The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Mazerith.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Want color back? Turn Color Back ON!!

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a miniscule pocket book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Mazerith' scribed in brown ink.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Sat Feb 23 16:28:54 2008
Subject     A plot is A Foot :P

Mazerith stood at the end of one of the Docks of Palanthas gazing out upon the
crystal waters. His mind racing with the days events as he considered the
options before him. He had been a member of the esteemed Orlough for as long s
he could remember, but it had been so Long since they had set sail he honestly
couldent remember what the sea felt like while standing on the deck of the ship.
The captain Mondraiken had been missing for ages and his attempts to take
control of the helm had been twarted by others within the crew who wished to
await Mondraikens return.

Mazerith had been tossing the idea of building his own ship around since then,
but being of very megar beginings, and having a love for the Taverns and bars of
Palanthas had left him nearly broke with such a gap since the last time the
Orlough left the Docks. How was he to get the funds nessessary to get his own
ship built? He had met many along the way whome would join him upon the deck of
his ship, but what could he do to get these funds? It seemed as though he would
never again experiance the freedom of being totally surrounded by water.

"I am glad to find you here Captain Mazerith" Came a voice from behind him.

Whilrilg Mazerith found himself face to face with a Knight, but not of the
Solamnic Order. A darker aura surrounded this man and Mazerith found himself
wondering How exactly a member of the Dragon Armies could wander Palanathas so

"I have been looking for you for the majority of the Day Mazerith, I should
have known you'd be here, you almost never leave the docks. I have a proposition
for you to consider. You need not give an answer now, but we will require one
soon.  Us? Mazerith though. "What does the Dragon Army want with me Sir

The Knight seemed a bit shaken by being so easily detected but he continued.
"We have heard you are in search of a ship. We could use an ally upon the seas
Mazerith. Perhaps we could help you procure the funds needed to have your own
built. If you choose this she will be more beautiful and sea worththy then any
in the Solamanic Fleet or the Mariners of Palanthas. Your Loyality will be
rewarded my Friend"

"Whats the catch Knight? Theres always a catch....You Bloody Knight, be
Solamnic or Other always have an agenda, so what is yours?"

"We simply wish you to procure a member of the Solamnic for us. They have been
a thor in our sides for a while now, their powers are greater then most of the
Solamnic Knighthood understands and we could use her very much."

" Your asking me to kidnap a member of the Solamnic Knighthood? Are your
really that foolish sir?"

"The Knights have given up on this person Mazerith, I doubt they will even
notice their dissappearence. This person has recently returned to Palanthas and
will be within the Holy Temple. Bring her to us and your ship shall be yours.

With this said the Knight wheeled on his heels and strolled briskly from the
dock leaving Mazerith to ponder this new turn of events. Was it worth the risk?
Noding to himself Mazerith took one more look out onto the open waters, as it
could perhaps be the last time he saw it if caught on this venture. "May
Zeboim protect Me" he muttered as he turned and headed for the heart of
Palanthas and the Temple of Clerics

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Fri Mar 21 15:48:33 2008
Subject     A Ship on the Horizon?

Business had been ver slow as of late. The fact that the Crew of the Orlouge
had dwindled to so few in the wake of the founders dissappearance was begining
to be more then Mazerith could handel. The ship hadent even left port in months.
And at this point there wasent enough men abord to set her sails even if they
had something to do. Perhaps his family had been right, perhaps Mazerith should
truly have never left the wooded home he grew up in, but something about the
sea just called to his soul. There was something that came over him when 
free of the land that he could truly not live with out. He felt the strain
of it as he sat in his small office in the Mariner Hall. The hall once
filled with men and women, all telling sotries over mugs of grog. It was
more of less a party every day within the walls of that hall, but silence
now filled the space. 
Mazerith sat over a stack of papers now covered in a thick layer of dust.
The office once belonged to Mondraiken, but in his absence Mazerith
had done his best to take the reigns and make sure everything stayed
aflote. It seemed he had not done a great job. As he shuffled through
the old invoices and payment slips something caught his eye. To his
best knowledge the Orlouge had done little or no business within the
sea side town of Floatsam, but there seemed to be a plethera of payment
invoices from a bar keep in the town, all signed and dated by the once
Captain of the Orlouge. What had Mondraiken been up to there? And why
had he given that man so much of the Mariners Money? As he flipped
through another stack of orders another paper caught his eye.
It was a deed to a Tavern in Floatsam. Had Mondraiken gone there?
Standing from his desk Mazerith exited the Room, walked down the hall,
climbed the ladder and entered into the bright sun of Palanthas. He
quickly made his way to the Docks and boarded the Orlouge. Going to his
cabin he procured a bag of coins from a locked box under his bed and made
his way to another pier in the harbor. Tossing the bag into the hands of
one of the local shipwrights he hoped off the dock and onto the deck of
a small ship. Unlashing the ropes which held her to the dock Mazerith
set the sails and headed out of the harbor. He had told no one of where
he was going, though he doubted anyone would even notice his absence.
The Orlouge would not rot in this harbor if he could stop it and 
Mondraiken was the only one who could get the crew rallied back together.
To Floatsam then was his only course and whith the greatest of haste.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Thu Jun 25 06:02:35 2009
Subject     what comes around goes around

The day had been long as Mazerith slowed his walk at the door of the Rusty Rudder Tavern.
He had just stepped off the Deck of the Orlouge for what he knew was going to be the last
time. He hadent felt right at her Helm since he had taken over for Mondraiken, it just 
wasent his ship and the ghosts of his past crew haunted Mazerith when awake as well as

They had jsut returned from a trip to Mithis where some spices and grain were traded for some
metals and San Thalos Herb. Sometimes Mazerith felt like it was that herb that kept him
sane these days. Mazerith jsut knew that this tradsmen life was not what he truly
was born to do. He was a pirate. He got pleasure out of the chase that insued when a 
ship knew that they were in danger. When they saw his sails unferl and his canons ready.
He had killed many men, looted ships and towns, He had personally burned more merchant
vessels and rival pirate ships then he could truly remember. The twisted look
of defeat when the other captain knew the battle was lost and he would be
taking a trip of the depths of the sea. 

Realizing he was still standing in the doorway he enteres the Rusty Rudder and
takes his seat in the back corner, something about having his back to any
room made mazerith very uneasy. Noding to Steffania he silently ordered his 
mug of Grog. She sat on his lap as he counted out the coin to pay for his mug
they chated idely about his day and he could feel her pourpously wiggling 
her bottom into him. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, but the look
o shock upon her face when Mazerith told her he was done with the Orlouge, 
the blasted boat could rot in the harbor for all he cared. 
She giggled slightly as he told her he was returning to his old profession
and she hugged him, she had received many fine gifts from Mazerith
back then and he was quite sure she was looking forward to the prospect
of that begining again. Getting up she returned to her job leaving
Mazerith alone to think. A new ship was in order, He would have to set 
about putting a crew together at first light. But tonght he was going
to sit and drink. When the night was over he would take his lovely 
bar maiden Steph home and they would be locked in a passionate
embrace until the sun came up. In the morning he would be 
at the docks early. He had a meeting with the ship wright and the
plans would be drawn for the Odysses, She would be a thing of 
beauty, a ship to be feared, perhaps a thorn in the sides of any
merchant who sailed his waters, but tonight he was hers. Smiling
and waving hismud jn the air Steph smiled back and went to the bar 
to get her lover a fresh md og Grog,

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Mon Jul  6 16:22:30 2009
Subject     The Road to the Odessy

Mazerith had spent the day in the harbor with ths Shipwright making sure
that every detail had been gone over. The men in the harbor had gone quickly
to work on the new ship and when he had entered the building it was being
assembeled that morning he was shocked to find the hull already completed. 
Running his hands along the wood he felt a shiver run down his spine. This
was going to be it, his last ship, his final home. He would go down with her
if it ever came to that. It was strange looking back on the previous years
and his time on the Orlouge. He had just never felt at home there even if
Mondraiken had done everything to make the elf feel as if it were his. 
There was just somethign lacking there that Mazerith couldent put his
finger on. Perhaps if the gods were real he would have prayed to them,
but they were simply a way to keep the masses in check and he knew that.

After conversing with the head shipwright once more on the specifics of 
mast placement as well as some details such as the Helm and his cabin
Mazerith left the Harbor and headed into the Smiling Mug. Sitting in his
chair in the back corner Silvana came over with a mug of grog and a plate
of food. He had come to love her over the years. She always was glad to 
see him and they spent some very memorable nights together in his home 
outside Palanthas. She was a great girl, the kind you'd marry if you
had any brains, but everytime Mazerith left the dock his return was
uncertain and he would never put her through that any more then he
already did. She sat and talked with him as business that night was
slow. He told her of the Odessy and its quick advancements towards
completion. She seemed happy yet hesitant knowing that once the 
boat was finished she may never see him again. She knew full well
that this boat was ment to search for blood. Mazerith had grown
quite cold with age. Taking lives was something that didnt seem to
faze him anylonger and she knew he was tired of living the megar life
he had in past years. He was one of the best captains left in Palanthas
and he would find the blood and treasures he so desperatly searched

It was far past dark when Mazerith left the mug and returned to
the docks. He sat on the edge of the warf with his feet dangeling
over. A togo cup of grog in one hand a wrap of san thalos herb in 
the other. Just sitting looking over the harbor thinking on the
adventure that was to come. He would pillage these seas to the bone
if thats what it took. He had a few crewmen already in mind, yet
he needed a few more to get this endevor off the ground. It was at
that Mazerith felt a soft hand touch his shoulder. Turning
he wondered how anyone could have made it the length of the 
warf with out him hearing it. As he rose from sitting he did
not make any movement for his weapons, it was as if he knew he
was in no danger. The women he set his eyes upon was beautiful
by anyones standards. Long black hair, eyes to match and a face
that almost made him stammer as he asked her what she was doing
out this late.
I know why you feel empty Mazerith, why the Orlouge never felt
like home to you. Why you have never felt truly at home on my seas.
The women grined slightly as mazerith worked over the phrase "my seas"
in his head, but before he could speak she spoke again.
I am Zeboim, Mistress of the seas, I have allowed you to pass
over my oceans for long now with your blasphimous ways. Tonight
it ends. Pushing him from the docks Mazerith found himself
submerged in the water. Violently he tried to surface but could not.
he struggled for air as his lungs emptied, he accepted death, but
found an odd sensation come over him. There was no air to breath
under the water but he found himself still alive. A mysterious glow
surrounded him and he closed his eyes letting the warmth envelop him
as he sank further into the depths.

Starting violently he found himself in his room, soaking wet, sitting
in his chair behind his desk. Had that all been real? Or perhaps it

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Mon Jul  6 16:23:14 2009
Subject     The Road to the Odessy part II

was simply the grog. A voice rang through his head Mazerith I have 
you and your new ship with my grace, do not make me regret this. Your
soul is mine as is your body. You must believe in me or all is lost.
Mazerith sat soaked to the bone wondering how he could have ever thought
Mistress Zebiom never truly ruled over the Seas.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Sat Jul 25 21:34:53 2009
Subject     The Road to the Odessy Part III

"Whats your take on the Gods Cabel?"  Mazerith asked flatly as the two 
long time friends sat on the end of the dock in Palanthas passing a bottle
of good Sea Folk Rum between them.
"The Gods my dear friend Mazerith are a fickle bunch who seem to derive 
some twisted pleasure from inflicting those of us on this rock with what
ever pain or strife they can come up with. Though you must pick a side
Mazerith or be swept up in their wake" Cabel seemed to think his explination
grand as he took a long haul off the already half gone bottle.
Mazerith sat silent for a moment lost in thought before slowly stating,
"Zeboim visited me the other night Cabel, I bloody saw her with my own
two eyes. Until then I swore on my life those goat brained immortals were
mearly tales to keep children in line. I just dont know what to think Cabel
she spoke of her support for this endevor but I must give myself over to her.
I follow no being Cabel the Sea alone controls my fate."
Chuckling slightly Cabel noded at Mazerith and said, "She is the Godess of
the sea mate...... you did know that right?" Cabels chuckle had turned into
more of a roar as he finished his sentence.
shaking his head Mazerith spoke through the laugh, "Yes I knew that you 
liver spotted mule. But if the stories are true what she offers is nothing
like what we will get. They speak with a silver tongue that dulls even the
most seasoned helmsmens calm. And furthermore what happens when Dragon Army
ships begin to be lost at sea? How will the daughter of the Dark Queen
handel that? I mean once the Odessy is ready we need to birth her into the
sea and head from Palanthas. I have heard people talking that she will
not be loyal to the Solamnic, have you found a proper base of operations yet?"
Cabel seemed to be swimming with the outburst Mazerith had just put forth.
Handing Mazerith the rum, "Take a drink dear man, better yet, take a
breath then take a drink, or even take a drink, take a breath then take
another drink." He watched as Mazerith took two good drinks before
he continued. "Furthermore they are simple towns folk talking 
nonsense. The proper hands have been greased, savy? Nothing will
happen to the old girl before her belly is bathed in the sea. Now
as far as a base of operations I am still narrowing it down but I
do have a few ideas I will go over with you once I narrow it to three."
Cabel paused to breath and take another drink and perhaps watch a
rather attractive elf walk from the deck of a ship tied to the dock
beside the two, but after she passed he continued. "As for Zeboim
let her come to you and intil then dont worry over it. We shall 
finish the Odessy within the month and set sail with or with out
the great daughter of the five headed dragon." Cabel suddenly jumped
to his feet and began to saunter off down the dock. He paused and shouted
over his shoulder, "I shall see you tommrow at the Shipwright, Go see
Silvana, she will quiet your mind." 
Mazerith waited until Cabel was out of sight befor sitting back down on the
dock and taking another haul off the bottle, Cabel left for him.
What else would come his way before the Odessy was sea ready. If Zeboim
was truly smiling on him it would be little to nothing.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Tue Sep  8 00:29:29 2009
Subject     The Berth

Months had passed since the idea to fund his own ship first sprang
into Mazeriths mind. Lots of coin had been spent on materials and 
and labor as well as greasing a few hands to keep eyes diverted from
exactly who was backing this little endevor. Lanfer had long since left 
Palantahs, so Solamnic eyes gazing upon Mazerith always left him
feeling quick fidigity. They were as crooked as any member of the 
theives guild and had the veil of "justice" behind them. Why he 
hadent moved the building of this ship to somewhere else still
confuised Mazerith. Perhaps it was the fact that once she was berthed
into the harbor and the first gun test was upon the vessels in the 
harbor Mazerith knew she would outrun any vessel in the Solamnic navy.
He almost laughed aloud as he entered the ship yard for the final inspection
of his new vessel. 

The yard was empty as the commission of the ship had met its end
and being a slow season for the yard the laborers were given a few
days rest before they under went their next build. Mazerith had
requested that he be left alone with the ship for his final look
before it was put into the water later that night. He ran his hand
along her hull feeling the wood, perfectly fitted together. This truly was
a ship built masterfully. No expense had been spared in her commission
and it showed through and through. Laughing almost as a child who
was just given their first taste of Otiks spiced potatoes he hefted
himself up the ladder and flung himself onto the deck with a thud. 
he drew a sword from the sheath at his hip and danced around the
deck in a mock battle with an invisable enemy. Any onlookers
surly would have thought him mad as he danced about thrusting and 
blocking the air. The two masts both had black sails furled
they flapped in the breeze as they were not tighed tight, they 
had been left up simply for Mazerith to see. Upon the main sail
was a Silver Dragon just about to take flight with a compass
rose behind it. The new symbol of the Odessey. The dark color
of the wood with the black sails really did look majestic.

He strolled over the deck to a door which lead to his quarters. 
A large room with a Large four posted valen wood bed and a valenwood
desk. A chair made from the same wood and a few lamps was all that 
filled it. He climbed another ladder and was in the bridge. He had made
the shipwright cover the bridge from the elements no matter how much
he had told Mazerith that he shouldent do it. To combat against the loss of
vision of all sides he had put in a thin composit that was transparent
on all four sides to give the men in the bridge 360 degree view of the
seas around them. He took the wheel and gave it a good spin. By Reorx's
hammer was she smooth. He exited a door at the front of the cabin and 
descended a set of stairs back to the deck. Yes everything was in proper
order. Tonight she would be berthed into Palanthas harbor and they
would make way to Normaandar. He had a meeting with a certin somewhere
there. If all went well he would have a safe haven to run his new
operation from. If not they would make due until a proper safe port
could be found. Tonight the crew would gather and Palanthas would
find themselves in one of the biggest displays of fireworks
the city had seen in quite some time. Yes It was going to all
come together nicely.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Sun Sep 13 15:43:24 2009
Subject     A Name Change at Berth

Mazerith Sat on a stack of deck planks in the Ship Yard of Palanthas. Had he
really gotten this ship built with out any prying eyes or questions? The
luck of Shinare was truly with him if they were able to put water under
this vessel and make way to the open sea. Mazerith was quite confident with
her design and knew there wasent a vessel in creation that could match
her speed. It was now simply the name. He for some reason had become
quite disenchanted with the previous name he had given her. Shaking his head 
slightly he rose from his seat and strolled off towards his new girl. She
was going to be a force in the comming storms of war. News of a gathering
army in sanction could only mean the dragon army was comming together and
only ment war. So much wealth could be gained as the plagues of war
rolled accross the land.

Jumping slightly as Cabel approched him Mazerith wraped his left arm around 
the mans shoulder smelling the rum poor off cabels breath. "Celebrate 
we shall Cabel but go easy until we make it to the open sea."
"I can feel the storm Comming Mate, Cabel spoke in an almost grave tone.
"The Tempest is rising and we might find our bloody asses in the troth of
Zebioms waves if we are not careful, Savy?"
Mazerith only nodded to his friend and First Mate. The name Tempest Had stuck
him hard. He liked it. Calling over a young boy he sent him to tell the 
painter to change the name on her side before she was set in the water. 

Mazerith set about tieing up any loose ends as the name was fixed and 
in an hours time the Harbor Men had her floating in the water. It was
almost the most beautiful thing Mazerith had seen. She sat perfect,
absolutly perfect Mazerith thought as a cheer rang up around the yard.
Mazerith had almost forgot there were men who beld to get this project
completed as fast as it had. He was grateful for thir work, but sadness
filled him. 

Quickly he gave an order to Cabel who ran off. Then Ascended the plank 
to the deck. Once the crew had boarded and Cabel came abord Mazerith 
gave the order to throw off and they were away. The for sail was lowered 
and tightened and The Tempest slowly made her way out into the harbor. 
getting a good distance off shore Mazerith gave the order to come about 
and load the Balistias and Catapults with one round each. The men 
abord looked a bit puzzled but did as they were told. 

"Consider this a weapons test Boyz. Once this round goes will come around 
and I want you to make haste in getting her to full speed. This is a
journey you might not all come back from. But stick with me 
and I will fill your pockets and stomaches. It is time for
Zebioms Rage to be felt amongst Solamnic and Dragon Army alike. FIRE!!
The catapults and balistias on the deck let loose and all that could
be heard was the screams from the dock area. Fire spran up and in the
flickering light everyone could see Men carring the dead away from
fire. The distruction was amazing for the one volly. Turning the wheel
hard the Tempest pointed to the open sea as the crew sprang to life
droping the sails and tieing tight the rigging. 
He really had a bloody hell of a crew, this was going to be a great

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Oct 21 00:04:17 2009
Subject     Making Way

The Winds had held strong since the brisk departure from Palanthas. The Crew 
seemed all in good spirits too with the exception of the young man Mazerith had
found trying to escape a group of Solamnic Knights who wanted a word with him.
He seemed quite aggrovated with the ballistic test on the Harbor of Palanthas and
hadent come above deck since. Mazerith stood at the helm of the ship, the sails at
full mast reveling in the breeze blowing through his long hair. It had been long 
since he had last been at the helm of a ship and the seas seemed to offer him even
more solace then they had before. There was just somethign very calming about the
slight rocking of the hull as it cut through the oceans deep blue waters. They had
been making amazing time from Palanthas to the area off the coast of Sanction and
during their trip had seen only a handfull of fishing vessels. It seemed the Dragon
army had not thought of building a navy yet as they had not encountered one ship
flying their colors. 

The plan at this point was to make anchor off the coast of Sanction
somewhere to the west and treck into the city to see what
if anythign was going on. There had been rumors of an army
building there and where there was was war there was profit.
Mazerith had been keeping an eye on his men as they sailed 
and he was pretty sure he knew the three or four men he 
would take to land with him, leaving the rest to guard the
ship incase any came to see why they were moored outside
of Sanction. There was also a bit of recruiting to do as
the crew still could have used a few hands on the deck. 
When he left Palanthas he knew that they were light staffed
but the the Tempest could more or less run herself, she was
just that well built. If no men or women could be stirred up
in the areas around Sanction Mazerith planned to sail towards
the shores outside Kaganos, where he would enter the city of
his kin and see if any would like to leave the woods they called
home. He doubted any would, but it never hurt to find out. If 
that was fruitless then perhaps he would jsut have to stick
with what he had. They were certinly skilled enough with their
weapons, but with the Armies of the Solamnic and the Dragon Army
amassing more men couldent hurt.

Mazerith had been lost in his thoughts for Reorx knew how
long when Cabel from the crows next called out LAN... LAND
Oh Shore is ahead. The man sloshed rum onto the deck as he
drunknly peered down at Mazerith. 

Mazerith went about makign preparations to board the long boat
Taking Cabel, and Thez with him to scout the area around the
shore. Leaving Prakel in charge of the Vessel, though he had his
concerns about leaving a Kender in charge as did his men he knew
the little guy could handel it. What would they find on the land?
Would there be an army waiting just on the otherside of the trees?
Only Zebiom could answer that question until the three found out for

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Sat Oct 31 13:14:06 2009
Subject     and What there after

Walking away from the strange young man Mazerith couldent help but
wonder what in Krynn those bloody Casters could want with him and
his ship. They had access to many more reasources then he, what could
one ship help in their cause? Chuckling he mused at the fact that
it was the Tempest, so one ship could do plenty to anyones cause. 
As he trotted through the woods towards the main road leading to
sanction he spotted Cabel and Thez in a small group of trees
just off the main road.

The three men sat for a moment and made a game plan on how to go
about their search of the city. It was quickly decided that Cabel
Would take the dock area, even though a bit begrudgingly as he felt
his services would best be focused in the taverns and cat houses of
sanction. Though both Mazerith and Thez knew the drunk would never
leave if he got a Taste for the brews of the Port City. It really 
was quite the marvelous place even though it was over run with 
members of the Queens Army. He felt the same of Sanction that he
did of Palanthas, the only differences being Palanthas was cleaner
and Sanction was more fun. 
Thez and Mazerith would divide the Taverns between them and get as
much information from the general population as they could. It always
amused Mazerith how much you could learn but just asking questions
of the normal every day citizen. Even the most dictatioris leaders
could not keep the truth from the people of his town. The trick
was sorting the rumor from the truth and Mazerith had a nack for it.

The Three men then made for the road and made the short treck to the 
gates of Sanction. There was a Line of carts and wagons comming from 
the surrounding villages, laden with food and supplies to sell and
trade for things they needed. It was easy for the three men to blend
but as they approched the Gates an odd thing happened. One of the 
watching the progression spotted Mazerith and locked him in a stare.
Quickly Mazerith began to run through the list of names of people
he owed money or had screwed over in some maner but this face matched
none of them. The guard leaned into another standing with him as the 
two men conversed Mazerith made sure Thez and Cabel saw what was 
happening with a slight nod in the guards direction. The two mens 
hands went to their weapon hilts as they moved with the line.
As They apporched closer the Guard steped out face to face with
Mazerith. "Captain Mazerith of the Tempest I Assume?"
Mazerith noded slowly eyeing the two men with him to make sure
one of them didnt get the itch for blood and end their attempt
at gaining information prematurely. "Aye, I am Mazerith, 
Captain of the Tempest. May Zebioms Grace guide you" Dipping
into a low bow the Guard rested a hand on his shoulder and
said, "Tis I that should bow to you friend. Word has come
to us of the display you and your men put on in Palanthas and
we welcome you with open arms. Though we had expected you to
make use of our Port."
Mazerith had all he could do to keep his jaw from hitting the
ground. How had news traveled that fast? Perhaps that strange 
lad had something to do with it. "Please dont flatter us 
friend. The artillery needed a test and Palanthas Harbor was
perfect for it. It just made good sense" Mazerith grined at
the guard and extended his hand.
Taking Mazeriths hand he informed the three men that they were
welcome in Sanction and if they had any troubles to return to the
gate and let him know and it would be delt with. "Any oposition
to the Solamnic are Welcome here Mazerith, please enjoy our fair

As the three men passed into the city they split to search for
information with the plan to reconvein at the end of the day.
Mazerith would have to make sure he went back and chatted up that
guard. He was loose lipped indeed and already very trusting, yes
he would be useful.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Fri Sep  3 17:00:02 2010
Subject     GGreen Waters

The day had started out as any other had the past few months for Mazerith. He awoke
as the first light of the sun peaked over the horizon and quickly dressed. The
deck of the Tempest was quiet as the few sailors he had managed to hire were
still asleep after the rowdy night they had all had eating and drinking at
the Rusty Rudder. One of his men was even asked to leave after he bean to taunt
a member of the Solamnic Knights who was off duty and despertly trying to impress one
of the Rudders Bar maids. He had been flirting all night with the poor serving women whome
obviously had no interest in the Knight whome grew red with embarassment everytime she
showed an ankle or leand forward to clear a table exposing her ample clevage.
Mazeriths man had laughed openly at the mans poor attempts at gaining the bar maids
attention. An argument insued and the now slightly drunk Solamnic had gone for his sword.
It was pretty clear that a stiff breeze would have knocked this lame Knight over, so one
solid punch to the Knights jaw was all it took to end the altercation. Thoguh it did however
land the Sailor in jail for the evening.
As Mazerith hit the gang plank that lead from the deck to the docks he noticed a rather putrid
smell in the air. It was a mix of death and a sour sweet smell he could not place. As he got off
the gang plank and onto the docks he noticed the water too was a slime green color. Something was
very off this morning in the harbor. Pulling a small square of silk cloth from his pocket and
covering his nose Mazerith made his way down the dock towards the north gate of Palanthas.
Things were strewn about everywhere. The carts and shop fronts all along the dock looked as if they
had been ransacked in the middle of the night. One perticular women was out with her cart trying to
repair it as it seemed a gale had come through and destroyed it. Her goods were everywhere around
the cart and much of it was unsalvageable. Mazerith stopped to enguage the women in conversation
he wished to find out what had gone on in the middle of the night. She told him that a sudden and
and the fact she had no idea what was going on. It had happened so recently and suddenly even rumors had not
had the chance to begin. Mazerith offered to supply her with any goods she needed to replace as his ship
the Tempest was sitting at the docks with its cargo hold filled, yet he did not have enough crew to run
her anywhere to sell them. She agreed to take his help in exchange she offered to send him any potential sailors
she came accross while working her stand.
With little info found from this women Mazerith made his way into Palanthas to the Rudder for breakfast.
Upon entering through the north gate Mazerith quickly realized that the wind had not effected city its self.
It was almost as if a line was drawn at the edge of the docks and no wind blew past it. In all
honesty it made Mazerith a bit uneasy. Something either magical or divine had taken place. Getting to
the Rudder Mazerith took his normal chair in the back corner of the tavern and ordered a hot
coffee and some eggs and bacon. As he ate he overheard people talking about the events that had
transpired at the docks earyler. It appeared a Mage had already come and was going to see what he could
find out about the situation. If he wasent aware of something the Conclave had done then perhaps they
had no hand in it. Though something about what was happening reaked of Conclave meddeling.
After Mazerith finished his breakfast he asked the server for paper and pen. He qucikly snapped off three
letters to captains he knew in Caergoth, Kalaman and Mithas asking them if they were having similar
issues in their own ports. Once done he asked the bar maid to have them sent out and he quickly
made his way back to the Tempest. There he planned to do a bit of reading in some of the old
sailors logs he had in his library. There was a sea curse Zebiom once placed on the world that Mazerith
to something.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 15:14:08 2010
Subject     The Road to Tempest

The day had been long as Mazerith slowed his walk at the door of the Rusty Rudder Tavern.
He had just stepped off the Deck of the Orlouge for what he knew was going to be the last
time. He hadent felt right at her Helm since he had taken over for Mondraiken, it just
wasent his ship and the ghosts of his past crew haunted Mazerith when awake as well as
They had jsut returned from a trip to Mithis where some spices and grain were traded for some
metals and San Thalos Herb. Sometimes Mazerith felt like it was that herb that kept him
sane these days. Mazerith jsut knew that this tradsmen life was not what he truly
was born to do. He was a pirate. He got pleasure out of the chase that insued when a
ship knew that they were in danger. When they saw his sails unferl and his canons ready.
He had killed many men, looted ships and towns, He had personally burned more merchant
vessels and rival pirate ships then he could truly remember. The twisted look
of defeat when the other captain knew the battle was lost and he would be
taking a trip of the depths of the sea.
Realizing he was still standing in the doorway he enteres the Rusty Rudder and
takes his seat in the back corner, something about having his back to any
room made mazerith very uneasy. Noding to Steffania he silently ordered his
mug of Grof. She sat on his lap as he counted out the coin to pay for his mug
they chated idely about his day and he could feel her pourpously wiggling
her bottom into him. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, but the look
o shock upon her face when Mazerith told her he was done with the Orlouge,
the blasted boat could rot in the harbor for all he cared.
She giggled slightly as he told her he was returning to his old profession
and she hugged him, she had received many fine gifts from Mazerith
back then and he was quite sure she was looking forward to the prospect
of that begining again. Getting up she returned to her job leaving
Mazerith alone to think. A new ship was in order, He would have to set
about putting a crew tofether at first light. But tonght he was going
to sit and drink. When the night was over he would take his lovely
bar maiden Steph home and they would be locked in a passionate
embrace until the sun came up. In the morning he would be
at the docks early. He had a meeting with the ship wright and the
plans would be drawn for the Tempest, She would be a thing of
beauty, a ship to be feared, perhaps a thorn in the sides of any
merchant who sailed his waters, but tonight he was hers. Smiling
and waving hismud jn the air Steph smiled back and went to the bar
to get her lover a fresh mug of grog.

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 15:43:10 2010
Subject     Road to Tempest II

Mazerith had spent the day in the harbor with ths Shipwright making sure
that every detail had been gone over. The men in the harbor had gone quickly
to work on the new ship and when he had entered the building it was being
assembeled that morning he was shocked to find the hull already completed.
Running his hands along the wood he felt a shiver run down his spine. This
was going to be it, his last ship, his final home. He would go down with her
if it ever came to that. It was strange looking back on the previous years
and his time on the Orlouge. He had just never felt at home there even if
Mondraiken had done everything to make the elf feel as if it were his. There
was just somethign lacking there that Mazerith couldent put his finger on.
Perhaps if the gods were real he would have prayed to them, but they were
simply a way to keep the masses in check and he knew that.   After
conversing with the head shipwright once more on the specifics of mast
placement as well as some details such as the Helm and his cabin Mazerith
left the Harbor and headed into the Smiling Mug. Sitting in his chair in the
back corner Silvana came over with a mug of grog and a plate of food. He had
come to love her over the years. She always was glad to see him and they
spent some very memorable nights together in his home outside Palanthas. She
was a great girl, the kind you'd marry if you had any brains, but everytime
Mazerith left the dock his return was uncertain and he would never put her
through that any more then he already did. She sat and talked with him as
business that night was slow. He told her of the Odessy and its quick
advancements towards completion. She seemed happy yet hesitant knowing that
once the boat was finished she may never see him again. She knew full well
that this boat was ment to search for blood. Mazerith had grown quite cold
with age. Taking lives was something that didnt seem to faze him anylonger
and she knew he was tired of living the megar life he had in past years. He
was one of the best captains left in Palanthas and he would find the blood
and treasures he so desperatly searched for.   It was far past dark when
Mazerith left the mug and returned to the docks. He sat on the edge of the
warf with his feet dangeling over. A togo cup of grog in one hand a wrap of
san thalos herb in the other. Just sitting looking over the harbor thinking
on the adventure that was to come. He would pillage these seas to the bone
if thats what it took. He had a few crewmen already in mind, yet he needed a
few more to get this endevor off the ground. It was at that Mazerith felt a
soft hand touch his shoulder. Turning he wondered how anyone could have made
it the length of the warf with out him hearing it. As he rose from sitting
he did not make any movement for his weapons, it was as if he knew he was in
no danger. The women he set his eyes upon was beautiful by anyones
standards. Long black hair, eyes to match and a face that almost made him
stammer as he asked her what she was doing out this late. I know why you
feel empty Mazerith, why the Orlouge never felt like home to you. Why you
have never felt truly at home on my seas. The women grined slightly as
mazerith worked over the phrase "my seas" in his head, but before he could
speak she spoke again. I am Zeboim, Mistress of the seas, I have allowed you
to pass over my oceans for long now with your blasphimous ways. Tonight it
ends. Pushing him from the docks Mazerith found himself submerged in the
water. Violently he tried to surface but could not. he struggled for air as
his lungs emptied, he accepted death, but found an odd sensation come over
him. There was no air to breath under the water but he found himself still
alive. A mysterious glow surrounded him and he closed his eyes letting the
warmth envelop him as he sank further into the depths.   Starting violently
he found himself in his room, soaking wet, sitting in his chair behind his
desk. Had that all been real? Or perhaps it 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 15:47:10 2010
Subject     Road to Tempest II cont

You and your new ship with my grace, do not make me regret this. Yourwas
simply the grog. A voice rang through his head Mazerith I have you and your
new ship with my grace, do not make me regret this. Your soul is mine as is
your body. You must believe in me or all is lost. Mazerith sat soaked to the
bone wondering how he could have ever thought Mistress Zebiom never truly
ruled over the Seas. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 16:13:08 2010
Subject     Road to Tempest III

"Whats your take on the Gods Cabel?"  Mazerith asked flatly as the two
long time friends sat on the end of the dock in Palanthas passing a bottle
of good Sea Folk Rum between them.

"The Gods my dear friend Mazerith are a fickle bunch who seem to derive
some twisted pleasure from inflicting those of us on this rock with what
ever pain or strife they can come up with. Though you must pick a side
Mazerith or be swept up in their wake"x Cabel seemed to think his explination
explination grand as he took a long haul off the already half gone bottle.
Mazerith sat silent for a moment lost in thought before slowly stating,
"Zeboim visited me the other night Cabel, I bloody saw her with my own
eyes. Until then I swore on my life those goat brained immortals were mearly
tales to keep children in line. I just dont know what to think Cabel she
spoke of her support for this endevor but I must give myself over to her. I
follow no being Cabel the sea alone controls my fate."x Chuckling slightly
Cabel nods at Mazerith and said r"She is the goddess of the sea mate....
you did know that right?"x Cabels chuckle had turned into more of a roar as
he finished his sentence.

Shaking his head Mazerith spoke through the laugh "Yes I knew that you
liver spotted mule. But if the stories are true what she offers is nothing
like what we will get. They speak with a silver tongue that dulls even the
most seasoned helmsmens calm. And furthermore what happens when Dragon Army
ships begin to be lost at sea? How will the daughter of the Dark Queen
handel that? I mean once the Odessy is ready we need to birth her into the
sea and head from Palanthas. I have heard people talking that she will not
be loyal to the Solamnic, have you found a proper base of operations yet?"x
Cabel seemed to be swimming with the outburst Mazerith had just put forth.

Handing Mazerith the rum "Take a drink dear friend, better yet take a breath
then take a drink, or even take a drink, take a breath then take another
drink."x He watched as Mazerith took two good drinks before he continued.
r"Furthermore they are simple towns folk talking nonsense. The proper hands
have been greased, savy? Nothing will happen to the old girl before her
belly is bathed in the sea. Now as far as a base of operations I am still
narrowing it down but I do have a few ideas I will go over with you once I
narrow it to three."x Cabel paused to breath and take another drink and
perhaps watch a rather attractive elf walk from the deck of a ship tied to
the dock beside the two, but after she passed he continued. "As for Zeboim
let her come to you and intil then dont worry over it. We shall finish the
Odessy within the month and set sail with or with out the great daughter of
the five headed dragon."x Cabel suddenly jumped to his feet and began to
saunter off down the dock. He pauses and shouts over his shoulder "I
shall see you tommrow at the Shipwright, Go see Silvana, she will quiet your

Mazerith waited until Cabel was out of sight befor sitting back down on the
dock and taking another haul off the bottle, Cabel left for him. What else
would come his way before the Odessy was sea ready. If Zeboim was truly
smiling on him it would be little to nothing. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 16:21:46 2010
Subject     The Berth

Months had passed since the idea to fund his own ship first sprang into
Mazeriths mind. Lots of coin had been spent on materials and and labor as
well as greasing a few hands to keep eyes diverted from exactly who was
backing this little endevor. Lanfer had long since left Palantahs, so
Solamnic eyes gazing upon Mazerith always left him feeling quick fidigity.
They were as crooked as any member of the theives guild and had the veil of
"justice" behind them. Why he hadent moved the building of this ship to
somewhere else still confuised Mazerith. Perhaps it was the fact that once
she was berthed into the harbor and the first gun test was upon the vessels
in the harbor Mazerith knew she would outrun any vessel in the Solamnic
navy. He almost laughed aloud as he entered the ship yard for the final
inspection of his new vessel.

The yard was empty as the commission of the ship had met its end and being a
slow season for the yard the laborers were given a few days rest before they
under went their next build. Mazerith had requested that he be left alone
with the ship for his final look before it was put into the water later that
night. He ran his hand along her hull feeling the wood, perfectly fitted
together. This truly was a ship built masterfully. No expense had been
spared in her commission and it showed through and through. Laughing almost
as a child who was just given their first taste of Otiks spiced potatoes he
hefted himself up the ladder and flung himself onto the deck with a thud. he
drew a sword from the sheath at his hip and danced around the deck in a mock
battle with an invisable enemy. Any onlookers surly would have thought him
mad as he danced about thrusting and blocking the air. The two masts both
had black sails furled they flapped in the breeze as they were not tighed
tight, they had been left up simply for Mazerith to see. Upon the main sail
was a Silver Dragon just about to take flight with a compass rose behind it.
The new symbol of the Odessey. The dark color of the wood with the black
sails really did look majestic.

He strolled over the deck to a door which lead to his quarters. A large room
with a Large four posted valen wood bed and a valenwood desk. A chair made
from the same wood and a few lamps was all that filled it. He climbed
another ladder and was in the bridge. He had made the shipwright cover the
bridge from the elements no matter how much he had told Mazerith that he
shouldent do it. To combat against the loss of vision of all sides he had
put in a thin composit that was transparent on all four sides to give the
men in the bridge 360 degree view of the seas around them. He took the wheel
and gave it a good spin. By Reorx's hammer was she smooth. He exited a door
at the front of the cabin and descended a set of stairs back to the deck.
Yes everything was in proper order. Tonight she would be berthed into
Palanthas harbor and they would make way to Normaandar. He had a meeting
with a certin somewhere there. If all went well he would have a safe haven
to run his new operation from. If not they would make due until a proper
safe port could be found. Tonight the crew would gather and Palanthas would
find themselves in one of the biggest displays of fireworks the city had
seen in quite some time. Yes It was going to all come together nicely. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 16:34:36 2010
Subject     The Road to Tempest IV

Mazerith sat on stack of deck planks in the Ship Yard of Palanthas. Had
he really gotten this ship built with out any prying eyes or questions? The
luck of Shinare was truly with him if they were able to put water under this
vessel and make way to the open sea. Mazerith was quite confident with her
design and knew there wasent a vessel in creation that could match her
speed. It was now simply the name. He for some reason had become quite
disenchanted with the previous name he had given her. Shaking his head
slightly he rose from his seat and strolled off towards his new girl. She
was going to be a force in the comming storms of war. News of a gathering
army in sanction could only mean the dragon army was comming together and
only ment war. So much wealth could be gained as the plagues of war rolled
accross the land.

Jumping slightly as Cabel approched him Mazerith wraped his left arm around
the mans shoulder smelling the rum poor off cabels breath. "Celebrate we
shall Cabel but go easy until we make it to the open sea."x "I can feel the
storm Comming Mate,  Cabel spoke in an almost grave tone. "The Tempest is
rising and we might find our bloody asses in the troth of Zebioms waves if
we are not careful, Savy?"x Mazerith only nodded to his friend and First
Mate. The name Tempest Had stuck him hard. He liked it. Calling over a young
boy he sent him to tell the painter to change the name on her side before
she was set in the water.

Mazerith set about tieing up any loose ends as the name was fixed and in an
hours time the Harbor Men had her floating in the water. It was almost the
most beautiful thing Mazerith had seen. She sat perfect, absolutly perfect
Mazerith thought as a cheer rang up around the yard. Mazerith had almost
forgot there were men who beld to get this project completed as fast as it
had. He was grateful for thir work, but sadness filled him.

Quickly he gave an order to Cabel who ran off. Then Ascended the plank to
the deck. Once the crew had boarded and Cabel came abord Mazerith gave the
order to throw off and they were away. The for sail was lowered and
tightened and The Tempest slowly made her way out into the harbor. getting a
good distance off shore Mazerith gave the order to come about and load the
Balistias and Catapults with one round each. The men abord looked a bit
puzzled but did as they were told.

"Consider this a weapons test Boyz. Once this round goes will come around nd
I want you to make haste in getting her to full speed. This is a journey you
might not all come back from. But stick with me and I will fill your pockets
and stomaches. It is time for Zebioms Rage to be felt amongst Solamnic and
Dragon Army alike. FIRE!!x The catapults and balistias on the deck let loose
and all that could be heard was the screams from the dock area. Fire spran
up and in the flickering light everyone could see Men carring the dead away
from fire. The distruction was amazing for the one volly. Turning the wheel
hard the Tempest pointed to the open sea as the crew sprang to life droping
the sails and tieing tight the rigging. He really had a bloody hell of a
crew, this was going to be a great adventure. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Wed Nov 10 16:43:40 2010
Subject     The Road to Tempest V

The Winds had held strong since the brisk departure from Palanthas. The
Crew seemed all in good spirits too with the exception of the young man
Mazerith had found trying to escape a group of Solamnic Knights who wanted a
word with him. He seemed quite aggrovated with the ballistic test on the
Harbor of Palanthas and hadent come above deck since. Mazerith stood at the
helm of the ship, the sails at full mast reveling in the breeze blowing
through his long hair. It had been long since he had last been at the helm
of a ship and the seas seemed to offer him even more solace then they had
before. There was just somethign very calming about the slight rocking of
the hull as it cut through the oceans deep blue waters. They had been making
amazing time from Palanthas to the area off the coast of Sanction and during
their trip had seen only a handfull of fishing vessels. It seemed the Dragon
army had not thought of building a navy yet as they had not encountered one
ship flying their colors.

The plan at this point was to make anchor off the coast of Sanction
somewhere to the west and treck into the city to see what if anythign was
going on. There had been rumors of an army building there and where there
was was war there was profit. Mazerith had been keeping an eye on his men as
they sailed and he was pretty sure he knew the three or four men he would
take to land with him, leaving the rest to guard the ship incase any came to
see why they were moored outside of Sanction. There was also a bit of
recruiting to do as the crew still could have used a few hands on the deck.
When he left Palanthas he knew that they were light staffed but the the
Tempest could more or less run herself, she was just that well built. If no
men or women could be stirred up in the areas around Sanction Mazerith
planned to sail towards the shores outside Kaganos, where he would enter the
city of his kin and see if any would like to leave the woods they called
home. He doubted any would, but it never hurt to find out. If that was
fruitless then perhaps he would jsut have to stick with what he had. They
were certinly skilled enough with their weapons, but with the Armies of the
Solamnic and the Dragon Army amassing more men couldent hurt.

Mazerith had been lost in his thoughts for Reorx knew how long when Cabel
from the crows next called out LAN... LAND Oh Shore is ahead. The man
sloshed rum onto the deck as he drunknly peered down at Mazerith.

Mazerith went about makign preparations to board the long boat Taking Cabel,
and Thez with him to scout the area around the shore. Leaving Prakel in
charge of the Vessel, though he had his concerns about leaving a Kender in
charge as did his men he knew the little guy could handel it. What would
they find on the land? Would there be an army waiting just on the otherside
of the trees? Only Zebiom could answer that question until the three found
out for themselves. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Tue Nov 30 16:25:31 2010
Subject     a Mariners REVENGE

The large cave the Tempest had been anchored in outside the great city of
Palanthas was really an amazing place. From the sea it was impossiable to
see as it was guarded by rock ledges and spires jutting up from the sea
floor. If you didnt know it was there you would need to be within twenty
feet of the opening to see it. And the current would smash any ship to
pieces if it was being helmed by anyone who didnt know the rout in. A marvel
indeed, and quite perfect for a group who had blown the Palanthas harbor to
bits on their departure. It still allowed them access to the city, and
Mazerith needed this access to complete what had been set in motion years

The crew had come together very nicely once Tempest had shown the worlf her
might. It was nice to see the hustle and bustle on the deck. Men sat and
played at dice or cards. The mood was quite uplifted seeing as these men and
women wanted to travel and gain weath, and here Tempest sat on Mazeriths
order. He had some business to finish within Palanthas before She was to be
taken to see in search of adventure and gold. An endevor Mazerith was
convinced needed to be done for the good of the Mariner guild as well as
some personal REVENGE warrented from years of mistrust and overall neglect.
Tonight the Captain Mondraiken would die.

Mazerith sat in the captains cabin going over the intel he had gathered. His
eyes and ears around Palanthas were a strong group. An intricate network he
had built years ago when he was just a deckhand abord the Orlouge.
Mondraiken had kept him at that position for far to long. In reality he owed
the birth of Tempest to this misuse, and Mazerith could have forgiven that
if such a loss of wealth had not occured do to this obvious self motivated
move. Mondraiken knew Mazerith was his best crewman. If a job needed to be
done it was the Human he called upon. He had dispatched many a threat for
the dumb cow and earned him much in the way of respect and riches. But still
the cow kept him low in the ranks. It was the preverbial straw that broke
the cows back when Mondraiken brought a rather feeble man named Realnic up
in the ranks and gave him much of the same control over Mariner as
Mondraiken enjoyed. It was sickning that the bovine idoit had once again
looked over his right hand man. 

Packing a bag with fresh cloths and food Mazerith grabbed his bow and
quiver. Along with this he placed his daggers in both boots and another
behind his leather belt. Lastly he opened a small strong box under his desk
removing a vial of reddish liquid. It was a posion made by the Minotaurs of
Mithis. A fitting end for the grand captain of the Orlouge. Checking once
more to make sure he had everything he needed Mazerith leaves the cabin
entering the half light of the deck within the high dome of the cave. Giving
orders to Barnivan to stay put Mazerith addresses his crew leaving the
helmsmen in charge if the old Captain dosent return in three days time.
Mazerith knew he would have to get close to the cow to end his life. 

Author:    Mazerith       
Date:      Sun Mar 25 13:10:37 2012
Subject     A chance encounter and a game of cards

Slamming his cards down on the table, a wry grin crossing his lips Mazerith cackles happily. A man perhaps a bit too deep into the grog that particular night. "I win again you old cow. You are about as good at this game as you are with the female's of your species." He chuckles again as the brow of the Minotaur sitting accross from him furrows even further then it had been before the hand was delt. By Mazeriths calculations he was already down about one hundred steel and was near having smoke poor from its huge muzzle in angry rage. "One more hand for the entire lot Pirate. My luck has to change or curse Zeboim to a life upon the land." "My dear friend," Mazerith began slowly, goding the cow further, "You have nothing left to wager." "I have my boat. I know she isn't as grand as your Tempest, but shes solid to the hull and with this commotion springing up around the world you can never have to many sea worthy vessels," the Minotaur almost spat in contempt. "Thats if you are brave enough to take such a wager." Thinking for a moment leaning back in his chair Mazerith played the cautious man. He chuckled to himself and noded across the table as he began to deal the cards. As the last one fell the old Mariner noticed a young man enter the tavern. He knew the man, had seen him around Palanthas before, but the last time he was dressed as a Solamnic wearing that silly mustach they all wore. Disreguarding the boy for the moment he scaned the hand he had delt and chuckled once more inside. It appeared he was about to become a man who owned a pair of vessels. Musing over the question of weather or not he could change his title now to admiral the Minotaur let out a chuckle. "I have you beat this time Mazerith," flipping his cards to reviel three crowns and a sword he began to reach accross the table towards the pile of silver infront of Mazerith. Reaching to stop the Minotaur as he again watched the young solamnic standing at the bar, eyes locked on the card game. "Im affraid you are mistaken Merrin," Mazerith said slowly, flipping his own cards to reveil 5 crowns. "Have your men off my ship before the night is over. I'll send a crew to bring her out to the Tempest. She will make a nice dingy to get from the moored Tempest to land." "DINGY....DINGY.... You goat faced old coot, my ship is no DINGY," Merrin near screamed, standing from the table flipping it and spilling the silver all over the ground. "You cheat, you must, I have never lost so many hands in a row. Our game is not played fair so I will not adhear to the terms." Perhaps it was the tone in the cows voice, or the way it began to reach for its sheathed sword, but all he got was his palm to its silver hilt before it dropped to the ground, blood begining to gurgle up in its throat. "And that Merrin is why we dont play with our swords in the city, espically when my guards are here with me." Mazerith looked past the Minotaur to see Everet, his guard commander, dagger deep in the minotaurs spine. "Take his head and have it stuffed. He looks a lot like Mondraiken anyway. I'll put him up in my office."

Author: Mazerith Date: Sun Mar 25 13:29:25 2012 Subject A chance meeting and a Game of cards II

Standing from the table as his men began to clean up the area, picking up Mazerith's silver and taking the now lifless cow outside the Old Captain headed for the Solamnic. "Alexander, correct?" He extended musing over the concerned look on the boys face as his men dragged the bleeding minotaur by them. The boy nodded and looked Mazerith over carefully. "You do realize that was murder Mazerith, the Solamnic more or less let you control the law in the dock areas, but we will not stand for slayings so openly." Mazerith nodded slowly eyeing the boy, judging his resolve on this topic. "So you still are with the Knights. I was not sure with you in that garb. You did however see the entire thing. The cow moved for his weapon and I protected myself. Simple as that. Now that we have that cleared up," Mazerith quickly moved on, "Why are you here?" In a feaverish pace the boy told Mazerith of his plans, and his need for passage abord a ship. Alex knew Mazerith could aid him and that was why he had saught him out. He spoke briefly of the Solamnics almost lack of motivation to help in quell the new rumors of war and a moving army of the queen. Mazerith had heard the rumors and heard from many others on the docks that they were not just rumors but fact. It seemed the Dragon Army was on the move and taking ground rapidly. As Alex finished his tale, Mazerith noded and thought for a moment before saying anything letting the boy catch his breath. Everet had come back into the tavern to report that the head was on its way into town for taxidermy and Mazerith instructed him. "Take this young lad to Merrins boat. Clear the rif raf off its deck and set him up with an able crew. The boat is yours lad, do with it as you like." Rounding on his heels the old Captain gives Alex no chance to talk before strolling off to collect his silver and head for the Tempest. Calling over his shoulder before exiting the tavern, "May the seas be with you young Knight. The world will change very drasticly if this threat is not neutralized."

Author: Mazerith Date: Tue Jun 16 22:31:50 2015 Subject A wind in the Sail

It didnt take long before Mazerith found himself quite content with his decision to take Everet's recomendation to take the Captains place upon the Tempest for the days ventures. Mazerith had taken up letting His first mate take the lead more often then not as he found himself more and more needed within the confines of Port o Call. Truth was the men didnt care much. They respected the second in command almost as much as Mazerith himself, which made the fact Everet was the most trusted man in Maeriths life very important. With the Dragon Armies eye's turned to other things, and the destruction of the Solamnic army being the truths of the time the crew found life quite easy. They could come and go as they pleased within Port o Call, and no armies ever seemed to come to inquire about the ships that had been lost in New Seas waters in recent times. The crew had finally filled back to near full with able men, something Mazerith had experianced only once since comissioning this amazement of a ship. "SAILS!!!!" came the call from above snapping Mazerith back to the present. Only a moment more was taken to enjoy the breeze in the old captains face before he nimbly jumped down the few steps to the deck. There he found himself face to face with his crew. Some had sailed with him since before the Tempest, but most were newer faces. Not a single one of them looked like anyone he wanted to owe money to an this made Mazerith more happy then anything else. "It seems the seas favor us again my friends," Mazerith began loudly a grin spread broad accross his face. "As i see it, if she runs we have her inside an hour, but if she drops sail," the grin spread wider still giving the captain a nearly demonic look, "They will all be dead in a third that time." The cheer that sprung from the mean gathered around him nearly chilled his spine. Mazerith was never sure if these men enjoyed the money they made or the blood they drew more. It didnt much matter to him however. All that mattered was keeping this crew busy and happy until something more important came around. Something where real profits could be gained. Again lost in this thought it was Everet that brought Mazerith back this time as he approched to inform the captain that the ship has begun to lower their sails. The cheer grew louder still from the deck. "Everet, bring us in close, everyone be ready to board", rang the captains voice. Leave none alive, Tonight they sleep with Zeboim"

Author: Mazerith Date: Mon Jun 22 00:58:09 2015 Subject Another ship sent to Zeboim and an ally met

Leaning on the railing of the quarter deck outside his cabin Mazerith couldent help but take in the beauty that sat before him. The goods from the decked vessel had all been removed and stowed in the holds below the captains feet. That vessel now sat in flames before him and the crew that still milled around the deck and the rigging prepairing Tempest to get under way once more. They would return to Port O Call so the men could streatch there legs, and perhaps chase a whore or two. He would go about procuring buyers for their stolen cargo and once the men were paid Mazerith was sure the drunken debochery would only increase until they once more ran dry on coin and went back on the hunt. Everet had come back above deck after gettng the rather curious Ergothian something to eat and a place to sit in the gally. The crew had eyed the captain oddly when he let this man escape the sword. It was something few of them had ever seen. Mazerith never was one to leave a survivor espically one with the potential to creat a problem like this one had. All told this Zurani had subdued a crew single handedly. No Mazerith did not think any of them looked like a man he would take on his own crew, most looking to soft for the task, but the fact was there and the burning ship before them was proof. "Odd night tonight eh ol friend?" Everett finally broke the silence. "Id say it was a good time to get those boots of the land and back out where the belonged," he continued pointing down at the black leater boots on Mazeriths feet chuckling. Mazerith only nodded chuckling lightly as he watched the masts of the merchant ship finally succumb to the flame and begin to fall. "Something very odd about that fellow you took on deck. I think he might be one of them." The first mate scrubbed his hands through his blood streaked hair. "Has Zeboim finally smiled upon this crew? You have said for years if we found one who would join us we'd be richer then our wildest dreams." "I think she has indeed done so....." Mazerith trailed off slightly as the first crack in the hull sent a boom accross the silent waters around them. The groan that followed meant the vessel would soon be taken below Zeboims waves. "If this boy has the power we will indeed be in position to advance our agenda Everet. I can say few men have ever struck me quite as this young man has. If he is what I think, and as worthy as I think, we may one day own Port O Call outright." "SAILS TO THE EAST!!!" came the cry once more from above, making both the men snap there necks out to the open waters. "MULTIPLE SHIPS" It had been dumb to sit here so long and Mazerith knew it immediatly. They had drawn the attention of other ships and now were trapped with their own sails down. "Get the men on deck Everet, the blood hasent finished running for the Godess Tonight."

Author: Mazerith Date: Fri Jul 3 11:02:08 2015 Subject Another ship sent to Zeboim II

Balancing with ease on the cross member of the Mizzenmast, Mazerith had a perfect view as the planks slammed down on the rail of the Dragon Army Vessel. His bow still in hand he covered the men as they made their way accross and onto the other ships deck, letting arrows fly to drop soliders where they stood. The howels and battle cries of his crew was nearly enough to make his own blood curdle, which left the captain with a slight smile knowing they were facing hardened men this time and any advantage would be useful. The Ergothian cleric had proven his worth already to Mazerith, and he knew he would have to give him a stronger spot within the ranks of Tempest if they made it out of this confrontation alive. Infact, Zurani was nearly the first man on the Dragon Army deck as he nimbly sprung from his perch lower on the Mizzen and made his way through the rigging and into the fray. Mazerith found himself lowering his bow slightly as he watched the man work through the bodies on the deck below. He moved well, his mace finding each target he locked on to. It was almost beautiful, if such carnage could even be described as such. A few more arrows let loose and Mazerith had it slung over his back as he drew two daggers from his belt and sprung from the Mizzen into the swelling waters below. Zeboims embrace enveloped him as he hit her waters. It honestly was the closest thing to love Mazerith had felt in life. She protected him and his crew and he knew it. Lifting himself up the hull of the ship by ropes Mazerith sat hanging from the railing of the Dragon army vessel. A member of the crew droped infront of his position as a dragon army soldier plunged a spear through his chest. He was a good man, had signed on when they entered Port o Call months before. He had a family and it saddened the cap to see him fall, but he knew it was part of the game they played. Mazerith said a silent prayer to the Goddess as he sprung over the rail and planted his daggers into the Dragon Army swines neck, pulling them free as his body slumped to the deck. Crouching low Mazerith observed the scene infront of him. Men from both sides lay in blood all around the deck, but it seemed that they had the upperhand as only a few soliders remainded huddled together in formation, unwilling to surrender. It was then that he spotted Zurian approching the Captain. Flanking the pair Mazerith sheathed his daggers and drew his bow once more coming up behind the Dragon Army Captain, arrow pointed and ready to strike.

Author: Mazerith Date: Fri Jul 24 23:02:24 2015 Subject An Act of War

He knew what would come from this days events. He knew the Dragon Armies would not take kindely to a Pirate crew taking one of their ships. Mazerith wondered if the ship they left floating had any idea what had become of their comrads and their boat. Did they get a look at the black hull of Tempest? Would they know who to retaliate against? The Questions swirled as he barked orders to the crew as he ascended the stiars to take the Helm. "Get those sails loose boys! If we arnt set when the wind blows we stay to fight the Queens minions more." Everet had followed the captain to helm, though he didnt seem to udnerstand the displeased look on his old friends face. The first mate was still reeling from the fact he hadent been left in charge of the captured vessel and it was obvious he wanted to talk about it. "Mazer...." Everet began. Mazerith was having nothing of him standing there while the skeleton crew infront of him worked the bleedin asses off to get them out of there. "I understand you feel betrayed Everet, but this is not the bleeding time for it. The crew works to save our hides and you arnt there helping. Dont think they havent taken notice already. There will be a vote for your position, though I will not be the one to call it. They have seen what this Ergothian can do and if he delivers us out of this with our hides, the crew may see him more fit to lead them then a man who is wasting time at a time when our lives hang in the balance." Mazerith finished his tyraid and realize he was screaming at the man, something he hadent done since Everet had come to him a sniviling boy looking for an escape from a terriable life. It was funny how friendships worked on a ship. The first mate hung his head slightly and whirled on his heels bounding to the deck begining to shout orders and aid the crew as they worked to get the sails free and tight. Thankfully they got things in order as a strange breeze kicked up out of nowhere. Looking over to the Dragon Army vessel Mazerith could see Zurani shouting orders to the men. He looked good, commanding even. He would be a good choice when he had the men vote, Everet would challenge, and perhaps die. Zeboim would gain a good man that day. Spinning the wheel slightly he let Tempest fall in behind the sturdy ship they had taken. His crew worked harder then usual, but they looked happy. More then likely they wanted to go gloat about how they had taken a Dragon Army vessel on and won. It would be hard to tell them that they would not be going ashore for long if at all. Word could not spread that Tempest played a role today. Men on shore meant lips that could divulge such things. Specially to stupid whores with far to much ability in geeting the secrets from a mans mind. These things would be delt with in due time. Calling to the quarter master Mazerith let him take the helm making sure he was just loud enough to draw attention. Everet keep working on the deck though the red in his face showed how he truly felt. He had to be knocked down to allow for the crew to accept a new First mate, and one so new to the crew. He gave orders to report when they found a safe place to anchor and made his way to his cabin where he eased himself into the high backed chair behind an old valhen wood desk. His next steps would need to be planned carefully, very carefully.

Author: Mazerith Date: Fri Sep 11 14:42:46 2015 Subject The Lay of the Land

Entering back into the chambers that held his office Mazerith could do very little to stow his emotions as a grin lept to his face. He had to be far less guarded away from the eyes of his men and the thought of Tempest being more then a threat to cargo ships made him happy. He had fought for years to build the crew that was now assembeled upon the decks of the now two ships they owned. They were a strong mix of men. Some more minded towards the runing of the ship with others seeking to drain the blood of any who opposed them. Why the true Queen Zeboim had sent them into this situation, was still yet to be seen, but the past days had put them toe to toe with the Dragon Armies and would more then likely put them in its cross hairs. Mazerith almost cackled at the thought of being a thorn in the armies side. How much damage could be wrought before Tempest was sent to her watery grave? How many men would he have to sacrifice to her? The secont question mattered little to Mazerith. Lives were a commodity to be bartered against a situation. Lives could be replaced. Gathering a few objects from around the office Mazerith began to make himself ready for a trip into Port o Call. He gathered a few extra daggers and placed the about his person. Opening a drawer in his desk and removing a false bottom he gathers a book and a small pouch of gems, tucking each into the pocket of his red cloat, slinging that over his shoulder. He hoped the men could replace those they had lost today quickely. And he hoped those that stayed behind wouldent try and sneak off. They had a long sail to ergoth if things went right. If they got stuck inside the straight, Zeboim help them. One ship fighting its way out would be a massacare. Steping back out into the sun light as Zurani breeches the side rail soaking wet and grining. Apparently he had been lost in thought enough to not hear the call of Man overboard from the deck. That lack of paying attention may have been fine in the past, but his name would soon be back on the map and threats would be abound.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

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