The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Mariasana.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a manilla folder on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Mariasana' scribed in unearthly grey ink.

Author:  Mariasana
Date    Sat Nov 27 14:25:37 2004

Subject  A begining.

Mariasana found out early on she wasn't quite like her kenderkin
When others got bruised, scratched, or otherwise smacked about,
her touch
could sooth the pain, a born healer. Over the years, she grew
into a young
kender maid, and ended up with the traveling itch. She packed her
bags, and
followed after a visiting cleric of Mishakal, learning much on
the journey,
before parting ways, with a newfound faith. Her travels brought
her to
Palanthas, to learn more of the healing arts in the great
library. From there,
her adventures would unfold...

Author:  Mariasana
Date    Mon Sep 19 21:01:11 2005
Subject  The tale of a young elf: Mariasana's reflections

Mariasana sighed as she leaned against the bed in her 'guest'
quarters within
the encampment of the Knighthood of Takhisis and recalled the
events that had
lead to her arrival there. Surely, this is the last place one
would expect to
find her.
"Why can't you be content with the family business like your
Mariasana?" Her father blustered. It was an often repeated

"At least, darling, you could be more willing to make an attempt
to be so."
Her mother stated softly, already bracing herself for the

"I am my own person. These walls are dull and dreary. I wish to
know of the
world outside," Mariasana stated firmly, but tiredly. They had
been at this
argument for hours. "I wish to study the arcane arts, and be
just the wife of a wine-maker or heiress to some winery."

The silence held for all of a few moments. Then her father's
temper broke
completely. "You shall NOT refer to the Celeblasse Vinards that
way! You
should be proud of your family, not going off to study magic." He
sighed. "In
fact, I forbid you from studying such until you learn some
respect for your

Mariasana's mother tried to speak, but was cut off by Mariasana's
"Fine, father. I am bound by your rules if I am to live in your
house." She
calmly turned from the room. Her father looked smug, thinking he
won the
argument finally. It wasn't until morning they found her room
empty, her bed
unslept in.
Three years later, Mariasana had learned the basics of magic from
a tutor.
They were traveling to one of the Towers of High Sorcery. It was
an accident
when her tutor was bumped midspell, trying to teach a basic spell
to summon a
rose. Instead, a cow materialized right infront of the minotaur
captain. The
crew took no time to toss the elder mage overboard. It was
shortly thereafter
that Mariasana was let off near Kalaman. She soon found herself
in Vogler. It
would be there her fate would take a twist none would expect. Her
aunt's kin would appear... but not in a form any of Mariasana's
kin would have
ever expected. A Knight... A Knight of Takhisis. Ayasana was her
name... so
similar a name... Coinidence she thought. The necklace. Found or
looted, Mariasana thought. But then... there was the book of
family history.
The reference to the wine from the storehouses in Qualinost. The
hint of minor
nobility from Ayasana. She couldn't deny it further. Ayasana was
family. And
she offered something grand. The ability to learn the magic of
all three
moons... and the offer of a family that wouldn't chastise her for
her choice
of adventure over tradition, or so she thought. But, she
wondered. Would it be
worth the cost... the price that her homeland would extract for
what she knew
she would become if she took her cousin's offer. She thought
back, to the
troubles of her home, then laughed, bitterly. "Perhaps, this is
what I was
destined to find after all."

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
