The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Naery.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a massive tome lined with fake jewels on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Naery' scribed in dark blue ink.

Author:    Naery          
Date:      Wed Jul  1
08:16:39 2009
Subject     Packing

The day started out
normal, but a big change was coming for me. Today i
travel to
Palanthas. Father and Mother think i will do well there.
expect me to get a revelation and pick up the way of the
sword, but i dont
feel confortable with those ways. I pray to
Mishakal for a safe journey
and the strength to follow her path,
even against my parents wishes.

Krysta, my friend, was kind
enought to find the address for the Temple of
the Gods for me. I
think i should send a letter to the Holy Order of the
Stars and
ask to meet with someone to talk to.

Perhaps my path will be
more clearly lay out before me when i get there.

The local
priest has taught me a few simple prayers that will aid me in
way, but i do feel confident that i can be of much more use to
Mishakal by
learning adequately in her temple.

Oh, i need to
finish packing now. Its nearly time... 

Date:      Fri Sep  3 16:16:57
Subject     The Tatto that came Tonight pt.1

I was mixing vegetable oil, 2 thirds of the white flower pistil
coconut extract. My favorite color. This will be the tatoo
that represents
me. My identity. What will it be? How will I make
it if I dont even know
what it is?

The Elder said I need my game
up tonight. I will go into the forest and wait
for something
particular to happen. I will then return to the village and
front of everyone, I will draw my identity tatoo onto my

I asked the elder what is it that I would have to see
to get my identity
tatto. He said that my own nature will
determine that for me. That I will
KNOW what it is the moment I
see it. I must travel to the nearby City of
Solace and observe
from afar. Im suposed to find my defining moment there.
well. I
guess we will see. 

Author:    Naery         

Date:      Thu Sep 16 14:34:47 2010
Subject     The
Tatto that came Tonight pt.2

It was late at night. I
could not believe that hours had passed and I
still didnt had
seen what I was supposed to over notice. "You will know when
see it" The Elder's voice rang loudly in my head as I wondered
If I had already witnessed THE event and didnt
"noticed" it. Maybe it was
the child crying for his mother. Maybe
it was the annoying mage whom
everyone seems to bump into. Who
knows? Maybe it was that kind person
helping travelers find their

Solace was a strange location for my Elder to choose.
Everyone said so. And
still, I waited, hoping to find something
relevant, something important
enough to become my Initiation

I was almost dawn. A rattling sound brought my attention
to the ground. I
turned and saw a rabbit, small and fragile. It
walked oddly enough, very
slowly and stumbling. It seemed that
with each hastly breath it took, its;
life neared doom. I then
started wondering about life, how ever since we are
born, we are
getting closer to our end. We will never be as young as we
yesterday. We will never know what the future brings to us.
perhaps our end
is closer then we think. 

As I wondered these
toughts to myself. I noticed, almost unwillingly, the
presence of
the rabbit's doom. A small brown colored snake stalked its
slowly and from afar. An odd reminder of how danger lurks
around us even
when we dont know it, waiting for the moment to

As my line of tought halted. I noticed This was the
moment I was waiting
for. The subtle and random moment of
apreciation of life, and the awe that a
simple thing like poison
can cause.

Confident that my task was done. I swiftly climbed
down the tree that held
me through the long night. I gathered the
few things I always hide close to
me and started to long journey

It would be yet 3 hours until I found myself at my
village. But as soon as
The first scout spotted me. More and more
neighbours came to the center of
the village to watch. It is a
silent tradition where no one is allowed to
speak until the Tatto
has been finished, and no one is allowed to help. this
tradition dictates that when you come of age, you do a simple
and go to where the Elder tells you. You will wait, observe
and locate the
motif of your Tatto, you forge your own Tatto on
your forehead and,
afterwards you tell the village the lesson you
learned or the experience you
lived during that moment.

I slowly
but steadily forget my Tatto, a simple yet elegant piece, like
the drawings in my skin. I like the lines. Crafted on my own
fashin and in a
very stylished and barely recognizable way, i
drew a very slim serpent, its
fangs dripping poison. And the
Poison, being the main Item of the Tatto. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
