The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Oglaf.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a large book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Oglaf' scribed in deep brown ink.

Author:    Oglaf          
Date:      Thu Mar 18 16:32:52
Subject     Background

My name is Oglaf Bloodtusk and I
originally hail from a village just
outside of Bloten. My entire life up to this
point my father was a very well
respected man in our village, however at home it
was a very different story.
He had quite a temper and quite a disdain for my
mother, why he married her
I will never know, however he would always beat on
her. She never fought
back as she feared what repercussions there may be due to
his status in the

One night he came home and it was particularly
bad, my mother looked as 
if she was in so much pain.  I could no longer take
it, I had to do something.  
In a blind fit of rage I ran towards my father and
lightning bolts streaked from 
my hands, stiking him dead.  There was a bright
flash, people were sure to come 
see what had happened soon.  My mother looked
up at me, distraught.

"Oglaf, son.. what.. what have you done?"

I just
stood there.. "Son, you must leave now.  Before the others 
come, here take
these supplies and run."

I did not want to leave, but I knew that my mother
was right.  The other 
villagers would surely have my head.  I had to leave.  I
ran out the back door, 
through the swamp.  As I was running away from the
village I heard the screams of
my mother.  I hid behind a tree and looked back
on the village.  They were raping
her as she hung in the center of the town.  I
closed my eyes, furious.  I will one
day come back and have my revenge.  For now
however, I must figure out how it is
that I shot lightning bolts from my

Author:    Oglaf          
Date:      Thu Mar 18
16:42:38 2010
Subject     Background Pt II

After running for many
hours, I found a nice spot in a forest to lay down and rest
for a while.  I lay
my head down on a mossy rock and drifted off for a while.  I
was in the middle
of having a nightmare about what happened back in the village when
I was awoken
to the sound of a small creature rummaging through my pack.

"THIEF!!  What
are you doing!"

I now realized that it was a kender, furious I swung my
staff at him, and a small
magic missile came from my staff knocking him to the

"Ppppllease!  Don't hurt me!  I was only looking!!  I wasn't going
to actually
t-t-take anything!"

I looked at the staff.. how did that
happen?  Why are these things happening?  The
kender noticed my look of

"Why do you look so confused?"

"I'm not sure why these
things are happening, things keep flying out of my hands
when I get

"OH!  I know people that can help you, this one time I was
following this elf
around and he showed me to a tower full of people that could
do things like you
do.  I can show you if you would like.  Would you like me to
show you?  I would
love to show you."

I was very reluctant to follow a
kender around, but at least he had some sort of

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
