Making Rooms

Ok, now you have an area block to build in. An important thing to remember is to make sure you are in your own area! If you go to someone else’ area with the same or lesser security. YOU MAY MESS UP THEIR WORK. Type ALIST if you forget what vnums your area is in.

The room editor is set up in 3 shells.

  1. The first one in regular gameplay.
  2. The second is the room editor.
  3. The third is the description editor.

You cannot go from gamplay to description editor, nor description editor to regular gameplay.
You can only go in order.

ASAVE AREA : this will save any changes you have made to any area.
             While building, ASAVE AREA frequently.

HELP REDIT : gives you a help file with commands for using
             OLC to edit a room.

EDIT ROOM CREATE (vnum) : this will create and transfer
                you to the new room with the vnum you have specified.

REDIT : this will put the room you are in into the room editor status.

REDIT (vnum): Puts you into room editor mode for the vnum specified.
                  (helpful if a room is set 'owner' or 'private' and you
                  need to modify it.)

NAME (string) : sets the room name. (HINT: You can use colors)
                (Garish colors will result in beatings ;p)

HEAL (integer) : sets the healing regeneration percentage of the room.
                Standard rooms have 100% heal and 100% mana.
                (IE: 'heal 120' sets the heal rate to 120% of normal)

MANA (integer) : sets the mana regeneration percentage of the room.

ROOM (flag) : sets the room flags. Type ? ROOM for a list of flags.

Room flag            Explanation
FLAG                     - Can be used without 'room' as well

    NONE                 - STRIPS all room flags
    DARK                 - PC requires a light/infravision 
    FEAR                 - PC will attempt to flee
    GODS_ONLY            - Only IMM's
    HEROES_ONLY          - 101's and up
    IMP_ONLY             - Only IMM's 109 and above
    INDOORS              - PC can not see/be affected by weather
    LAW                  - Player Killing not permitted
    NEWBIES_ONLY         - PC Levels 1-5 only
    NO_GATE              - Room cannot be gated in or out of
    NO_MOB               - Mobs can't enter
    NO_RECALL            - PC cannot recall 
    NO_SUMMON            - PC cannot be summoned
    NO_TELEPORT          - PC cannot teleport
    NO_TRANS             - PC cannot gate, summon, teleport
    PET_SHOP             - Special for pet shop 
    PRIVATE              - Only 1 char in a room at a time 
    SAFE                 - No killing/stealing/pushing into or out of allowed
    SILENCE              - No talking, stops spells also
    SOLITARY             - Only 2 characters at a time 

(sector) :      sets the sector flags, which influence movement, or determines if
                you need a flying spell to walk about if you choose air, etc. 
                Type ? SEC for a list of sectors you may choose.

Sector Types (Rooms)    Explanation                             Mv Loss

        INSIDE     (0)     - Weather doesn't affect, light always       1
        CITY       (1)     - Room is always lit.                        2
        FIELD      (2)                                                  2
        FOREST     (3)                                                  3
        HILLS      (4)                                                  4
        MOUNTAIN   (5)                                                  6
        SWIM       (6)     - requires swim skill or drown               4
        NOSWIM     (7)     - requires boat/fly                         6/1

        AIR        (9)     - requires fly                               10
        DESERT     (10)                                                 6
        UNDERWATER (11)                                                 10

Mobs are able to enter any sector without spells or eq. Use NO_MOB or STAY_AREA to prevent certain mobs from certain sectors. Generally a room with flag NO_MOB at each end of an area will work if you wish all mobiles to remain in the area. (Act STAY_AREA also on the mob, doesn’t hurt)

DONE : takes you from the room editor to gameplay.

Description Editor

There is a maximum oh how much you can type without hitting enter, somewhere between 3 and 4 lines. You may enter anywhere (dont enter in the middle of a word) then use .f to format the whole description.

DESC : takes you from the room editor to the room description
       editors. While in this editor, anything you type will 
       go directly into the room description. 

.s                          - shows me what the description is so far
.r (word) (word)            - replaces the word
.r "(string)" "(string)"    - replaces the text
.f                          - formats the description
.c                          - clears the description (erases)
@                           - takes me from the desc editor into
                              the room editor
Format                      - In redit mode by itself will format room desc

Extended Descriptions:

ED ADD (keyword) : sets a keyword for players to look at, and enters the
                              DESC editor for that keyword. (Same commands as in the
                              for all DESC editors.) 
ED ADD "(keyword) (keyword)"- sets multiple keywords with the same description for the
                              players to look at. Enters DESC editor. 
                              (nice for maps, ie ED ADD "Neraka Map" rather than making two)
ED EDIT (keyword) : to change the description for the (keyword)
ED DELETE (keyword) : to delete the description.

For example, if you are in a room, and the description of the room says “You are in a room with a large mirror upon the wall.” Set ‘mirror’ as an ED (ED ADD mirror) and you will be able to look mirror” and see a description about the mirror. This works well for secret doors that you wish to give clues to, to observant PC’s

EXAMPLE     of building a room with doors, exits, extended descriptions

edit room create 20323          - This creates room 20323 and takes me to it
name {mEntrance to the Mines{x  - This sets the name of the room
heal 100                        - Automatically set to 100
mana 100                        - Automatically set to 100
safe no_recall newbies_only     - This makes the room safe (you cannot
                                  attack in this room),  no recall, and only 
                                  lets in players under level 5 (inclusive)
air                             - Makes the room sector AIR, which means 
                                  PC's need to fly to enter
desc                            - enters the description editor
A boring boring room.           - sets the first line of the description editor

There is a maximum oh how much you can type without hitting enter, somewhere between 3 and 4 lines. You may enter anywhere (dont enter in the middle of a word) and use .f to format the whole description.

.f                               - formats the description
.s                               - shows me what the description is so far
.r "room" "room with a single mirror and a desk"  - replaces the text
.f                               - formats the description
@                                - takes me from the desc editor into
                                   the room editor
ed add mirror                    - makes a keyword "mirror" and takes me into
                                   the ED DESC editor
This mirror is broken.           - sets the first line of the ED desc
@                                - takes me back into the room editor
NORTH DIG 20324                  - makes a two way exit north to room 20324
NORTH FLAG DOOR                  - makes the north exit a door
NORTH FLAG CLOSED                - makes the gate closed
NORTH NAME gate                  - makes the exit keyword "gate"
EDIT ROOM create 20325           - creates room 20325 and takes you to it
GOTO 20323                       - takes you to the first room
EAST ROOM 20325                  - makes a one way link east to room 20325

EAST name desk                   - makes "desk" the name of the exit.
asave area                       - saves the changes to this area.
done                             - exits editor into regular gameplay