The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Tristan.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a massive tome lined with fake jewels on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Tristan' scribed in rich green ink.

Author:    Tristan        
Date:      Mon Mar  3
05:23:28 2008
Subject     Arrival

A young boy rides
into Palanthas. The hooves of his horse clatter noisily
on the
cobblestone rode as he trots beyond the outer city gates. He
dressed simply: an old yellow tunic, brown cotton pants, worn
boots. The nicest item on him is his gold necklace,
glimmering between his
skin and the neck of his tunic. The
clip-clopping of his horse fades to
the back of his thoughts as
he takes in the sights of Palanthas: the
spiral towers,
glimmering walls, pristine houses. This was his first
trip to the
city, his first trip past the grassy plains that surrounded
farmland. His one hope of succeeding in this city lay in the
that his grandfather had given him. Written in fine pen
was the outline
of his ancestry, linking him back to a Lord of
Solamnia, a fine Knight
of the Sword. He was the first one to
leave his farm in an attempt to
join the Knights of Solamnia
since his great-grandfather, who had been
killed as a boy by
goblins, attempting to get to Palanthas. It was his
turn to
attempt to fulfill the legacy of his


Author:    Tristan       

Date:      Fri Aug  7 06:13:37 2009
Tristan's History

Author:    Tristan       

Date:      Fri Aug  7 20:36:56 2009
Tristan's Background

The tale of Tristan Felgaard's
history is one filled full of happiness,
sorrow, betrayal, and
faith. Since His Childhood Tristan has been fervently
pushed into
the world of combat, of course this being normal having been
the only son into a family history so decorated with solmanic
His father ambrosias was a member of the knights of the
crown, therefore
making it his life to protect and follow the
greater good. Persistently he
worked with his young son teaching
him the way of the knights and the oath
that has bound so many of
his ancestors Est Sularus Oth Mithas (My Honor Is
My Life).
Tristan's mother a half-elf name Isabelle was a beautiful
with the honor and class of a thousand nobles, all through
the woman's life
she was made to learn the prejudice thrown upon
and her by the people of
krynn. Never did Isabelle show hate or
violence to any that looked upon her
as a disease, instead she
showed the passion of mothers to there children
seeking the ill
and corrupt and showing them the ways of paladine, healing
of there illnesses teaching the faith. When Tristan reached ten
mother Isabelle fell ill and died shortly after leaving
Tristan with his
father. After the death of his mother Tristan
vowed to become a knight and
follow in his fathers footsteps, as
he and his father travelled the land of
krynn his keenness and
unique skills in combat began to become clear to
those around
him. At the age of twelve Tristan and his father both
anxious to vanquish the evil surrounding there homeland
set forth to bring
peace and happiness back to the tired and
faith broken people. Tristan and
his father ambrosias set out to
accomplish this quest as not only a family
but as brothers in
arms, not knowing what lay ahead Tristan and his father
travelled to neraka the center of evil and home of the temple
takhisis. Under the disguise of soldiers of the dragon army
they crept
through the city unseen and unchallenged, they made
there way to the local
inn to quench there growing thirst and
fill there famished bodies with
nutrients. As Tristan woke that
morning he found his father dead in the room
across from his, his
body a mangled unrecognizable heap of flesh of blood,
the only
thing identifying the young mans father lay the ring of
family's house crest. Knowing his fathers murderer to be none
other than a
assassin of takhisis his hate towards evil grew
beyond all he knew.Being the
last of his family Tristan travelled
krynn building his strengths and
keeping to the oath his father
so desperately fought to teach him, not only
vanquishing all that
threatened his knighthood but those who also dare
oppose his gold
paladine. Tristan's history is not yet a long one but I
at the end of this brilliant young warrior's life it will be
child's tale. Written By Astinus Of Palanthas 
ooc how do i

Author:    Tristan        
Date:      Mon
Aug 10 04:51:41 2009
Subject     tristans history

tale of Tristan Felgaards history is one filled full of
sorrow, betrayal, and faith. Since His Childhood
Tristan has been fervently
pushed into the world of combat, of
course this being normal having been
born the only son into a
family history so decorated with solmanic knights.
His father
ambrosias was a member of the knights of the crown,
making it his life to protect and follow the greater
good. Persistently he
worked with his young son teaching him the
way of the knights and the oath
that has bound so many of his
ancestors Est Sularus Oth Mithas (My Honor Is
My Life). Tristans
mother a half-elf name Isabelle was a beautiful maiden
with the
honor and class of a thousand nobles, all through the womans
she was made to learn the prejudice thrown upon here by the
people of krynn.
Never did Isabelle show hate or violence to any
that looked upon her as a
disease, instead she showed the passion
of mothers to there children seeking
the ill and corrupt and
showing them the ways of paladine, healing those of
illnesses and teaching the faith. When Tristan reached ten his
Isabelle fell ill and died shortly after leaving Tristan
with his father.

After the death of his mother Tristan vowed to
become a knight and follow in
his fathers footsteps, as he and
his father travelled the land of krynn his
keenness and unique
skills in combat began to become clear to those around
him. At
the age of twelve Tristan and his father both highly anxious
vanquish the evil surrounding there homeland set forth to
bring peace and
happiness back to the tired and faith broken
people. Tristan and his father
ambrosias set out to accomplish
this quest as not only a family but as
brothers in arms, not
knowing what lay ahead Tristan and his father
gallantly travelled
to neraka the center of evil and home of the temple of
Under the disguise of soldiers of the dragon army they
through the city unseen and unchallenged, they made there
way to the local
inn to quench there growing thirst and fill
there famished bodies with

As Tristan woke that
morning he found his father dead in the room across
from his, his
body a mangled unrecognizable heap of flesh of blood, the
thing identifying the young mans father lay the ring of his
familys house
crest. Knowing his fathers murderer to be none
other than a assassin of
takhisis his hate towards evil grew
beyond all he knew.Being the last of his
family Tristan travelled
krynn building his strengths and keeping to the
oath his father
so desperately fought to teach him, not only vanquishing all
threatened his knighthood but those who also dare oppose his
paladine. Tristans history is not yet a long one but I
guarantee at the end
of this brilliant young warriors life it
will be a childs tale.

Written By Astinus Of Palanthas 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 868 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'