The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Lynx.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a paper booklet on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Lynx' scribed in deep green ink.

Author:    Lynx           
Date:      Wed Apr  1 07:52:20 2009
Subject     Preparing to protect the balence...

* Highmaster Lynx looks up from his paperwork, and over to an
apprentice.* Apprentice Gorin says Highmaster? You asked to see me?
Highmaster Lynx says I did.' Highmaster Lynx says I have a job for you, but
it is one that must be accomplished in utmost secrecy.' *Apprentice Gorin
waits patiently, as befits an apprentice* Yes, Highmaster.' * Highmaster
Lynx passes a sheet of parchment across the desk to the apprentice. * He
says We have received intelligence that renegades are flocking to a new
group of soldiers, and we need to know why.' *Apprentice Gorin, unable to
avoid the slight sneer in his voice, says * Renegades, Highmaster? *picks up
the parchment* *Highmaster Lynx nods* These magi are receiving
unconventional training that is a threat to the balance. Your mission is not
to kill them, as of yet. Only to gather information.' I need to know the
layouts of their fortifications, armaments, and troop counts.' You will fit
in quite well there, I believe. Many of the followers of Nuitari have been
seen traveling to these...camps' *Highmaster Lynx pauses for a second* You
will of course be paid well for your services...and your discresion'
Apprentice Gorin says Highmaster, not to be impetuous, but I am here for the
magic. What would be in it for me? Why should I spy on these lesser mages?'
Highmaster Lynx says For one, your duty to the magic requires you to deal
with the renegades.' * Lynx waves over to another apprentice, who approaches
with a satchel of furs, with a dusty old book on top. * Apprentice Gorin
says My life is devoted to Nuitari, Highmaster. I will seek out these
renegades.' Highmaster Lynx says You one new spell per fortnight will show
itself to you in this book, but any other who looks at it will see naught
but blank pages.' Apprentice Gorin says A fine prize indeed. ' * Lynx nods
to the apprentice to hand the satchule to apprentice Gorin* * Lynx says Wear
those cloths at all times, they will make you more astute in your magic, and
better able to handle what ever comes at you. * * Lynx then waves to another
apprentice and whispers something in his ear, then watches as he runs out of
the room. * *Apprentice Gorin feels the enchanted fabric* This would do well
to turn the knife in the dark. My thanks, Highmaster. I must make ready for
my journey. Where should I go first?' * Magus Egam looks up as the
apprentice comes to him. Listening to his quick words, he rises, and makes
his way to the Highmaster's chamber. * * He looks in, before stepping to the
chamber, bowing his head at Highmaster Lynx. "Yes Highmaster?" * Highmaster
Lynx nods at the magus Magus Egam, this young apprentice is now in our
services.' *Apprentice Gorin bows before Egam* Magus.' Highmaster Lynx says
He is to handle the task we discussed last evening.' *Highmaster Lynx turns
to the apprentice* Apprentice, Magus Egam will be your contact within the
tower. Speak to no one about this, not even your master.' Apprentice Gorin
says Yes, Highmaster. ' Highmaster Lynx says You will be paid handsomely
when this is all over, as well as what you have already been paid...' I now
have more pressing matters to deal with, good day. *looks down at his
paperwork, as a obvious sign of dismissal*' * Egam looks over Gorin, a frown
building in his brow. He catches Lynx' eye for a moment questioningly. *
Apprentice Gorin says Indeed. Magus Egam, I will alert you once I have
arrived at my destination. *bows* I will prepare for my Journey now.' *
Magus Egam nods absently, his questioning gaze still locked on Lynx. * The
Apprentice, Gorin, leaves the office to prepare for his mission.*'
*Highmaster Lynx looks over to Magus Egam, a thin smile appearing on his
lips.' Magus Egam says A black mage Highmaster?' Highmaster Lynx says Yes,
not my first choice I assure you.' But we would not be able to infiltrate
their ranks with a member of the balance, not surrounded by the evil that
seeps from that area of Kyrnn.' And if we loose a black robe along the way..
*shrug* Tis no great loss.' 

Author:    Lynx           
Date:      Wed Apr  1 07:53:13 2009
Subject     pt2

Magus Egam says *purses his lips in thought, before stating in a hushed
tone* Of course, just the more mouths we bring in, the greater the chance of
one opening unexpectedly..' Highmaster Lynx ssighs This is true, but the
garments he has just left with hold a maledict on them. If, while wearing
them he does not use the proper disgreshion...' Magus Egam says Also, I
imagine you'll want me to keep my eyes on him in case of any mishaps?' *
Lynx nods. " That is correct, I wish to know what hes doing, when hes doing
it." I will require a report filed weekly, and if anything out of the
ordinary a immediate report. * Magus Egam says As you wish Highmaster. Is
there anything else?' Highmaster Lynx says That will be all. Tonight I have
plans that involve you. I will need to see you at Midnight.' Magus Egam says
I shall make myself available for your summons. *bows and turns around,
leaving the chamber.*' 
to be contined...

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
