The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Uggluk.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a paper booklet on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Uggluk' scribed in brilliant maroon ink.

Author:    Uggluk         
Date:      Fri Jan 16
06:57:01 2009
Subject     The Dream

Lightning crackled
through the sky, and the thunder shook the very ground
that the
small hut was constructed upon. As the tent flap flailed wildly
the story and rain poured freely into the small dwelling, the
tossed wildly in his sleep. Even with a storm of this
magnitude thrashing
about him, the young ogre could not be torn
from what seem to be a coma of

"Travel east... to
Neraka!" hissed a voice. 

The voice in his head had such an
awful screech, like a thousand serpents
screaming in his ears.
This was the only thing that could apparently wrestle
the ogre
from his dreadful sleep, and he sat up panting, sweating and
edge. He had no idea what had brought such an awful fit upon
him, and truth
be told he was not entirely such what he had seen
in the dream, but the
voice, and its message would not leave his

He had never left Bloten, he'd really never seem a reason
to, but the
mysterious voice in his dreams was not one to be
questioned. He would leave
first thing in the morning, and leave
the reasoning up to fate. 

"Neraka..." He said to himself. "The
Vice said Neraka..."

(To be continued...)

Date:      Fri Jan 16 19:22:16
Subject     The Journey Begins

Morning came, and
the harsh storms raged on. The typically desolate and
dry climate
of Blode seemed more like swamplands this day break.
the trek could not, would not be delayed for any reason. It
the ogre no time at all to pack, he was poor, even by ogre
and could carry his belongings on his back. His family
was gone, killed in
an uprising again one of the chieftains from
years past, at this point he
had lost track of how long ago. He
doubted he would ever return to this
place, and he had no sorrow
in that thought.

Navigating away from the village proved to be
rather simple, this area of
Blode was relatively flat, and he
covered a great distance in his first few
days of travel. He did
not stop, nor did he even eat, it was like he was
acting against
his own will. By the time he reached the distant mountains he
in a zealous frenzy, and it wasn't until a vicious strike of
crackled to the ground in front of him, sending him
toppling, did he finally
come to his senses. Shaking his head and
finally coming to, he realized that
he was exhausted, starving
and needed badly to rest. To his surprise the
lightning strike
had hollowed out an openning in the wall of the pass, just
enough for him to hunker down in. He drug his exhausted body into
make-shift shelter and ate a small ration of the meat he had
brought with
him. Shortly after he began to drift to sleep.
Suddenly, in his last moments
of consiousness he caught a glimmer
of something in the dir t in front of
him. In his hazy state he
reached down to grab the object and was shocked to
find that it
was a scale, a very large black scale. 

"Neraka!" The voice in
his head hissed again.

He soon drifted to sleep...

(To be

Author:    Uggluk         
    Sat Jan 17 04:35:00 2009
Subject     The Journey

Nearly three days passed before the young ogre
awoke, but rest was the
last thing that he had recieved. For over
two straight days he tossed and
turned, slamming into the walls
of his small inclosure as he tried
desperately to escape the
hissing voice in his head, a voice that had seemed
to multiply
into more and more voices with each word they spoke.
after it seemed as though no more of these awful voices
could cram
themselves into the cavity of his skull, images join
in on the torment. He
saw a dragon, black as midnight, black as
the scale he had seem shortly
before drifting into this frightful
coma. Then it was a dragon with two
heads, then three, four,
five. The color of the dragon changed, or did it?
He couldn't
tell the pain was too much but it would not release him. 

last, and from what he could tell for no apparent reason, he came
back to
conciousness but the glare of the sun was blinding, had
the storms passed
while he was out? No, he realized as he felt
the raining continuing to
splatter against his skin, but still he
could see nothing. Driven to the
point of near madness, he
barrelled out into the storm, crashing down the
mountain pass
like a giant, crazed boulder.

After what seemed like ages he
collapsed on the dirt, and his vision seemed
to coming around. He
peered up and for the first time in what seemed like
ages he felt
something other than pain. There was a sign in front of him,
read "Neraka Outskirts." He had arrived. 

Perhaps from the
wild running, or maybe from relief that the voice had seem
have left him, he slumped on the ground and began to drift off

"Takhisis..." The hissing voice was back. At this the
ogre was fully awake,
and very very alert. 

(To be

Author:    Uggluk         
Sat Jan 17 18:36:04 2009
Subject     Enlistment

had passed since the ogre had arrived in Neraka. He had manage
scrap together enough coin doing this and that to buy himself
lodging for a
brief time. He knew he wouldn't be staying long,
for his purpose had become
clear to him over the passing nights
since he first heard the Voice. The
Voice, or rather Voices as
they had multiplied to sound as though an entire
army was
screaming in his head, had ceased to be a harsh tormentor, and
grown into a guiding light.

The Voices had talked of the
scale he had found in the mountains, how it was
a symbol of what
his future would hold. At first he did not understand what
could mean, but during his time in Neraka he came to learn of a
force known as the Dragonarmies. Dragons of all colors
represented the
various orders of this army, and sure enough
their were black dragons
present as well. 

Ogre though he may
be, it wasn't long before he realized what the Voices had
what his future was. He wasted no time seeking out this army,
would do whatever he must to join their ranks, the Voices
demanded it.

The Voices were all that mattered, they drove him,
the pushed him, and he
loved it. He had never felt so sure of
what his life meant, and he knew the
world would come to know his

At long last everything made since to him, and the Voices,
they had a
name... Takhisis... The Queen had chosen him. 

(To be

Author:    Uggluk         
Mon Jan 19 18:35:01 2009
Subject     An Objective

seemed to be going well for the newly relocated ogre. He had
in Neraka, enlisted in the black wing of the
Dragonarmies, and seemed to
have been genuinely accepted as a
valued member of the order. However he had
oticed something
rather odd, while the halls of the Dragonarmy barracks
constantly bustling with with activity, very rarely, if ever
did he come
across a fellow member of his order.

Of course there
were the barracks patrols, and gate guards, and even a
recruit on rare occasion, but he had never actually met

Where had his orders and assignments been coming
from? He decided that he
would respect the other orders as well
he should, but from now on he would
make himself exclusively
available to the wishes of his Highlord.

After some lengthy
investigation, and many dead ends he had come to learn
that his
order was infact under to jurisdiction of the higher, more
orders while the black throne was vacant. How could this
be? Surely Takhisis
had not come to him and deemed this to be his
fate. He had to figure this

Not being much for prayer, he
was rather confused when he walked into the
temple. He sat down
on one of the benches, he would wait, Takhisis would
come back to
him and tell him what to do. 

(To be

Author:    Uggluk         
   Thu Feb  5 00:55:21 2009
Subject     A

Standing on the hilltop over looking the walls of
Palanthas, the ogre
grinned with insanity in his eyes. Hunting
had not been the best for the
past few weeks, but his victims had
not escaped without injury. Bending
down, he began to hoist what
could only be described as the most gruesome
message Krynn had
seen in ages. 

A pole crafted from various mangled limbs and
bones, held together by the
very organs that they once protected,
form a crude frame almost like a
banner. Stretched across the
totem of gore, there is a canvas crafted from
stiched together
skin fragments of at least a dozen seperate victims.
painted on with blood the message read "Serve Takhisis, Or Die
Her Hand." 

With a loud grunt, the ogre slammed the totem
into the ground, securing it
to the hilltop, for all that
witnessed it to see. The people of Palanthas
would not mistake
his intentions. Takhisis would reign supreme over this
world, it
was his purpose to see to it, and he would NOT fail his queen.

(To be continued...)

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 868 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
