The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Nekros.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a leather bound tome on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Nekros' scribed in glowing yellow ink.

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 13:12:29 2001

Subject  Old Wounds... Now Reopened (Revenge Part I)

Well over a hundred troops stood in the hot sun in the city of
sweating, bleeding, and tired. They stood with their swords in
their hands,
going through countless drills being ushered and taught by a dark
standing in front of them. A black gauntleted hand raised in the
guesturing for them to stop. A deeply intense voice rang out
above their deep
breathing, telling them to rest for an hour or so. The men dashed
towards the huge kettle of cool water the man ordered be brought
forth. He
stood and watched them drink for a few moments, then decided to
walk around a
bit, to view the city.

The figure was Nekros D'Vorath, Lord of the Lily, and faithful
servant of
Takhisis. The armor he bore was black etched with intricate
designs of gold,
all except the gauntlet on his right hand. This was purest ebony,
inlaid with
a simple crescent. On each hip hung the most ornate sheathes,
each bearing a
sword with a golden hilt and black blade.

His features were pale and handsome, and his deep aquamarine eyes
swept back
and forth sharply, until they came to rest upon a simple tavern,
where he
planned to enter and drink a bit of wine, and continue to better
his already
positive realationship with the citizens of Tarsis.

Nekros opened the door slowly, and most of the people sitting
about looked up
and smiled, a salute being added here and there. Nekros returned
the looks
with one of his almost-smiles which the people of Tarsis had
grown accustomed
to. Nekros gave the bar a sweeping glance and was about to sit at
an empty
table in the corner when he heard some racous laughther from the
bar table. He
glanced to see what the man was finding so amusing, and his eyes
came upon a
bellowing fat man, his brown hair greasy and matted, and stubble
growing on
his double-chin. Beside him was his companion, small, wiry and
with a beak of
a nose set beaneath two squinty black eyes. Nekros inhaled
sharply as his eyes
fell upon two people he knew all too well. Memories rushed to his
memories of the good times overwhelmed by a seething tide of
hatred and anger,
and everything permeated with thoughts of revenge.

Nekros's cool composure shattered in an instant. He stood so
quickly that the
oak table and chair he was sitting at toppled and skidded along
the boards of
the floor. A growl escaped through clenched teeth as he ran
towards the two
sitting at the bar table. The skinny man turned just in time to
feel a black
steel-clad shoulder ram into his face, sending him reeling to the
unconscious. The fat man turned and yelped pathetically as
Nekros, powered by
the berserk rage warriors were so famous for, grabbed the man
around the neck
and hefted him against the wall with one hand, pinning and
holding him there.
Nekros's eyes were bloodshot now, his lips peeled back over a
wicked snarl,
his lungs drawing huge breaths of air as his left hand slowly
glided for his

(To be continued...)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 13:32:05 2001

Subject  Old Anger... Now Revived. (Revenge Part II)

As Nekros's left hand glided slowly for his sword, words filled
with hatred
and malice slid from his lips...

"Ilkonas... old friend," with that his grip dug deeper into the
man's throat,
causing the man to whimper in pain, "How good it is to see you..
one last
time." Nekros's sword was drawn now, it's tainted blade gleaming
dully from
the light of the open door, through witch almost every occupant
of the tavern
had fled. Nekros quickly drew the sword so that the tip was
pressed against
the man's throat.

"Wait!" came the gargled response from Ilkonas, "Wait, who are

Nekros laughed darkly, "You mean to tell me you have forgotten
your dear
friend Nekros?" Nekros applied slightly more pressure to the

"Nekros!?" fear filled the trapped man's eyes.

"Yes, Nekros D'vorath... fiancee to the woman you, Edrick here,"
Nekros jerked
his head in the direction of the fallen man, "and Algoth killed
eight years
ago. Now I am here to return the favor." Nekros pulled the back,
ready to kill
the pathetic creature he held in his iron grip.

"I can provide you with a way of revenge!" Ilkonas screamed. "We
know where
Algoth is! HE was the one who killed Elayne! We just... watched!
We had
nothing to do with her death! Please, I merely want to help
you... AGH!"
Nekros's armored knee slammed solidly into the other man's
genitals. Nekros's
eyes and face were even more filled with rage.

"Do NOT feed me lies! Elayne told me what Algoth allowed you to
do with her
when he had had his way with her! For that ALONE you should die!"

Nekros once again readied his sword for the killing blow.

"But if you kill us, who will lead you to Algoth?" Ilkonas

Nekros's blade wavered for a moment, and Ilkonas continues on
what seemed to
be his only way of survival. "That's right.. you won't be able to
find him
without us. Let me go and let us gather our things and we will
take you to him
tomorrow, yes?" Ilkonas's eyes glittered with hope.

Nekros allowed the man to drop heavily to the ground, his
features bearing a
look of digust. "You have spared your hide for the moment,
Ilkonas. But after
I kill Algoth I will also kill you and Edrick. You may gather
your things and
stay in my camp tonight. Tomorrow we leave."

With that, Nekros rushed out of the door, his black cape flapping
behind him.
Ilkonas's large face bore a greasy smile as he chuckled to

"That arrogant fool! Algoth will make short work of him, and then
I will be
rewarded for bringing about the death of Nekros D'Vorath!"

Ilkonas cackled quietly to himself as he began to awaken Edrick
to prepare
them for their journey.

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 13:54:44 2001

Subject  Old Memories... Now Relived. (Revenge Part III)

Nekros emerged from his tent early in the morning, before the sun
had yet
risen. He began striding towards the tent a few feet away,
passing two brown
horses with common saddles and one black stallion, built for
speed, saddled
with a black saddle with golden engravings. He bore a dark look
upon his pale
face, which bore signs of lack of sleep. He strode into the tent
where two men
lay snoring, one with a beak of a nose bound in white cloth.
Nekros drew his
leg back and kicked the latter, Edrick, hard in the ribs. The man
yelped in
pain and rolled over to look up at the figure standing over him.
He groaned
and woke his partner, Ilkonas with a sharp elbow in the kidney,
who muttered
an oath and stood to his feet. Edrick's thin, tinny voice whined,
Nekros. What is the point in waking us so damn early. How can we
ride if-" he
was cut off as Nekros backhanded him smartly across the mouth,
drawing blood.

"Shut up and get ready. We leave now." Nekros strode out from the
tent and
mounted his horse. In a few moments the two men emerged from the
tent and
walked quickly to their horses and mounted. Ilkonas mutted to
Nekros, "It is
only a two day ride from here. We will make our bed in an inn
tonight and-"

"We will make it in a day. Start riding. We will rest when we
arrive, is that
clear?" Edrick sneered and spat on the ground near Nekros's

"Why should we listen to you, hm? The two of us should kill you
now, bastard.
If we weren't in some damn Knight's camp I'd-" Edrick was cut off
as the black
blade of one of Nekros's swords was drawn and swung, stopping
inches from his
neck before Edrick could even reach for his own short sword.
Nekros calmly
replied, "Do as I say, or I will flay you alive and find your
master's keep
myself, even if it takes me weeks.

You understand that you are merely a convenience to me now, and
that I will
kill you both once I kill Algoth. Now.. ride."

A few hours into the ride, Nekros began to think back.. think to
his past and
what had brought all of this upon him. Why he was so cold and
unfeeling now,
and what made him hate Algoth and these two lackeys with such

It had been nine years since he and his sister, Eladia, had fled
from their
drunkard of a father to live in a small city a ways out from the
city of
Tarsis. Nekros was 18 now, his sister, 14. He had brought them
here and
learned by himself how to survive. He never accepted anyone's
help. He hated
everyone.. everyone but his sister. But then Elayne had come
along. She was
known as the town's coquette, she was also the most beautiful
girl in the
town. Nekros was a handsome lad, well built and strong mentally,
but had never
really paid any attention to anyone but his sister. But Elayne
changed him.
She was not the coquette everyone thought her to be... she truly
loved Nekros.
She made him caring and kind once more. She had even convinced
him that he
should stop training to be an arena fighter. Nekros realized he
truly loved
her and asked her to marry him, and she gladly accepted. They
would be married
in a month's time.

The town was full of excitement at the couple's engagement.
Eladia was
particularly excited and began preparations for the wedding

Almost the entire village was invited... Nekros remained quiet
and shy as was
the norm for him. The only person he really talked to, other than
Eladia and
Elayne, was Algoth.

Algoth and Nekros had been friends since Nekros had arrived.
Algoth was three
years older that Nekros, and helped Nekros out even though Nekros
did not want
any help at first. But eventually they became close friends,
almost brothers.
And Algoth was there for Nekros now more than ever, keeping him
from getting
cold feet.

But Algoth had always lusted after Elayne... and Algoth's greed
and lust were
a much more powerful combination than simple friendship with
Nekros. Three
days before the wedding, Elayne disappeared and left a note
saying she loved
Algoth now... (To be continued...)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 14:10:50 2001

Subject  Old Memories... Now Relived. (Revenge Part IV)

Nekros was devastated. Two of the people he loved and trusted
most in this
world had turned against him... and betrayed him. Eladia was all
he had now.

Nekros remembered it all to well, that stormy night three months
later. The
night that Elayne burst in the door, wet, sick and begging Nekros
forgiveness. She told him she had been a fool, that she had been
weak, and
that she was sure she loved Nekros now more than ever. She knew
Nekros could
not love her... but she begged him to let her stay with him. She
told of how
Algoth raped her nightly, and when he was finished he threw her
to Ilkonas and
Edrick. She spoke of when he came home with his friends, drunken.
And the
three of them beat her mercilessly. Nekros agreed hesitantly and
allowed her
to stay in Eladia's room, since she was off in Nereka, visiting

Nekros's eyes brimmed with tears of anger, his hands clenched the
reins so
tightly that the joints of his gauntlets cut holes in them as he
what happened the next night...

Algoth, Ilkonas and Edrick burst through the door, swords in

Nekros stood up and as soon as he saw who it was, dashed for his

Algoth acted quickly swinging the blunt side of his sword down
with force upon
Nekros's head, knocking him out. Edrick wanted to merely kill
them both for
the 'outrage.' But Algoth had a much more cruel fate in mind.

When Nekros came to, he was tied to the wall and he was forced to
watch as
Algoth wickedly tortured Elayne, finally slaying her with
Nekros's own sword.
Algoth grinned as he poured alcohol down Nekros's throat, then
untied him and
knocked him out once more. Algoth left the house, sobbing that
Nekros had
kidnaped Elayne and had killed her in drunked stupor. He used
Nekros's swords
as evidence of this, and brought the town council to Nekros's
house. The
council saw Nekros unconscious, reeking of alcohol, and Elayne's

The town exiled Nekros. Nekros left, knowing that he had been

He had hoped at least Eladia would trust him, but when he sneaked
into town
one night to speak with her, she glared at him and coldly called
for the town
guard. Nekros fled with his swords, armor, and a few simple

Algoth had efficiently destroyed the ties to all those Nekros
loved and cared
for. And Nekros meant to make Algoth pay for the atrocities that
he had done.
Nekros looked up and saw a small keep looming before before them,
backed by
the now setting sun. "There," Ilkonas rasped, "We are finally
here..." he
snorted and spat on the ground. Nekros merely rode coolly on,
thinking only of
what was to come... and praying to Takhisis for the strength to
praying for the revenge that was so rightfully his...

(To be continued...)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 14:52:43 2001

Subject  Old Friends... Now Enemies. (Revenge Part V)

As the three riders approached the keep's gates, Edrick snickered
at Nekros's
sullen attitude through the entire trip. "Why so quiet, almighty
Lord of the
Lily? Perhaps you are afraid of the imminent death that awaits
you? I didn't
tell you this but Algoth has become quite a skilled warrior with
the sword. He
will undoubtedly embarass you as he did eight years ago." Edrick
cackled to
himself for a few moments but stopped as he saw that Nekros had
merely stopped
his horse and was just waiting there in front of them. He glanced
over his
shoudler, his aquamarine eyes became as piercing as arrows.

"It is easy to be brave when you have your master and his keep to
cower like a
dog behind, Edrick. But I wonder..." Nekros's words and face
remained stoic
and calm, his eyes as frigid as ice, "when your master is dead,
his keep
burning to the ground... will you be so brave then?" Nekros
turned and began
riding towards the iron portcullis of the keep's entrance.

Edrick gulped loudly and Ilkonas snickered to himself, drawing a
fierce glare
from Edrick as they rode towards the keep. The soldier at the
gate had his
questions, which were quickly answered by Ilkonas. A stable boy
came by and
led the horses away. Ilkonas and Edrick led Nekros around the
tiny fortress
for a few minutes, and stopped in front of a huge set of double

"Wait here, LORD Nekros." said Ilkonas mockingly as he and Edrick
through the massive doors and disappeared.

A few moments later, Ilkonas's round face looked out from a crack
in between
the doors and said, "Algoth will see you now, LORD Nekros." He
swung open the
door and Nekros strode boldly into the chamber, his right hand on
the hilt of
the sword on his right hip. Nekros's eyes narrowed as he beheld
the one man he
hated most in this mortal realm. The man who was once his loyal
friend. The
man who eliminated all ties to the only people Nekros had ever
loved in his
entire life. The man who made him the cold man Nekros was.

Algoth D'Breim.

Algoth was now thirty. His tan face bore various scars from
battles he had won
in his past. His brown hair was straight and cut short. His
square chin now
bore a three-inch beard. His eyes were the color of brandy, and
sang of
battles won and a greedy soul. He wore steel armor... at least,
Nekros guessed
it to be steel, for the armor was covered by leather that was
connected to the
armor underneath. Algoth wore a long, leather cape which flowed
about him as
he sat on a chair obviously stolen from some town's dignitary.
His tan skin,
brown hair and armor gave him a very rugged look. The two men
were as
contrasting as they were alike. Algoth, with his rugged features
Nekros's were smooth and handsome. Yet they both bore the weight
of countless
battles, and they both dual wielded swords that had been in the
family for
generations. Nekros merely stood before Algoth D'Breim for a few
silent, impassive. His eyes and visage remained a stoic mask.
Finally his pale
lips parted to speak...

"I've come to kill you."

(To be continued...)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 15:15:18 2001

Subject  Old Friends... Now Enemies. (Revenge Part VI)

"I've come to kill you." Nekros's voice rang deep and clear in
the voluminous
room. His right hand still rested lightly on the hilt of the
sword hanging on
his right hip.

Algoth sighed deeply, his shoulders heaving. "I know..." His eyes
had a
strange look to them... a mix of what seemed to be amusement,
sorrow, and
respect. "It has been a long time..."

"Too long indeed. I should have killed you long ago... but now I
finally have
my chance to get revenge for all the wrongs you have committed
against me and
against Eladia." Nekros drew both of his swords, holding them up
and asssuming
a battle position. "Get down of your pitiful throne Algoth, and
prepare to
die." Nekros's voice was calm... but so filled with hate that
Nekros's voice
sounded almost inhuman. Algoth arose from his throne, his eyes
boring into
Nekros. He then looked to the sky and chuckled.

"Fate, it seems, has a cruel sense of irony. Am I right?" Algoth
shook his
head slowly. "Look at us now... both affected differently by our
paths, and
yet they now intertwine as a direct result of what happened eight
ago..." Algoth chuckled to himself again.

Nekros's composure cracked, anger seeping out from the breaks in
his emotional
barrier, and he spoke loudly in rage, "What are you talking

Algoth slowly looked down to look at Nekros. "Don't you see? Fate
our actions. Fate made me to kill Elayne, which made you to
harbor hate within

You see... Fate had it planned that you and I should battle one
day.. but It
knew that that would never happen if you and I remained friends.
So Fate
twisted my mind, and led me to kill Elayne and blame on you. So
that our
destinies might be fulfilled... so that you and I would have our
fight to the death!" As he spoke, Algoth's eyes took on a crazed
look, a
twisted smile of pleasure forming on his face.

Nekros was outraged, "You mean to tell me that this "Fate" of
yours forced you
to kill Elayne!? That you had no choice, that you are the victim

Algoth shook his head slowly, "No... you are undoubtedly a victim
as well, my

"Do not call me 'friend,' Algoth! You and I ceased to be friends
when you
stole Elayne from me! Do you hear me!?"

Algoth seemed not to hear Nekros's shouts. "Fate saw fit for you
to suffer as
well. And now Fate is calling... can you hear it, Nekros? Hear
the cries of
Fate that bind you and I together!" Algoth's voice rose steadily
in volume,
until he was screaming in the end. His shouts ended as abruptly
as they
started and Algoth slowly lowered his head. He raised one arm
limply to a
window, his fingers dangling limply. He then pointed out the
window. "There,
Nekros," his voice was quiet, almost normal, "That is where Fate
has led us.
Our battlefield will be there."

Nekros was now standing straight and tall, a sword in each hand,
their tips
pointing towards the ground. "Why should I fight you at a place
of your
choosing? Perhaps you will tell me when I arrive that 'Fate' has
decided that
I should fight you and your small army of henchmen? Tell me why I
should fight
wherever it is that you are pointing."

Algoth, looked up at Nekros dully, "Because I challenge your
honor... we


(To be continued...)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 15:40:01 2001

Subject  The Final Confrontation. (Revenge Part VII)

Nekros followed Algoth at breakneck speed, their horses
travelling as fast as
they possibly could, their hooves drumming on the emerald green
of the grass
beneath them. They raced though the limestone-spattered hills in
the direction
of Nekros's home town... but Nekros did not notice. He was
concentrating on
the figure before him, knowing that soon, only one of them would
be alive.

As they topped the next hill Nekros saw a small grey stone
building on the
horizon. He was just beginning to remember where he was. Algoth
pointed at the
building and pushed his horse harder. Nekros increased his tired
steed, urging
it to go faster...

Then... he knew... he could see the single spire of the building,
he could see
the stained glass windows depicting gods and goddesses of all
alignments, the
worn stone that made up the cathedral where he and Elayne were to
have been

Nekros dismounted his horse and saw Algoth disappear inside the
wooden door at
the top of a stone stairwell. Nekros began to slowly walk up
those terrible
stairs, memories of Elayne flooded his mind... memories of when
he and Algoth
were companions, and Eladia was planning the wedding of her
brother... and
when Elayne was totally in love with Nekros D'Vorath...

All too soon Nekros reached the top of the stairs, and inside the
wooden door
Nekros saw Algoth kneeling at the altar. Directly above the altar
was a round
stained-glass window, with a picture of a woman goddess that
Nekros did not
recognize. Nekros closed the door and noticed that all the pews
had been
removed. Algoth stood, and drew two iron longswords, the same
length as
Nekros's. Their hilts were wrapped in leather, and their blades
were polished
iron. Algoth peered at the stained-glass window, then spoke with
his back
towards Nekros.

"That is the Goddess Fate... She has blessed me this day and will
give me the

Algoth's voice held an enraptured tone, "Today, Fate will be
Algoth turned to Nekros, who now had his swords drawn as well.
Nekros peered
icily at Algoth and spoke...

"I, too, have a Goddess on my side. Her name is Takhisis, and She
has blessed
me with Her presence on Krynn. Today, Algoth, your corruption
will end."
Nekros's eyes narrowed. Algoth looked at Nekros and shook his
head sadly, "You
and I are so alike... we both have a Goddess to look over us, we
use the same
type of weapon, the same style of fighting. Why must we fight? We
could rule
over Fate, Nekros. Think of it! You and I would be more powerful
than a
Goddess!" Algoth's eyes bore an excitemet and a misguided passion
reminded Nekros of the insane... perhaps Algoth was insane.

"You are wrong, Algoth... you are I are nothing alike. The
Goddess I serve is
real... your's is a crazy man's excuse for relieving himself of
the guilt and
shame of murdering the innocent and destroying a man's soul. And
Algoth I
already rule over 'Fate.' I control my destiny, no one else. I
serve Takhisis
of free will, not because She is forcing me. And today I will
battle you for
myself... not for some supernatural scape goat." Nekros took a

Algoth slowly shook his head and took a fighting stance of his
own. "I am
sorry to hear that, Nekros...

Prepare to die!"

(To be continued)

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 16:42:52 2001

Subject  The Final Confrontation. (Revenge Part VIII)

Nekros stood ready as Algoth charged, screaming wildly at Nekros.
braced himself for the blow as Algoth leaped in the air and swung
both of his
swords down towards Nekros with the full weight of his body
behind their
blades. Nekros staggered backwards as the blades clashed, sending
flying. Algoth was more skilled than Nekros had first thought him
to be,
quickly regaining his balance and launching another volley of
strikes towards
Nekros. Nekros brought his blades up to block, but was sent
sprawling because
he had not yet fully recovered from the last blow. As he fell,
time seemed to
slow and Nekros saw Algoth's blades arc towards him. Nekros
grunted in pain as
a chunk of his armor was dislodged, and he was startled to see
blood flying
from the blade of his enemy. Time resumed it's normal pace as
Nekros landed
hard on the ground. Nekros's left arm burned intensely. The wound
was not
terribly deep. Algoth laughed and turned both blades downward,
driving them
towards Nekros's chest. Nekros relied on his skill in hand to
hand, and swept
Algoth's knees with his shin. Algoth grunted loudly and toppled.
continued to roll and came up on his feet, swords in hand. He
spun the blades
over his knuckles then proceeded towards his opponent who was
just getting up
off the ground. Nekros slashed horizontally with both swords, and
skill was again made apparent as he parried the blow. Their
blades locked with
each other, both men trying to out-do the other in strength.
Algoth was built
larger and had both weight and mass on his side. Nekros then
gave, tucking
them both into a roll, landing atop of Algoth, who was lying
beneath him,
stunned. Nekros flipped both blades and drove both of the tips of
his swords
down upon Algoth. Algoth managed to knock one aside with his
gaunt- let, but
the other bit deep into his left shoulder. Algoth drew back and
cracked Nekros
smartly across his jar with the hilt of his sword. Nekros
stumbled backwards
off of Algoth, and quickly lept to his feet. Each man glanced at
the wound on
their left limb, then glared at the man standing across from him.
Algoth ran
forward, yelling, Nekros charged, yelling his own battle cry. The
two met in
the middle of the cathedral and battled, blade ringing and
clashing with
tainted blade. Blows exchanged evenly, and soon they found
themselves panting,
glaring at each other from twenty feet away.

Algoth breathed heavily, "No... this isn't how it was supposed to
happen! You
should be dead, DEAD!" Algoth's face seemed to calm as he stared
at Nekros.
"Perhaps Fate was meant to be...

altered." Algoth grinned darkly and snapped his fingers. And from
within the
shadows stepped Edrick and Ilkonas. Edrick held two daggers and
Ilkonas hefted
a large axe. Both bore evil grins. Nekros merely shook his head,
streaming from a cut on his cheek.

"I suspected as much. You will pay for your treachery, Algoth
D'Breim." Nekros
calmly saluted his two new opponents as the three of them began
to advance.
Nekros offered up a prayer to his Dark Queen, and began to
advance towards

The trio came on in full force. Edrick and Ilkonas were not major
threats to
Nekros, but he was having trouble as it was fending off Algoth.
Nekros's true
ability as a warrior, and as a Knight of Takhisis was about to be
put to the
test. Nekros ducked under an axe swing from Ilkonas, then raised
his swords to
parry Edrick's daggers. He kicked Edrick full force in the
stomach, then drove
the hilt of his sword into the jawbone of Ilkonas. Ilkonas roared
in pain as
his jawbone snapped in half, and he staggered backwards,
clutching his jaw.
Algoth swung each blade and Nekros. Nekros blocked each blade,
and they were
locked for an instant. Then Algoth drew back his head and
head-butted Nekros.
Nekros staggered, and slashed upward wildly, Algoth stopped
moving just in
time to dodge the slash and teetered backwards from the sudden
stopping of
movement. (To be continued... [it's almost over!])

Author:  Nekros
Date    Sun Dec 23 17:01:35 2001

Subject  The Final Confrontation. (Revenge: The

Edrick had stood back up and Ilkonas tramped forward in rage,
swinging his axe
with all his might, causing him to over compensate. There Nekros
saw his
chance, with a mighty yell Nekros wrapped his arms behind him and
swung with
all his might horizontally through Ilkonas's midsection, cleaving
into him all
the way from his sizeable girth to his backbone, nearly cutting
him in half.
Ilkonas collapsed and Edrick screamed in sorrow and rage, hurling
both both
daggers at Nekros. One dagger was off, but the other flew true,
burying itself
in Nekros's leg right above his knee. Nekros screamed in pain and
raised his swords to block the onslaught of Algoth. Algoth's
advantage was too
great, and both swords cut deep into Nekros's left shoulder,
forcing him to
his knees. Nekros swung with desperation and managed to hit
Algoth's legs with
the blunt side of his right sword, knocking him down. Edrick
charged forward
sobbing madly at the death of his friend. Nekros sheathed his
right sword and
switched the sword from his now useless left hand to his right
and hurled it
at his assailant. The black blade twirled end-over-end through
the air,
slashing into Edrick's chest, embedding itself there. Edrick
looked up in
disbelief, blood pouring from his mouth. Edrick fell to the
ground, dead.
Nekros staggered to his feet and leaned heavily against the
wooden doors.
Algoth stood a few feet in front of him, wounded, but nearly as
badly as
Nekros. He looked as his fallen companions, and spoke. "I grew up
with three
friends... today... all three will die."

Nekros looked on wearily, knowing that he had little strength
left. But then,
when all hope seemed to have failed, he saw the light through the
stained-glass window above him formed a dragon with many heads on
the floor.
Nekros looked at the stained-glass window, and saw the image of
his Queen,
shining brightly. Algoth was already charging, and Nekros
remembered the gift
given unto him by Takhisis. His sword was now in his right hand,
grasped by
the only peice of equipment that differed from any other armor,
his gauntlet.
Nekros spoke the word his Queen instructed him to speak to
activate it's
magic, and thrust the sword forward, and staggered toward his
opponent. Algoth
swung... time slowed... there was a bright flash...


Nekros's sword stuck through the stomach of his childhood
friend... and the
gauntlet that held the sword shone black, suddenly black
lightning shimmered
forth from the gauntlet, coursing through the blade and into
Algoth. Algoth's
skin flayed as he flew from Nekros's blade, the magic of Takhisis
flowing in
his veins. He flew backwards through the self-constructed window
of his
goddess, "Fate" and there he died. Algoth was finally dead.

Nekros had himself bandaged as well as he could, knowing it would
keep him
alive til he reached Tarsis. He rode for a few moments then
glanced behind
him, into the setting sun. There was a mound of freshly dug sod,
where now
there lay beneath that mound Algoth, Nekros's childhood friend,
and now
defeated enemy. Nekros turned and rode towards Tarsis, a tear
streaming from
his eye...

"Elayne, you are finally avenged."

The End.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

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