The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Yazston.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a leather bound tome with glowing glyphs on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Yazston' scribed in faded green ink.

Author:    Yazston        
Date:      Sat Apr  4 14:23:28
Subject     Target Practice

Closing the battered spellbook with a
sigh, the young mage could still
picture the runes for the spell he was trying
to memorize. "It's a simple
invocation. I have seen it casted many times, but
why can I not seem to
grasp it?" Yazston laughes to himself "If it was that
simple of an
invocation, then you should have mastered it by now, Split-plow."
back to the time he has used an old plow as a target for the first
spell he
learned, which split the handle from the rest of the plow, which had
him that nickname from his eldest sibling. Now standing in a small
created by a late spring lightning strike the year before, he looks at
burnt cedar tree as the target for the spell he is working on. Opening
spell book again to re-read the runes, Yazston prepares to cast the
He closes the spellbook and puts it safely away. Closing all
influences out of his mind, he began to call upon the runes from
"Cepat Api Anak Ayun!" Yazston watches in amazement as a fire dart
forms at
his finger tip before igniting itself into a flash of flame that rolls
his extended arm and back over his head. "Well, thats been a better
thus far, at least this time it completely formed before it blew up.
Time to
go back to research to see where I am going wrong." Heading back to
school near Solace, Yazston gently puts a few stray embers out that
clinging to his robes and trying to figure out how he was going to
the missing eyebrows and patches of hair to the Master this time.

Author:    Yazston        
Date:      Tue Apr  7 20:38:45
Subject     A matter of understanding

After putting the final
embers out of his somewhat battered robes,
Yazston finally reached his
destination, the local mage school near Solace.
Having nearly incinerated
himself with his last miscasting, he felt that he
should speak with the Master a
bit to find out what he was doing
incorrectly. The spell was not complex, nor
was it that powerful, so it
should be well within his ability to cast. Waiting
outside the Master's
study, Yazston vainly tried to make his singed hair look
presentable, but it
would not comply. After what seemed like hours, the door
opened itself and a
strong baritone voice called out, "Come in, Yazston."
Slowly entering the
study, with his hands folded into the arms of his robes, as
was proper when
speaking to a superior, Yazston walked in with his eyes on the
"Greetings Master, I would like to have a word with you abo..."
"Just a
moment Yazston, there is someone here that I would like for you to
interupts the Master of the school. "I give you Highmaster Elinos. He
come from the Tower of Wayreth to discuss the taking of a
apprentice from the school." Blinking in surprise at both the news
and the
personage before him, Yazston could only bow. You do the school an
honor for
your visit, Highmaster Elinos." intoned a slightly puzzled Yazston.

Author:    Yazston        
Date:      Thu Apr 16 00:43:19
Subject     Food of thought

Standing in the study of the Master
mage of the school, Yazston was
confused as to why Highmaster Elinos was doing
in the back water town of
Solace. "Certainly there were more students for him
in his native Silvanost
or the realm of Silvanesti, so why did he come here?"
thought a perplexed
Yazston. "I come from the Tower of Wayreth, Yazston. I am
here at the behest
of the Head of the Conclave, Par-Salian. He wishes to see
that the spark of
magic is not lost, so we are to tend that spark with as much
care as we
may." "While I tend to take Silvanesti under my tutelage, I go
forth and
find worthy persons to bring within the fold of the Orders. It makes
matter to me of their allegance to the gods of magic, but they MUST make
choice." Nodding slowly to the Highmaster, Yazston felt like a novice
on his first day of mage school. "I understand that Master Elinos. I
read the codex of the Order while I attended my studies here." Beginning
bow himself out of the conversation, Yazston is caught by surprise with
is said next by the Master of the school, "Yazston, I intend
yourself and one other student to study further in the Tower of Wayreth.
have surpassed all of the teaching that I can provide here. As such I
given your assessments to the Highmaster to be looked over by the
May the Three watch over the both of you on your journey." "I am
honored for
your praise, Master, but I do not believe I am ready for this
"That is why you are going, Yazston. You do not believe your
worthy. Your
own humility will prove to be a strength in the future... provided
survive your Testing. Farewell, Yazston." 

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'