Changes made to Ansalon during 2010.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Mon Jan 11 13:27:16 2010
Subject 7K CH
Did a quick copyover, added a couple things to the 7K clan hall.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Feb 27 21:19:14 2010
Subject Saves equipment
Solinari and myself have gone through and removed the insane saving throw
modifications on some equipment. There were some that were at -15 or more,
it broke the mold so to speak. Thanks much to Kiljaedon, Jendaron and others
for helping with st ats.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Feb 27 21:20:21 2010
Subject Combat Awareness
Was way way too buff, thanks again to Kiljaedon for pointing out that his
paladin was basically impervious due to it. It has been modified to help,
but not make the player invulnerable.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Feb 27 21:20:47 2010
Subject That little red * dot...
Is gone now.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Feb 27 23:15:24 2010
Subject Scrying 101 and Clanhall trans spells
Scrying will now function normally vs 101's.
Any clanhall gating/portaling/teleport/nexus'ing INTO
has been eliminated. This also includes summoning into
and from clanhalls.
Rather than rely on a room 'flag' it simply finds if it's in
a clanhall, if so, no work. You can gate out etc like normal.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Feb 27 23:25:10 2010
Subject Foodage
Forgot, I also made it so that your food/thirst lasts through quit.
That was a facepalm moment ;p.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Feb 28 02:29:19 2010
Subject SLAIN flag, spamming at clan pits.
No pit spell spam anymore.
Meaning, casting will NOT function at the clan pits, period.
Slain's stay through quit, it was a bug being worked around by people quitting.
Slain people can't use transportation spells or portals.
But, slain duration has also been cut in half to 10 ticks.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Feb 28 02:32:46 2010
Subject SET and violent / slain
Imms with set can now SET violent and slain on characters.
This is a timer, meaning if for some reason we need, you can
set them. To make them 0 it will still require pardon.
But, say someone needs a timeout from pk...
Set char douchebag slain 40 etc (I set the max at 45).
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Feb 28 02:58:08 2010
Subject Lastname, Surname
Oh yeah! We now have last names available.
Cost is a quest note, must be imm approved.
It's just what it seems, family names etc.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Feb 28 03:18:48 2010
Subject Violent entering arena
There used to be a way for vio's to get into the arena...
Basically challenge someone, do your thing, get vio
they'd accept, in the arena. A nice kind of 'crap gemme out'
Bug squished.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sun Feb 28 21:39:29 2010
Subject Palanthas
Palanthas is now protected by the Palanthian Guard, our timeline doesn't
have Solamnics running the city as they are still somewhat outcast. We
realize that our line is not exact, but this was a change we felt was
needed. There will be a couple of clans relocating but I'll leave that to
Malum to post and port :).
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Mon Mar 1 03:38:31 2010
Subject Sanction
Several minor changes to Sanction:
Lava is out, no more worries about DT's
Added a potion shop, general store, updated the map.
Pets/mounts went in, there is a pit, healer, questmaster and mud school entrance
Mud school doorman will also take you to Sanction and the jeweler sells diamonds.
Another ferry was added, and one more thing...
DA Clanhall has been moved and is now in its proper place.
Malum, HMFIC
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Fri Apr 16 00:49:20 2010
Subject Ahlanost
The village of Ahlanost has appeared along the path to Wayreth! Thanks Kiri!
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Tue Apr 20 14:00:41 2010
Subject Palanthas and the Plains
Those broken docks in Palanthas have been rebuilt, after only, what, 10
years? Must have been a government contract. Now only if some ships would
come in...
Also, the path through the Plains of Dust of changed, as a new village,
Lantern has come in. Lantern is famous for their world-class guides that can
take you to different destinations. Give it a look!
Malum, HMFIC
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Apr 24 19:10:30 2010
Subject Qualimori
A ship has appeared at the docks in Palanthas. I wonder where it goes?
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Thu May 27 13:21:33 2010
Subject Lacynos
Today I have added the minotaur city of Lacynos. There are four ferries
that can take you there, two in Palanthas and one each in Kalaman and
Sanction. There is a map created and the mud school doorman will take you
there as well.
Note me with any problems you find, and be sure to check out the arena.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Mon Aug 23 14:34:21 2010
Subject Mithas and Mud School
I've just been porting a few changes before I leave. First is a new
streamlined mud school that we are going to test out for a while. Let us
know what you think!
Second is a series of areas that flesh out the island of Mithas, home of the
Minotaurs. Head out either of the eastern gates of Lacynos to go see the new
content. Thanks to Lothoemas for his hard work!
More to come!
Malum, HMFIC
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Mon Oct 4 19:15:54 2010
Subject Sols/Solanthus
Minors changes have been made to Solanthus,
for the purposes of moving the Solamnics to their new home!
Other minor things as well, corrections, player rooms and the like.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Oct 12 17:32:33 2010
Subject recent additions to the rules
Help rules has been updated. I suggest you all take a moment to read up
on some of the additions.
As always, if you have questions please ask them.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Thu Oct 14 16:23:45 2010
Subject Minor fixes
Return of the Pit Spam!
Adjusted the duration of Sleep and Confusion spells.
Fixed Surname capitalization.
Consider will tell you if your target is PK or not.
Failed help messages by immortals will no longer show to mortal helpers.
Made changes to the Wildrunner rank structure.
Many thanks to Sargonnas!
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Oct 16 04:41:35 2010
Subject More fixes
You can see osays if OCC is off.
If a channel is off, the mud will tell you to turn the channel
back on if you try to speak on that channel accidently.
Changes to messages up here in Imm-land.
Drop all won't work against a charmed PK target.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Tue Oct 19 18:43:21 2010
Subject Monks
Added some things for the Immortal quests and also gave Monks the ability
to get the "detect traps" skill.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Oct 22 18:17:24 2010
Subject RP Flags, home command
RP Flags now stick around while you move around, even if you decide to
punch a mob or player in the face. If you have your RP flag on, it means
that all of your interactions will be in character, so no ooc babbling, no
osay, etc.
As always, abuse of the RP flag is a bad idea.
Also, the home command now requires you to type "home now" before it takes
your 80 qps.
Hugs and Kisses,
Ze Staff
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Oct 23 04:43:26 2010
Subject Hunt and creation
1: Streamlined character creation and removed the email requirement.
2: You'll be asked to take a survey when you delete.
3: Hunt now works across areas, with a lag/movement cost associated.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Oct 25 16:19:01 2010
Subject Saves, Hunt, and some other nonsense
Hunt no longer shows a message 100% of the time, also the messages you
see make a bit more sense, and are awesome.
Saves have a limit that you cannot exceed, based on your level. It's roughly
-3 saves every 10 levels, or -1 every 3.33 levels.
Also some behind the scenes stuff to some of the imm commands.
Huge credit to Sargonnas for his hard work and long hours in the code
factory, inhaling code dust, and getting code-lung.
Also, I am awesome for various non-code-related reasons.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Oct 25 22:54:51 2010
Subject Floaters (And not how you're thinking, Auberon)
They now go into your corpse when you die.
Credit goes to Sargonnas, who spent hours slaving away, putting the legs on
the tiny ants that do the coding.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Thu Oct 28 17:51:39 2010
Subject There will be blood
Added some of the newer areas to the quest list.
Added Max saves to score.
When wounded, dripping blood will now show the direction of travel.
All thanks go to Sargonnas!
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Nov 1 17:45:21 2010
Subject Blood Bugs and wimpy kill counters
A bug was stopping people from walking down when bleeding -- squished.
Wimpy can no longer be set above 500.
There are now counters to keep track of your kills (check your score).
Also, some updates for various areas went in (Mob Arena and Bloten will now
kill you long time).
As always, a huge thanks goes to Sargonnas for all the fumes he was exposed
to while working on code.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Nov 4 04:56:29 2010
Subject Newbie message, and Mob Kills
Mob Kills now save when you quit, and newbies will get a message
directing them to the newbie channel when they type a command that doens't
A big thanks to Sargonnas, who is getting code-lung from slaving away.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Thu Nov 11 16:24:22 2010
Subject Areas and Maps and Clans!
First off: Tempest! The new Mariner ship is in, so start recruiting!
Second, Kiri (with ample help from Sargonnas and Mishakal) has created the
Abanasinian Plains! East of Solace, the new area is for levels 20 to 40 and
is ready for your exploration!
Finally, the biggest change: Automap! This command will toggle a new
graphical representation of the surrounding area. Thank Sargonnas for all
his hard work, and blame him when it doesn't work right! :P
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Nov 11 19:06:13 2010
Subject UNholy Smite and Penetrate spellgroup
Baddies can smite things too, now.
Also, mages have a new spellgroup. It's exactly what it sounds like, except
that it's not.
As always, a huge thanks to Sarg who climbed Mt. GiantCode to discover the
secret fountain of badassery. He killed like...30 Oompa-Loompas. Seriously.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Nov 12 04:02:25 2010
Subject Quaff lag
When vio, potions take a bit longer to drink now.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Nov 19 18:40:56 2010
Subject Spells, Spells, and Heel
Draconian Spell group - You'll find these spells hitting harder, having
less lag and costing less mana.
Renegades - Mages now have a slight chance of having their spells over level
15 go up in percentage even if not in conclave.
Heel - New command, if your pet is missing and you type heel they will find
I'm a bit hung over, so no witty way to say "Thanks to Paladine," so this
will have to do. Thank him when you see him.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Nov 23 01:47:12 2010
Subject Newbiecommands
On c/o there will be a new wiznet option for 102+ "newbiecommands". This
will display to any imm who has it toggled on whenever anyone under 5 hours
types an invalid command (i.e: whenever the mud tells them to try asking
over newbietalk).
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Nov 26 05:31:21 2010
Subject Quests
The quest master will now have fewer of those "I don't have any quests
for you now!" moments.
Thanks go to me for thinking of it, but to Paladine for actually doing it.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sun Nov 28 00:33:44 2010
Subject Fog of War, arena kills/deaths
The automap will be a bit dimmer until you explore the area a bit more.
It will also keep track of the number of rooms you've explored.
Also, score keeps up with arena wins/losses.
Huge thanks to Paladine for being too awesome to contain.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Dec 1 05:57:06 2010
Subject Ignore
Ignore now works on Hero. Sorry Athin.
Also, there are fewer notes than there were.
Thanks go, as always, to Paladine.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Dec 1 18:56:50 2010
Subject Area facelift....oh, and one more....small....thing....
Nordmaar has gotten a facelift courtesy of Kiri. Grammar issues, as well
as some mob problems have been edited and fixed.
A couple of other things happned behind the scenes, mostly small area
updates, and some changes to some of the imm commands, nothing big at all.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Combat awareness for mages is in, and able to be
found. Rumors place a strange spellbook somewhere in the out
for looters.
Hugs and Kisses,
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sun Dec 5 05:29:54 2010
Subject Dice? What dice?
Dice drop MUCH less frequently, so you can keep autoloot turned on.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sun Dec 5 05:33:57 2010
Forgot to add (actually Paladine forgot to mention these things had
happened, but that's another matter) that damage to you will show up red if
you have autodamage toggled, and repair costs have been lowered. Also, there
are 4 new sector types.