The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Tellumaelnor.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a heavy leather-bound book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Tellumaelnor' scribed in vibrant red ink.

Author:    Tellumaelnor   
Date:      Tue Sep  4
04:19:48 2007
Subject     ...

In a galaxy not so far
away, and not to long ago a mighty warrior was
plopped into this
world.  One day he was not walking the world, and then the
the world knew the wrath of his axe.  Travelling the world near
and far
rogues and bandits learned to cower with fear when he
walked near them. 
Goblins and orcs fell by the score, many
people feared him, though they
loved what he did.  They all
thought he had an odd air about him, one that
they thought might
cause him to destroy them and not the evil doers.  Many
times he
was approched by townships to stay and protect them from
but always he would turn them !  Down.  The road is his
home, so he
continued to walk it, never wanting to limit himself,
he wished to aid as
many as he could.  His travels took him to
many places, some not upon any
maps.  Some how he always came

Author:    Tellumaelnor   
Sun Nov 11 19:38:10 2007
Subject     [FWD] Solamnic in

[FWD Note] - [ 97] Tellumaelnor: Solamnic in
[FWD Date] - Sun Nov 11 19:31:56 2007
[FWD To 
] - all [Original to:] immortal
[FWD List] - story

early in the month Fierswelt, myself and my small band of men
arms numbering only 14.  Though our training was beyond
reporch, we had lost
3 of our members recently due to the silent
death that floats upon the night
air.  Our moral was dropping as
we scouted through the mountains of
Estwilde.  The enemy knew
that we were about as we had laid waste to several
transports.  The armour and weapons would aid ourselves as we
our small war.  Hidden high up in the mountains where the
snow never melts
was where we based ourselves.  It had taken a
small group many months to
find this hideen and easily defended
place.  It was doubted that even the
locals of the region knew
that this cave exsisted, but it suited us
perfectly for what we
needed to do, and for when our might was to be truly
felt would
give us a defensivable position from which to rain down our
On our raids of the military transports and caravans we
would leave none
behind to tell of what was out in the woods. 
The corpses were taken into
the woods and buried in the ground,
for we wanted them to think that there
was a large force in the
mountains, for us this was as much about the
physcological aspect
as it was the physical.  The armies of darkness began
to send
their caravans out more and more heavily armed, which was cause
some concern for us, but from one of the caravans we had
capatured it carred
many crossbows and barrels of bolts.  We had
had the time to fully set up a
proper ambush site where the
entrance into a small valley was bottlenecked
and we were able to
block both ends of the valley.  From high above hidden
bolders we were able to fire down unhindered with the
crossbows, very quickly they began to throw down their
weapons to surrender.
Walking down alone to speak to their leader
one of them pulled a dagger from
his belt and tried to slash at
me, he died with 10 bolts stuck in his chest,
and for his action
all the remaining soldiers were put to death.  As my men
the wagons to see what we had captured this time, I decided it
time for us to step up our actions and the fear that we tried
to instill in
the populus around us.  Burying most of the bodies
as always in the woods,
we had put 5 of them in one of the
wagons, and with my men taking the
captured wagaons back to our
encampment I took 3 other men and made my way
towards Kalaman. 
Waiting until nightfall we had fashinoned large stakes
chopped down trees, and in the dead of the night in front of each
the gates to the city of Kalaman we impaled the corpses on the
stakes and
plated them in the ground upside down.  Leaving the
wagon in a field we took
the horses and rode back to our
encampment knowing that early in the morning
there would be a
large search for those that did this.  For a week or two
stayed in the encampment sending out only scouts to observe
the motions and
actions of the enemy.  They tore appart
everything, destroying the farms of
their own citizens.  It would
appear that my gamble had paid off and that
their actions here
would aid us in our bid to gain a strong foothold in
important region.  Though my scouts also came back and
reported that many
villagers and farmers were fleeing their homes
and taking their livestock
into the walled city of Kalaman.  Once
the enemy patrols slowed down and
became more lax we went out in
force again, and we began looking at the
villages.  We came to
this one very secluded township, we watched it for
several days
and we saw no activity.  Though the only reason we watched
waited at this village for though it was small its location
was one of the
most defensible positons I had seen in a village
near here.  And though it
had not man-made fortifications they
would not be hard to make.  So late one
night, one where the
moons themselves stayed hidden.  We crept silently
through the
streets and into the buildings.  The only signs of life we
were rats and birds, all the villigers having left carrying
with them
whatever they could.  That next morning sending two of
my best riders I sent
them back to our main garrison in Palanthas
to speak with the Grand Master
Maraxus.  With them I sent a
message stating my intentions of fortifying
this village and
requesting a large contingent of soldiers so that when the
was right we would be prepared to sweep into Kalaman and bring
her to
the light.  

Author:    Tellumaelnor  

Date:      Sat Jan 30 22:57:57 2010
Subject     on the

Bodies lay strewn across the plains of Solamnia.
The grim reminder of the
battle fought between the forces of good
and evil. It was a large battle
where many men gave their lives,
unfortunatly for the side of good the
dragon armies had come out
the victors. With the battle only recently over
the screams of
the wounded pierce the air. As the air cools and
approches the scavengers begin to appear. Howling
coyotes and wolves can be
heard circling the battlefield, looking
for an easy meal. The wounded men
throw aside old hatreds and
huddle together in the darkness for protection
and warmth. Few
dare to be caught alone against the wolves as they

In the centre of battlefield loud cursing can be
heard as the body of a
massive smelly ogre shakes and moves.
Struggling from beneath the massive
beast Tellumaelnor emerges
from beneath its corpse. His body covered in
blood and guts. As
he stands he collapses from exhaustion and loss of blood
from his
wounds. He lays there in the bloody and mud through out the
his breathing shallow and slow. Groggily he awakes in the
mid day sun the
following afternoon. Blood and mud cacked to his
armour and face. His body
stiff and sore.

As he begins to regain
movement he calls upon the healing powers granted
upon him to
heal himself. This little bit of healing power leaves him
drained, but he knows that others are still alive on the
as he can hear their crie cries and wimpers. As the
afternoon goes on his
strength returns to him and he begins to
move through out the battlefield,
stopping to aid his fallen
comrades and those of the enemy who ask for his
mercy and
assistance. Some of the wounded dragon army soldiers spit upon
as he heals those near by, and sighing to himself he ends
thier life leaving
them for the wolves to devour.

As the 3rd
night begins to approch Tellumaelnor has worked his way
the back of the battlefield and near the High Cleriest
Tower. Watching the
ramparts he sees the flag of the dragon
armies flying high above the towers,
and his heart sinks into the
pit of his stomach. He gathers as many of the
Solamnics alive on
the plains as he can and tells them of the situation. And
must be done. Many of them are too wounded and ill to travel far
those opt to stay behind and make their way into the woods to
regain their

There are about 30 men who go with
Tellumaelnor to rejoin the other knights
at their rally point.
Traveling through the nights and sleeping durring the
day they
make thier way to Caergoth. Reaching the port after several
of travel, they remain hidden in the woods uncertain to if
the dragon armies
have gained control of the port or not. Several
of the men venture into the
city to see what can been seen. Oddly
they find the populas untouched but no
guards around at all. No
Solamnics can be seen in the streets nor can any
from the dragon
armiesl The men return along with Tellumaelnor bringing with
food and information. And learn that Tellumaelnor has arranged
transport to the isle of Sancrist upon a merchant ship.
Meeting the ship
upon a gravel beach to the west of the city the
knights wait into the wee
hours of the morning fearing a trap.
They wait in the woods. As the hours
drag by and the darkness
deepends they begin to fall asleep. When all of a
sudden the
sounds of wood scrapping along the gravel cuts through the air.
large row boat is driven up on shore and several sailors jump
out to hold it
in place. They call out to the knights to hurry up
as they need to make the
tide. Wary of a trap the knights emerge
from the trees and board the row
boat. their hands gripped
tightly around the hilts of their weapons. And
their cloaks
pulling them tight against the cold night air. As they near
merchant ship they can hear the captain bellowing orders to
pull up anchor
and get ready to make way. As they climb up the
ladder the men are hurried
into the holds where they are given
warm blankets and food. 

Author:    Tellumaelnor  

Date:      Sat Jan 30 23:03:06 2010
Subject     on the
plains cont.

After seeing to his men Tellumaelnor heads
back up top to talk to the
captain. As he stands by the
captainand the tiller his head dips to his
chest and he falls
fast asleep on the deck. For 2 days he lay passed out,
his men
worried for him wrap him in blankets and pass broth through
lips. When he does wake he seems to have forgoten where they
are and he
reaches for his axe. As he reconigizes the faces
around him and where he is
the captain comes in and tells them
they are nearing the drop off point and
to get ready to board the
row boat. As the men all board the boat,
Tellumaelnor pulls the
captain aside and thanks him for his help and passes
him the
small bag of gold that he has. As they near the shore they can
the smoke from fires of a large camp. The men begin to feel
better as they
know they are no longer alone. Thanking the
sailors as they leave the row
boat the men make their way towards
the camp and the voices of their
commrades. Forcing all his men
to see the healers first, Tellumaelnor goes
off to report to
Master Lanfer and report on what they hav have learned in
past few days. 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
