brandishing a shiny blade in broad daylight in one of the most heavily
guarded cities in Krynn; It was not before long that he began to hear -hear
like never before - footsteps rushing towards him. Khin looked up to find a
Solamnic soldier rushing towards him, his hand on his hilt. "Throw down your
weapon!" the soldier yelled towards him as he was approaching him.
"I...I..don't..." Khin returned, obviously quite confused. The soldier
unsheathed his sword as he ran towards Khin and thundered once again "Throw
down your weapon, or ill be forced to take action!" Khin felt his hand grip
tightly on the blade, and began to raise his arm, apparantly not out of
choice. "I...can't.." Khin muttered confusedly. 

The Solamnic then raised his weapon, still running towards Khin. With that,
Khin took aim and threw the blade towards his target. A scream was heard
from the Solamnic before the dagger connected with his throat and turned his
screams into choking . Blood gushed from the Solamnic's throat and mouth as
he collapsed to the floor.

Khin was always better at expressing himself with a weapon rather than with
words, but this time it different. He would have never have accurately hit
his target before, not in a million wanings of Solinari. Furthermore, he
felt like he had not even decided to take aim at the Solamnic; It was
somehow decided for him. Khin shook his head at all these thoughts and
rushed towards the corpse, and with a single pull reconnected with his
beloved dagger.

Khin now had to make haste, such a crime would undoubtedly be discovered
quickly, and it was best for him to clear the scene. He ran out of the gates
of the city, dagger still in hand -he had no intention of letting go of it,
even to sheath it on his belt. All he could do now, all he could think of
now, was to far as he could. But before long, a sudden weariness
began to take hold of him. 

Author:    Khin           
Date:      Thu Dec 11 08:43:39 2008
Subject     The Knife of Dracart cont.

He began to slow down, his mind began to weigh heavy, his vision blurred.
He finally collapsed in a heap somewhere in the forest, not even him knowing
where. He later recalled that the effects he had suffered were much like
those of the red and b lue herbs he's accustomed to acquire from shady
looking wildrunner magi. He lay there face down in the mud, the dagger still
grasped tightly in his hand. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
