========================================= = = = The Short Description Snippet = = = ========================================= This is the SHORT DESCR snippet, that should be a requirement on all muds.... How the heck do you know everyones name on a mud anyways...geesh. BTW, this rocks with ERWINS introduce bit, found on his FAQ as he directed me to when i asked him about it...Anyways i got this idea FROM Armageddon MUD & Harshlands, although i am sure it has been around for quite some time ( if you think your code is really original, you need help ) This totally helps RP and adds to playing. This changes, Grehyton is here. to The short fat hobbit is here, ( or whatever you make the short desc ) Find this define PERS section in merc.h change it to look like this, WOW a 1 line addin woohoo. #define PERS(ch, looker) ( can_see( looker, (ch) ) ? \ ( IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->short_descr \ : (ch)->short_descr ) : "someone" ) But geesh, now i cant address the short desc like i could a name... well in handler.c in get_char_room change this... for ( rch = ch->in_room->people; rch != NULL; rch = rch->next_in_room ) { if ( !can_see( ch, rch ) || !is_name( arg, rch->name ) ) continue; if ( ++count == number ) return rch; } to this for ( rch = ch->in_room->people; rch != NULL; rch = rch->next_in_room ) { if (( !can_see( ch, rch )) || ( !is_name( arg, rch->name ) && !is_name( arg, rch->short_descr))) continue; if ( ++count == number ) return rch; } now you can type KILL fat instead of kill playername ================= You are far from complete but this is the basics. You either have to add a bit in comm.c to get short desc at login or have your slave imms set it for you. ( there are other ways too ) Also the title will get in the way, How can a player see a title anyways...so take out all references to title and dont you wont see it, this gets tricky in act_info.c (not really) when you are playing with the switch where it puts 'is sleeping' 'is sitting' etc...but i will be like everyone else and leave that up to you to figure out...There are other ways to do this, and i am not a coding GOD like some on the ROM list...but hey, it works fine on our mud.... If i forgot some CRITICAL thing, let me know, commas and periods can be fixed by the user..... Grehyton Rylelia -*= WURM MUD =*- http://cleric.lug.usf.edu/~wurm telnet 9000 grehyton@cleric.lug.usf.edu