Changes made to Ansalon during 2018.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 5 17:48:24 2018
Subject PVP Saving Throws (yep that one)
We now have a setsaves command for IMP level, which fixes the math done
by the original code (ROM) which hadn't allowed for the expansion we've had
to 101 mortal levels.
This was done via weeks of testing on Coder port with much adjustments/tweaking.
Really came down to after X, this is broken.
We are continuing to adjust, and look to downplay the LEVEL difference impact as well.
IE Level 94 vs 101, you don't land squat... more now, but we look to making the impact
of higher vs lower level lessened a bit.
Ps. You won't see a difference until about level 70+ish.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Jan 10 13:53:05 2018
Subject PVP CURSE & Saves
In our ongoing 'saves' battle, the spell CURSE...
... became OMG OP...
Saves used to be 1 * level (spell level)/8.
So, a 101 casting using a charged staff, could bump that level to 125.
15.6 rounds to 16.. With our updated saves maxes, that is like making
the victim into a special needs gully dwarf wearing a magic attractor.
Curse now does level/25. (Minimum of 1)
So max is now a 4 impact (+1 if you use a charged staff).
Bless however, gets caught by the saves 'cap' so shouldn't be an issue.
PS. PVE is unaffected, still /8. So yeah, they can, and you can fubar
each other to your hearts content.
Please let me know if you run into any 'whaaaauuut?' moments.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Jan 10 14:57:31 2018
Subject PVP POISON: Maladiction fixing
POISON... big change here, Poison will no longer STACK.
Also, the duration has been brought within reason.
Duration is now level/15 (or /8 for charged staff).
Meaning, no longer do you have a 25 hour poison in 101 PK...
It's more like 7-5 ticks. There is a minimum of 1 tick.
Also, poison will _always_ do at least 1 point of damage.
This is the old 'anti-sleep' that somehow got fubbed before.
Please, let me know of any other spells/actions with similar issues.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 12 19:32:05 2018
Track and Hunt are now available for ALL classes.
This is an effort to enable player killing a bit.
Please note also:
Mages/Bmages: Require to hold a wand for the skills.
Both skills now use mana or movement.
Lag on each has been cut in half. As well as Scry.
The levels of each are now 14/23 with Scry staying as is.
Scry no longer tells you who's watching you, but you
can be alerted that SOMEONE is oggling you if you
I debated calling them seek/farsight for mages/bmages...
Bring your daughter to the slaughter :)
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Jan 25 16:17:39 2018
Quest STREAKS are now in!
To see how many you have simply type {HQUEST STREAK{h.
If you decline a quest... it goes to ZERO.
If you fail to finish a quest in time... it goes to ZERO.
If you quit, in the middle of a quest... you drop to ZERO...
If you complete a quest? It goes up by 1.
There are rewards the higher your Quest Streak is, Quest Point bonuses!
Future Plans: Different quest types if you have a higher Streak.
Have fun all!
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Jan 25 17:00:18 2018
UPDATE: Also a longer quest streak will shorten your time between quests :)
Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 26 15:26:41 2018
Soooo, you haven't played your thief in like 3 hours,
... or 2 days etc.
Quest time: You have 18 minutes remaining until you can go on another quest.
*blink*... Um, so... I haven't played my thief in like 3 hours...
.. and I need to wait to quest?
Now? If your character has been logged out,
your quest time continues to tick down. :)
It takes you a minute to catch on, but this should really
help those who don't have time to let their character idle
for 20 minutes before wanting to go quest again.
You may now quest again.
Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Jan 26 18:47:22 2018
Like Quests waiting periods, Maladictions will now 'get better'
as you are offline. Blinded for 20 minutes? Log out, play another
character, log back in 20 minutes later? It drops 20 off the duration.
You'll still have to wait one final tick for that last bit, but...
[Hit Return to continue]
Your poison was reduced by 2 minutes.
Stay healthy my friends :)
Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Jan 29 15:04:06 2018
So, in the spirit of things getting better while you aren't connected...
I've increased the maladiction drops to all known maladictions, so
the duration of them ticks by when you're working, sleeping, etc.
(This added smoke, confusion, chill touch & silence)
Also, your character will now heal moves, mana and hitpoints while
your away from them.
The main idea is that, you don't have to do tedius things just because
you don't have the time to leave your character healing before you
have to go. This should really help our casual players, as well
as those who wish to log out a char, play another, and know that the
first char is still healing, counting down until their next quest, etc.
So, it'd be a good idea to quit in a good heal room, rest/sleep first.
Hope you enjoy it!
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Feb 7 16:03:12 2018
Subject PVP Bash 'Daze'
In part of our effort to equalize and un-OP things...
The daze state is cut in half now from bash.
This should hopefully even out the bash chaining and yet stlil keep it useful.
Please send feedback!
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Feb 14 16:53:14 2018
Great idea from Funbags!
Your PET will now also heal/lose maladictions etc, while you are offline.
Woot! (Srsly, liked that, thanks Fundabad)
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Feb 15 15:24:00 2018
Subject AREA PVE Training weapons & School
Hoopak, Quarterstaff and Staff added to SW Pal training weapons.
Mudschool bumped a bit, some updates from Majere & Tak
Nerakan cleric not so newibeUNfriendly.
Psuedodragon more fun to hang out with too :P
Mean goblin talks about his love, and how to get there.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Feb 22 16:38:36 2018
You'll now notice quest list (by type) shows you if how many points you
have in that type of Quest point. As well, it color codes if you have enough
points, and are high enough level to purchase the item/point/etc.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Feb 23 17:32:45 2018
Subject PVE AREA Goblin Stronghold
Per request, goblin stronghold is now a little easier to access for low
level players. It's been added to the Gully Flinger, as well as the
mudschool doorman.
Nice call Funbags, nice call.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Mar 1 13:49:35 2018
Both were stackable... and insane duration. That's been adjusted :).
Chill touch will still damage, as well as plague, if cast upon a target that
is already affected by them.
But... no more of:
Spell: chill touch : modifies strength by -13 for 18:00 hours
Spell: plague : modifies strength by -10 for 45:30 hours
With our PVP adjustments, this falls in line.
Also, really sucked to get plagued for 3 irl hours by mobs. :P
- Ziv & Co.
Ps. Thanks Zemenith for the heads up!
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Tue Mar 6 18:14:52 2018
Subject TITHE
It's changed a bit guys, we no longer use personal TITHE accounts. Those
are simply shown in your score ({HWORTH GEMS{h).
Clan and group accounts will remain, but your personal Tithe's will now just
load onto your character when you log in.
Syntax: TITHE ADD 15 DRAGONARMY (tithe add # account)
Please let us know if you run into any issues trying to tithe.
All transactions are logged.
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Wed Mar 7 16:02:29 2018
Subject LIGHTS
Lights will now only burn up fuel when it's dark (dark rooms, night etc).
Rather than getting all 'hands on' and removing/wearing them constantly.
They simply don't burn up while there's light out.
Also, if you're in the dark, you can see if an exit is lit (varies on amount
of light as well).
- Ziv & Co.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Thu Mar 8 17:56:37 2018
Subject ROCIGZ - Detect Magic
The Rocigz Lantern was greatly considered to be hugely over powered.
The permanent detect invisible and detect hidden nullified both
castor and theif alike.
The stats remain, but the spell is now 'DETECT MAGIC'.
That beind said... DETECT MAGIC has changed also.
Detect Magic makes any items in the room (or on you) glow
if they are magical in any way (hit/dam/moves/HP/invis/fly etc).
It also.. gives you a warning system on being scryed.
- Ziv & Co.
Please note: Any players wishing to return their Rocigz for
FULL QP value, can do so until 4/1/2018.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Mon Mar 12 13:34:09 2018
Subject New MOB command
New command in for mobs... MOB PEACE. Just just like our peace does,
handy for stopping all combat (dummies, as well as when needed with other
mobs for whatever reason).
- Dave.
Sender Nuitari - Talvidas
Date Sun Aug 12 03:35:50 2018
Subject Casino And Guild Area
Looking for a way to spend some of your hard earned money on an uncertain
future? Look no farther! The new Casino and Guild area is in, much thanks to
Majere for his hard work!
Hugs and Kisses,
Uncle Nuitari
Sender Chemosh - Renli
Date Sat Aug 18 00:07:31 2018
Subject Updates to the Halls of Chance.
Added a map of the Casino Area
Added a bank room to the Casino
Added ability to buy 2 irridium chips for 1 steel (eliminating exchange costs)
fixed a few minor typos
slight tweak to prize payouts based on feedback
fighter's guild has now been ported over, accessible by all classes. NO PETS ALLOWED
now hard linked to schallsea just east of the arena
Thanks to Majere
Sender Chemosh - Renli
Date Mon Aug 27 00:33:02 2018
Subject Casino update
We are excited to announce a new expansion to the Halls of Chance - The
Underground Grotto.
This is a level 101 area that requires 3 players each with a High Roller
Chip to start the game. After 3 players start the game the guard will block
entry until the game is over and 90 minutes has elapsed after that to allow
for resetting.
The quest will be timed for 60 minutes and several parts of the quest
require certain stats so make sure to bring a variety of classes! Most of
the puzzle solutions are implied or not even stated at all, but will require
cunning, wit and guile to overcome.
There are also some challenging mobs to fight, but the majority of the
challenge revolves around solving the puzzles.
The puzzle solutions vary each run so no two runs are ever the same, and
there are a multitude of solutions, so this one will have great replay
Get a couple buddies together and come check it out!
Thanks to Majere for the update!
Sender Chemosh - Renli
Date Sun Sep 2 00:32:38 2018
Subject Casino update
New Updates to the Puzzle and Casino are In:
Several rooms had variations updated to add to replayability
Multiple more treasure chest solutions added
Updated the gardening room significantly to add challenge
Fixed errors in game mechanics that caused some issues with moving forward situationally
Medium Fighter's Guild mob now worth 3 chips to account for price to difficulty ratio
added other factors to puzzle quest, no two runs will ever be the same
By popular demand you can now sell questmaster weapons for 25 irridium chips!
Cheaper entry for the puzzle quest, only 4 chips now instead of 10!!!
Thanks Majere! Any problems....bug Maj.
Sender Zivilyn - Skol
Date Fri Sep 7 17:55:04 2018
Subject Ultra-botting & Quest Parts
Due to the ultra-botting, quest parts will now have timers on them. It's
long ones, like scrolls etc. And yes, you can preserve the parts at Inak.
You can permanently preserve them if you like as well, but they gain a timer
with each combination.
It was this, or adding 1 lb weight to them, which hurts the regular player more.
- Ziv & Co.