Note: Parenthesis are only for illustration, do not use when building.
IE: ACT (flag)… would be input as act scavenger etc.
HELP MEDIT : – help file for mob creation EDIT MOB CREATE (vnum) : – create the mob of vnum specified and starts you editing the mob. EDIT MOB (vnum) : – starts you editing on a mob already made of the vnum specified. NAME (string) : – sets the mob’s keyword name ACT (flag) : – sets mobiles’s special actions
SHORT (string) : – sets the mob’s short name (example: while you are fighting the mob, the mob’s name)
LONG (string) : – sets the mob’s long name (exmaple: A really scary monster is here.)
DESC : – takes you into the mob description editor, same commands as the DESC and ED DESC editor in the MAKING ROOMS section above.
LEVEL (number) : – sets the level of the mob
WEALTH (number) : – sets the amount of gold on the mob
ALIGNMENT (number) : – sets the alignment of the mob ((Demonic) -1000 to 1000 (Pure))
AUTO, AUTOHARD, AUTOEASY: – Allows you to set basic stats of a mob via the computer generating them (Always double check this), if the level is already set. Feel free to modify the settings.
HITROLL (number) : – sets the hitroll of the mob
HITDICE (number) : – sets the hp of the mob Type HELP HITDICE for a guideline. 30000 hp maximum. Done in the format of (number( d (number( + (number( meaning if I set hitdice at 200d3+100, it will roll a 3 sided die 200 times, and add 100 to that number. DAMDICE (number) : – sets the damroll of the mob. Type HELP DAMDICE for a guideline.
PIERCE (number) : – sets the ac for pierce on the mob. Type HELP MOB_AC for a guideline.
AC # # # # : BASH SLASH EXOTIC MAGIC Armor Class values you set the same way.
DAMTYPE (string) : – sets the message for hitting players. IE The golums pound scratchs you.
MANADICESets the manadice, usually “level”d10+100
Sets the sex of the mob – (male/female/random/none)
VULN (flags) : sets the mobs vulnerabilities. Type ? VUL for a list of flags. Same as IMM above.
RES (flags) : sets the mobs resistances against. Type ? RES for a list of flags. Same as IMM above.
POSITION START (position) : sets the starting position of the mob.
POSITION DEFAULT (position) : sets the default position of the mob.
POSITIONS: – sleeping, resting, sitting, standing
SPEC spec_(flag) : – sets the spec_fun of the mob, if any. Type ? SPEC for a list. Try not to make too many mobs with spec_funs, as it lags the mud some. EXAMPLE: SPEC spec_breath_gas – Sets the monster to have a gas breath weapon
EXAMPLE of MOB Creation:
edit mob create 32987 – creates mob vnum 32987
name hermit bob – sets the keyname as hermit and bob
short Bob the Hermit – sets the mob’s short name as ‘Bob the Hermit’ .during battle, it will say “Bob the Hermit’s punch “damages” you”
long Bob the Hermit is here. – sets the long desc for when you enter the room. Use punctuation at the end of the long desc.
desc – enters the mob desc editor (You see this when you look at the mob) NOTE: There is a maximum oh how much you can type without hitting enter, somewhere between 3 and 4 lines. You may enter anywhere (dont enter in the middle of a word) then use .f to format the whole description.
A little old hermit named Bob stands here looking at you with a lustful eye. – sets the desc
.f – formats the description
.s – shows me what the description is so far
.r “hermit” “sickly looking hermit” – replaces the text
.f – formats the description
@ – takes me from the desc editor into the mob editor
race human – makes him a hoooman (defaults, but use it for autos)
form edible biped mammal – makes body parts eatable, 2 arms/legs, etc parts head arms legs – possible parts to get chopped off WEEEEEEEEEEEE!
level 20 – sets the level to 20
wealth 100 – gives it 100 copper
align -1000 – makes Bob have alignment of -1000.
damtype pound – when Bob hits you, it’ll say “Bob the Hermit’s pound “damages” you!”
hitroll 5 – sets the hitroll
damroll 3d2+5 – sets the damroll to 3 rolls of a 2 sided dice plus 5 which will be average 9.5 ((3×2)+(3×1))/2 + 5 hitdice 10d2+5 – 10 rolls of a 2 sided dice + 5
pierce -20 – sets the pierce ac to -20
bash -20
slash -20
exotic 10
aff haste sanctuary – puts the mob in haste, and sanctuary
sex male – sets the sex to male. “random” will pick a sex randomly each time. Neutral is an ‘it’
size medium – makes is human sized (defaults to this already)
imm weapon – immune to any type of weapon vuln magic – especially vulnerable to magic
res heat – resist heat spells or affects
off disarm dodge parry crush– makes the mob able to use these skills in combat
spec spec_cast_mage – lets the mob cast mage spells
act sentinel warrior aggressive – makes the mob stand and not leave the room, a warrior, and aggressive.