Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat May 1 04:28:49 1999
Subject More fixes!
OK, I believe TRACK and HUNT have been fixed. I hope I'm not wrong.
Also, no longer will a space be put after your name in your title if you have
a ' as the
first character, (I.e:
[ Minotaur ] Auschmal's thwack ===[ MarinATES ]=== you!
(loves that title!)
You can thank Auschmal for the title fix... I saw the old one and said: "Easy fix!"
Next up: infravision, dropping spaces from emotes (like titles), and other
sundry things.
Have fun,
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat May 1 23:42:20 1999
Subject Languages
I know you've all be wanting this:
Races now have their own languages.
That's right! To say something in the room in your language, use the
'speak' command, or a leading doublequote ( " ).
To say something to everyone (IC), use the command
Humans and half-elves speak only common ('say' and 'ic').
Coming soon:
The ability for thieves and rangers have a chance to understand
another language, based on level.
A spell "translate" for mages to understand others.
Maybe an object that will allow it, too? Who knows!
OK, _next_ is infravision... unless I decide my other idea should come
first.... :)
PS: Oh, and you might be able to get a skill in another language soon, too!
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed May 5 02:10:02 1999
Subject Gambling?
If you want to play dice games amoungst yourselves, try "dice", a new
function I wrote.
If you can find the casino, maybe you can play "craps"?
(Casino coming shortly!)
Reorx (Soon to also add Three Card Monty!)
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Thu May 6 02:16:22 1999
Subject Gambling hall is in
There is now a gambling hall in Tarsis.
(Currently, it only offers craps, but more will be added.)
Sender Shinare - LoBes
Date Thu May 6 23:48:21 1999
Subject hi
Added help mercenary
changed qnotes from 2 diamonds to 10
Sender Chislev
Date Sun May 16 11:13:17 1999
Subject helps
Help Builder and Help Wildrunner is in.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun May 16 20:57:50 1999
Subject A couple changes
First off, you might be seeing people with the following clan titles:
[Solamnic] [Crown] Joe Solamnic
[Solamnic] [Sword] Jim Solamnic
[Solamnic] [Rose] Reorx - Bharish Solamnic
Also, I fixed the problem with color in the speak/icspeak commands.
The other changes are imm stuff, so you probably won't notice.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun May 16 21:00:59 1999
Subject Induction change
Now, to induct into Crown, you type:
induct player crown
Now, to induct into Sword, you type:
induct player sword
Now, to induct into Rose, you type:
induct player rose
Note that a "induct player" with no subclan argument will induct them into Crown by default.
The only way to change from one to subclan to another is to discharge and reinduct.
I might make it easier later, but it's a low priority.
Oh, and each subclan has their own titles. So have fun.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun May 16 21:06:38 1999
Subject Some changes for you imms
First off, subclan flags had to be rearranged.
White Robes, Crown Knights, and Lily are "subclan1"
Red Robes, Sword Knights, and Skull are "subclan2"
Black Robes, Rose Knights, and Thorn are "subclan3"
This was necessary as we were running out of flags.
Also, there's a new optional modifier for the "join" command.
For Solamnics, "join player solamnic rose" puts a character into Rose.
If you don't add the subclan, it defaults to Crown.
Also, those with the "set" command, there's now the "bsteel" and "bgold" options for
banked steel and gold, respectively.
Reorx/Reorx - Bharish
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Mon May 17 18:54:27 1999
Subject Just a little admin tool
Ok, I added in a little (very) function that everytime we type 'omni' it
will record the total count in a file with a time stamp on it.
Eventually I hope to end up with a database (and some graphs) of when we
have the majority of the players on and what not, so maybe we can schedule
some Imm shifts so at least one Imm is on during those peak hours.
Anyways, what I'd like from you all is for you to type 'omni' without any
parameters at least once a session if you could.
I wanted to put the function in 'who' but realized that with differing
levels of invis I'd get conflicting values at the same time and it wouldn't
be accurate.
sorry for the sloopiness, but I suck at notes :P
- Gilean
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun May 23 18:30:38 1999
Subject Detect evil
Some of the classes were having a hard time PRACTICING the detect evil spell.
Shouldn't have that problem anymore.
So, all you Paladins, Rangers, Bmages, and Templars can have fun, now.
(As if you weren't having fun already!)
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Tue May 25 22:33:11 1999
Subject An easy fix
The or promoting a character now sees what title the character has been
promoted to.
(I thought it already did that. Silly me!)
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed Jun 2 00:11:41 1999
Subject Imm command changes
OK, added "hours" to the set command.
Also, there is a new command, usable by 103 + that sends the character to their recall place.
Reorx/Reorx - Bharish
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed Jun 2 01:32:31 1999
Subject "send room"
"send room" command now sends everyone who is in the room back to their recall.
Great for ending a quest.
Can be used by 103+.
Reorx/Reorx - Bharish
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Fri Jun 4 01:19:59 1999
Subject Quest items to buy
The "quest list" has been quite updated.
Reorx, Chislev, Sirrion, and others.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Tue Jun 8 03:22:17 1999
Subject Infravision
Infravision is now 50% working as advertised ("help infravision").
Those with infravision will now see exits in dark rooms. Those without
infravision, while in a dark room, won't get to see the exits.
The other 50% of infravision will come at a later time.
(Wonders who wrote the spell/affect then never made it work...)
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Tue Jun 8 03:26:47 1999
Subject New flags...
I got bored.
There is a new room flag, "SILENCE".
You can't say, speak, ic, yell, or shout while in a room marked silence,
unless your an immortal.
I'll also make it so you can't cast a spell in a room marked silence unless you're
an immortal, as well. (I'm tired, and I forgot that part).
So, in the works: "silence room" spell, which flags the room silent.
And yes, once aff2 is added, "silence person" spell.
Other flags: Added imm, resist, and vuln fear flags.
Right now it doesn't do a damn thing, but it will, soon.
Oh, and there's a room flag, fear, as well. For "grisly scenes"....
(That doesn't do anything, either, but I thought I'd tell you about them
so you wouldn't get confused.)
And yes, Kender are IMM_FEAR automatically....
Reorx (tired, and needs to sleep)
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed Jun 9 03:28:30 1999
Subject Race/flags
I added "undead" as a race.
Also, there are new room flags, SILENCE and FEAR.
SILENCE means no talking, etc, or casting spells, unless you're an imm.
FEAR, well, doesn't do anything RIGHT NOW.
There are also IMM_,RES_,VULN_FEAR flags.
Have fun.
Reorx/Reorx - Bharish
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat Jun 12 02:15:29 1999
Subject Lots of minor changes (and some big ones)
OK, first thing you probably notices were the *'s in the who list.
That signifies which ones of you are Pkill.
Next, a small command that a few have wanted: "title default"
Another change was the clan title changes for Grey, where each subclan has their own titles.
Speaking of clans, the "clan" speak command has been changed a lot....
Let me know if you like it.
Another small fix: You can no longer hear yells and shouts while sleeping.
Oh, and a small change to the "charm" spell: A charmed mob loses all aggressiveness
after being charmed, so if it loses charm, it won't accidently get you in trouble for a
OOL PK... (had a couple requests for this one, and I was happy to do it. Sure, it has
a down side, but still....)
There were also some other changes, but you probably will never notice them, until we
decide to permanently imp them.... some features I have in but aren't really used.
That's about it for now.
Expect the next BIG change to be even BIGGER!
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Mon Jun 14 01:47:15 1999
Subject Minor stuff
OK, here's some more changes.
Shield block now works as advertised: Flails can't be blocked, whips can get around,
and axes can now split (destroy) your shield. Watch out!
Dodge now generates several different messages.
No space after a , or ' if it's the first character of an emote.
You will no longer be quested to kill a mob that's charmed.
Demilon's area has been added. (He won it in the Deck of Many Things quest).
You can now see what you're sending during a clan message, and you can't clan when
sleeping, as the page won't wake you up... :)
You can no longer hear a "speak" when sleeping. (*bonks self*)
Fixed a few minor bugs here and there, as well.
OK, the NEXT one will be big, I promise.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Thu Jun 17 22:23:15 1999
Subject Wayreth added.
OK, old Conclave hall is OUT.
Wayreth Forest and Tower is IN!
Way to go Solinari - Malum!
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Tue Jul 6 03:14:25 1999
OK, it's in. Thanks for being so patient.
So, with no further ado, here we go:
Mariner is IN!
The following are new skills:
languages (human, silvanesti, qualinesti, etc)
swim NOTE: Doesn't work yet due to areas. I'll let you know when it works.
The following are new spells:
detect neutral Added to detects
flameshield Added to protections
conceal align
corpse visage
understand tongues All added to new group, mental
flood waters
thunderstorm All added to "weather"
Misc changes:
gravity will now affect your items, so don't drop something in the air
sharp weapons will now lose their edge. Sharpen them with a whetstone
vorpal weapons will now do some extra damage
clan channel should be somewhat less spammy
Disarming someone with two weapons will cause them to switch the secondary to primary
web-based who is now IN COLOR!
*sigh* That's the majority of it.
Should work fine, If now, let me know.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Tue Jul 6 03:41:35 1999
Subject Languages
Sorry, forgot to say this, but to switch languages, type:
"language silvanesti" (for example)
"language" by itself will show you what you're currenty set for.
"language common" will switch back to common.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat Jul 10 04:30:22 1999
Subject ANNOUNCE act2 flag
OK, new flag added.
It's an act2 flag, "announce" for NPCs only.
When that NPC is killed, a gecho is sent to the whole mud announcing its death
and the person who killed it.
Good for quests, et al.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Mon Jul 12 18:58:37 1999
Subject Rules
Please read the following helps:
1) help rules
2) help pkill
3) help multikill
Some of the rules have been fine-tuned. You need to know these.
Ignorance is no excuse for rules violation.
The Management
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Mon Jul 19 23:04:07 1999
Subject extrabit
You might have noticed that I added no_ident to the extrabit flags.
If you change any flags on a quest item make sure to put the no_ident back on.
Thanks, Reorx - Bharish
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Wed Aug 18 12:58:29 1999
Subject Traps on Objects, and 2 skills to match
Just put in some new code for Traps on objects. Now, before you open
that neato chest you just killed the head monster to get to, you might want
to get an expert to check for traps first. Any object that
can be opened, can be trapped. And some of the traps are pretty
nasty. Thieves now have two new skills available to them:
Detect Traps, and Deactivate Trap. Detect traps works like peek, when you
look at a container, it checks your skill, and if you make the roll (and the
object is trapped) it tells you. To deactivate a trap, you just type