The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Rinion.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a small book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Rinion' scribed in vibrant green ink.

Author:    Rinion         
Date:      Tue Feb 27 12:27:06 2007
Subject     The Cursed

Walking through the remains of the city of Tarsis a hill dwarf
silently slips
into the shadows of a rubble filled alley. Coming to a stop where
a building has
collapsed upon itself, blackened with dragonfire, he glances
around to ensure
that he hasn't been seen. Confident that his presence has gone
unnoticed he runs
his calloused hands across the bricks, searching for something.
His fingers find
the familiar niche and he presses them and whispers something
softly and
vanishes from sight.

Deep beneath the winged city the dwarf appears in a small
antechamber seemingly
untouched by the chaos of the War of the lance. Small globes of
light are lit
and float above a stone pedestal near the center of the room. The
approaches the pedestal and withdraws a small leather pouch from
the folds of
his cloak. Opening the pouch the dwarf dumps it's contents, a
reddish powder,
onto the raised platform. The dust begins to glow softly. As the
dust glows
brighter the light from the globes begins to fade. Soon the room
is awash in a
reddish glow and the dwarf kneels down before the pedestal in
*Continued in next post*

Author:    Rinion         
Date:      Tue Feb 27 13:07:56 2007
Subject     The Cursed - Part II

The dwarf knelt silently, waiting to hear the call of the voice
of the God he
sought. He had been in preperation for this ritual for countless
weeks, and now
his reward was finally at hand. The dwarf had been lead to this
building after
coming across a fading text deep within the confines of Skullcap
while trying to
uncover the lost art of poisonious herbs and disease. He had
heard whispers of
the god he sought, but solid information had always eluded him to
the point that
he began to believe that the order of Morgion was nothing more
then a myth.
Until that fateful day...

The text had described this chamber below the grand city of
Tarsis as a meeting
place for those who sought to do the will of Morgion by spreading
disease and
decay among the populace of Krynn. The members of the order kept
their identity
secret from eachother and the outside world. They worked in the
shadows of night
and were often never seen or heard; only death told the tale of
their coming.

Near the end of the text a ritual was described for those who
decided they
wished to follow Morgion. The preperation was tedious and the
component required
to draw the attention of the god was not easily found in this
age. The dwarf had
searched long and hard before finally striking a deal with a
black robed magic
user and securing the necessary component. Now that he had done
all the things
set forth in the text he was ready to submit himself to the will
of Morgion.

*Continued in next post*

Author:    Rinion         
Date:      Fri Mar  2 00:41:39 2007
Subject     The Cursed - Part III

Slowly the reddish glow in the room began to dim and the dwarf
feared he had
done something wrong. Then without warning a great weight pressed
down on him
from above and his vision was struck from his eyes. The stench of
death and
decay overwhelmed him and he beagn to tremble with the fear one
only knows in
the presence of a God.

A voice whispered through his head "You have sought and found
favor with me
dwarf. See to it that you do not dissapoint. I am quick to reward
my servants,
but if you fail me in any endevor I will be quick to flay the
flesh from your
bone and devour your soul. Be welcome among the Order of Morgion
and spread my
disease throughout the lands.."

Slowly the weight lifted from the dwarf and he felt his vision
return. The
globes above the pedestal began to glow softly again and the
dwarf wondered if
he had imagined what had just transpired. His doubts quickly
faded when he
looked upon the pedestal, for where the red powder was before had
been replaced
with a hooded brown robe...

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
