Large Global RP

A large global role-playing sessions just went down on Ansalon which will hopefully provide a spark which will ignite even more roleplay as the Grand Master of the Solamnic Knights was captured!

See below for a screen capture of the role play!


* Lanfer slams the double doors behind him cursing the baroness as he does.  *

* Lanfer slams the double doors behind him cursing the baroness as he does. He crosses the room and sits heavily in a soft blue chair knowing instantly where the chair came from. It had
 once been his in his study in the Queens Keep. Shaking hsi head he begins to mull over the things that just took place cursing again his lack of hold to his temper. *

* Saige winces at the loud noise as if someone slammed a door. Sitting up, he studies his surroundings and remembers that he arrived at Ayasana's manor yesterday only to raid the wine
 cellar and pass out sometime late in the evening. *

* Ayasana smiles as Saige's bleary eyes look around uncomprehendingly. "Have a nice nap?" *

* Ayasana pulls a chair from the tables and sits across from the old warrior. *

* Saige rubs at his good eye, the wine still weighing heavily upon him. *

Saige ICs in Common 'Aya... Ayasana? Hmmm...I... I must have dozed off.'

Ayasana ICs in Common 'Passed out seems more likely.'

* Saige shakes his head and takes a deep breath, squeezing his eye shut he opens it wide and focuses on the Baroness. *

* Ayasana looks mournfully at the empty flagon and the broken pitcher, small puddles of the finest elven wine spilled on the table top. *

* Saige follows Ayasana's stare and mutters under his breath. *

Saige ICs in Common 'I never could resist a good wine...'

* Sharana exits the room where she had attempted to sleep the night away.  She stormed through the corridors, her eyes angry.  She stops before the guards that stand in front of the door
 where the traitor has been confined.  She quietly speaks to them, then nods, walking through the corridor and outside into the courtyard.  She crosses the dirt corral and enters the
 stables, returning to the manor house a few moments later. *

* Lanfer slams his fist down on a rather lovely table holding a glass pitcher of spiced wine grimicing slightly as the jarring force send the vase tumbling from the table spreading reddish
 wine all over the floor. Standing he scrubs his hands through his hair feeling the tug yet not knowing what to make of the approching energy. *

* Ayasana winces as she hears yet another bang from the rooms above. " And they call us the barbarians,honestly"  *

* Saige glances upwards but resumes his focus on Ayasana. *

* Sharana stops a blue liveried servant.  "Tell the Baroness that the traitor will be punished for his rudeness and his threats against her person last evening if she wishes to watch."  She
 turns as the servant scurries toward where the Baroness speak with Lord Saige.  Sharana continues on her pathway, stopping in front of the guards.  She speaks quietly to them.  They nod,
 keying the lock and bursting into the Traitor's room. *

* Lanfer spins from his position hand reaching to an empty scabbard. He had drawn the small knife from his coat sleeve and still had one in his boot but decided this not the time as her
 face came into view. "Aramynia, I am glad you have come," he says trying to regain some semblance of composure cursing himself at his failure. *

* Ayasana is startled by the heavy footfalls going up the stairs, then the sound of doors crashing open." By Takhisis, what is going on up there? " Shaking herhead, she returns her
 attention to Saige. *

Ayasana ICs in Common 'So, what brings you back here, miss me that much?" as yet another crash causes her eye to twitch.'

* Saige sits back in his chair, running a hand through his age-whitened hair while pondering his response. *

* Sharana follows the guards into the room, raising her chin.  "Take his armor from him.  Then take him to the post in the yard," she says, her voice flat.  She turns, ignoring the strange
 pull and heading toward the courtyard. *

* Lanfer reaches a feint for his coat sleeve noticing the same guard as being from the foyer and takes him in the throat with a fist when he flinces slightly before the others pile upon him
 driving Lanfer to his knees, then knee before a firmer grasp is placed upon him. *

* Ayasana tilts her head as a page runs up to her, whispering in her ear. Aya's eyebrows shoot up as her eyes widen. "She is going to do what??" she nearly shrieks. *

* Saige opens his mouth to speak and clamps it shut. *

Saige ICs in Common 'Problems in the household?'

* Ayasana stands up quickly, "Attend me, Lord Saige, we have a situation here". *

* Saige raises his eyebrow and decides their conversation can wait. Standing, he steps around the table and follows the Baroness. *

* Sharana walks out into the courtyard, taking the offered long whip from a servant.  She flicks it, causing it to snap in the air.  She coils it in her hand, turning to wait for the
 traitor. *

* Lanfer struggles again the six hands upon them feeling the weakenss in his left side, "A mear teen age boy they have put on me," he thinks and soves himself into the lad causing him to
 sprawl as he spins the other man fron his left arm before being subdued under the sheer weight of the Nordmaarian barbarian on his back. *

* Ayasana leads Saige through the maze like halls of the Manor, gathering a few attendants in her wake as they made for the secondary courtyard. *

Ayasana ICs in Common 'nod'

* Saige leans in close to Ayasana as they make their way through the manor, "What is this all about?" *

Ayasana ICs in Common 'No idea " she whispers conspiratorily, "..but it could be fun"'

* Sharana sighs, rolling her eyes as she waits.  She sends a nearby servant to find out what has been taking so long for 4 trained guards to deal with an old man. *

* Lanfer hefts the breath from his lungs as the barbarian slams ontop of him regaining enough control until the other two dazed men grab ahold again. They lead him infront of the one they
 call Sharana and force him to his knees before her a snarl forced from the Grand Masters lips as they do. *

* Ayasana and Saige come out the side of the manor,  Seeing the gathered crowd, Aya has to elbow her way to the center of the commotion.  *

* Saige takes in the scene with a veteran eye and recognizes Sharana as the girl who assisted him on entering the manor. He follows her gaze down to a man being held on his knees by several
 guards but he is unrecognizable from this vantage. *

* Sharana looks down at the traitor.  She nods to the post.  "Strip him to the waist and string him up.  This is his punishment for attacking the Baroness," she says turning.  She spies the
 Baroness, dropping gracefully to one knee before she rises. *

* Sharana turns, watching as the guards forcefully remove the traitor's armor, dropping it on the ground.  More guards join them, laughing as they shove the traitor forward, forcing his
 arms upward as they tie his wrists to a ring set high in the post.  Sharana walks around him, looking him in the eyes.  "The Queen may want you alive, but unharmed is not part of the
 deal." *

* Lanfer chuckles slightly his face still towards the earth, Aramynia I swear one day we will look back on this as a grand joke. You once removed the Queens grasp from me and here we
 stand...." He trails off almost in a twisted form of a chuckle before he raises his eyes to the crowd assembled and speaks, "Do as you wish for your Queen." He almost spits the last word
 from his mouth. *

* Saige listens to the man's bold words, his face still hidden from view but the voice sounding strangely familiar... *

* Ayasana leans close to Saige, "Recognize them? They are a closer match then may at first appear. Look at them, Her Majesty is laughing at them" *

* Ayasana has a feral gleam in her eyes. *

* Saige stands quietly watching with grim amusement, all the while attempting to place the voice... *

* Sharana flicks the whip out, snapping it near the traitor's head.  She turns, bowing deeply to Ayasana, looking up to the Baroness. *

* Ayasana grins ironically at Sharana, barely nodding her head. *

* Lanfer dosent move his eyes from the girl as the whip cracks beside his head chuclking as he says, "I taight you to use that thing better then that girl. Do you not remember all the times
 you were sent spining to the ground as you learned countless weapons?" He bites off his words and catches the Baroness's eye almost immediately recognizing the man beside her, a grin
 forming accross his lips as he turns his focus back to the young girl holding the whip.  *

* Sharana nods, turning.  She takes a step forward flicking the lash again...watching with a gleeful smile as the lash cracks against the man's bare back.  She takes a quick breath, yet
 flicks the lash again. *

* Saige catches the eye of the man at the center of this lashing and is somewhat taken back, recognizing the face and putting it together with the voice as Lanfer. The shock is evident upon
 Saige's face as he continues to stare. *

Saige ICs in Common 'Impossible...'

* Saige mutters under his breath. *

* Ayasana slowly sways back and forth, as if music were playing. She looks up at Saige, as he says something unintelligible. "Something wrong, my Lord?" *

* Saige motions to the crowd. *

Saige ICs in Common 'I recognize that man... But, it is not feasible.'

Saige ICs in Common 'How in the name of Takhisis...'

* Saige remains lost for words. *

Ayasana ICs in Common 'Exactly my Lord. In the name of Takhisis....'

* Lanfer grits his teeth as the points meet flesh letting hsi eyes never fall from the girl. "I remember when you first struck me with the pomel of your sword..... It was a magnificant
 dodge Aram." He lowers his head and chuckles spiting blood from a cut on his lip. "You have not lost your flare my dear..." He trails off laughing. *

* Sharana flicks the lash again, this time letting it coil over his shoulder.  She turns her head from side to side, stretching the muscles as she recoils her arm for another shot. *

* Ayasana watches in amusement as the pain given is the same as the pain received.  " Ahh, the comedy of suffering, the drama of anguish" she says dreamily. *

* Ayasana glances at Saige again,"Wouldn't you agree, my Lord?" *

* Saige glances at Ayasana and recognizes the gleam of enjoyment in her eyes. The meaning of her words are lost on him and he returns his gaze to Lanfer choosing not to respond to her
 question. Looking at the armor on the ground, he grimaces. As a Solamnic, the man is an enemy regardless of past associations. *

* Ayasana takes an offered goblet of fine elven wine from an attentive squire. *

* Lanfer grits his teeth again as the whip meets his mark, "You have trained your pet well Baroness," he calls as the girl recoils for another. Chuckling only slightly as he feels her
 recoil getting less sure with every strike. cDo you take pleasure in this girl?" he muses at Sharana. *

* Sharana turns, handing the whip off to a guard.  She turns and walks toward Ayasana, her eyes glassy.  She bows her head, turning now to watch the guard continue the work she had started.

* Ayasana looks as the guard prepares to continue Lanfer's torment, "Shall I let this go on, Lord Saige? Or are you still too befuddled to take command as of yet?" *

Ayasana ICs in Common 'You have been gone a long time, perhaps you need some rest?'

* Saige's face turns to stone. "End this Ayasana. Now. I don't know how you managed to bring this man here, but it is obvious that there are much more valuable alternatives than turning him
 into jerky." *

* Ayasana nods, raising her hand. All the guards stop what hey were doing, turning their attention to her. "Enough, for tonight. Tend to his wounds, return him to his chambers." *

* Lanfer nearly snarls again as the guard takes the girls place. He rattles against the chains calling to the three  now standing together. "You follow one whome cares not for you my
 friends. We have all served together once you forget I know her as well or better then either of you.." he dosent fight as he is freed and let sink to the ground, muscles sore, skin ripped
 open. *

* Sharana nods at Ayasana.  She give a quiet order and the traitor is forced back to his quarters.  She turns, watching him being pulled by her.  "Make sure that he suffers a bit.  I will
 attend him later," she says quietly.  She turns back to Ayasana, bowing her head deeply.  "He has now paid for his treatment of you." *

* Saige watches as the guards drag Lanfer away, musing over this strange turn in events. *

* Ayasana slightly tilts her head, followed by a slight bow,"You have done me honour, Lady Sharana, I thank thee." *

* Saige glances over to Sharana and Ayasana. *

* Lanfer lets the men take him away but his eyes never fall from the group as they shift between Saige and Sharana a look of dissopointment upon his face.  *

* Sharana nods, smiling at Ayasana.  She stands taller, raising her head.  She shakes her head, again glancing at the traitor. *

* Ayasana takes Saige by the arm, "Now the entertainment is done, let's find out what you have been up to. First though, I will have the servants draw you a bath, and have some clothes more
 beffiting your rank brought up. And some food, sound like a nice night?" *

3 comments to Large Global RP

  • Saige

    If he’s guilty, I call dibs on being Executioner 🙂

  • Luerk


  • Aya'sana uth Matar

    I will have an outside contractor do it. I have seen you two work before.

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