Changes made to Ansalon during 2001.Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed Jan 3 00:32:10 2001
Subject Auction color change
Yes, it changed color. Deal with it.
Reorx, Master of Change
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Wed Jan 3 02:04:37 2001
Subject Time change
No, doesn't mean we're going to daylight savings...
Ticks of the mud are now 15 minutes in the game, not 1 hour.
You can see this by typing "time" and seeing the current IC time.
Also, there's a new %t for your prompt to show the time (will be added to helps
Oh, and before I forget: The max number of aliases has gone from 5 to 15.
Reorx, Changemeister
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Jan 13 05:13:04 2001
Subject Lemish
Long story. Lemish was damaged when it first came on this port.
I restored it, just a few changes:
Numerous barracks
Inn expanded
Bazaar fixed
Graveyard/Monuments fixed
Ferries are operational.
Have a nice day.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Jan 27 20:23:02 2001
Subject Small stuff
South gate of Palanthas is open as is Southern Darkwoods,
near Lemish, have a ball.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Wed Jan 31 21:17:31 2001
Subject Areas
Sorry about the downtime.
New Areas:
Sea Caves of Zeboim - Mid to High levels
Central Palanthas - Where Gangland used to be
Neraka Forest - East of Gerigheim
Took out a couple stock zones, and moves some others.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Feb 4 17:54:04 2001
Subject The Move
Ok, you might have heard a rumor that we're moving.
Yes, it's true.
The new location is being kept secret until the move is finallized, so
don't keep asking us. Once we move, there will be a message on the
login screen of this port that lets you know where we've moved to.
Also, there will be some changes. Expect some changes. We're taking
advantage of the move to make some nice changes.
We are NOT PWIPING! (Pwipe means deletion of all player characters.)
So, don't be scared. Your character will be ready for you once we move,
although it might have some (slight) changes.
Your friendly neighborhood implementer,
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sun Feb 18 09:18:46 2001
Subject Solinari - Malum strikes back
My dedicated building crew and I have added more areas for your playing
pleasure. Be sure to thank them when you see them.
Kalaman (Solinari - Malum)
Great Moors (Lynx)
Dargaard Keep (Zeboim)
Estwilde (Solinari - Malum)
Telvan (Habbakuk)
Northern Khalkists (Solinari - Malum)
Nordmaar (Lunitari)
Have fun, and note me with any errors.
- Soli
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Feb 18 23:34:18 2001
Subject Changes, part one.
First off, there were some major clan changes.
Knights of Takhisis
Also, there were some changes with regard to the clan tags on the "who
list". I'll try to cover that in another note, but just type "toggle"
and you'll see.
Some of the clan halls had some pets/mounts changed, as well as all
portals removed.
Ok, next change.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Feb 18 23:37:07 2001
Subject Changes, part two.
Notes, changes, stories can now only be accessed in certain rooms (main
pits in each of the main cities, plus a particular room in each clan
However, there's a bigger change than that.
You see, you can only read notes that were written in that room, or
by an immortal.
Yes, it will make things a bit difficult, but we think this will be a
good idea.
Also, some channels are gone/moved.
Auction is gone. Shout and yell have been changed (and aren't working
properly right now, so I have to fix them).
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Feb 18 23:41:31 2001
Subject Changes, part three.
Ok, the toggle command. (Help file follows shortly)
Ok, the who list now only shows clan, subclan, and flags, and
title to non-clanned members ONLY IF YOU WANT IT TO.
For race, you can toggle it to show everyone, or just the people who are
currently in your room (if toggled off).
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Mon Feb 19 00:07:50 2001
Subject Changes, part four.
Ok, changes to pets and mounts.
There were some changes to pets and mounts, basically because it was
getting out of hand, and we had people using them to take ALL the
challenge out of this game.
So, we changed them.
First off, you can no longer buy a pet/mount above your level.
I mean, come on. Level 5s buying a level 25 pet? What challenge is
there in any fight?
Also, pets/mounts were limited to level 40.
Now, no whining. EVERY pet/mount got reduced.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Feb 25 14:09:22 2001
Subject Another small change
Just a little point: Last night, late last night, I was in the mood for a quick
and easy code change, so I accepted solicitations on some.
Someone suggested adding some more damage verbs, so I did.
There are three (3) new ones, out there, all above ERADICATES.
(Marlius was the first to find them all out, just FYI.)
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Feb 28 01:35:12 2001
Subject Auction Houses
The world now has Auction Houses!
They are located:
In Palanthas, Platinum Street, next to the map shop.
In Solace, two west from the tree, then north.
In Neraka, Snake Road, east of Highlord and north.
In Caergoth, Port Lane, all north from the port.
In Gerighelm, Merchant Way, north from the Herbalists shop.
In Sanction, Fireflow Road, one east from the map shop.
Be sure to read the 'instructions' when you get to one.
Someone forces you to 'look instructions'.
You look at the instructions.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Mar 4 15:55:50 2001
Subject OK, we tried.
Ok, some unchanges have occured.
First off, you can now buy a pet up to 9 levels higher than your level. This
is withing the standard "grouping" restrictments, so this should work out.
(Hey, we tried something new, and it didn't work.)
Also, another unchange from a long LONG time ago (think pwipe):
You can now summon mobs.
Let's see how long this works out.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Mar 6 23:18:34 2001
Subject Website
The new Ansalon website is here.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Wed Mar 7 00:15:21 2001
Subject hunger/tired/thirst
Hunger/Thirst/Tired are now in your score, down at the bottom.
Any comments/complaints, please direct them my way.
- Gilean
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Mar 15 02:18:48 2001
Subject Transportation
New ship transportation system in, in Palanthas, Kalaman, Caergoth and
Sanction. (no more ferry in Palanthas, take the ship to Sanction and walk if
you need to get to Neraka, sorry) Have fun, explore, if you get stuck in a
hold don't fret, you'll be let out soon enough.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat Mar 24 15:26:08 2001
Subject Quick changes
OK, first off, Palagon's idea about making the "You have become better..."
stand out more has gone in. My plans are to make all informative statements
stand out by using yellow.
And, a small side change:
Type "eq all"
It will show you what equipment "slots" you're missing.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Apr 1 15:39:41 2001
Subject Changes (and an unchange)
Ok, first the unchange. You still must be in a "note" room to read and
write notes, ideas, stories, etc.
However, you can now read a note written to you from anywhere in the mud.
There were some request for this, so I undid the change.
Next, when you kill mobs, you should notice that they might leave some
new body parts.
And a (small) change:
"who clan", "who solamnic", "who leader", etc. are now back in.
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Sun Aug 19 22:23:14 2001
Subject new code
Just a couple of changes to brighten up your day.
Ignore code is in. Just type 'ignore xxxx' to ignore someone.
This will not prevent you from being attacked or anything else like that,
you just won't hear anything from them before they attack you :)
Affected commands are: ooc,ic,say,grats,music,emote,socials,, and tells
Type 'ignore' by itself to get a list of your current ignores.
And 'Ignore xxxx' again to un-ignore xxxx.
Heh, now the big one: object and room programs are in.
(pause for applause)
Things like intelligent weapons, and effective city guards are now
possible. So be alert :P
[UpgradeCRU] Gilean
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Aug 31 12:28:23 2001
Subject Gore
You might notice that body parts and bodies do things now.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Sun Sep 2 06:22:27 2001
Subject armor types
Armor now has an 'armor type' field, similar to the 'weapon type'
fields of sword/dagger/etc... All current items will default
to 'magic' (i.e. wearable by everyone). In the near future, we
will be adding restrictions on what types of armor certain
classes (perhaps races as well) can wear. Also, we will
need to get an UpgradeCRU together sometime in the near future to upgrade
all existing pieces of armor (groan) to the currect armor type.
Right now, the different armor types are:
Magic,Cloth,Leather,Light Metal,Metal,Heavy Metal,Godlike
Questions/Comments/Flames/Cash... please direct to me.
- Gilean
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Sep 30 21:45:31 2001
Subject Yelling, shouting, and making lots of noise
Well, if you haven't found out yet, both "yell" and "shout" commands
have been rewritten to add a couple features.
First, they now use your chosen language.
Second, they are no longer area/world-wide, but go out a certain range in all
directions, including around corners, through doors, etc.
Now, as of this time, they're 95% done. I want to tweak with the
range numbers and have them based on your Constition, race, and your relative
health (a sickly Kag with 10% hp remaining really couldn't yell far, could they?)
Once I get those changed, you can consider it 100% complete.
Now, a certain old fogey (not myself) suggested spells that would affect these
ranges. Obviously, he has found a way to look at my secret "Improvements for
Ansalon to Really Piss Off All the Players" file on my PC. Appropriate
punishment is coming.
(And Conrad: You'll be the first to be flagged "loudmouth", which also increases
your "say" range to include a couple extra rooms as well.... *cackle*)
I hope you enjoy the new yell/shout code. If you see any problems, especially
crash causers, let me know ASAP.
[UpgradeCru] Reorx
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Oct 7 01:06:03 2001
Subject Go take a dip!
Swimming should be 100% functional.
Of course, I couldn't test 100% of the possible ways for it to work,
so if you experience problems with it, let me know.
Sender Gilean - Jair
Date Sun Oct 7 23:13:14 2001
Subject Sleep code toned down a little bit.
*waits for all the cheering to stop*
Ok, toned down the sleep code a little bit. You should be able to
get rested at least twice as fast as before.
Appropriate furniture will also help about twice as much as before.
So, if you're smart, it should take you about 1/4 of the time to get rested as before.
- Gilean
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sun Oct 14 16:33:37 2001
Subject Warning Message
If you haven't done so, please type "help warning".
This message will also be shown during character creation, and is there
due to the fact of several new players being quite young, and by that I mean
under the age of 15.
This is to ensure that some "Soccer Mom" doesn't see her 11 year
old son reading some sexual or violent message on Ansalon and decide that
her family's life would be much better with $250k+ lawsuit.
I really hate to do it, but I must.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Nov 4 15:42:10 2001
Subject Pretitles/Nicknames
Someone forces you to 'help pretitle'.
Zivilyn - Skol chuckles and vanishes in a cloud of sawdust.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Nov 30 18:44:03 2001
Subject Website, Building, Mprogs Section.
(This change is only of interest to builders)
The website now has a brand spanking new file about mprogs/oprogs/rprogs.
The address is still:
The document now covers if_checks, with examples and full descriptions of
How to use EACH type of if_check. Simply go the if_check section and click
on the type of if_check you want to know more about. (Links in easy to
notice yellow, like this pc_str)
Coming soon, specific object program help, and room program help.
Also, more program examples. Keep your eyes peeled, course that could
hurt... Just keep an eye out.. oh wait, that could hurt too ;p
That's all folks,
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Thu Dec 6 23:39:28 2001
Subject And here we go....
Ok, there's been tons of changes.
First off, let's look at character creation. We've got three new
races added: Theiwar, Goblin, and Hobgoblin.
Plus, races can now "override" skills. For example, ALL Kender, even those
not a thief, get the steal command. All Goblins can get sneak, if they want,
regardless of class chosen.
Also, races are now align restricted as well. No Good Theiwar, no evil gnomes.
Another big change: We have an economy. That's right, an economy. This wasn't
exactly easy, but it should work fine. What you will see is not all mobs
will carry cash anymore. There's only so much coins minted. Period.
Also, depending on how the economy's doing, prices at your local shops will
fluctuate. Consider it inflation and recession.
Part of this "only so much money" change is that saccing will only give
coins if you're level 14 or less. Once you hit level 15, no more saccing cash,
sorry. After all, you're a big boy now, right?
Another one. Type "toggle". You can now toggle a <Helper> flag, if
you're in the mood for helping newbies.
Also, there's a new note board: warnotes. This is to keep from
spamming the normal note board with the notes based on the wars.
(There's another new board for imms, but don't worry about it.)
Let's see, anything else?
Some small tweaking in some spells (nothing big), saccing produces ash piles,
and some silly little "herotalk" channel for 101s, but that's hardly going
to be used, I'm sure.
If I forgot something, I'll post it later.
P.S. Zivi is going to have fun with some of the new m/o/r-prog stuff
I did, too. I'm sure you'll see that later on.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Dec 13 16:20:46 2001
Subject Home coupons.
Home coupons are now edible, they will send you home when you eat them.
No need to pray an immortal is available when you bounce off some rocks in the chasm now.
Grats Reorx - Bharish for the code. (I was only a guinea pig ;p)
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Dec 13 17:58:13 2001
Subject New stuff
We now have a new object trigger type 'CONSUME'.
This ONLY works on objects obviously.
Also, new mob/obj/room command for those who program.
If you need an examply, opstat a home coupon.
You can put anything you want in front, echoat/around echo's etc.
Anything after the 'send' will not show.
- Ziv & Co.
Ps. Thank Reorx - Bharish for me.
Sender Reorx - Bharish
Date Sat Dec 22 22:29:57 2001
Subject "Anonymous" e-mail now allowed.
We're opening up the e-mail system to allow "anonymous" e-mail
accounts as a test run. These include,,,
and some other anonymous e-mail accounts we had blocked.
If you have some friends that have been wanting to play but didn't have
an ISP-based e-mail address, let them know that we're opening up the e-mail
system for a time being, as a test.
I hope we'll see an increase of players, without an increase of