The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Kurnous.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Kurnous' scribed in light grey ink.

Author:    Kurnous        
Date:      Tue May 15 20:16:49
Subject     Kurnous, a backstory.

Decades ago, when Kurnous was a mere teenager, a band of red Dragonarmy ogres and goblins, raided his village within the Qualinesti forest. Everything he every knew and loved was gone-his younger sister, parents and friends. The last thing he remembered was fleeing the village with his mother hand in hand while his father was trying to hinder the advancement of the Dragonarmy. He woke to a singed village with the forest air filled with smoke. His mother lied motionless on top of him with a wooden crossbow bolt pierced through her back, which narrowly missed his own body. It appeared as though she was trying to protect her only son and with the impact of the bolt, pummeled Kurnous to the ground and the resulting blow to the head gave him a concussion. The brain protected itself and put Kurnous into a momentary state of coma. As Kurnous gathered his thoughts he decided to look for his familys bodies. After hours of searching, he found his sisters and mothers corpse but not his fathers. With all his might he dragged the bodies down the the river and placed them on a nearby raft and pushed them off, praying to the Gods for their peaceful afterlife. Days have passed and Kurnous was surviving off of the forest. His hunting lessons with his father have paid off and was able to construct a shelter for his survival. He was careful to not disturb the land or to take too much from it. One day, on his hunting trip, he stumbled upon a small group of Wildrunner scouts who heard of the recent attacks. One of the scouts, Tesnos, a young member of the Wildrunner ranks at that time, saw Kurnous and offered him food and shelter. Kurnous was reluctant at first of the strangers heart-felt gesture but noticing he was like him, a Kagonesti elf, he welcomed it. Decades have passed since that one faithful encounter and Kurnous just became a member of the Wildrunner himself. He has found a new home within the clan halls of the Wildrunner guild with its members as his new family. With everyone ones guidance he has become a promising scout. One day while training with his bow, after a high council meeting, he noticed Tesnos riding off on his horse right before a conversation with one of his sergeant. When he inquired what the topic was about with the sergeant, apparently the Dragonarmy started advancing again within Ansalon. Tesnos was looking for volunteer scouts to deal with the encroaching army. Thinking of his own past, without hesitation, volunteered to be a part of this small expedition force to handle with the incoming danger ahead.

Author: Kurnous Date: Fri Jun 8 11:47:58 2018 Subject Level Quest - PK Story, Neth

Its been couple weeks since my last encounter with my captain about "handling" the problem regarding the encroaching Dragonarmy. I was muling it over and decided to clear my head and decided to keep my blade sharp with some training on undead zombies and skeletons in Skullcap. Granted I hate going through the village of Hillhome. Too many dwarves there who think I'm the most defile thing ever, when in reality them short humanoids have the worse sense of everything. Their beards are unkempt and their smell is just gnarly. As I got to Skullcap, oddly enough, there was a trial of dead Solamnic guards. What were these guys doing all the way out here? As I followed the bodies and the trail of blood, I noticed an evil spellcaster up head. He must have had charmed them to do the biddings of his evil master. I knew couple of those guards. They were simple but loyal to their cause and God. We both followed the teachings of Habbakuk. After seeing one of the guards head get cleavd off by an axe of a undead skeleton, I coudln't take it anymore. I made a quick prayer to Habbakuk asking for his blessing and snuck my way around to the evil caster. Behind from the shadows of a ditch, I launched myself at Neth and stabbed him in the back for a clean kill. During the process, my dagger glowed fierily red and smoke blinded my target. It was an easy fight afterwards. He survived my initial attack but after subsequent skirmishes, he fell to my blade. I asked him for his name. He replied, "Neth" in a soft raspy tone and drew his final breath. I removed his robe and noticed a symbol of a black crescent. He must have been a follower of Takhisis. Bless Habbakuk for leading me to him and weakening the Dragonarmy of its cleric. I shall report this back to my captain and see how this goes. *OOC* Nothing was looted. Congrats to Neth for hitting 101 with a whole hour to go!

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
