Mush chatsmcl

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Chat Capture Script

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE muclient> <!-- Saved on Friday, September 07, 2007, 5:55 PM --> <!-- MuClient version 4.14 --> <!-- Written by Nick Gammon --> <!-- Home Page: --> <muclient> <world muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" auto_say_override_prefix="-" auto_say_string="say " chat_name="Name-not-set" command_stack_character=";" id="720088158d90855e54821f86" input_font_name="FixedSys" mapping_failure="Alas, you cannot go that way." name="Ansalon Fishing" new_activity_sound="(No sound)" output_font_name="ae_AlMohanad" script_editor="notepad" script_language="Lua" site="" spam_message="look" speed_walk_prefix="#" terminal_identification="mushclient" arrows_change_history="y" auto_pause="y" auto_repeat="y" chat_foreground_colour="red" chat_background_colour="black" chat_port="4050" confirm_before_replacing_typing="y" confirm_on_paste="y" confirm_on_send="y" copy_selection_to_clipboard="y" detect_pueblo="y" display_my_input="y" echo_hyperlink_in_output_window="y" edit_script_with_notepad="y" enable_aliases="y" enable_beeps="y" enable_command_stack="y" enable_scripts="y" enable_spam_prevention="y" enable_speed_walk="y" enable_timers="y" enable_triggers="y" enable_trigger_sounds="y" history_lines="3040" hyperlink_adds_to_command_history="y" hyperlink_colour="#0080FF" indent_paras="y" input_background_colour="black" input_font_height="9" input_font_weight="400" input_text_colour="white" keypad_enable="y" line_information="y" log_output="y" max_output_lines="500000" mud_can_change_link_colour="y" mud_can_change_options="y" note_text_colour="#040000" output_font_height="9" output_font_weight="500" paste_delay_per_lines="1" pixel_offset="1" port="8679" proxy_port="1080" send_file_delay_per_lines="1" send_mxp_afk_response="y" show_connect_disconnect="y" show_italic="y" show_underline="y" spam_line_count="20" tab_completion_lines="200" underline_hyperlinks="y" unpause_on_send="y" use_custom_link_colour="y" use_default_input_font="y" warn_if_scripting_inactive="y" wrap="y" wrap_column="98" write_world_name_to_log="y" > <!-- end of general world attributes --> <connect_text>y </connect_text> </world> <!-- triggers --> <triggers muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <trigger enabled="y" match="* DISARMS you and sends your weapon flying!" sequence="100" > <send>get dag wear dag dual claw</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="* have gained a trainpoint." sequence="100" > <send>gt {WAnd a trainpoint!{x</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="* heart is torn from * chest." sequence="100" > <send>get heart say {RHEART!{x</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="* raise a level!! You gain * hit points, * mana, * move, and * practices." sequence="100" > <send>gt {WLeveled! %2HP, %3MA, %4MV, %5 Pracs.{x</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="* receive * experience points." sequence="100" > <send>gt {WI got %2 exp from that mob.{x</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="*You learn from your mistakes, and your * skill improves." sequence="100" > <send>gt you got better at {R%2{x{C!</send> </trigger> <trigger enabled="y" match="*You may now quest again." sequence="100" > <send>gt {CGO QUEST!!{X</send> </trigger> </triggers> <!-- aliases --> <aliases muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <alias match="exall" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>exa seven exa mod exa istar exa caer exa short exa nine</send> </alias> <alias match="oak *" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>o all kill %1</send> </alias> <alias match="qc" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>quest complete </send> </alias> <alias match="qd" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>quest decline </send> </alias> <alias match="qp" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>quest points</send> </alias> <alias match="qr" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>quest request</send> </alias> <alias match="qt" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>quest time</send> </alias> <alias match="t" enabled="y" sequence="100" > <send>tag hid </send> </alias> </aliases> <!-- timers --> <timers muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > </timers> <!-- macros --> <macros muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <macro name="up" type="send_now" > <send>up</send> </macro> <macro name="down" type="send_now" > <send>down</send> </macro> <macro name="north" type="send_now" > <send>north</send> </macro> <macro name="south" type="send_now" > <send>south</send> </macro> <macro name="east" type="send_now" > <send>east</send> </macro> <macro name="west" type="send_now" > <send>west</send> </macro> <macro name="examine" type="replace" > <send>examine </send> </macro> <macro name="look" type="replace" > <send>look </send> </macro> <macro name="page" type="replace" > <send>page </send> </macro> <macro name="say" type="replace" > <send>say </send> </macro> <macro name="whisper" type="replace" > <send>whisper </send> </macro> <macro name="doing" type="send_now" > <send>DOING</send> </macro> <macro name="who" type="send_now" > <send>WHO</send> </macro> <macro name="drop" type="replace" > <send>drop </send> </macro> <macro name="take" type="replace" > <send>take </send> </macro> <macro name="logout" type="send_now" > <send>LOGOUT</send> </macro> <macro name="quit" type="send_now" > <send>QUIT</send> </macro> </macros> <!-- variables --> <variables muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > </variables> <!-- colours --> <colours muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <ansi> <normal> <colour seq="1" rgb="black" /> <colour seq="2" rgb="darkorange" /> <colour seq="3" rgb="green" /> <colour seq="4" rgb="olive" /> <colour seq="5" rgb="darkslategray" /> <colour seq="6" rgb="purple" /> <colour seq="7" rgb="teal" /> <colour seq="8" rgb="silver" /> </normal> <bold> <colour seq="1" rgb="gray" /> <colour seq="2" rgb="red" /> <colour seq="3" rgb="lime" /> <colour seq="4" rgb="yellow" /> <colour seq="5" rgb="blue" /> <colour seq="6" rgb="magenta" /> <colour seq="7" rgb="cyan" /> <colour seq="8" rgb="white" /> </bold> </ansi> <custom> <colour seq="1" name="Custom1" text="#FF8080" back="black" /> <colour seq="2" name="Custom2" text="#FFFF80" back="black" /> <colour seq="3" name="Custom3" text="#80FF80" back="black" /> <colour seq="4" name="Custom4" text="#80FFFF" back="black" /> <colour seq="5" name="Custom5" text="#0080FF" back="black" /> <colour seq="6" name="Custom6" text="#FF80C0" back="black" /> <colour seq="7" name="Custom7" text="red" back="black" /> <colour seq="8" name="Custom8" text="#0080C0" back="black" /> <colour seq="9" name="Custom9" text="magenta" back="black" /> <colour seq="10" name="Custom10" text="#804040" back="black" /> <colour seq="11" name="Custom11" text="#FF8040" back="black" /> <colour seq="12" name="Custom12" text="teal" back="black" /> <colour seq="13" name="Custom13" text="#004080" back="black" /> <colour seq="14" name="Custom14" text="#FF0080" back="black" /> <colour seq="15" name="Custom15" text="green" back="black" /> <colour seq="16" name="Custom16" text="blue" back="black" /> </custom> </colours> <!-- keypad --> <keypad muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <key name="0" > <send>look</send> </key> <key name="1" > <send>sw</send> </key> <key name="2" > <send>south</send> </key> <key name="3" > <send>se</send> </key> <key name="4" > <send>west</send> </key> <key name="5" > <send>WHO</send> </key> <key name="6" > <send>east</send> </key> <key name="7" > <send>nw</send> </key> <key name="8" > <send>north</send> </key> <key name="9" > <send>ne</send> </key> <key name="." > <send>hide</send> </key> <key name="/" > <send>inventory</send> </key> <key name="*" > <send>score</send> </key> <key name="-" > <send>up</send> </key> <key name="+" > <send>down</send> </key> <key name="Ctrl+0" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+1" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+2" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+3" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+4" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+5" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+6" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+7" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+8" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+9" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+." > </key> <key name="Ctrl+/" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+*" > </key> <key name="Ctrl+-" > </key> <key name="Ctrl++" > </key> </keypad> <!-- printing --> <printing muclient_version="4.14" world_file_version="15" date_saved="2007-09-07 17:55:13" > <ansi> <normal> </normal> <bold> <style seq="1" bold="y" /> <style seq="2" bold="y" /> <style seq="3" bold="y" /> <style seq="4" bold="y" /> <style seq="5" bold="y" /> <style seq="6" bold="y" /> <style seq="7" bold="y" /> <style seq="8" bold="y" /> </bold> </ansi> </printing> <!-- plugins --> </muclient>

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