Tick Timer

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <cmud> <class name="TickTimer" copy="yes"> <trigger priority="1332030" copy="yes"> <pattern>Timer now at 60 secs.</pattern> <value>#GAG</value> </trigger> <trigger priority="1339840" copy="yes"> <pattern>TICK IN 10 SECONDS.</pattern> <value>#GAG #SAY %ansi(red,bold) TICK IN %ansi(yellow,bold)10 %ansi(red,bold)SECONDS #MXP</value> </trigger> <var name="roundTimer" type="Integer" copy="yes">193</var> <button name="1" type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="200" height="50" autopos="false" left="-3" top="-3" toolbar="0" toolstyle="true" color="lime" border="black" gaugelowcol="red" gaugebackcol="gray" priority="8" copy="yes"> <caption>Tick</caption> <value>#IF (@toggletick == 1) { #VAR toggletick 0 #VAR roundTimer 480 #ECHO Tick bar disabled. } { #VAR toggletick 1 #VAR roundTimer 480 #ECHO Tickbar enabled. Will require a new tick to resynchronize. }</value> <expr>@roundTimer</expr> <gaugemax>240</gaugemax> <gaugelow>0</gaugelow> </button> <trigger priority="192090" copy="yes"> <pattern>$--> Turn.</pattern> <value>#GAG #TSET 60 #VAR roundTimer 240</value> </trigger> <trigger priority="192090" copy="yes"> <pattern>$--> Round.</pattern> <value>#GAG #IF (@toggletick == 1) { #CLASS UI/TickTimer #VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1) #ALARM "roundtimer01" +0.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer02" +0.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer03" +0.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer04" +1 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer05" +1.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer06" +1.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer07" +1.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer08" +2 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer09" +2.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer10" +2.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer11" +2.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer12" +3 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer13" +3.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer14" +3.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer15" +3.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer16" +4 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer17" +4.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer18" +4.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer19" +4.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer20" +5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer21" +5.25 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer22" +5.5 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #ALARM "roundtimer23" +5.75 {#VAR roundTimer (@roundTimer -1)} #CLASS 0 } </value> </trigger> <var name="toggleTick" copy="yes">1</var> </class> </cmud>

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