The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Miranda.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a manilla folder on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Miranda' scribed in rich maroon ink.

Author:    Miranda        
Date:      Thu Feb  8 19:08:31 2007
Subject     Miranda

Hi my name is Miranda, and I am a Kender!  

I grew up in a family with many siblings.  We were always moving around,
looking for friendship and new experiences in life.  We got by, by trading
with those we met along the way.  I had a wonderful childhood!  

One day, I saw something shiny in the distance!  I yelled to my family
members, but they were busy negotiating a trade with someone they had met so
I decided to investigate the object myself, as it didn't look far away.  I
started running to the top of the hill only to realize that the shiny was on
top of the NEXT hill.  I can do that and make it back before anybody misses
me, I thought, so I ran down the slop as fast as I could, screaming happily
as I imagined how happy my family would be with my new discovery!  The run
up the next hill was a bit more troublesome but I made it...  Only to
discover that I was still one hill away.  

Not one to be put off, I followed that shiny object all the way to
Palanthas!  I could still see that shiny object just over the next hill, but
something better and much more shiny caught my eye, Alumynie!  He is just
the bestest kender I have ever met!  I soon decided that I didn't want that
shiny thing in the sky as much as I wanted to stay with him.  

So, I have settled here for awhile and am excited about my new family and

Miranda PouchMinder 

Author:    Miranda        
Date:      Mon Apr  9 13:21:05
Subject     Miranda's Side

Miranda was fetching water from the
stream when she noticed the kender
with the wild topknot.  He
was chasing a lizard with a bunch of other boy
kender and giggled louder than
any of the others when they finally caught
it!  "Silly boys!" , She thought to
herself with a smile as she headed back
to the camp.  All of a sudden he was
beside her, trying to show her the
lizard.  "Here, hold this so I can see
better", she grinned as she handed
him her buckets.  She marvelled that lizard
all the way back to the camp,
reminding him often not to slosh the buckets. 

The two were together constantly, after that.  He taught her how to fish
camp, how to build a campfire perfectly.  She taught him how to braid
topknot and how to cook (little did she know he already knew how!)  . 
became the bestest of friends!  

One day, as the two were exploring a
forest it began to rain.  At first it
was just a drizzle but soon it began to
pour hard!  Brim took her by the
hand and ran to a cozy cave with an old
campfire in the middle.  Brim began
to rebuild the fire in the pit as Miranda
sorted their pouches (making sure
their treasures were safe and dry).  Glancing
up, Miranda saw Brim carefully
pick up a large ugly bug, that had been made it's
home in the old wood, and
set him safely outside the cave under a large leaf. 

The look in Brim's eye and the expression on his face, as he took care of
bug, melted Miranda's heart.  She knew right then that she loved this
madly and would do anything for him.  

Soon they were in the chapel.  He asked.
 She said yes.  They were married! 

They traveled the lands together, exploring
and getting into mischief, as
kender always do.  Content in knowing that the
other was always close by. 
Their love deepening with each passing season.  They
never thought much
about the future, but they knew that it was shiny!  

went on and soon the two were four.  The look in Brim's eyes as he held
sons, Brimmer and Tousletop, for the first time reminded Miranda why she
fell so
deeply in love with him.  

The days are now rather hectic trying to keep up
with the boys (all three of
them!)  .  Miranda spends a great deal of time
getting them out of trouble
(often gotten into with Dad!)  .  Brim is busy
teaching them how to build
fires, how to fish, and how to camp.  Miranda tries
to keep their attention
long enough to teach them how to cook and how to braid
Brim's topknot

Author:    Miranda        
 Mon Apr  9 13:36:43 2007
Subject     Miranda's Side...

Miranda was
fetching water from the stream when she noticed the kender
with the wild
topknot.  He was chasing a lizard with a bunch of other boy
kender and giggled
louder than any of the others when they finally caught
it!  "Silly boys!" , She
thought to herself with a smile as she headed back
to the camp.  All of a sudden
he was beside her, trying to show her the
lizard.  "Here, hold this so I can see
better", she grinned as she handed
him her buckets.  She marvelled that lizard
all the way back to the camp,
reminding him often not to slosh the buckets. 

The two were together constantly, after that.  He taught her how to fish
camp, how to build a campfire perfectly.  She taught him how to braid
topknot and how to cook (little did she know he already knew how!)  . 
became the bestest of friends!  

One day, as the two were exploring a
forest it began to rain.  At first it
was just a drizzle but soon it began to
pour hard!  Brim took her by the
hand and ran to a cozy cave with an old
campfire in the middle.  Brim began
to rebuild the fire in the pit as Miranda
sorted their pouches (making sure
their treasures were safe and dry).  Glancing
up, Miranda saw Brim carefully
pick up a large ugly bug, that had been made it's
home in the old wood, and
set him safely outside the cave under a large leaf. 

The look in Brim's eye and the expression on his face, as he took care of
bug, melted Miranda's heart.  She knew right then that she loved this
madly and would do anything for him.  

Soon they were in the chapel.  He asked.
 She said yes.  They were married! 

They traveled the lands together, exploring
and getting into mischief, as
kender always do.  Content in knowing that the
other was always close by. 
Their love deepening with each passing season.  They
never thought much
about the future, but they knew that it was shiny!  

went on and soon the two were four.  The look in Brim's eyes as he held
sons, Blimmer and Tousletop, for the first time reminded Miranda why she
fell so
deeply in love with him.  

The days are now rather hectic trying to keep up
with the boys (all three of
them!)  .  Miranda spends a great deal of time
getting them out of trouble
(often gotten into with Dad!)  .  Brim is busy
teaching them how to build
fires, how to fish, and how to camp.  Miranda tries
to keep their attention
long enough to teach them how to cook and how to braid
Brim's topknot

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'