Changes made to Ansalon during 2014.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Jan 8 14:27:37 2014
Subject VNUM type , olist type
It now shows you values, we have to equalize due to the food/heal buf,
found a 400 heal food pill for 46 copper, kinda bad for PK hehe
- Dave.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 17 16:36:59 2014
Subject CLANS
Rogue and Marauder are 'relinked'.
Myself and a few others had put quite a bit of time building,
role-playing, buying... etc. They were never out,
but are now both clans you can join and find.
See helpfiles: Rogue, Marauder
- Ziv
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 24 13:58:42 2014
Subject Room name colors
If the room doesn't have a colored name, it now will be according to what
'sector' type it's in. Colored names (custom etc) will not be affected.
Builders: rlist now shows the colors of the rooms as well based on sector
(rlist ? for more info)
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 31 17:51:52 2014
Subject CRAPS!
Craps is back in. Not sure who changed what,
but the code is working and you can now/again gamble at gambler mobs.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Feb 10 13:37:00 2014
Subject Food/healing, lights going out
Food now actually 'stops' when you're full. It had before, but there was
a glitch, no longer :) Also you'll now have an idea of not only your hunger,
but fullness (energy/stuffed gut) in score.
Bug in lights that go out not removing glow (and therefor not able to 'fill' magically) fixed.
- Ziv.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Feb 18 16:27:56 2014
Subject Bonuses for exploring rooms
You will now get a bonus for exploring rooms. You get 50 experience and
an item for the first 50 rooms you explore, experience and an item the first
100 and then just experience from then on out at 150, 250 and 500. Once you
hit 500 you will get bonus experience every 500 rooms you explore.
These bonuses are not retroactive. You only get the items when you hit the
first 50 and first 100. For example if you already have a character at 3250
rooms explored, they will only be eligible for the rewards at 3500 and on.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Feb 19 12:49:24 2014
Subject re: Exploration rewards
We have changed the rewards for exploring 4500 total rooms onward (in the
same intervals of 500 rooms each milestone). From 4500 rooms (total)
explored on if you are level 101 you will get 100 quest points rather than
the experience bonus as experience is of little use to 101s.
Also, just to make it more clear, all of these rewards are TOTAL rooms
explored and are not retroactive if you started out past any of the rewards
once the new change was put in place.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Sat Mar 8 13:38:18 2014
Subject RE: Autumnstar - silence
You'll now get different messages depending on if they're already silenced, or if you fail.
Good idea, thans Aut!
- Ziv.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 10 13:45:04 2014
Subject re: Wit's idea typos (quest master and danger sense)
Typos in scan, danger sense and one of the quest master messages have been fixed.
In on next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 10 14:56:28 2014
Subject blind messages
There are now messages for when the victim is already blind, as well as when blind fails.
In on next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Mar 12 11:13:46 2014
Subject eating, fullness
It seemed like you could only two three or four things before you got
full, so I've tweaked fullness settings so you can eat a little more before
you get full.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Mar 12 14:04:57 2014
Subject hunger
Just changed the hunger messages in score to more accurately reflect only
the status of hunger. The two most hungry messages of "You are weak." and
"You are extremely weak!" made it seem like hunger affected your ability to
fight or do things, which is not the case.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Mar 14 12:44:26 2014
Subject Pets & PK no longer.
Pets and mounts in PvP combat has been an issue, especially equipable
pets, especially in the lower levels. This is no longer the case as pets and
mounts can no longer do any damage or even swing at PCs.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Mar 14 14:22:36 2014
Subject Compare
Compare will now take into account whether one of the items you are
trying to compare has the noident flag, and will not work on them.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat Mar 15 11:07:46 2014
Subject Random EQ at lower levels
Fds I have fixed random armor so that it should be more useful at lower
levels. The level of equipment you get should be more in line with the level
of mobs that you are killing and I tweaked the bonuses a little bit as well.
I also adjusted the rate at which random armor is generated to be a little higher.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 17 16:03:03 2014
Subject Healers
Healers have been buffed slightly in regards to spelling up lowbies.
Before they would heal/refresh/armor/shield/giant str characters below level
11 that had low hours and were the same alignment as the healer.
They will now cast spells on players below level 15 regardless of hours and
alignment. In addition to this they will also now cast haste and
earthshield, as well as sanctuary but for sanctuary only until level 5.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Mar 27 14:09:19 2014
Subject re: aedit clan bug
This bug was squashed. Fixed on BP, and will be on PP next c/o.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Mar 28 12:59:54 2014
Subject Default Class Customization
We have changed around the class default groups so that when you choose
to not customize you aren't left with a 1k TNL character that is useless.
Now the defaults range from about 3900 per level to 5600 per level depending
on the class.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Mar 28 13:17:27 2014
Subject bug fix: augmentation spell group
The "augmentation" spell group help file said that it contained the spell
"haste". Only rangers can gain the "augmentation" group, however rangers
were unable to ever get haste (the level they would get it at was not
assigned). This is fixed, rangers now get haste at level 55.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 31 11:52:10 2014
Subject Regions
All areas now have a 'region' field tied to them. All areas have also had
their region field set to what it should be according to book lore. Also,
the area auto-help files (in addition to level range of the area) also
automatically report the area's region.
Look for some updates regarding regions to come up in the near future.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 31 14:46:39 2014
Subject Random Armor
The region that the armor was loaded in will now appear in the long
description, also we took out platinum and mithril as possible materials for
random armor. In addition to those above, the bug where sometimes mobs would
wield held objects causing them to do insane damage has been fixed.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Mar 31 22:43:08 2014
Subject Exploration and QPs
It has been changed so that you just get QPs regardless of level and
instead of 100 you now get 50 for each milestone. The system was initially
put in place to encourage exploration, but with the way we added in QP as an
afterthought it just discouraged exploration until you hit 101.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Apr 1 02:13:02 2014
Subject Sleep code is BACK!
Yup, you guessed it. Sleep is now in.
If you notice yourself getting tired, you might need to get a little
beauty rest to enable you to swing that sword just a litte faster,
or to actually be able to cast that spell without stumbling over
the words.
We'll try and get it added into the help file ASAP.
But bottom line is, you now have to manage your sleep just like
you manage your food and water intake.
Brought to you by the Campaign to Make Ansalon More Realistic
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Apr 1 11:37:12 2014
Subject QP Coupons
As of the next copyover, QP coupons will now tell you how much QP you
gain from eating them. In addition, they now have an extra description
explaining to eat them if you examine them.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Apr 3 14:02:44 2014
Subject Questmaster buying..
We have added numbers next to each item in quest list items and quest
list coupons. If you are ever confused about which keyword to use while
spending your questpoints just use the number next to whatever you want to
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Apr 3 14:45:57 2014
Subject low level random armor
Lower level random armor should be gaurunteed to have at least some stats
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Apr 3 18:43:23 2014
Subject Lights
Reworked the 'fill' and 'c continual' on lights, should function better
now. You still can't fill oil type lights with continual sry, have to get
oil etc. But there shouldn't be the 'glowing as brightly as it can' error on
lights that are out now.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Apr 3 19:26:42 2014
Subject Creation spellgroup
It's back, and will be updating shortly with some other fixes. Updating
create water/spring to include lamp oil on lamps, and refill containers
based on... well you'll hear tomorrow or such.
- Ziv.
Ps. If you lost it, let an imp know and we'll add it back.
And yes, creation date lets us know if you're fibbin :p
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sun Apr 6 17:37:56 2014
Subject blackjack
Blackjack has been changed around to affect people with "sleep" instead
of confusion to try and balance it out a bit.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Apr 7 11:36:43 2014
Subject Level "sanctuary" is gained has been lowered
You will now gain sanctuary at level 22 for clerics, 27 for mages and 32
for templar/battlemages. This change will be effective next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Apr 7 15:57:34 2014
Subject Confusion clear chance
You will now get a saves throw check against clearing confusion every
time you get hit hard enough (about 2.5% of your current hp). This goes for
both ranged attacks and regular attacks, however not spell damage.
The main point behind this change was to remove some of the
over-effectiveness of confusion especially once you factor in things like
some elven clerics, mages, etc getting confusion along with bow.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Apr 8 13:07:00 2014
Subject Fishlines
They now cost based off of lb test and length
Also max is now lower to stop shark spamming
Still works, just not as zomg farmable
OLC is updated to auto-price lines, please don't override unless approved.
- Dave.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Apr 9 16:47:42 2014
Subject Email Verification
You can now verify your email address using the "email" command. Why
might you do this?
It makes it easier for us if you ask us "Can you restore this alt?", "Can
you reset my password?", "What was alt so and so's name?".
And on top of that you get 100 questpoints and a nice item lowbie item for
doing it!
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Apr 9 16:48:50 2014
You can now toggle shortwholist (or just toggle short), and have a much
abbreviated version of the wholist. Let me know if you want more things like
click links for 'whois ' etc.
Syntax: toggle shortwho
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Apr 11 16:27:14 2014
Subject Experience toggle
You can now toggle experience blocking, ie, don't get experience points
while it's 'on'. Toggle Experience to turn on/off the block.
- Ziv.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Apr 14 10:54:34 2014
Subject Additions to report
In addition to working the same way it always has you can now use
arguments with report. You can use it now to report things like your weight,
stats, quest points, hitroll, rooms explored, money on hand, etc. Just read
the help file or type report help for a list of the possible arguments.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Apr 15 14:00:12 2014
Subject Misc changes
Anti-align flags are now more rare on random objects.
A bug where you would still gain experience from your first 50 rooms
explored even if you had the no exp toggle on has been fixed.
You will now receive a small oil flask in your newbie pack when a new
character is created.
The email command has been moved below the emote command in the interp list,
so "em" should work for emote again.
All of theese are in with the next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Apr 15 14:37:04 2014
Subject Poison
Poison now actually deals damage to 101s again.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Apr 16 12:30:44 2014
Subject PORTALS - OLC update
Portals have had a key field, but it wasn't accessible via OLC. It now
is, and also makes sure the key exists (or 0 to make none), as well as that
it's a key, and that the to-room for the portal exists. So, updated and
improved. And now v4 # sets a key for them. It doesn't care if it's a
door/closeable/lockable etc, you can still assign a key.
Close/open/lock/unlock checks that already :).
- Dave.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Apr 16 12:40:06 2014
Subject Resistances
Racial resistances have been significantly altered. They now max out at
-5 or +5 for the most part, with a few exceptions like Ogres being -15 holy
and Minotaurs being -15 acid.
Shortly the new resistances will be added to each races's help file.
Also, goblins and aghar now have +1 base and max int from where they were previously.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Apr 17 10:43:47 2014
Subject Newbies now start with a clean note board
Thanks to a great idea by Ellbreth, new characters now start with a
caught up status on all note boards.
In on next copypover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Apr 18 09:26:17 2014
Subject vingaard mountains
I made vingaard mountains (at the three way intersection VN2506) have a
prog that blocked western exits to level 30 and below. Kept seeing brand
newbies that didn't know better wander into this area.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Apr 18 13:12:06 2014
Subject Random EQ
You should notice most random equipment being a little bit lighter now,
and I have added three new possible material types, cloth, silk and scale.
This should make some of the random armor more monk friendly.
I also tweaked the rate at which anti-align flags were added to randoms.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat Apr 19 11:26:22 2014
Subject Regions
A few weeks ago I posted a change about regions, we now have the map put
together outlining where regions fall on a map. I have made a post on our
website outlining some of what we plan on doing with regions, as well as
linked a copy of a map made by Solinari on where the region lines fall and
which areas are in which region.
Please take a look and if you have any ideas on cool things to do with
regions that we haven't already mentioned then please post an idea!
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Apr 22 14:40:42 2014
Subject Fire breath, and rub
There is a new command, "rub", which has a 33% chance to cure dirt kick.
There is one round of lag associated with this command and it cannot be used
in combat.
We had seen a lot of complains both over ooc and through tells from players
lately regarding blindness doing nothing more than suspending gameplay.
Hopefully this makes PK a little bit more fun for everyone involved.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Apr 24 13:19:58 2014
Subject Dual wield/held for fatties
Per Agathon's idea, you shouldn't have to remove a held item to hold a
dual wield weapon as a LARGE creature (aka mino's and ogres).
- Ziv.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Apr 24 15:39:19 2014
Subject Scrolls
Scrolls now take the spell level into account instead of only the object
level. It works just like equpiment now, if you are lower than the scroll
spell level - 20 you will not be able to cast it.
For Instance, a tiring scroll is level 35 and casts a level 35 spell of
sleep. You must be level 15 to use it.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu Apr 24 23:44:47 2014
Subject new command : randomgem
Just made a command, in on next copyover, called "randomgem". It will
load a random gem onto a player's inventory.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri Apr 25 10:30:04 2014
Subject squashing old rom bash bug
By default bash gives you a positive modifier based off of your weight vs
your opponent's weight without any cap. This means you could load up on 50k
copper and bash a 101 and land it every time even at level 30 or 40. I have
now capped that positive modifier at +5.
This is in next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Apr 30 21:23:34 2014
Subject Boss mobs & range hits
I've added a new act2 flag called "return fire". When this flag is set
mobs will roll a 1d10 and if they roll higher than 5 they will return a shot
back at the player who hit them with an arrow for [mob->level / 4 * rand]
where rand is 1-5.
Also, mobs with the "mage" act flag will return a fireball spell with a 1d10
roll of higher than 5 as well. Clerics will also cast icicle with a 1d10
roll higher than 5.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Apr 30 21:26:12 2014
Subject return fire
You'll notice that some mobs will now return fire when shot by ranged
weapons (about half of the time).
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu May 1 16:29:03 2014
Subject Region in OLC
It now pulls from the region table for the region command, allows you to
go aedit/region 13, or region pla, or region Outer Plains. A little easier
to use, and will expand as we expand the table (if we add regions... ie
Feel free to twiddle with it on BP (or here if you're an imp).
- Dave.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat May 3 10:18:57 2014
Subject Brew & Holy Smite
Clerics now get brew at level 46. You cannot brew entangle or holy smite,
please let me know if anyone can think of any other spells that should be on
that list which clerics get but mages dont (and thus wouldn't already be on
the list).
Holy Smite's maladiction never had a check against saves. It's duration has
been put up slightly higher than the 1 tick it was at and it now does a
saves throw to see if you get hit by the maladiction. If you are good or
neutral it also checks against your holy resist. If you are evil it checks
against your "Negative" resist.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat May 3 12:42:28 2014
Subject Potions
Certain potions now have their cost regulated across all shops that are
not player shops. Also, certain potions are now not allowed on a code level
in any shop and will be auto-removed.
Not allowed potions: heal, sanctuary, true sight
Regulated prices: cure critical, 1sp cure serious, 80gp cure light, 50gp all
elemental shields, 2sp stone skin, armor, shield, 75gp
We believe that we have changed all clan shop "heal" potions to "cure crit"
potions, if you notice we missed one just note to immortal about it.
fds We also made a best effort to replace any heal potions in areas outside
of clan halls as cure crit potions where neccesary, please let us know if
you notice we missed one of these as well.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat May 3 12:45:08 2014
Subject re: Potions
Just to be clear, player shops are NOT AFFECTED by the recent potion
regulation changes.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sun May 4 19:14:57 2014
Subject Cleric Brew
Clerics have now had brew restricted to the 'healing' and 'curative'
spell groups. Also, 'mass healing' has been added to the no-brew list.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon May 5 22:36:20 2014
Subject Brew Components
In the coming days to a week there will be some changes made to brew. A
few spells will have components added ONLY TO BREW (not to casting).
The following spells will require a component for brewing: sanctuary,
flameshield, earthshield, iceshield, shockshield, heal, cancellation
For starters the components will randomly load on mobs just like the
figurines do, we also plan on putting them available in a shop for
We know this is a pretty big change, and as of the posting of this change
the components will be in and farmable so people can get a head start on
that as well as brewing a last stockpile before the changes go in.
We feel that the above spells are too widely available for too low of a
price and it compromises the difficulty of the game.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue May 6 10:27:19 2014
Subject Pshops & Corks
We had found a bug which wasn't always properly saving corks through a
copyover. This has been resolved.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue May 6 15:17:11 2014
Subject Warpstones
Warpstones have been changed to item type "component". This does not
change the way that they work at all it is just that adding the "component"
item type like we did for brew made having a separate item type for "warp
stone" seemed redundant.
This also ties warp stones into the "create" command and will allow mobs to
give them out for rewards, or for them to be randomly distributed, etc.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue May 6 22:53:48 2014
Subject Holy Smite
Holy Smite now does half as much damage, lasts for 6 rounds instead of 10
and no longer has a blind affect.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri May 9 14:46:54 2014
Subject parchment corks vials
All set!
- Dave.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri May 9 20:30:53 2014
Subject Censorship
The censor is out, it will come back in due time as an opt-in censor for
those who want it but for now it is just gone.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Sat May 10 21:47:19 2014
Subject quest areas
A few areas were missing from the list of areas allowed to be pulled from
for questmaster quests.
I've added the following areas to the above mentioned list:
Gateway, Qualimori, Bloten, Ergonesti Wilds, The village of ash, hillhome,
qualnost, palanthas province, qualinesti forest
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue May 13 10:19:37 2014
Subject telout, teleport, fail fail now skip over no quit rooms
On copyover, the get_random_room and get_random_room_range functions
(teleport, telout, gate fail) now skip over "no_quit" rooms in addition to
the ones that it already skipped over (private, solitary, safe). This should
keep telout objects out of imm rooms, loading rooms, and other inaccessible
This should also keep morts from teleporting into imm rooms, the faire, etc.
If anyone has any objections or thinks this shouldn't happen just let me
know but I thought it was a small enough change to just go ahead and do. It
isn't in affect until a copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed May 14 13:06:43 2014
Subject help mobprices
Repairer has been added to help mobprices, it is available for both
pareas and clans. This was already available before but was not in the help
In a new addition, both clans and pareas can now buy palace mages (Inak,
help palacemage) for 5000 diamonds.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed May 14 14:34:44 2014
Subject Furniture
When you type sleep, it will now look through your inventory (damn nosy
command) and see if you have any furniture. If you do, you will
automatically sleep on it without needing to drop it on the floor or pick it
up afterwards.
If you have multiple furniture items in your inventory, it will just use the
first one (top of your inventory list).
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Thu May 15 15:30:52 2014
Subject Brew requiring components
The following spells now require components:
sanctuary, flameshield, shockshield, iceshield, earthshield, heal, cancellation
The components were put in a week or so ago. Hopefully you had time to stock up
before the requirement went in!
We will judge to see how common the components are and whether or not levels need to
be adjusted, or a limited type shop put in to help with availability.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri May 16 10:25:00 2014
Subject Skill %s
I have modified fourth attack, fast healing, brew and berserk all to be
learned faster (skill %s go up faster). Berserk got a huge bump, due to the
fact that it is impossible to spam and it was set to a ridiculously low
number already.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri May 16 10:26:18 2014
Subject tally, components
Also, added in a breakdown for the components into tally.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri May 16 22:35:13 2014
Subject Level Toggle
We decided that due to the fact that the sole purpose of hiding your
level on the who list was to discourage interaction with other players that
it should no longer be an option, so it isn't.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon May 19 12:35:05 2014
Subject Toggle Imm Spellup
A few people had been asking for the ability to toggle imm spellups. On
the next copyover this will be an option in the toggle menu.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon May 19 14:35:19 2014
Subject Resting
Rest will now grab the first available piece of furniture from your inventory
in the same manner as sleep, as of next copyover.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed May 21 14:42:02 2014
Subject Copyover & MXP
Copyover now saves MXP and client data through the copyover. This means
you will not have to quit out and come back in to re-enable MXP after a
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed May 21 15:38:12 2014
Subject exp withholding bug fixed
Turns out you could toggle exp withholding on just before you die and not
incur the exp loss penalty. This has been fixed.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Fri May 23 13:44:22 2014
Subject Compiler
We have upgraded the compiler from GCC v3.0.1 to GCC v4.5.1. For the most
part this means nothing to most people as it is mostly background stuff for
the game.
You may notice certain things have sped up though, for example I have
noticed since compiling the mud with the newer compiler that the automap
function does not lag at all any more when you are running through an area
that takes up the entire 15x15 area of the minimap.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue May 27 16:33:45 2014
Subject New Server
Our linode was migrated to a new server earlier. We are now sporting 2GB
of RAM instead of 512MB as well as 48GB of storage instead of 24GB. All of
our storage is now also on SSDs.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed May 28 17:49:52 2014
Subject Server Upgrade
Yesterday some of you may have noticed a little bit of down time in the
middle of the day. During this time we were migrating the server to an
upgraded server which now has us at 2GB of RAM instead of 512MB and 48GB of
storage on solid state drives instead of 28GB on traditional drives.
You should notice (mostly due to the solid state drives) that the mud is
much more responsive than it used to be (combined with the recent GCC
upgrade). For instance, I did not have my automapper filled for the ground
area of solace and with the automapper on I explored all of the rooms under
solace and then ran around them a second time and as fast as I type I was
still not able to get to the point where I was queuing commands as I was
running as fast as I could.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri May 30 14:18:20 2014
Subject Examine - Lights
EXAMINE: It now shows approximately how much fuel is left in lights.
That's all folks :P
- Ziv
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat May 31 22:07:41 2014
Subject Kendermore!
It's about time we had a home for Kender, which our builder JohannAutumn
has graciously provided! Go through the forest north of Neraka into the
Khalkist mountains and you'll find a road leading east into the city. Enjoy,
and thanks to Johann!
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Mon Jun 2 12:03:52 2014
Subject Skullcap
Skullcap weapon quest bug has been fixed and the main quest guy is back
in the area.
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Tue Jun 3 21:01:26 2014
Subject New command: nosell
New command in "nosell" you can use it to target an object, it will cycle
whether or not that object is able to be sold to shops.
You can double check whether or not an item is toggled as nosell by using
examine (i.e: examine sword).
Sender Sargonnas - Geriant
Date Wed Jun 4 18:50:06 2014
Subject Mindheal
The lag on mindheal failure has been reduced to the same as success.
The amount of hit points healed has been increased based off of your current
CON. It is all 100% bonus over the old numbers.
You can also now mindheal while affected by berserk and/or frenzy.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Jul 21 14:21:13 2014
Subject Mob's with 'class'
They now have it, set by any ACTs as well as name (ie mage, apprentice,
pickpocket etc). This will allow setting of random eq that matches class
btw, yes, I went there.
- Dave.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Jul 22 17:14:46 2014
Subject MWHERE class
You can now do 'mwhere class ' to find mobs that have a class
assigned to them. Also, all mobs will have "A" class, most will be NPC. The
'class specific' equipment and bonus items I'm working on will use this code
(ie cleric's holy symbols etc).
Combine this with region and we can have customized items by region (or even
area) as well as the mob's class. So a thief might have a stolen Palanthian
house deed, a mage might have just a blank scroll, a warrior in neraka might
have a set of Dragonarmy papers... etc etc.
Syntax: MWHERE CLASS . IE Mwhere class thief (THESE WORK IN AREA ONLY).
- Dave.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Jul 23 17:02:55 2014
Subject Food
You can now eat even if you're close to full, and say you have a massive
haunch of a cow? It will eat ... part of it. Before it just vaped the
haunch, even if you only needed like 10 points to be full. Now it saves the
You'll see the difference in partially eaten things in inventory/lists/examine etc.
Dig in :)
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Aug 6 13:42:42 2014
Subject Imbue Charge (used to be Spellstaves)
I've fixed durations for Armor, Stone Skin, Shield, (all the elemental
shields), as well as Adding Silence & Understand tongues to staff spells.
For anyone NOT familiar with charging staff weapons, see also: HELP CHARGE
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Aug 8 18:04:53 2014
Subject Ongoing quests...
Hey all, I've added in ongoing quests! These are the 'find the parts'
type quests and I'll continue to add more. You've seen the LanceQuest
announcement, that is an ongoing quest that you'll be able to find/complete
sets at will. Also, we've got ongoing Mudscrabble! The tiles load on mobs
also, and now... come in many varieties of materials... yeah I went there.
Match materials for a bonus! The more rare, the higher the bonus.
We will be updating the LanceQuest prizes as well as Mudscrabble prizes
(and the upcoming/ongoing Shinare's Amazing Chest Quest as well).
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Aug 11 11:52:54 2014
Subject Ranged return fire/spells
A little 'NPC' check added to the return fire code, as well as mobs
actual class (recently added) vs ACT_MAGE/CLERIC etc. Long story short? Only
Mage class mobs of appropriate level will return fireballs (or icicles on
cleric mobs).
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Aug 13 14:53:41 2014
Subject LanceQuest parts/Shinare's Chest parts
You can now use the COMBINE command to put parts together, it will let
you know if they fit or not. Please let me know if you find any errors
trying to combine parts. Also, you can now examine the partial lances to see
what parts it has (and how many are missing).
The same combine command will work on Shinare's Amazing Chest quest parts, when those go out.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Sep 5 17:17:46 2014
Subject Auto Pretitles, Auto Conclave
Mages and Battlemages will now be inducted as Initiates into the Conclave
at level 15 (not apprentices). Also their pretitles will change
automatically if they are pro/de-moted.
If you have a mage, get 'claved' and don't want in (ie go Renegade), simply
note immortal.
If other clans want the auto-pretitle action for promotions/demotions, let
me know. Those that seem acceptable to the staff would be DA/KOS etc, as
they are automatically set and rank matters in those clans.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Sep 5 17:20:10 2014
Subject Auto Pretitles
My bad, that's ALL clans that get the pretitles (comes from your clan
titles per rank). If we need exceptions, please let us know.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Sep 25 16:16:31 2014
Subject Clanranks
All set, updated WR clanranks in.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Sep 30 14:04:05 2014
Subject Omnipotent
It's 104 again.
- Dave.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Oct 10 16:58:16 2014
Subject Channels
OOC channels like clan/subclan/osay now work in room regardless of silence.
That is all, return to spam.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Oct 10 17:01:45 2014
Subject Nochan, Email etc
Nochan now doesn't show the char when they try to use a channel, it's all
ninja shit and they think they ooc'd etc, but everyone ignores them :). Yes,
you have to be evil to be an IMP.
Email: There IS a creation email now once again. If you give an email
address that is. Also the email verify code was broken now fixed (you could
use no argument and it thought you guessed right).
Misc other touchups lost in the blur.
- Dave.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Oct 13 14:01:29 2014
MWHERE now has a VNUM argument for finding just a certain vnum mob in the world.
IE. MWHERE VNUM 32000: shows me where all of the sanitation dwarves are.
I have limited it to the first 100, let me know and we can expand if it seems too low.
I see using this for MOB QUESTS :)
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Oct 29 13:24:34 2014
Subject PRIVATE channels
PRIVATE now shows you which channel you've left if you switch channels,
also PRIVATE with no argument will show you what channel you're on, instead
of turning it off. To turn OFF a PRIVATE channel, simply type priv #0.
- Ziv.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Nov 19 19:01:32 2014
Subject Quest declines
Time dropped substantially between quests for quest declines.
- Ziv.
Sender Solinari - Malum
Date Sat Dec 20 13:33:35 2014
Subject TMTC/Schallsea
Sorry all for my recent absence, I've been off doing some military
training. Now, before I go overseas, I wanted to give you an early xmas
We have made some changes to TMTC and added a new area called the Port of
Schallsea is an island in the New Sea that is envisioned as a new "hub" of
sorts. There is a large Inn in the southern part of the town, all rooms
within it are safe and it has a pit, food, drink, questmaster, etc. Just
outside of the inn is the restring machine and stables, and the arena is
just down the road. Mud school is in the east of the town and in the
northern half is a large market, as well as a few ships/transportation.
Additionally, TMTC has undergone a drastic change. Instead of offices
scattered in various towns, it is now one large facility in Schallsea that
will transport you to one of 17 cities. Each of those cities also has a
portal that leads back to TMTC.
Given the nature of the changes I will allow everyone a free change to their
recall point, from now until January 15th. I also reserve the right to tweak
the new area and transport system based on feedback and troubleshooting, so
please let me know what you think!
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Dec 29 18:58:13 2014
Subject GEMS as a kind of currency
Gems now are a 'stat' on your character, instead of a physical item.
Buying/selling etc, they show up in worth (and score).
Charging staffs works as it did before, but you can specify which gem type
(or none and it starts with the cheapest ones).
You can drop/get etc, like you can with coins.
You'll find them much lighter than coins :)
- Ziv.