Many of our players find Mushclient to be their game client of choice.
You can download the client from Gammon’s here.
Plugins: (right click, ‘save as’ and put them in your plugins folder)
History: Map Plugin
- Adapated by Nick Gammon for Smaug and similar MUDs
- Bits of this plugin and ideas were borrowed and remixed from the MUSHclient community. and others.
- Modifications for Aardwolf and extra awesome sauce added by Fiendish with help from Orogan
- Modifications for Ansalon MUD ( 8679) 2010- Geriant/CLeary
- Updated with area names, room names 2015 – Skol/DSL
History: Chat Plugin
- Modifications for Ansalon MUD ( 8679) by Geriant/CLeary 11.23.10