The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Phelan.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a gorgious hardback on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Phelan' scribed in brilliant red ink.

Author:    Phelan         
Date:      Sun Oct  3
14:34:09 2010
Subject     Discovery of Faith

I stood in
the shadows observing as the anger and frustration washed
him before he could call upon his magic to smite his foes.
He looked pleased
with himself for tearing apart the enemies he
fought and yet I knew he was
doomed. Once the elders learned of
the source of his power he would be cast
out into the world where
no-one would protect him or watch his back. It
saddened me to
know that another in the line of Silvanos would be lost to
darkness that consumed the world.

I had tried to help him back
on to the path of the good and righteous but he
had looked down
on me with contempt. His thoughts were clearly visible, even
one untrained as I, who was I to instruct a noble from the
bloodline on the process required to gain the inner calm
required to become
a great sorcerer.

I watched as the elders
closed on him and bound him with magic before taking
him to the
inner sanctum where he would be cast out from the forest and
name struck from the line of Silvanos.

I didn't have any
time to dwell on what became of him as I was soon enrolled
the House Protectors as an initiate. We spent long hours each
practicing weapons skills and doing defensive drills before
going out on all
night patrols. The days blurred into each other
and we all learned to sleep
when and where the opportunity
presented itself.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months
and soon we were sent out on
real patrols where sleep was a
scarce commodity and all the skills we had
learned were
eventually put to use. 

None of us were prepared for it when it
finally happened, our first real
combat. We were patrolling the
northern border of the forest when we were
attacked by a horde of
goblins, returning from a hunt deeper in the forest.
Somehow our
tracker and theirs had missed each other in the thick forest,
we moved on perpendicular paths and we met with the returning

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion and yet so
quickly too, swords
and daggers were drawn by both sides and a
bloody skirmish ensued. Luckily
we slay their leader before he
could rally the goblins into a proper
fighting force and they
broke, leaving the deer they had come for and ran
towards the
border of the forest. Had we not had a level headed leader
would have followed them and possibly been ambushed by a
properly prepared
goblin force.

The groaning of a comrade broke
me from the combat trance I had been sucked
in to and
instinctually I started treating his wounds. He had been
several times buy a goblin spear and their filthy
daggers. I knew his wounds
were beyond any of our skills to bind
and yet I did not give up hope. Gently
laying my hands on his
wounds I prayed to the blue phoenix to spare his
life. No one was
more shocked than I when a blue glow seemed to enshroud me
divine energy flowed through my body into him.

Author:    Phelan         
Date:      Sat Oct
23 19:09:09 2010
Subject     An unexpected transfer - pt

"Phelan, " corporal Althinos barked across the
barracks "the lieutenant
wants to see you."

"Yes corporal,
I'll report immediately."

A commoner like me, he was fair man
but hard to read, unlike the lieutenant,
a very young noble, who
had not yet learned to mask his emotions and still a
stickler for
protocol and dress code. I straightened my tunic and made
all the buckles were correctly fastened on my breastplate
before heading to
his office to report.

Knocking on the door I
waited for Lieutenant Terinani to give permission for
me to
enter. I was about to leave when I heard his chair scrape back
and he
called out "enter!" rather loudly.

"Soldier Phelan
reporting Sir, " I said after stepping in and saluting him
then waited to be told to stand at ease.

Returning the salute he
looked me up and down critically with a look of
disdain on his
face before picking up a folder on his desk. "These are
transfer orders. I'm not sure who authorised them but they
are all in order.
You are to leave with the trade caravan headed
to Qualinost in three days

He handed me the forms I
would need to get all the documents processed and
dismissed me
with a brisk salute. Leaving his office quickly and quietly
made my way back to the barracks.

"What do you have
there?" asked corporal Althinos, startling me despite
asking the question quietly.

"My transfer papers, " I
replied while hand them to him, still confused as
to how this had
happened, "I'm sure I never put in for a transfer and yet
are my orders to travel with the Qualinost trade caravan and
report for
duty in the Qualinost Wildrunner core."

mind the how, " he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye,
is an opportunity you can not miss. Unlike here the
Qaulinost Wildrunners do
not only promote nobles to the rank of
officer and perhaps one day you can
do your family proud by
serving in their army."

"Go now and pack, you have a lot of
preparation to do for the journey ahead
but don't forget you
still need to right that report from last weeks

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'