The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Lanock.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places an enormous book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Lanock' scribed in vibrant grey ink.

Author:  Lanock
Date    Sat Oct 26 21:13:25 2002

Subject  History of Lanock Whitestar (Part 1)

Dear Sir,

I am writing this missive to you in the hopes that you will be able to
substantiate my claim to be of Solamnic Birth.  My father served within the
walls of the High Clerist Tower only some eight years past.  His name was Sir
Robert Whitestar, Knight of the Order of the Sword.  I have recently
petitioned to join the Order of Solamnia myself and would welcome proof of my


Lanock Whitestar

---A Letter arrives for Lanock seven days later---

Dear Lanock,

My name is Willim Dantree and I work as a clerk within the hall of records,
that resides in the High Clerist Tower. I received your letter and have
confirmed with the records of this place that one Robert Whitestar, Knight of
the Sword served within this place. Our records show Robert fathered only one
son Lanock and I will leave confirmation of this to the Lord of the Palanthas
Keep. You have only to present the ring of the Whitestar Family to him, which
you should have as it, was sent to you after your father past to be with
Paladine. Now young Lanock I will tell you some things about your father, for
I doubt it would have been told to you after his passing for you would have
been to young.

Your father was not of noble birth as you may or may not have known. It was as
a young child much younger than you would be now that your father was noticed
by one of out order. That man was one of the best of his time and the Order
flourished while he was amongst us. He was Lord Xethan Whitestar, Lord of the
Rose and our Commander.  Your father was working with the local blacksmith
tending the horses in his care. Lord Xethan came to the smithy for he needed
someone to train with his son Haon and your father being only slightly younger
than his son was a logical choice for Lord Xethan. Now your father and Haon
became friends and they both trained under the watchful eye of Lord Xethan a
weaponsmaster himself. Now when Haon joined the order and became a Novice of
the Crown Lord Xethan prevailed upon the Order for your Father to also be
entered for he had grown to love the lad who he had trained himself into a
formidable swordsman and an excellent horseman.  Even to Lord Xethan the
petition was denied for lack of Robert's knowledge of his birth.

It was then that Lord Xethan asked Robert, your father to allow him to adopt
him into his family. To call him Father and Haon brother, thus would his love
for him be able to be expressed in his joining the Order alongside of Haon.

*****     To Be Continued     *****

Author:  Lanock
Date    Sat Oct 26 21:14:50 2002

Subject  History of Lanock Whitestar (Part 2)

Lord Xethan did just that and Robert stood next to Lord Xethan in the chapel
of our Keep in Palanthas and was sworn by a priest of Paladine to be the
Adopted son of Lord Xethan Whitestar, Brother of Haon and second heir to
Whitestar Keep situated thirteen leagues northeast of Solanthus. Now your
father and Haon rose within the order together and after their Noviceship they
both entered the Order of the Sword gaining their spurs and becoming true
Knights of Solamnia. Now the history of these two can be read in this tower
and also there is yet more within the Keep in Palanthas and I would instruct
you to seek out the Whitestar personal Study within the Keep in Palanthas for
there are journals of Lord Xethan and Lord Haon within, that tell of their
lives spent serving Paladine and the Knights of Solamnia.  You will notice
that I spoke of Lord Haon and it was your Uncle by the adoption of your
father, became the Lord of the Rose and Commander of the Palanthas Keep.  Your
father choose to serve at the High Clerist Tower and pursue his own place
within the knighthood. This is as much as I am able to tell you except that
Lord Haon had no children after becoming a Knight of the Rose he found no time
for the pursuit of women and that young Lanock makes you the only member of
the Whitestar Family alive and living. This also means you are the rightful
heir of the Whitestar Keep and if you pursue this with the keeper of the
records within the Palanthas Keep you will find papers to the Keep which is
yours by rights of being the last of the Whitestars.

May you serve the order as well as your Father, Uncle and Grandfather before

'Est Sularus Oth Mithas'


Willim Dantree

Records Clerk of the Hight Clerist Tower.

Author:  Lanock
Date    Sun Nov 24 03:51:03 2002

Subject  The Adventures of Sir Halon and Squire Lanock - Part 1

"Sir Halon, I believe that is Solanthus?"

"Why yes Lanock I do believe your right"

Travelling by day and night the two Solamnic travellers continue their persuit
of the one known as Kahn. A strange Dwarf aflicted by an even stanger ailment.
The two have travelled hard to try and catch the dwarf after he slipped out of
their escort at the High Clerist Tower.  Knowing the Dwarfs final destination
to be Caergoth the two travel by horse to Solanthus. Lanock turns in his
saddle to look apon his Patron and companion Sir Halon, a young knight of the
Crown but not so young to Lanock.  The pair suit easy in their saddles, well
battle trained to handle any situation and combat any foe.  Although Lanock
has not "Sir Halon, I believe that is Solanthus?"

"Why yes Lanock I do believe your right"

Travelling by day and night the two Solamnic travellers continue their persuit
of the one known as Kahn. A strange Dwarf aflicted by an even stanger ailment.
The two have travelled hard to try and catch the dwarf after he slipped out of
their escort at the High Clerist Tower.  Knowing the Dwarfs final destination
to be Caergoth the two travel by horse to Solanthus. Lanock turns in his
saddle to look apon his Patron and companion Sir Halon, a young knight of the
Crown but not so young to Lanock.  The pair suit easy in their saddles, well
battle trained to handle any situation and combat any foe.  Although Lanock
has not earned his spurs he follows his Patron's lead and learns from every
encounter.  Lanock's mind wanders slightly as he thinks of the hourse spent on
the practice field with Lord Demilon. The countless drills with sword and
polearm, With spear and lance.  He smiles in the knowledge that his fathers
sword hands on his side and will serve him well as it did his father.

Snapping out of his respite Lanock looks at the guards as they pass through
the gates of Solanthus. Noticing them return his gaze he nods his head and
they return in kind. The pair travel through the town and they see a Knight
wearing the markings of the Order of the Sword standing at the entrance to a
building with the sign of bread and wheat on it. Sir Halon looks down from his
saddle and gives the knight a salute.

"Sire might I ask a question of you?  A would know if you have seen a dwarf
pass this way one that would bear notice for he keeps himself covered even
during the heat of the day.

He is headed South and would of come from the same direction as we have. We
seek this fellow in the name of Lord Teldor Rosenguard"

The knight hearing the name of the Grand Master of all of the Solamnics
furrows his brow in thinking.

"I believe one of the description that you have given has passed this way. I
think you are but a few hours behind the one that you seek."

A small smile passes across Halon's face and is quickly covered by the mask
all Solamnics wear.

"Come Lanock we will not rest here for we must press on"

The pair wheel their horses around and quickly head south at a fast canter. 
The journey south was a long one the pair seemed to see signs of someone
passing but neither managed to spy the dwarf in any form.  Lanock began to
doubt they were on the right trial but he had to believe that they were for
the Dwarf had told them that he needed to seek a healer in Caergoth and that
he would know where a cure could be found.  It was many days when about mid
morning about ten days after leaving Solanthus when Lanock and Sir Halon
crested a small rise and came apon the port city of Caergoth. Lanock was
amazed when he saw the sea beyond Caergoth for this was his first glimpse of
the seas south of palanthas.

The two galloped their horse down the rise and slowed to a walk as they
entered the gates.

Unlike Solanthus the gates were unguarded. Sir Halon breifly stopped and spoke
with a citizen of Caergoth and when he came back he told Lanock that the
healer was about three streets past the Solamnic Outpost.

*******     To be Continued     *******

Author:  Lanock
Date    Sun Nov 24 03:54:36 2002

Subject  The Adventures of Sir Halon and Squire Lanock - Part 2

"Lanock I think we will stop in at the Outpost before we go looking for this

"Yes Sir Halon"

The pair travelled towards the Outpost and when they arrived at the gate they
noticed the knights inside were rushing around gathering horses and saddling
them and many knights were wearing their battle armor. Grabbing one of the
knights by the arm as he past Sir Halon spoke to him.

"What in the name of Paladine is going on?"

"Sir, something has happened in Palanthas..... Something about Lord Teldor"

Hearing Lord Teldor's name Sir Halon dismounted his horse and threw the reigns
at Lanock.

Tend to the mounts Lanock I must find word of what has happened. Lanock took
the reigns and dismounted his own horse. What could of happened in Palanthas
to have all these knights on the move Lanock thought. He walked the horses
slowly towards the building Sir Halon had run into and feeling the horses
begin to shake he looked up and a dark shadow cast his presence over him. He
could see a Dragon a bronze dragon circling above the courtyard.

Gently spirialing on the air currents above Caergoth.  From out of the doors
to the building Sir Halon entered two people emerged. One Sir Halon the other
Lanock did not know, but he wore the garb of a Solamnic Messenger.

"Lanock leave the mounts and grab our packs. Leave the camp gear and bring our
weapons, swords only leave the lances. We travel light and fast for we must
return to Palanthas now."

Not understanding Lanock looked at the messenger for more information but he
was looking into the sky. The dragon began to move away from the Outpost and
then circled coming closer.

When it was nearly apon them it flared its wings and landed right next to the
horses. Lanock struggled to keep them at bay, and when another squire ran up
and took them from him he was might glad.

Following Sir Halon, Lanock mounted the dragon behind Sir Halon.  The
messenger went around to face the dragon and spoke to him, then the dragon
moved and with powerful wings it lifted off ground and with two mighty beats
of its wings began to soar north back towards Palanthas.

Lanock could barely think about anything but hanging onto Sir Halon. For what
seemed like an eternaty they travelled but for what would of been a mere seven
hours the sight of Palanthas was apon them. When the dragon swooped down
towards the city it let out a scream and Sir Halon began yelling at the dragon
trying to find out what was wrong. The Dragon circled to the north of
Palanthas and that was when they saw it. There was a black dragon and two
others standing on the Harbour of Palanthas. Even from the height they were at
they could see the banner of Lord Kadith and his dragon. Sir Halon yelled at
the dragon to drop them off near Lord Kadith.

The dragon seemed to respond and when it was near the other Solamnics it
flared and landed away from the battle. Swinging down from the Dragonsaddle
the pair drew their swords and ran towards Lord Kadith and smack bang into a
battle with the Knights of Takhisis.......

This ends the current storyline and brings Halon and Lanock back to Palanthas
and into the frey with the Knights of Takhisis.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'