Changes on Ansalon MUD!

Changes made to Ansalon during 2012.

Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sun Jan 22 03:00:54 2012 Subject Food items All food items created as you kill mobs now contain 'food' as a keyword. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sun Jan 22 19:07:04 2012 Subject re: Drink Containers All drink containers that randomly generate on monsters will now have "drinkcont" as a keyword as well. This will go in as of the next copyover. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Mon Feb 13 01:50:58 2012 Subject forcing idle imms wizi Immortals are now forced to go wizi if idle for more than 10 minutes. This will hopefully get rid of that "the imms are always idle" feeling that people have been having lately. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Tue Feb 14 13:49:07 2012 Subject Eating, Drinking and Lights! You no longer are required to eat food, drink liquid (but, you can and you can also still get drunk and eat pills/quaff potions to your heart's content) or keep your lights filled with fuel. Also, feast has been removed as a spell since this change renders it completely useless. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Tue Feb 14 15:40:58 2012 Subject Creation spell group The creation spellgroup has been completely removed as well as the following spells: create rose, create food, create water and create spring. The 'continual light' spell has been moved to the 'detection' spell group. There will be no refunds for anyone who previously gained the creation spellgroup, please just enjoy not having to even cast feast any more. :) Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sun Feb 19 02:43:20 2012 Subject Mount/Ride You can now use the 'ride' command which does the same thing as the 'mount' command. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri Feb 24 14:07:09 2012 Subject socket Bug fixed next c/o. It was related to email addresses being shown in sockets and mobs not having email addresses. :) Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri Mar 16 10:57:35 2012 Subject Stories on the website.. Remember how stories used to get posted to the website? That happens again. :) Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sat Mar 17 13:22:29 2012 Subject extrabit I added nopurge and nomobget to extrabit, (N, O). See help extrabit. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sun Mar 18 14:15:45 2012 Subject Top Ten The top ten command now shows up on the website as well. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Mon Mar 19 21:38:23 2012 Subject Help Files & Links Help file keywords now show has clickable links to their own page in the wiki. These pages still need to be populated but hopefully will eventually all be there. Also, when you type help after it is done polling for actual helpfiles it will check to see if what you are trying to find help for is an area name and display customized help information to said area. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Tue Mar 20 16:19:14 2012 Subject re: Help areas The area help data now reflects level ranges as well. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Sat Mar 24 15:04:12 2012 Subject help votelink I changed this to ^^votelink in the code and made ^^votelink on all ports as a copy of votelink. if you typed "help vote" both hel pvote and help votelink would show up. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri Mar 30 16:13:01 2012 Subject socket Socket now displays more data if you do it to a single player (i.e: socket paladine). It now displays which client they are using, version, window resolutoin (in rows x columns format, not pixels), and protocol support. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri Mar 30 19:29:40 2012 Subject Do you see COLOR (Y/N)? You will no longer be prompted as to whether or not you see color, the mud automatically detects this now. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Sat Mar 31 16:41:01 2012 Subject Noteboards listing etc Type change list all, etc ec. IT's now two columns for easier eyeballs. - Ziv. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Apr 2 16:21:24 2012 Subject Wonderous figurines Ok, they're just nifty... The ones that are playable races, will now have a class as well, so you can find that gold kender thief, or that ruby silvanesti mage etc. Ziv. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 12 11:21:15 2012 Subject Random Objects Random objects are now in. They work along side reset based objects, so none of the old equipment is gone, this is in addition to the gear you guys are already fond of. Objects are strung based on the following scheme: [] - optional () - required (a/an) [weapon flag] [align] (material) (wpn/armor type) (suffix based on rarity) Object levels are based off of the level of the mob that loads them, and there are three levels of rarity which are randomly chosen, the more rare the object the higher the modifier it gets (and better the object could be). A help file will go in soon enough explaining things in detail, please let us know if you see anything too crazy or have any questions. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Tue Apr 17 14:23:18 2012 Subject Economy Fishing now works better with the economy (it was loading fish, not charging the economy for them, then when they vaped, it went into the pool lol. sry bout that). Fixed now, we charge Zeb for every fish :) - Ziv. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Wed Apr 18 23:14:40 2012 Subject re: Random Objects Random objects now combine all affects (i.e: Affects hp by 10 and Affects hp by 13 will now just show Affects hp by 23). They also now max out properly, if you found one with ridiculous stats report it or else. :P Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 19 14:27:14 2012 Subject re: Random obj bug fixes 1. Keywords on random obj stringing was funky, fixed. 2. Wearslots were screwy for ear/face/etc, fixed. 3. Leather weapons can only be whips and whips can only be leather now. 4. Also finally remembered to add in damage nouns to random weapons. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Sat Apr 21 13:19:37 2012 Subject Summoning questmobs I made a check that if the mobs are ANYONEs target mob, they can't be summoned. Lemme know if we want to alter that to allow THAT person's quest mob, but I really think it should pertain to all. - Dave. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Mon Apr 23 18:48:10 2012 Subject Shops, being picky. Shops will now buy _anything_. If they don't like that kind, they just give you a way worse price on it. - Ziv. Meaning... they used to just not be interested? Now they just go sure... and rob you :) Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Wed Apr 25 15:44:02 2012 Subject new command - mcraft As of the next copyover there will be a new imp command, mcraft. This command will perform a mastercraft on whatever your target object is. It checks againts the object's name and won't mastercraft anything with the following strings in the name: donotmastercraft, mastercrafted, qmaster It also checks the average damage to ensure it isn't already greater than 78. I also checked it against randoms and it saves/works just fine. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 26 10:21:55 2012 Subject Top Ten I've added rooms explored to the topten list. It will take it a couple of quits/relogs/copyovers to actually fill out the data. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 26 10:32:48 2012 Subject re: autowizi I changed the auto wizi to warn with a beep at 25 minutes and wizi you at 30 minutes instead of 10. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 26 13:38:06 2012 Subject bug smashing IS_VIOLENT macro didn't have !IS_NPC(ch) in it, so unless you put !IS_NPC(ch) in a function you added !IS_VIOLENT to the mud would crash because it would check the mob's violent timer which is doesn't have. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu Apr 26 14:00:56 2012 Subject note catchup You can now type "note catchup all" to catchup all of your note boards, rather than having to catch up each one individually. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri May 4 14:21:13 2012 Subject TELLS while sleeping TELLS are now completely OOC and work sleeping etc. Same with replies, although they always did :p. - Ziv. Sender Zivilyn - Skol Date Fri May 4 15:07:47 2012 Subject copyover I added an arguement for COPYOVER... 'PLAYPORT' I didn't change it for other ports, but this should make it so that we just go 'copyover playport' and if we're ON playport, it works, otherwise if we just type copyover it goes 'nuh uh'. If we want, I can add the other port args. Keep us straight etc. - Dave. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Tue May 8 10:36:32 2012 Subject Command aliases to make the game easier on people.. On next copyover "stats" will do the same thing as "score". Also, "unequip" and "unuse" will do the same thing as remove. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Tue May 8 21:42:04 2012 Subject Compare Compare is now a bit more.. useful. It will now bring up a scorecard for both the item you currently have equipped in the slot of the object you want to compare and the object you want to compare. On these scoresheets will be the full stats of both objects and a color coded comparison of those stats. Currently it should show everything except for resistances on both objects, eventually resistances will be in compare as well and identify will likely be re-worked as well. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Thu May 10 14:39:03 2012 Subject re: Compare You can now compare lights to lights, and you can cross compare treasure/jewelry/armor and containers as they all sit within the same wear slots. In addition to the above you can also compare fishing rods now, and soon to come will be bows/crossbows/arrows/etc. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri May 11 10:22:03 2012 Subject Curse bug Fixed a bug in curse where it was not applying it's affect to a location. It now actually does what it was intended to do and add +1 saves to an object when it is cast on the object and stops yelling at our logs. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Fri May 11 11:20:42 2012 Subject re: Compare Formatted a little bit to be prettier, extra flags removed and level added in. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Wed May 30 12:42:07 2012 Subject re: Align As was intended when vampiric affecting your alignment was taken out, killing mobs no longer affects your alignment either. This is not done to "munchkin" anything, it does not make the game any more or less difficult however it does make it easier from a usability standpoint. Your alignment that you choose at creation will always be your alignment now, to change it all you need to do is to RP the god change and have a true faith. Sender Sargonnas - Geriant Date Wed May 30 13:03:44 2012 Subject re: Gain points in gain list As of the next copyover when you look at 'gain list' it will print a line displaying how many gains, trains and practices you currently have at the bottom. Sender Malum Date Fri Nov 2 23:18:23 2012 Subject Stone Rose/Skullcap I've tweaked the stats on the mobs in both of these areas to make them a bit more difficult. I've heard many complaints that they were too easy for their level, so leave me some feedback on how they are now. Soli