The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Kromarius.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a miniscule pocket book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Kromarius' scribed in green ink.

Author:    Kromarius      
Date:      Sun Mar 25 09:47:51 2007
Subject     Kromarius BlazingHair

Kromarius BlazingHair; half kender
Nicknamed Kromarius the Inquisitive 
Eye color: bright sapphire 
Mother: Lorathia BlazingHair 
Father: Human Brigand
Born: a large village 10 miles from Bristle Patch; name unknown 
Birth details:
Kromarius was born a bastard child of Lorathia BlazingHair. She
had been
captured in a lord's castle, "just looking around", and been
raped by a human
brigand who was unaware she was not human.  After picking the
lock on her
cell, she disappeared, and was found wandering into her home town
6 months
later, belly bulging.  Lorathia died shortly after giving her son
his name;

Kromarius.  Young life: Due to the death of his mother, Kromarius
was given to
another new mother, because he needed to drink a mother's milk. 
He was raised
by a surrogate family, but never failed to remember his mother,
young as he
was.  Kromarius had a foster brother, Tanathsalor, and together
they wandered
every inch of their large village.  Around the age of twelve,
when Kromarius
had mastered stealing and lock picking, two essential kender
skills, along
with other skills, he started brooding more and more about how
different he
was.  Although all in his village had attempted to make him feel
as kenderish
as possible, he had heard the story of his conception and birth
times, and was haunted by it.  He finally met a kindly mercenary,
who after
being bribed (with his own gold of course), agreed to take
Kromarius and teach
him to be a sword master.  Alwa possible, he had heard the story
of his
conception and birth multiple times, and was haunted by it.  He
finally met a
kindly mercenary, who after being bribed (with his own gold of
course), agreed
to take Kromarius and teach him to be a sword master.

Always quick at learning, Kromarius took to the sword like a
kender takes
others belongings; easily. His blood mix gave him an advantage
over most;
human strength and stamina coupled with kender speed, agility,
hearing, and
reflexes.  In a year, after forcing a draw with his master, his
master started
him on fighting with sword and shield.  At this skill Kromarius
too progressed
quickly, un over most; human strength and stamina coupled with
kender speed,
agility, hearing, and reflexes.  In a year, after forcing a draw
with his
master, his master started him on fighting with sword and shield.
 At this
skill Kromarius too progressed quickly, until one day 3 months
later, after
many draws, he was able to force his master to surrender.  His
master then
gave Kromarius The Sword of Thunder as a 'graduation' gift.

By this time, the kender wanderlust had begun to take its hold on
who was itching to leave but didn't want to abandon the man who
took him in
and taught him. The mercenary, sensing Kromarius's desire, urged
Kromarius to
go with the wind, and after saying goodbye, left Kromarius to
head towards
Palanthas. The following night, Kromarius left his village at the
age of 14,
without a word to anyone, hoping to catch up with his mentor and
Whether he caught him or not in unknown, for Kromarius did not
emerge from
wandering in forests and streams untouched by human feet until
some time

Somewhere along his travels, Kromarius met Brim HappyTrailzzz, a
kender master
cartographer, and they wandered together for a goodly time, until
their paths
split once again.  Kromarius wandered through Ansalon,
occasionally finding a
bad map (kenders are never truly lost, you know), collecting
various trinkets
and helping those he met in the wilderness.  On his seventeenth
birthday, he
entered Solace to dedicate himself to Gilean, the high god of

Kromarius had seen the ways of the world, and came to an
understanding that
few ever do; and understanding of the balance needed to sustain
itself.  And although Kromarius is a follower of Gilean, he tends
more to the
good side of the balance.  After his dedication to Gilean,
Kromarius set off
to Palanthas, entering the city via ferry. After resting the
night in the
thieves' guild, he set off to attempt to find his old mentor.

Upon entering the mercenaries' guild, he was distraught to learn
his friend
had died several years ago, killed in battle by his quarry.
Kromarius cried
himself to sleep that night, and next morning he was found at the
crack of
dawn practicing the very moves his master taught him.  Those who
viewed his
skills were amazed at his grace and strength, and this show was
goodbye gift to his mentor.

After grieving a week, Kromarius 'accidentally' found his way
into a noble's
treasure room, and purchased a coffin, then buried it with his
master's old
shield and sword. He then bought new equipment, and had a master
smith forge
into the hilt of his new sword, the pendent of his master, given
to him the
night he left.

Nowadays, Kromarius can be found in Solace or Palanthas, helping
out when
needed and maintaining the balance.  He very rarely talks about
his past,
instead preferring to live in the present, and the name of his
home village is
unknown.  He instead calls Solace his home.  He has once again
met Brim, and
has met other friends.  Kromarius also met another mercenary who
reminded him
of his mentor, and hopes to join the mercenaries' guild, one of
the most
neutral guilds around.  He still practices his technique daily,
hoping that
wherever his master is, he is proud of his student.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
