The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Radagor.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a bluish black leather-bound book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Radagor' scribed in earth-colored green ink.

Author:    Radagor        
Date:      Sun Aug 21 09:43:14 2016
Subject     Radagor story long 

It was boring for the gnome, I have given everything on mine have been made more than an hour ago, equal short glasses of the filled paper, the sorted jewels, and a small black stone, to lessons magic remained even the whole two hours, and the gnome having wrapped up in a plaid and having kindled to it is red a fireplace, I froze this summer and I tried to represent work. In other he froze all the time how many himself remembered. Has filled up his and his tribespeople with snow, all have died, but to it mother has put the small black stone tying heart and soul to a body and when they were found the priestess of Mishakal could return it to life, however and in 30 years the cold did not want to leave his body. Fast footfall of heels on a ladder has returned the gnome from gloomy memoirs. She has flown as a hurricane, has made turnover round its pivot-center. The cheerful dress has scattered a fan. "Ra!!! How to you my new dress?, the father has purchased!". His stepsister was 20 years old, and he loved her, the father was old and for a long time was practically not engaged in affairs of mine, the dress was chosen by him, but he was not going to speak to it about it now, people to try too quickly, the father wanted that he has taken his place, he wanted to become a magician. But to leave affairs it was not represented possible, the stepbrother was the spendthrift and the idler, he would go through a fortune in a month, the sister was too young and naive, and in gratitude that the father has sheltered him, and more because of affection for the sister he did family business. "Ra have gone to the small river! Well please! You should be on air! The doctor has so told" to Argue with the sister was useless, but on the small river there was no wish to go, as in other and on the street. The brother planned obviously bad recently, the money allocated for a month has ended at it two weeks ago, and at this time his brain actively developed plans for elimination of a usurper of business In other this morning the brother has decreased in Palanthas. They stood on the bridge, and time slowly, flowed, it murmured about the, he thought of the and to them it was good. Time came to an end, it needed to go for occupation. The gnome has turned the head and has seen three children from gang of the brother blocking an exit from the bridge as in other and from other side of the bridge. Today probably it should swim for a while. But he obviously did not want to swim. Fighting magic it is impossible to apply, differently this exception of school of magic and not to cope it one spell with six. Hands have begun to spin a spell on the bridge, and have finished in you weed a body became a lung, and water has ceased to hold down movements. The cockleshell somewhere shall be this cockleshell, hands rummage on pockets, lungs to be broken off by wild pain, have groped hands, there will be a shallow soon. It is necessary to learn to float. The small river has thrown out the gnome not far from mine of the father, there was no wish to go for occupation, having created an invisibility spell the gnome has slipped in mine. Deeply the magic workshop was below two levels lower than the last miners at the gnome. Magic lightnings lit up a cave, cutting on spark stones. Especially strong lightning has punched a wall stone, to the room green gas has rushed. Gas has flashed from a hot stone and fire has gone down for a wall. The cave has shuddered, a floor has gone down and the heavy stone has torn off to the gnome consciousness.

Author: Radagor Date: Sun Aug 21 09:50:11 2016 Subject Radagor story long p.2

The darkness, cold, pain where that rats peep, the right hand doesn't move, on left there isn't enough finger, heavy the block pressed down a half of a body. The gnome raised the left hand, he needs light. He could create light the right healthy hand instantly. But to do gesture by the left hand without finger it wasn't taken out painfully and not conveniently. From the third time, the small yellow sphere laid down to legs, rats ran up but isn't far. It is necessary to lift a stone, the spell of force turned out from the first, but the stone didn't even move. The gnome was exhausted and went off to a leaden sleep. The gnome from a sting wakened, the sphere of light burned down and rats returned. Having created the sphere of light the gnome began to reflect, the spell of force didn't help. Fighting spells will be useless too. The spell of freedom of hands was difficult, and only for the fourth days it was possible. Pushing in a stone the left hand the gnome on millimeter got out from under a stone. Having felt hungry, the magic lightning hit a rat, fire from hands allowed to fry thoroughly it, tasty and cheap. The gnome took a stone and began to knock on a wall. It not to cunning craft was taught by his father. In a month of knock, from that party knock in reply sounded. Who there? The gnome was presented. And it is your brother, die an animal there, the mine was closed, the father died under a blockage and nobody ever will hear you. Two more months the gnome tried to knock, but the hope left him. The right hand during this time practically healed, on a leg it was possible to become without pain. And there is almost no rat left in the district or they diligently avoided it? Anyway there was nothing to do here and the gnome began to go down in a network of underground tunnels. In a year of circulations on tunnels, the gnome found the thrown library, many books were written in unknown language, but many were quite read, and schemes of magic books though not from the first, but gave in to application, near library there was a small lake in which big bezglazy pink fishes were found. The gnome lodged in library and began to study books. The gnome didn't see two moon, but he learned to define the direction of the third sister. The more the gnome read books, the more accurately it understood where to be the third moon. Sometimes in a dream she was to him and they talked. In one not good morning, walls of library began to tremble, someone very big went on the tunnel. The gnome jumped out, the spell of invisibility dissolved it and he was killed into a crevice between rocks. The dragon huge black, he smelled him and began to look for. Two weeks, the gnome hid in a crevice. The dragon didn't see him but felt, sometimes the fiery wall of breath passed absolutely near a crevice, and the gnome understood that he to him will cease to carry soon. The dragon burned library. The dragon has fallen asleep, the gnome has quietly gone down to the lake, has got a black stone, has swallowed it. I have got a cockleshell, it has practically collapsed but has to give him a little time. I have taken a stone and I have entered the lake. The gnome quietly fell by a bottom, in the center of the lake there was a crevice the gnome has entered it and water flow has incurred him in the unknown direction. The cockleshell has begun to collapse soon and the gnome has begun to choke. In other the hope was that the black stone once again will rescue him and will throw out it where that where the priest of Mishakal will return him to life. The gnome prayed for it, the cockleshell has collapsed, ice water has burned lungs and the gnome has failed in darkness.

Author: Radagor Date: Sun Aug 21 09:55:27 2016 Subject Radagor story long p.3

The gnome has seen the body from outside, he means nevertheless has died. The black stone in inside it still tied soul to a body, but slowly, but steadily the stone thawed. And dragged soul in chaos. In other the hope still was. The body of the gnome lay obviously on an altar, and the gnome should understand to what god to pray the priest. The priest has entered, a black cassock with a yellow skull. The gnome also couldn't present the worst option the priest of Chemosh. Priests restored bodies to life, by wrest of soul from chaos, perverted her and forced a body to serve him. An indispensable condition was exact death of a body and passing of soul of gate of chaos. Therefore whether priests resorted to a number of the ceremonies giving them the answer to a question the body is dead or not, and at least days to be sure that the soul has managed to merge with chaos also waited. The priest has broken to ritual. The candles giving light in an altar were painted in yellow color. The black stone in the gnome was reduced to a mote, the mote was dissolved, and has begun to drag soul of the gnome in chaos. The gnome resisted, the infinite cold tore apart him, but still kept. The priest has raised a hand and has made the finishing movement a hand. Has jerked soul and has placed in a body, dinned in the ears obey, the yellow luminescence is black went from the priest's hands to the gnome. No!!!, flash of red magic has removed the priest's luminescence literally on a meter floor. In the opinion of the priest the deadly fright has begun to shine. The priest has begun to pray, and bloated satyr with a goat skull head has appeared near the priest, the red luminescence began to weaken, and the heavy wave of weakness has hit the gnome. Flash of black light and a figure of the young dark-haired man has covered the gnome's look from satire and the priest. The gnome has lightened. The priest was mistaken, the body of the priest has to die the figure has cried out. Satires I have laughed whom you protect he even not yours! The figure has answered he will be mine you will be? Yes, I swear the gnome has answered. Satires I have laughed the body has to die but not soul, a staff has struck the priest, cadaveric worms have right there got from already dead body. The soul of the priest has jumped out and has joined the gnome's body. Satires I have laughed let understand, let the figure has answered and both of them were gone. The gnome has fallen from an altar, twisted it turned out, hands and legs didn't want it to obey, in a brain the priest's voice sounded. How many has passed time the gnome didn't remember, but over time he managed to agree with the priest, and generally the priest has turned just into the fellow traveler, in some measure of their soul have mixed up. He no longer feels cold. The tavern group of young people had fun, not the young man at the head sat, on the entered gnome the company has cried what that would go away. From hands of the gnome two fiery spheres have broken and all visitors of a tavern have burned down alive. The gnome has found the sister, she has not recognized him, but it left her star diamond one of the few treasures which have got to it from caves. The gnome has looked at the sky where three moon floated and I have gone to a tower to carry out the oath.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
