About Ansalon MUD
| ===== A N S A L O N M U D ===== |
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| Created by: Ahotasu, Jair and Deason. |
/ Brought to you by: Skol, Malum, and Renli. |
| At One point also by: Bharish, Demilon, Galaphale and LoBes. /
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| | Welcome to Ansalon! ` |\\
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Ansalon is a MUD (Multi User Dungeon) where a player can become an imaginary character in the DragonLance world, and interact with other players who are also playing at the same time. Your character can be a Silvanesti Elf, a Neidar Dwarf, a Human, a Minotaur, a fun-loving Kender, or any of a multitude of races. He/she can be a powerful Warrior, stealthy Thief, a devout Cleric, a scouting Ranger, a mystic Mage, a martial Monk, and more!
Ansalon is a game thats been around for a long time, in fact Ansalon has been up and running since June 1996 (21 years!!), and is a stable, well-developed world, with custom code and custom areas to explore. There are always Immortals around who are very helpful and open to the constantly changing wants and needs of players.
Ansalon is always looking for new players with new stories to tell and new conflicts to insight. Speaking of stories, check out our stories page!! Thousands of stories from 2000 through now! Read them by author, updated as they post!
Newbies are encouraged and with them in mind, Ansalon offers detailed maps and lots of people willing to help out and give advice so that folks unused to Ansalon _dont_ have to struggle through the often painful process of learning a new mud.
We keep the game play familiar, but add much much more to it, so there is never that ‘how do I ____’ time that is sometimes a problem with MUDs. If you ever get stuck, there is a Newbie channel that you can ask questions on to your hearts content (OOC channel if no one answers). Also, unfound help files will alert the MUD staff to the issue, so you can quite possibly get instant ‘in person’ assistance if the helpfile isn’t found.
There is a great ‘USE’ command for almost any object you find, give it a shot! Ask questions on the Newbie channel (or OOC), get all of the free maps from the school.. And READ that email we sent you, it does have some great information on how to get started!
We fully encourage clans and other organizations. Perhaps you’d like to join the Solamnic Knights? Or join the Conclave of Mages? Or maybe you want to help Takhisis rule the world with the Dragonarmies? No matter what your character wants to do, there’s a clan that should suit his/her taste. Many of these groups are looking for fresh blood as well. Its very possible for new players to rise to leadership positions given hard work and a lot of interaction with other players.