The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Klonk.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a well written novel on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Klonk' scribed in burnt brown ink.

Author:  Klonk
Date    Thu May 16 17:01:28 2002


As I walked down the road towards Neraka I notice something
scurry behind me
out of the corner of my eye.  I feel a big presence behind me.

I turn around to find myself looking straight into the eyes of a
hairy troll. 
The eyes seem to penetrate deep into my soul.

As it swings it's huge club at me I duck down and cast out a
spell of shocking

I then spin around behind the troll and stab it in the back
killing it
instantly.  As I retrieve some items from the corpse of this foul
thing I
realize that this troll has the same look in his eyes as the
troll my father
kill way back in my hoe As I retrieve items from the corpse of
this foul thing
I realize that this troll has the same look in his eyes as the
troll my father

He killed it way back in my hoemtown where all the dwarves like
myself lived.

As I recall back as to why I ever wanted to become a mage, and
serve the dark
queen, a passerby hears me me mumble to myself and says "What
were you saying
about wanting to serve te dark queen and become a mage?" he asks,
raising his eyeb

Author:  Klonk
Date    Thu May 16 17:11:14 2002

Subject  KoT Part 2

eyebrows in an inquisitive manner.  So as I hover above the
ground I
acknowledge him to sit.

I start by talking about myself as a little boy.  "I want to go
daddy."  "No son these are dangerous times.  Evil men are
destroying our town.
 We will leave as soon as possible."  But dad why can't we just
FIGHT them
off?  YOur a warrior I start by talking about myself as a little
boy.  "I want
to go outside daddy."  "NO son these are dangerous times.

Evil men are destroying our town.  We will leave as soon as

"But daddy why don't we just fight them oof.  Your a warrior."

" Because son they have...."  CRASH!BOOM!BOOM!

"Run boy Iwill take care of this  troll and the others." 
"Daddy...."  I saw
him slay  troll but taken down by six others.

*strecthes out and looks at passerby*  "As I looked back those
years ago and
my father slayed that troll, I wanted to be just like him."

"Oh Your father was a verybrave man.  That is very sad.

*tear comes to my eye*  "Yes but I wanted to avenge his death."

"My father died for me that day to grant my escape."

Author:  Klonk
Date    Thu May 16 17:27:34 2002

Subject  KoT Part 3

"Your father was a very brave man.  I would've liked to meet

*I silently start to cry and hang my head* "I will continue now."
 As I was
running off to a secret place known only to my father, I and two
families I wished my father would be there.

When I got there the other two families were there.  They trained
me to become
a warrior like my father.

We intended on going back to fight off the people one night when
my father
stumbled in through the door and collapsed on the floor.

But since we didn t know how to heal my father died in the early
morning.   U
blamed myself for his death because I wasn't able to heal him.  I
myself in the arts of magistry so that I could heal and kill
large masses.

One night we decided to attack and regain our home and lifestyle.
 As we ran
into town we shouted our battle cry, "THHHEEEIIIWWWAAARRR!!!!"

There was bloodshed everywhere. I was twirling and spinning my
staff and

While casting out spells left and right.  I healed our wounded
and wiped out
the enemy as they charged.  I was the leader, I was going to lead
our people
to victory.

With me in the lead and my people following we wer an unstoppable

We recovered half the town when we saw a huge reinforcement
regiment coming
down the hill.  We knew we were done for.  Then right as they
charged us ....

an army of darkness *prays and smiles* swept by us  and wiped
them out.

A messenger from the dark army came to us and asked who our
leader was.  All
heads turned towards me.

He then said, "Come with me."

I entered a tent in which a goddess of uttermost beauty sat
before me.  I
bowed to one knee and said, " Thank you for your kindness and

She merely waved her hand and all of the army disappeared.  I
learned later
that it was Queen Takhisis that saved our home and our lives.

Author:  Klonk
Date    Thu May 16 17:31:04 2002

Subject  KoT Conclusion

*sits up*  "Thats how I've come to being a mage and wanting to
join and serve
in her army of darkness to pay .

"That was a fascinating story. I loved it.  Good luck on your
journey to join
the army of darkness.  I might add a word or two of your journey
to the

"Wait.  What?.....?"Believe me you will understand when the time

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
